Sublimation on Ceramic Tile Using Matte Laminate

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hi everyone this is Judy Madore founder of the oily crafter coming to you today to talk about sublimation with laminate so first let's go over the laminate that I purchased to do this project with I bought it from Southwest binding and lamination you can get it online they come two to a roll if you buy them online I understand if you call you could buy them one roll at a time if you want these are three mil thickness the ones that I bought are mat you can also get them in glossy so the thing is this is the 12 inch we also bought the 8 inch or 18 inch and they are both in two hundred and feet 250 feet rolls and they both have the 1 inch core so that is and they had really fast shipping I mean we got it like a 2 to 3 days after we ordered it so the Southwest binding they did a really good job for me next let's go over a few of the blanks that we purchased the tiles that we have this was a 4 inch we got these at your home improvement store like Lowe's or Home Depot very inexpensive to do these and they just regular bathroom tiles then this is the 8 inch and then we also have this 12 inch we couldn't find it in white so we got the Alamosa Croix almost a grey yeah almost a grace what it says on the end all right so these from what I understand and will show you in one of the videos you just heat press these they land it onto these and will show you the process as we go along then we went to Dollar Tree and got some of their little holiday visits thin wood and from what I understand for those we're going to be using some spray adhesive this just happens to be the one that we have there are several different brands out there that you can use to stick the laminate on with before you heat it we're also going to try heating some laminate on to some Dollar Tree mugs and I actually got a two sides of the beer mug side glasses to try as well so we're going to do a lot of different surfaces and gonna see how it works okay now we're gonna talk a little bit about the equipment that we're going to be using my heat press is a 8 in one it has the big press here that you see I can do plates and I'm thinking about getting some of the Dollar Tree plates for to do the center of those and then I have a hat press and over here I have this is one of the cone presses for like the big mug that I showed you earlier as well as the smaller cone sizes then this is the actual part that hooks up to do the mugs then this one here that I have actually installed at this time for the 15 ounce mug and then here's the sleeve for the 11 ounce mug okay so now that we talked about the heat press now I'm going to talk a little bit about the printer that I have for sublimation I'm using the epson workforce 7720 the reason I bought that one is so I could do larger scale prints up to 13 by 19 inches it also has a tray to do the regular size paper of eight-and-a-half by 11 in there I have converted it to a sublimation printer from a regular printer using Cosmo ink and I have they send you syringes to feel a little cartridges I don't have any extra cartridges alright Sean - yeah they're in the printer already you feel the with a each of the inks so far there there has worked right for me I'm very happy to say Cosmo ink and you know the people that have been using so far is the a sub and this one here is the eight-and-a-half by 11 and the 125 G has been recommended for the Epson printers that's they've been working good for me so far so I've continued to use him I don't have my 13 by 19 sheets here where I can show you the box but I have them on order you just buy them off Amazon okay now that we've talked about the printer that I use in the heat press that I use and some of the substrates that we plan on doing the laminate process technique - we're gonna talk a little bit about the programs I personally have Inkscape it is free you download it from the in-state work I also have a Cricut so I use the Cricut design app as well so on those there the you just use what it is that you want to use they have stuff like illustrator and Photoshop and and several others that I don't even remember all the names - there's a lot of different programs out there you can use use what you can either want to forward or - you're comfortable using at that point you want to go into the photos that you use you can use ones that you've taken yourself on your phone or however or stuff that you draw yourself or design yourself online in these programs they had a lot of good design tools so the point is on the ones that you can download from the internet you want to be careful about the copyright you don't want people coming after you suing you for using stuff for resale that you did not pay for the copyright use of hi my name is Greg Medora and I'm helping out my wife Gu my door today so we're using Inkscape to pull in this particular image that we have the image we decided on is god Bless America it's a patriotic Eagle and so we pulled that in here on Inkscape you can lock the the dimensions here between these two our tile that we bought from the from the store is an 8 inch square tile we're going to make this this image slightly larger than that 8.1 inch so by clicking on this it locks their proportions and then we picked 8.1 inch here 8.1 inch height right so now with regard to our printer settings we come over here to file and we go to print ok we pick the Epson WF 77 20 and we go to preferences right in our particular case we have a preset already set so I'm going to select that one in this preset we use paper cassette 1 and the reason we do that is the paper type we have many more paper types available to us when we use paper cassette 1 with 3 we want to use quality under more settings make sure or Claudia selected all the way to the right as opposed to speed we want to use color of course in this particular case and next option that we want to pick collate and reverse order is fine more options here under color correction custom and advanced we want to do I see them well you