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hello folks and welcome to a very different video today we are going to try and I say we because this is my very first VR flight using the doff reality H2 which stands for two degrees of freedom so we've got Pitch and roll and I'm so excited I've been putting this together all day and I've been testing this out in 2D mode to make sure everything's working as it should but I've yet to try a VR flight now sorry the room looks a bit crap that's because it is most YouTubers have wonderful Studios I just have a very tiny spare room which makes this even more interesting in my opinion because I'm totally new to motion Sims just like maybe you are watching this so come on this journey with me and all I'm gonna do for today for this very first impression flight is flight around demons Hall Aerodrome another beautiful gorgeous Airfield by building blue design and this seems like the perfect playground for our little test now I know you want to see me probably fly an F-18 Hornet through the Mac Loop but I'm taking my time with this guy this is my first experience and I want to fly something that I would fly in real life in fact I do fly at 172 not me personally but with my friend a fair bit so this seems like the perfect place to introduce me to the wonderful and Brave New World of motion simulation or motion rig shall I say now at the moment I'm still kind of getting my controls all sorted out I got the quadrant on my right hand side I've noticed actually now that I'm in the cockpit that my honeycomb Alpha yolk is a bit too high but that's totally fine because this motion platform is Uber configurable and I have to say considering I'm not a DIY type of guy it actually was a joy to put this together and I can't believe I'm even saying that but anyway that's enough of that because this is all about my first impressions and taking you along with me on my very first VR flight with a home motion platform I'm super excited about this so here we go foreign right so let's just Taxi to some kind of Runway here and oh my god wow already I can feel the bumps that's something I did not expect because this is as I say two degrees of freedom so I don't get heave which is up and down but nevertheless I'm still wobbling up like well I feel like I'm going up and down because of the way that it translates and especially in VR it's like your brain fills in any of the missing motion if that makes sense because you're already moving where am I even going I'm just I've just enjoying taxiing oh my God hang on let me get rid of this controller actually yeah the way that I fly everything is going to change now because I'm so used to my own setup oh oh wow even when I break then oh that's interesting so I'm actually feeling the acceleration and I'll just break oh I actually felt like I slowed down then so even though this is just pitch and roll there's a lot you can do with that and a flight Sim clearly and here I am taxing on the ground what an idiot right sorry guys let's just uh find a runaway here um also I want to say I'm not using my sim racing Studio haptic seat yet so that's gonna be quite something with the six transducers give me feedback as well as this motion rig because yeah I can already tell this is gonna be quite special guys oh wow right anyway I don't even got my avionics on hang on yeah my yoke is definitely far too uh forward but I will sort that out this is still going to be a very much work in progress situation but I just have to get in the air and try this that's weird I almost feel like I'm turning there right let's do this first ever flight with a motion rig at home I can feel the acceleration that is really weird that feels very similar to the real aircraft I can tell you that for a fact here we go oh wow oh my god wow yes this is this is fantastic God that feels real so real and the bumps like the turbulence I'm feeling that I didn't think I would feel that with just two degrees of freedom right we can go for a bank now here we go oh right okay that's interesting that's something I need to work out notice how I'm actually I'm moving out of the cockpit almost so I need motion compensation I've heard about this so I need to sort that out because yeah that's definitely I'm moving I'm moving all over the um it's like I've I haven't got my seat belt on or something now let me just try sing actually guys because there is something in the um Sim racing Studio software that does give you that so let's just give me a second and I'll get back to you oh this is incredible right sorry guys I'm back again I've just turned on motion compensation I don't know if that's going to make any difference or not that's no I don't think it has okay I need to have a look into that because I am moving too much but that oh this is this has changed everything I'm not kidding guys I need to remember I'm recording this because sorry I'm not talking much guys because I'm just a little bit like wow a little bit wow I I do I've even forgot to put my flaps up what an absolute noob and I can feel that as well this must look really boring to you guys because all I'm doing is flying a little Cessna around there's no way that usually I'd be feeling this excited about flying a172 and I'm not even doing anything special imagine what this will feel like in say DCS or or even say you know using a fighter aircraft like I did the other day on the channel one thing that's really struck me about this motion rig is how smooth it is the movement I do have an upgrade actually called SFU I'm not quite sure what that is but uh apparently it's a gearbox upgrade and it definitely I don't know what it's like without it because it's so smooth something else I've noticed about this motion rig is it so incredibly silent but you can't even hear it and I know that because I was fiddling around with this the other night until about 3 A.M just messing around tweaking and I'm literally like opposite our main bedroom and Melissa didn't even hear me now what I'll do since I'm outside the aircraft at the moment and that is because inside I'm moving around too much I will sort that out again this is just the first impressions video but I'm just going to move and Bank to the left look at that and then to the right oh my word that is an incredible amount I think it's important to also note as we come in for landing now at London city that I thought having a motion platform would be a massive faff but it actually isn't that difficult in fact all I need to do is switch one button on load some software that I use anyway for my haptic seat and that's it that is it I don't have to set it up or recalibrate it or anything like that it's just it just works really really well I just need to work out how to uh you know stay stationary in the cockpit as I'm moving around I'm not sure how that will work but uh as I say this is a completely new Venture for me I you know I can actually feel myself descending I can feel I'm descending that's so weird that's so strange hand on heart guys I'm not really sure with something like this with VR and a motion rig what are you really missing from flying in a real aircraft of course the father is real and you'll never beat real life of course but the sensations are there the visual Fidelity is there oh it's absolutely incredible feel like I'm descending it's such a weird feeling it's got a steep approach here 1500 feet per minute that's all I'm doing I imagine what it's gonna be like in an F-16 let me know in the comments guys what would you like to see next what sort of aircraft would you like to see me fly because that will be very interesting see there we're getting bounced around there by some turbulence I never thought I'd feel that you know but you really do sense all of those little movements that the aircraft is making right here we go this completes our very first VR motion flight as I call it and you came along with me and it's a privilege guys because this channel here we go oh I felt that I actually felt the touchdown but yeah I really feel that you've come along with me on this journey when I first got the Reverb G2 and then the Aero and just everything it's just been an amazing adventure so far and I have to say if you do have the money to spend especially if you've also got you know limited space unlimited knowledge as well I've been able to do this all on my own because my friend was supposed to help me build this but unfortunately he canceled on me so I thought I'd go ahead and do it myself all the tools are in the package it's very very easy I have to say and it's going to completely transform the experience for you I'm not joking guys honestly it's an absolute incredible experience even just flying around in a little Cessna it's such a special feeling just like flying in real life and a massive thank you to dog reality for sending this over you are gonna see plenty more of this in the future without a doubt so please do let me know in the comments below what would you like to see I'm just blown away thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it I'll see you again very soon guys wow oh God amazing Melissa you've got to try this you've got to try this I've got to get a video of you trying this
Channel: VR Flight Sim Guy
Views: 31,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs motion platform, cheapest motion racing simulator, dof reality, 2dof, 6dof, h2, h3, h6, yaw 2, msfs, vr flight sim guy, vr, pico 4, pcvr2, microsoft flight simulator 2020, motion sim rig, future of vr, varjo aero, dcs world, dof reality h6, assembly, how to, review, sim racing, nvidia, RTX 4090, VR best, yaw vr motion simulator, affordable motion simulator, best motion simulator, budget motion simuator, vr motion simulator, motion sim, motion simulator chair, flight simulator
Id: BOXjcsSZ3_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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