SU11 + DLSS MSFS VR tuning for Reverb G2, RTX 3090, 12900k, with OpenXR Toolkit

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[Music] hello welcome to the second guide I've made about how to optimize VR performance for people mostly with the Reverb G2 headset um this might work for other windows mixed reality headsets it may even work for some steam headsets uh I'm not familiar with those unfortunately so this is really for people with the g2 I think the G2 is still the best headset you can get for Microsoft flight simulator especially for the money the varro arrow might beat it on resolution and a few other things but it's a heavier headset and it's an extremely uh pricey headset and actually although this guide is designed for people who have a 3090 a 1390 TI a 3080 TI or 3080 or maybe even 30 70 or 3060 series it might even help for people on the 20 series as well I actually now have a 40 90 and my 4090 is still not pushing the total capacity of the of the Reverb G2 believe it or not and so I do think it's a great headset still to have even if you have a high-end PC and again as I said it's designed for people who have a graphics card certainly they can do RTX stuff and the reason is since su-10 which came out in September of 2022 we have dlss which in my opinion has completely changed the game again in the same way that openxr toolkit and some of the cool upscaling stuff and fixed phobiated rendering stuff they introduced changed the game earlier in the year dlss which is now enabled for RTX cards has changed the game for people in VR and the reason is you can up the resolution and the frame rate in VR and have a great performance increase with dlss I noticed this immediately and in this guide I'm actually going to prove to you that you can up the resolution and probably see more clarity than you imagined you could in your G2 whatever your Hardware set up including those with a 40 series and take you through all the settings that got me there but mainly I'm going to focus on the resolution and using dlss the first 10 minutes of the guide will basically be the settings I use and then the rest of it will be explaining the different levers you can use how dlss improves clarity um uh and some of the other experiments I've done and basically allow you to tune your system to work best for you okay so without further Ado let's jump into the guide the first thing I do is make sure your CPU is running at uh at the capacity you want it to so to get a little less stuttering I would improve the performance of your CPU so the extent that you're willing to overclock it I'm not going to go deeply into overclocking it but I use Intel extreme tuning utility just to check my overclocks and to before I apply them to bios and I recommend you look into that and each to their own but if you improve your CPU performance you will get better performance in msfs most likely um even for those who are GPU limited because terrain still has to load in Etc the next thing to do is basically the same thing with your graphics card I under Vault my graphics card and use a custom curve I'm not going to go into detail how to do this because people will shout at me and say I've done it wrong or that you should never overclock your graphics card um personally I disagree um it's really up to you but if you improve the graphics card performance you will again see improvements in msfs and I think it's worth it it's up to you to decide whether you think it's worth it next make sure your Nvidia settings are set up for maximum performance for Microsoft flight simulator I turn off threaded optimization and set pre-rendered frames to Fourth it works quite well for me but I I don't know how much of a difference it makes in fact I think the Nvidia settings actually don't make that much of a difference another thing I would say is to turn off the vsync I've had some issues with vsync causing frame limiting based on the monitor you're using not your headset so I'm not entirely sure vsync when you're using VR is a great idea I've noticed that more recently than I did this tutorial but I would still recommend turning off vsync and seeing if that helps you with your stutters um you could fast launch Microsoft flight simulator this is just a quick tip it saves about 20 seconds every time flight simulator loads um if you have the steam version here is how to do it if you have the windows store version you can search online how to fast launch you can write a little batch command and it will do it so uh the main piece of software you really need installed um to to implement some of these fixes in headset rather than having to jump in and out of of Microsoft flight simulator is openxr toolkit that brings up a menu inside an openxr app of which flight simulator is one and so that menu is activated using the F1 through three keys by default with control you can change it by taking control off to make it easier you can also take screenshots which can create really beautiful screenshots of what you see in your head in your headsets as well and a bunch of other things so this is openxr toolkit highly recommend you install it and I'm going to be using it for most of the rest of this tutorial especially when it comes to changing resolution and playing about with things like that so in Windows mixed reality settings I think one of the most important things to do is to make sure that uh it's not turning on Virtual