use that specifically with the Epson printers right and then mirror image I want to say this is important whenever you're doing sublimation in most cases you're going to want to mirror the image because that way then the image is correct when you when it's placed on to the to the surface whether it's a shirt or a hat or or in this case a tile right and so I believe that is all the sayings that we need now I don't need to print this because we have already printed it and here's what our printer looks like we had also done a print head check on on the printer ahead of time to make sure that we didn't have any lines that we had good placing of the ink on the paper we again we're using the ASA printer paper when you put that paper in the printer you want to be sure and put it in there on the Epson 7720 where you can read a sub so when you place when you place the paper in the printer tray you can see the word a sub it will print on the on the proper side there so now that we've got a print out we are ready to talk about the heat press and what we're doing there on the heat press hi okay so now that we've talked about printing our picture out and whatnot we've been preheating our heat press we have it at 350 degrees for 720 seconds and that's about 12 minutes you can check it check it after 6 minutes if you don't mind on typing a little bit to look and see if the print has totally gone on to your tile but you don't have to you can just continue on and just make sure you have the whole 12 minutes again that is at 350 degrees because of those temperatures you're going to want some kind of heat resistant gloves to help you get the tile off of the press when you're done because it's gonna be very super hot and you're going to want something to put it on to cool something like a mat that this is a cricket easy preps mat that you might want to put it over on to cool when it's dining with the heating ok so now we're actually ready to start with our project I have our 8 inch tile I have grabbed the 12 inch lamination sheet and rolled a little bit here and one of the things I'm going to recommend is cutting it about an inch larger than your tile I have a rotary cutter to do that here on cutting mat and one of the things that I have we are with me as well let me put this out of the way sit and roll off the table I have this is the cricket heat resistant tape and this is some heat resistant tape I actually bought off at Amazon you can get dispensers for yet that will hold that big round deal as well but as you're getting ready to do this I do have it bigger than and the inch on this side so I'm gonna go ahead and get that trim down as well get it all lined up here right there okay now I'm going to do these at the one corner it's 45 degree on each corner and because of that that way I can tape it down without excess because you know when you fold stuff you don't wear all this extra stuff like that I'm cutting that away so and the closer you can get it to the corner the better be careful with these they are very sharp and I didn't get this corner very well here but that's okay that's still plenty to go around the side okay so now what I'm going to do we want to try to do this as tight as we can make sure I get this corner here well since I shorted it a little bit tape it down each of the four sides oops this tapes not sticking very well to this tile on the back well I'm gonna have to do this a little bit differently stick it to that side pull it tight and stick it to that corner it may stick to each other better that way let's give that a try and this may just be because of the tip typical tile that it is cuz it normally sticks really well I'm trying to make sure we keep it in place while we heat it all right so now I have it stuck to this at this point we're ready to take it over to the heat press do alrighty so now we're ready to put the tile wantyou the heat press that's been preheated now one of the things that we did do before we started heating it up we put the tile in there along with the papers and stuff that was going to go in between to make sure we had the pressure right because you want a medium to heavy pressure when you close the clamp so I'm gonna swing this over it's very hot so I'm gonna be careful I've already put it in one this is butcher paper I got one of those along with the mass that came with mine with my press we're gonna put the tile facedown in the center guys that we can that way everything hopefully will be even pressure cuz it'll be right under the clamp then I'm [Music] gonna swing this over get it lined up and this will start cutting down when I close the clamp and there we have it now we gotta wait 12 minutes we'll come back at that time okay our timer is down to zero so we're gonna open it up cool tiles take about 30 minutes so I'm going to leave it for a little while and come back to y'all a little bit okay so this is Gregg Madore again I wanted to share a few things with you that we didn't we didn't do a good quality check when we went to print out our image on the printer so first one was in Inkscape I want to show you here on Inkscape notice this this frame line around the outside of the image when you place your image in your screen make sure it's inside of that border if it's not inside of that border here's what happens when you go to print it you gotta print it on the printer remember I said earlier is eight point one baby point one in inches well guess what what happened was is on this particular item is this came out and it was smaller than eight point one by eight point one reason being is my image was across my line my document line so it chopped it off alright now so I corrected that problem and I went to print it out here's the next problem notice the difference in this printout versus this printout this print is on a sub paper this print happened to be on the P plain piece of paper that was underneath underneath the a sub paper so when we went to when I found the error on the on the sizing went to print out another one well it pulled a sub paper through and it printed on the