The RTX 4090 Changes EVERYTHING in Microsoft Flight Simulator!

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what's going on there guys my name is Matt or Chewie as most of you will know me as and in this video we are going to be taking a look at the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 Founders Edition within Microsoft flight simulator in video we're kind enough to send across their 4090 for me to check out within Microsoft flight simulator as the Sim features some of the awesome new AI architecture available exclusively to the 40 series graphics cards this includes dlss 3.0 and frame generation as well in today's video you'll see a cut of one of my live streams where we fly in the Phoenix Airbus A320 aircraft between London Heathrow Airport and Edinburgh in Scotland as well on the vat SIM network in the next video we're going to be comparing the 4090 with frame generation and dlss turned off and then turning on each of those two features incrementally to see what kind of performance difference we get so be on the lookout for that video before we get into this one though I really hope you all do enjoy the video if you could leave a like that would mean a lot if you could comment down below let me know what you think of the awesome new AI architecture with the 40 series that would be great as well and of course subscribe if you'd like to see more content like this but for now I'll turn it over to myself on the live stream enjoy the video so again today's stream is sponsored by Nvidia as I'm sure a lot of you or most of you or all of you by now know um just before Christmas they were very kind enough to contact me to ask if I wanted to try out the 1490 the 40 series graphics card within Microsoft flight simulator specifically because Microsoft flight simulator utilizes the new dlss-3 uh obviously there was dlss one then in 2020 dlss 2.0 came out and now we've got dlss3 which includes another new feature called frame generation but essentially the cool thing with frame generation is it kind of predicts what frames are going to be in the simulator and injection in with AI architecture it's all very clever it's all way above my intelligence level but now with dlss and frame generation we're getting some absolutely incredible FPS within Microsoft flight simulator dlss is slightly different to frame generation in the sense that obviously dlss is the super sampling where um deep learning super sampling it stands for right where it kind of upscales the resolution of your image to give you better fps raw frame generation takes various data like vector data and lighting and all sorts of different things and uses the crazy AI architecture that they've developed just for the 40 series to kind of insert a frame into your picture that's completely external from the game or the simulator engine it's unbelievable and honestly it is without a doubt the singular best bit of architecture upgrade that I've ever seen for a flight simulator um as you can see we've got some information at the top of the screen so we've got the GPU we've got the temperature in degrees celsius we've got the percentage that it's being used we've got the memory it says d3d12 there that means that we're in DirectX 12 which you need to have enabled for frame generation you can see our FPS So currently we're getting anywhere between 66 68 FPS right now and all of that's at the top of the screen there so throughout today's live stream you're going to be able to see what our live FPS is so we find ourselves at one of the most intensive airports in-flight simulation history no matter whether you're playing on Microsoft flight simulator or previous versions of flight simulator from different developers Heathrow and London has always been one of those areas that's always horrible on FPS and you know even a year ago let alone five years ago I couldn't have imagined that we would be averaging over 60 FPS in Microsoft flight simulator at London Heathrow with payware high quality scenery 4K resolution ultra settings which is unbelievable so you know you don't just have to take my word for it the stats at the top of the screen do the job so the plan for today we're going to fly from London Heathrow to Edinburgh then we're going to fly back again to London Heathrow so we can test what the arrival is um back Landing into Heathrow and we're also gonna do a night landing into Heathrow I thought so that we can see what the beautiful night lighting is like and how the FPS holds up then one thing to note actually as well that stiggy's very kindly pointed out that we could be actually getting a lot higher FPS than we're currently getting right now however even with frame generation on and everything like that we are still going to be slightly bottlenecked by the CPU okay I'm running a 5950x and I am on ddr4 Ram at the moment so we could be seeing even higher FPS and we could push our settings in Microsoft flight simulator again even higher should I have had a better CPU so if I used fly live to show you my FPS in the bottom live live corn or some left hand corner if I can speak it would show you all um what my true FPS is and what I mean by my true FPS I mean that as in the FPS without frame generation externally away from the Sim engine inserting these frames yeah so you can see in that bottom left hand corner we'd only be getting about 30 32 UF yeah so that's our true FPS within Microsoft flight simulator however with frame generation you can see above the Nvidia logo up there 63 FPS so just turning on frame generation is giving us double the FPS pretty much exactly to the exact number double the FPS that we would normally be getting here