displays I think that's a waste of resources and not necessary the other thing I would do is make sure that your headset display is set to maximum quality and the full resolution and then you can set the frame rate to 60 hertz if you don't see flickering if you don't see flickering I see flickering at 60 hertz and I like it at 90 Hertz I kind of wish this headset that 80 Hertz which I don't know if there's a flickering at but so be it 90 Hertz is the probably what most people are going to settle on um and then they can use multiples of that say 45 or 30 in order to do motion reprojection if that's a that's the look they prefer okay the next thing to do is to look for openxr tools for mixed reality install it if you don't already have it installed and make sure that the openxr toolkit runtime is showing there it will show us no vendor toolkit in API layers that means that your open XR toolkit is running successfully one quick tip I would use to improve flight simulator load times and performance is to remove any bloat you don't need you can remove planes you can remove the default planes you don't like or don't fly and you can move scenery you don't use all of that will improve load time and frame rates within the game if you happen to encounter things like scenery that would otherwise be Custom Scenery or people's planes that you don't care about seeing their models and that's one thing I do and it's helped me a lot so in flight simulator settings before we get into Graphics options I turn off real live real world traffic to save resources it's not something I use and so I just turn it off I switched since the last tutorial to using the same PC settings um as I do VR the reason is when I switch in and out to VR now there's no change in settings and I think some of the PC settings are actually used in VR subtly and so if you want to pause the video anytime you can see all my settings here and you'll notice that some of the settings are quite important like texture resolution if you have text resolution set to low in PC and you spawn into the milvis Corsair you will notice the textures in the Corsair are also low even if you have them set to ultra in VR so I would recommend setting a text resolution at least in PC settings to ultra if you plan on doing that in VR other things for example DX 11 versus 12 it's only available in PC but it does affect VR as well so the fact that there are two different Windows here is can be a little bit confusing um and it's worth perhaps just having them both set the same so there's no ambiguity about what might be causing issues for you if things aren't responding the way you want just after we pop into VR I would highly recommend jumping into mixed reality settings and clearing environment data this will prevent you having stuttering as you look around by caused by effectively the headset jumping position because it doesn't know where you are clearing environment data basically reconfigures the room you're in and you might think well I'm always sitting in the same room but actually the lighting changes and this headset's not particularly good at tracking it doesn't have proper laser tracked infrared tracking and so it is worth doing that I found that it helps me every time and I do it every time I fly so here we are in VR and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to jump into the same settings I had before with dlss off motion reprojection on um and introduces what watering artifacts and we're going to take screenshots for the tutorial in order to show the difference in sharpness you can attain by using dlss and sharpness is something which you may not realize can be increased quite significantly inside the headset by increasing the render scale well beyond 100 I'm pulling up the openxr toolkit here using the f133 keys and now we're going to turn off motion reprojection and we have to restart this session twice we have to turn off and on VR twice because of a bug I don't know if that's an openxr toolkit thing or something else once we've turned it off and on twice we're rendering unconstrained now not 30 frames per second locked but as high as it can and we're getting about 43 frames a second here over SF in the same location obviously the frame rate's always varying in the game depending on what you're looking at what plane you're in Cloud conditions and a ton of other things but we're giving a rough frame rate here of around 43 frames per second um and in a second I'm going to take a screenshot and compare it and I think it's basically the same I feel emotionally projection it looks a little bit blurrier um than than without without much reprojection and that's something that you might notice as well and it's really up to your tastes let's take a look again at the screenshot of that panel and you can see here what it looks like so now that I've shown you what the system was performing like in terms of clarity and frame rate prior to dlss I'm going to go into show you all my openxr toolkit settings first and the first one is I'd Show expert settings in order to get a few extra settings you can copy my settings from this if you'd like I've played around quite a bit I have a fixed four-vated rendering setting set to a custom this will depend a little bit on what you can see and so you can play around with a ring size and things like this there are other tutorials on how to use fixable weighted rendering but it does give you