IS VR FINALLY UNLEASHED? - RTX 4090 TESTED for VR Sim Racing & Flight!

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Must be frigging amazing, but the setup and power draw must cost a fortune.

Gonna look up my genealogy records and check who I have to kill in order to get a millionaire inheritance.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Hoeveboter 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

I'm surprised at the low framerates. On a 3080 I can hit 90fps in AMS2 on a G2 with most settings set to medium/high. So I am wondering if something else isn't going on here.

EDIT: It's actually due to him running everything at a higher-than-native resolution.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/kennystetson 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

The FFR he's talking about, is that a steamVR mod or do those headsets have official support for FFR? I mainly play Automobilista and Project Cars 2 and would love to have FFR.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sipas 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

Whens the 5000 series likely to come :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Planet419 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

I really want one, but not too keen on paying $4k for a new computer. Although I feel like the 4090 is going to be a beast of a card for at least the next 5 years. Especially as the industry overall is so focused on mobile and low power consumption.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bicameral_mind 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey guys will here so we're continuing our testing with the RTX 4090 today with a look at a selection of some high-end VR headsets now I thought long and hard about the best way to present this video I thought about doing a bunch of benchmarks taking you through a bunch of charts and I thought what you guys really want to know here is what is the actual Improvement to the user experience with these headsets obviously we've already determined that there's going to be a decent bump in performance with the RTX 4090 over a 30 series graphics card what we want to find out is whether that extra bump in frames is actually going to translate to a better user experience so what we have here is a pimax 8kx a 5k super a vaja Aero and a HP Reverb G2 now at the time that we did our reviews of all these headsets we were using a RTX 3090 and one of the comments that I had on all four of them was that we weren't really able to extract the maximum amount of performance that these headsets are able to offer because of the graphics bottlenecks that we were running into so we're having to do things like introduce fobiated rendering to reduce the resolution in the outer extremities of our peripheral vision for example we're having to reduce the super sampling all the kinds of things that you have to do with all four of these headsets to get the right balance of performance or maximize the overall user experience relative to what the hardware is actually capable of so by the end of today's video you should have a good understanding of what kind of real world performance increase what kind of user experience boost you're going to see if you own any sort of high-end headset like these ones and you're looking at getting a 4090 so let's Dive In all right so we spent the last three days now testing pretty much every single scenario possible across the headsets that we have here as well as the Sim titles that we tested so we tested in ACC AC iRacing automobilista 2 dirt rally 2 f122 which now has VR as you guys know and Microsoft flight simulator 2020 as well now I've got three pages of notes here that I'm going to kind of go through as we do this but the longer the short of it was basically compared to the 3090 we were seeing about a 60 to 80 percent performance uplift here now obviously not everybody's going to be upgrading from a 3090 so what I've tried to do here is focus the results more on the experience you're going to get with each of these headsets with the 4090 rather than comparing it to other older graphics cards you guys know what you have and you can compare the numbers that you're seeing here and the results that you see here to what your experience is with the gear that you guys have at home so for the purpose of comparison I tuned all the titles that we tested to achieve as close as I could to a stable frame rate of about 80 frames per second now I chose that number because for me personally that's about the point with VR where I feel comfortable anything below that and I start to get a little bit of motion sickness I start to not enjoy the experience so much anything over that I don't really notice a significant difference either now one of the other really important factors with VR of course is the fluctuation in frame rate so even if you're achieving an average frame rate of say 80 frames per second if it's going up to 160 and dropping down to 30 all the time that is going to induce all sorts of motion sick there's all sorts of issues and really degrade the overall experience too so I was trying to fine-tune things to have as stable 80 as I possibly could minimal fluctuation going on now you could of course further tune and optimize for each headset depending on your preference so maybe you find it uncomfortable below 90 frames per second 100 frames per second with the 40 90 those frame rates are absolutely achievable it's just a case of how much you're having to sacrifice in terms of the visual quality or the resolution scaling for example or the formulated rendering if you have that available on your headset to achieve those frame rates but definitely achievable with the 4090s so let's start off with the result built in a set of course of Competency and as expected ACC was the most difficult title to tune and unfortunately did still require some sacrifices in terms of the visual Fidelity to achieve a stable frame rate above about 70 frames per second without five yarded rendering or fixed fobiated rendering depending again on the headset now the varjo Aero headset does have formulated rendering which actually moves with relation to your pupils because it has pupil tracking the pimax headsets have fixed valviated rendering which means that it stays fixed on a central position and it can reduce the resolution scaling outside that Central Area now interesting we found that the performance turning on ffr on the pimax headsets was actually a little bit lower and a little bit less stable than having it turned off altogether the frame