plain paper so guess what this one's exactly eight point one by eight point one and my image was lined up inside window so guess what I had to print it a third time to get exactly what I wanted a sub paper and 8.1 by 8.1 which is the desired effect so try so on this size that box that shows the paper we had a four a four instead of eight and a half by eleven where you picked that from is under file document properties right here make sure you have us letter picked make sure you have portrait or landscape picked it defaulted to a4 so make sure that you have your paper size correct so that when you go to print it it doesn't chop off here you don't have an unexpected result and quite frankly wasting valuable a sub paper and valuable ink on your printer it will help you cost saving and your sublimation projects okay now that we've let our tile cool to the touch we've been like that with 30 minutes but you can maybe 10 minutes be an extra how cool you want it okay yeah heating our heat press back to 350 it's not quite there yet and we're still gonna do 720 seconds so we move this out of the way so we can go ahead and get it set up while this is reheating what you want to do is you still want to have your protective paper do you want your paper a little bit bigger then whatever you're sublimating on because you don't want it to leave imprints and you're in the laminate that you've just put on there it will leave imprints if it's smaller than the actual device piece of substrate that you're putting it on so we're gonna put that way the picture is up kind of Center it and we're gonna put the substrate where it's facedown we're gonna do our best to get it and this is the reason why you went the tile cool because if this was still hot and I want to move it around it without actually start activating the ink before I had a chance to actually get it set in place that's why you want the tile cold also you can before you put the laminate on and years since I've been messing with it you can microfiber cloth wipe it off a little bit I had to clean these last night in preparation for today so they I didn't clean it earlier and I want to try to get this lined up we have it a little larger like where you'd planned I got about an eighth of an inch all the way around it and I want to read try to Center it here a little bit further that way okay so now I just kind of wait for this to get up to youth the 350 or 264 right now so we're just waiting now for it to heat up okay so now that our heat press is up to the 350 degrees we have it set for the head seven hundred and twenty seconds we're going to put the protective paper on the top protect our he platinum I want to swing it back around here still on me get the same pressure I had earlier the medium to heavy and then how we go for another 720 seconds 12 minutes we'll be back in a minute all righty we're almost down to zero there it is we're going to lift it up swing it over another way okay okay oh I can see the papers looking good can you see that so let's see how well this 87 paper works oh it came right up how beautiful is that Wow and a little bit of corner right here I don't think I got quite well must be when I cut the corner a little short but it looks fantastic to me I think we did a good job first try not 5 dear high five thanks my husband gray for all his help in supporting doing this yeah we have some other tips that we might want to give you on the back here I'm gonna move over here to my desk but another pointer is if you're doing these for sale you want the back on the look really nice so I just got one of our other tiles and take a piece of felt or a nice piece of fabric use some of that Spray glue or adhesive cut it to the size of whatever you're wanting to put it on and cover the back so it looks nice for whoever you're giving it to you can put a sticker back here even if you're doing it for a business put your name logo and stuff on there and then this is a tile I'm not recommending hanging it on the wall but you can glue some kind of with like e6000 some kind of hanger or just get you a little bill and hang it up like that and I can't do it tell that one's cool cuz I don't want it to melt anything so there there's our sublimating little tile today hi so we finished putting the sublimation on our tile today it's still very warm so I'm not touching it very well I'm using my hot gloves to kind of hold it up here for the picture it turned out very nice the only thing I would suggest as you noticed in these top corners here I probably didn't get enough of the laminate right here when I taped it on part of that was and I'm gonna give you a pointer here when I laid out my sublimation staff I just kind of eyeballed it I but so to keep it held in place while you have it on your cutting mat go ahead and take down the corners let your tile on there you get your one inch on each side cut your one inch and then take down these two corners over here that helps hold it in place while you're actually cutting off the 45-degree angle so you don't have the extra fold over I forgot to do that earlier and that is one of the pointers and lesson was learned because I probably would have been able to avoid these little white spots here on these corners had I done that but all in all for my first try I'm doing the sublimation I feel like my husband and I is calling it a success we think the picture came out awesome and again our name my name is Judy mujer behind the camera my husband Greg and we are the oily crafter we do all kinds of craft shows I'm not shows I'm sorry classes I teach it Michael's for white cricket I am going to be teaching the infusible ink by cricket as well as other things that cricket does at Michaels as soon as they get open back up thank you again for watching we appreciate your time you
Channel: The Oily Krafter
Views: 27,679
Rating: 4.9518652 out of 5
Keywords: sublimation, laminate, ceramic tile, cosmos ink, crafts, epson printer, heat press
Id: GbMBL-hmTqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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