maybe one or two frames it's not super amazing um these days with the LSS but it does help with a few frames unless it's extremely aggressive which starts to get in the way of the appearance now I strongly recommend you use these presets or at least try and use them as a baseline for your system and the reason is the colors will look so much more realistic if you do you can change the shaking reduction which basically dampens the movement of the headset a bit it might it might induce a little bit nausea for you initially I got over it but it will remove things like senior heartbeat in the headset which you might notice and here we're going to change the resolution so if you look at the system menu you can actually override the resolution try cranking it up to 4300 this is on a 40 a 30 90 by the way so it will your mileage will vary and then with field of view I've actually changed my field of view quite a bit because there are parts of the screen I just don't see you actually see more detail if you decrease the field of view believe it or not so if you don't believe me decrease the field of view significantly and you will see things get sharper in the middle because of how the headset works and then you want to disable you may want to disable the hand mask which doesn't seem to increase system load very much at all but it gives you a tiny bit more peripheral feel of you that setting is called disable mask bracket ham um so that's uh the openxr toolkit settings that I would recommend starting with and maybe playing with and understanding a bit better um but I especially think the color settings work quite well for you the field of view settings might work the fixed footage rendering is really optional and gives you a few FPS Improvement but not a lot so let's get rid of the menu and turn on dlss so in VR switch from TAA which was all that was available before and go to Performance try performance initially um and let's have a look now remember we've upped the render scale from 3100 to 4300 okay around 4300 again your mileage may vary you can change it um and we turned on dlss and what dlss does is it enables the game to render a much smaller sample and uh and and uses deep learning to increase the resolution by a certain percentage depending on whether you choose performance and stuff now look at this we're getting 48 to 49 frames a second um I'm sure we're not looking at the city right now but it's still inducive of something and look how much sharper it is here's the original image and you can see how much more detail you can see visually in the headset by it by using dlss and with a higher frame rate so you can actually even increase the resolution even higher let's try that now increase the resolution even higher and I think these are my actual settings so 4700 by 4600 performance and I'm getting 43 frames a second which is the same frame rate I got before and again look how much sharper this is than the original image that we had most of this year um and that gives you a sense of same frame rate much much clearer image inside the headset and that's really how I'm using dlss much Sharper Image with the same frame rate as before now with balanced you lose a few more frames and you may not notice the increase in quality so let's go back and take another screenshot and have a quick look at that so remember balance basically means we're using we're generating more frames real frames or more resolution from the game and using less dlss up sampling you can find percentages for this online I can't remember the exact percentages um now we're heading back to the city and let's take a look at what balance looks like that's what balance looks like and if we take a look at this next to um yeah now now let's switch back to Tia just to prove a point I made earlier in terms of the clarity so now this is actually rendering the full resolution obviously so there's no deep learning involved at all uh we get a terrible frame rate but look at the clarity look at that compared to the original now you understand that 100 render scale I want 3180 by 3100 is not the highest quality you can get in the headset and if you think this is just me taking screenshots and it doesn't matter in the headset because it's got a certain number of pixels just try it for yourself and you'll see what I mean you'll be blown away if you've never tried this you will be blown away by what's possible in your certainly in your Reverb G2 headset again the frame rate will be low but it will show you that there's a lot more clarity you can get and to me Clarity is probably more important than frame rate I'd rather see a sharp image in slightly lower frames than really high frame rate but I can't see anything you know unless you're dog fighting which you can't even do in msfs the world is what's beautiful and seeing the clarity and the detail is what's beautiful and the cockpit and the dials and everything else the numbers you may you may see detail on the cockpit you never saw before okay so these are my final settings dlss performance 4300 by 4200 I get about 47 frames a second 46 which is around half the frame rate of the actual headset depends a ton on clouds and other things but there we go and I have shaking reduction turned on a little bit you can turn it on more if you want or less I would not have shaking reduction on with um with motion reprojection and we're going to show you some other things so this