rates are actually really good on both headsets with ffr turned off now I don't really understand the reason for that if you guys know let us know in the comments down below I'm not claiming to be an expert here I'm just sharing my experience with you guys but that was one thing that did definitely trip me up and Confused me because I was expecting obviously with ffr turned on the frame rates would be a lot higher and it just wasn't the case but it is what it is we can only share the results that we have here so running the VR epic preset or the maximum setting on the HP Reverb G2 the Virgin error and the pimax 5K super the frame rates were on average around about 50 frames per second and that was with a full field of cars there were occasional dips below 30 frames per second and that was with foviated rendering turned off with that turned on it was closer to the sort of 60 or 70 frames per second obviously depending on how aggressive you go with that foviated rendering and foviated rendering actually does work really well because you don't notice the impact on the resolution outside in your peripheral vision so much but with some tuning of resolution scaling Graphics settings and foviated rendering where available I was able to achieve a balance of settings in the high to Epic range without dropping resolution scaling below about 80 and this resulted in a much better experience than I was ever able to achieve with my 3090 previously storage with the 3090 I'd have to run my settings at pretty much as low as they would go to achieve 70 to 80 frames per second with the 4090 I was able to achieve that pretty easily with minimal overall visual impact with the Reverb G2 it did require a little bit more tweaking to achieve that but it was absolutely 100 achievable and definitely a massive uplift in the overall I guess immersion of the game simply because you're just getting such better visual quality and Fidelity overall whilst maintaining a higher frame rate which makes the game playable but still look good so absolutely a very big and significant step forward for the 4090 with ACC in VR so let's move on to aceto Corsa now so performance here was very impressive as well this is of course an eight-year-old game now so I threw everything I possibly could at it with a full Suite of custom Shader patch mods including rain puddles lightning windscreen even flame effects we put in there and we were still able to achieve frame rates which match the native refresh rates of the panels inside these displays I threw even more at it so I put a full field of traffic with a big open scale world map in AC as well so I really did throw absolutely everything I could at it to try and make it fail and even still it was very rare to get a dip below about 90 frames per second so I'd say in the case of AC the 4090 is enough to take full advantage of any of these headsets that we see here and that did actually quite surprise me so we'll move on to eye racing now now eye racing is of course a 14 year old game now so it is running a older game engine although they have made quite a few significant jumps in the visual quality since the game was originally released of course but the point here is that VR performance in eye racing was already pretty good with my 3090 previously performance here really does depend on the track that you're driving on as well with anti-aliasing and anastropic filtering turned down to about two times I was able to crank most everything else up to maximum and maintain a stable frame rate over about 70 frames per second on all the headsets that we tested in many cases over 90 frames per second however on tracks like sakuba for example where there's a lot of intricate detail very close to the edge of the track frame rates were impacted significantly and they did start to fluctuate quite a lot more so I ended up having to make a few sacrifices in terms of resolution scaling and setting a couple of settings to medium rather than high and when I did that I was able to achieve stable frame rate of about 90 frames per second and the experience was absolutely fine and again a step up in visual Fidelity over what we're able to achieve with the 3090 but having said that of course the performance was already pretty darn good with the 3090 in eye racing so I'd say if you're only playing eye racing you're not interested in the other titles that we tested then there's definitely less value here with the 40 90 000 upgrade over a 3090 for example than than what you're seeing in most of the other games that we tested here and we expected that result but so yeah we definitely did see an uplift in performance here too 70 to 100 frames per second absolutely no problem at all with the 3090 with the graphics turned up pretty much to the point where you can't tell the difference between the setting that we landed on and the absolute maximum setting anyway so again very impressive performance so moving on to auto mobile Lister 2 now this title has some of the best VR implementation that we've seen in same racing and was already stunningly immersive with the 3090 4090 takes things a step further and did allow me to maintain a stable frame rate regardless of the conditions and I did throw everything at this title as well as you guys can see on the screen now with a very very wet scenario it's Suzuka so regardless of the number of cars on track as well as always able to maintain a pretty stable frame rate at at least 70 frames per second at height to maximum settings now as was the case with eye racing The Experience here was already pretty good with the 3090 so again I wouldn't say the 40 90 revolutionizes automobilistic 2 but again if you're an FPS junkie you'll definitely appreciate the significant performance boost here so on to dirt rally 2 and f122 now dirt rally 2 and f122 were where I saw the biggest boost in performance Believe It or Not Over the 3090 which I was using previously so whereas previously I had to run resolution at around 50 scaling or low detail settings to achieve playable frame rates when I say playable I mean over about maybe 50 60 frames per second now I was able to run High to ultra settings in most conditions with only occasional dips below about 70 frames per second and in many cases the frame rate was actually pretty darn stable at 90 frames per second just with the occasional dipped down to around the 70 Mark but I never saw it Go below about 70. so F1 122 is unfortunately still quite glitchy when it comes to VR which just appears to be down to the game's integration and I do see plenty of complaints about the game