is now another setting you can use same render scale around 4300 by 4200 again this is for a 3090 with dlss set to Performance motion rate projection on which gives you fluid motion as you look down but it gives you artifacts that look like kind of a watery artifacts all over the image it might bother you too much in fact I've switched recently to go out of this because I realize the image is a little bit sharper without a motion reprojection on and I'm getting high enough frame right now that I'm comfortable with that and now I I cannot look straight down below me and see the clarity in buildings anymore but I don't do that that often anyway and I really enjoy the improved Clarity I get from not using emotionally projection but it's totally up to you another thing to notice is cloud settings make a big big difference to um and whether or not there are clouds to your frame rate so we're getting a comfortable motionary projection uh 30 frames a second here even in uh in pretty heavy clouds over SF um at 4 300 by 4200 which is a really great render scale and now we're going to just show you what happens if we switch this to medium we're going to go from a little bit below the the frame rate to back into you know a comfortable at 30 FPS so that's something you can use if you are struggling with frames in a cloudy area highly recommend switching from high to medium or Ultra to high if you happen to be daring enough to use ultra clouds in VR and that will get you definitely quite a few extra frames like up to 20 to 30 percent more frames actually that's how impactful clouds are on GPU performance and we know that in in VR GPU is your limiting factor I would turn off shaking reduction in in that I would turn off shaking reduction with motion reprojection so in these last few settings so in these last few minutes I'm just going to show you how you can increase the frame rate even further by just reducing the resolution a bit now I'm setting it to around 4000 by 3900. I'm going back to motion reprojection off so this is unthrottled frame rate um and uh you know I'm getting sort of 47ish maybe a little bit 50 in the mid low 50s frame rate um depending on where I am and uh this is just a quick explanation of how you can throttle the frame rates if you want so if you're getting a lot of frames you can lock the frame rate and you might get a smoother experience don't take the image in the background as example because obviously this has some this is a mixed reality preview which is pretty bad but it might help you to throttle the frame rate I found my mileage varies sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't help but you might be wanting to aim for a fixed frame rate so the final things are you can change fixable visual rendering fix for weighted rendering will change your frame rate a little bit so uh mine was on custom before if I set it to preset with a very very narrow which is extremely difficult to you know cope with really it's not super great but you'll see my frame rate jumps to 54. if I go back to presets 54 custom comes down to 49.50 and if we turn it off it goes down to 47. so we're getting a frame rate difference of between 47 and 54 frames depending on whether we have footage rendering off and by the way what phobiated rendering does is it blurs the edges it creates a lower resolution image on the edges which which you might notice and introduce a sort of artifacts which you can see in the edge of your eyes but increases the frame rate by a meaningful amount so that's another thing you can do I have mine on custom so I can barely see it but it has a few frames impact which is always nice every frame counts at VR and finally now you've seen how fixed phobiated rendering can change your frame rate a bit I just want to go back into GPU overclocking and show that it does make a little bit of a difference less than four-vated rendering does at least for the 3090 but I'm under volting and changing the curve slightly here overclocking marginally but if I go to uh if I have a GPU clock on I'm getting about 52 frames a second and as soon as I click that little reset button it goes down to around 49.51 so I have a little bit of an FPS impact um what's that around four percent um maybe a little bit more so it does make a difference and I find it worth it so every little helps with VR um so that's about it um hopefully these were helpful I would say in summary optimize your GPU optimize your GP your CPU check your wmr settings make sure there's no strange windows open in the background check your Nvidia settings make sure you're on maximum power install the openxr toolkit which gives you a ton of flexibility and power within the head within the game 100 render scale is not top picture clarity as I hope I've proved to you now you can increase the render scale as high as you want use dlss it's incredible and then find the balance of your FPS Cloud settings resolution motion reproductive motion reprojection Etc and and figure out what works best for you these are all levers you can use to make the best experience in VR and hopefully you do improve your experience and you've learned something thanks for sticking around guys do like and subscribe if you like the videos and yeah check back soon for more thanks again foreign
Channel: Crash Test Pilot
Views: 22,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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