crashing although we didn't have that experience personally with the 4090 when I ran my 30 90 I was having all sorts of issues with just the frame rate being you know below 10 frames per second I never was really able to get it working properly so when I plugged in the 4090 and saw frame rates of 70 to 90 frames per second without changing anything else I was pretty Blown Away by that and I don't know whether there was some issue with an older driver because it has been a few months since I tried it so it may not be just purely down to the graphics card upgrade but definitely good performance there when it works properly as I said we didn't have any issues with the game crashing but I have seen a lot of other people having issues with f122 so just be aware of that if you are looking at investing a lot of coin in a VR headset and a 4090 to play that game definitely I wouldn't be surprised if you do run into some issues with stability at least at this point in time when we're making the video now dirt rally 2 was genuinely a transformative experience as was the case with ACC previously had to run at low to maybe a couple of medium settings on the 3090 but with the 490 were able to run High to ultra on pretty much everything and it really does transform the game looks absolutely amazing and able to hold stable frame rates at more than enough to provide a smooth experience so that is it for the Sim racing titles now a quick chat about Microsoft flight simulator as well and this was another impressive result considering the sheer scale of this game and everything that's having to draw so with the 390 struggle to get frame rates over about 30 frames per second without turning the graphics down to the point where the game just looked absolutely garbage with the 4090 I was able to achieve frame rates in the 40 to 50 frames per second range now that might sound very low but for me at least in flight simming because you're not having to react to things so quickly like you do with driving simulation the frame rate isn't quite so critical as long as it's not sort of chopping around and you know giving you stutters then it's pretty playable at lower frames now you might not agree with me on that and let us know in the comments if you don't agree what kind of frame rate do you find you need in VR and flight SIM for the game to be smooth and playable for you but yeah for me being able to play at 40 to 50 frames per second at high to ultra high settings again transform the game for me I really enjoyed the experience on all these headsets playing Microsoft flight simulator with the 4090 now of course if you do want more than 40 to 50 frames per second you can make some sacrifices to resolution scaling and visual quality but that is where I landed so look in conclusion there were a few gems among the mix in particular dirt rally 2 and a set of course of competition where the performance boosts over what was previously possible with the 3090 is significant enough I think to justify the upgrade provided that you're not stretching yourself financially to do so it's always a relative thing there and I'm certainly not suggesting that you sell a body part to pay for a 4090 that would not be a sensible thing to do so otherwise while the performance is very impressive with the 4090 it's still not quite there in terms of being able to take 100 full advantage of what these higher end headsets are able to offer we were still having to make a few little sacrifices there to Quality and I think the next Generation on from here or maybe even the 40 90 TI when that releases is might just get us that last few percent up to being able to take full advantage of these headsets so it's a little bit of a strange one here there's a significant enough upgrade from the older series graphics cards to the 4090 to say yes it absolutely does make a significant Improvement to the experience but if you're one of those people that's going I really want to wait until I can get 100 benefit from my headset that I spent a fortune on then maybe it might be worth just you know sticking with what you have for now and waiting for either the 4090 TI to come out maybe DLS S3 when that's fully integrated might make the difference as well but look for me right now I am happy that I spent the money on the 4090 obviously we have a pretty unique usage case here with the triple 4K displays that we run on our day-to-day driving rig so we always do need the best graphics card available to you know get the best experience out of that and produce the best quality videos that we can so personally I'm happy that I bought one I'm not I'm not suffering any buyer's remorse whatsoever but obviously your financial position might be different so just keep in mind the results that you've seen here today when determining whether or not you think that this is going to be a valuable upgrade for for you so really hope that today's video has helped you out if you're interested in more information on any of the headsets that you've seen in today's video as well we do have dedicated review videos for all four of these headsets right here on the channel I'll drop some links to those down in the description below for you if you do decide you want to buy one of these as well we do have some affiliate links which is an awesome way of helping support the channel so really hope that this has helped you out guys leave a thumbs up if it has leave a comment down below as well letting us know what you guys think if you already have a 4090 what is your experience like are you looking at upgrading you're thinking you're going to skip this generation let us know down in the comments below and if you aren't already make sure that you've hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on future content around the 4090 we've got a whole bunch of really fun stuff planned so stick around guys thanks for watching and we'll see you again very soon bye
Channel: Boosted Media
Views: 235,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx4090, 4090, VR, 4090 VR, 4090 VR Performance, VR Sim Racing, 4090 review, 4090 VR Review, 4090 worth it for VR, 4090 for sim racing, is a 4090 worth it?, best vr for sim racing, best vr for pc gaming, vr racing simulator, vr racing games with steering wheel, assetto corsa, assetto corsa competizione, iracing, automobilista 2, f1 22, formula 1, gt3, dirt rally 2, varjo aero, pimax 8kx, hp reverb g2, pimax 5K super, Varjo Aero 4090, Pimax 8KX 4090, HP reverb G2 4090
Id: iNUaqGPV5iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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