at um at Heathrow right here we go then push back from Stand five to two let's switch back to the flight deck and we're going to start some engines so um I'm not going to do a single engine Taxi I don't think we need it I don't think there's a big queue here so let's start engine number two there we go engine number two starting to spool up right Avail on number two so that means we can safely start engine number one which we will do right okay perfect we are on the taxi looking good so it's the second left it'll be the link five two which then goes into Alpha and of course right ahead of us a staple part of London Heathrow there's Concord unfortunately no longer flying in real life let's do a little bit of British windshield Auto and we'll sue a config check takeoff config is normal I actually forgot to do a flight control check so once we slow down and break safer a bit like control check and then we're ready to go again with no ADC we'll just make sure there's nobody on the approach which it looks like there isn't for two seven left you throw traffic shuttle 8 golf fly November Bravo 3 lining up two seven left adding out to the north I'm lap one goal okay everything's normal on there strobe lights on I'll turn the lights on I guess we everything to the cabin and then we'll line up ready to go oh look you can see the contrails of another aircraft there that looks amazing looks good looks good we're going to keep the aircraft rolling we'll start the clock side stick forward we're gonna set about 50 N1 make sure that we're stabilized turn up the volumes for you all everything's looking stable here we go man Flex 68 SRS Runway water thrust blue sun to the side stick there's 100 knots C1 the road say off we go steadily does it positive climb we'll call Gear Up and nav let's go and have a look out the window there's the shadow of the aircraft on the ground the shadow looks great actually it looks really smooth see a bit of traffic on Terminal 5 there on a321 I think that is there's the 747 that we passed earlier on and some gorgeous views out the window that looks so good okay we're only through 1500 feet so we can put the aircraft into climb so thrust climb climb and I'm gonna be lazy and put the autopilot in nice and early so that we can have a look out the window and enjoy the views as Terminal 5 Alpha in the distance and there's the dreaded M25 Motorway my least favorite place on Earth but it looks even better at 65 FPS right starting to accelerate now down turn off some of the lights that we don't need anymore I guess speed's starting to increase or think about attracting the flaps all right there we go flap zero [Music] hitting Edge and we are out of here one hour later in my Approach very good afternoon shuttle 8 golf inbound Esco information lemur on board descending through flight level 180. shut the light off zero seven seven three vectors ILS approach Runway two four satellite golf Chevrolet two seven zero degrees left 270 degrees cleared for the RS approach Runway 2-4 shuttle 8 golf there we go lock star so lock pre-captain the aircraft's come in and out star there as well and nicely below the Glide slope and we capture the localizer which means that we can on the full approach now and both autopilots you aren't both autopilots in case one of them fails so that we've got some redundancy there need a free cyber the Nike Speed 180 enjoy the views out the window looking out for the runway there it is a little bit of traffic up ahead of us on the approach by the looks of it but it is such a gorgeous clear day here at Edinburgh we can see Fort Miles what we can also see is that we're on Final Approach getting 80 FPS if not greater Chevrolet 160 or greater to four shuttle eight golf cool we've got ten and a half miles to go we're now established on the Final Approach track horizontally we're just waiting for Glide slope to come in which we can see here and glide slope is armed and we've been asked to maintain 160 knots or greater until four miles we're currently at 180 knots so that's located one three zero degrees 130 degrees and 3000 feet and we shortly get the call to go to Tower 187 satellite golf it's almost like I've done this before there we go one eight decimal seven and I'm going to put tower on one two one seven five zero on standby I never tell our very good afternoon shuttle 8 golf Wireless established uh two four eight and a half miles good evening traffic information is a morning to eat 220p uh performing touching Armory 243 remain in the right hand side socket substance 240 degrees eight not only two for continue approach number two for my 2-4 container approach number two thanks we have the traffic shuttle light golf hey five miles get down it's five and a half miles fun gonna have a look outside shall we've not really had a look outside for a while and then we'll wait for flap three uh three green for flap three which we've now got I'm gonna arm spoilers rest of the lights can come on and then we're gonna wait for four miles we're at 4.5 currently make sure approach mode is activated which it is just making sure the gear came down by four miles so back to manage speed and the final stage of flat flat foot probably two forklitter golf right now we've set ourselves up perfectly now to see if we could actually do a good job of the landing here we go so Black full auto break uh sorry flat full Landing no blue on the econ memo there's 1000 feet radio altitude quarter Pilots disengaged look at the views this is gorgeous right wish me luck let's hope we uh do a good job of this one knowing me now that the pressure's on probably gonna slam it into the runway oh look can you see an aircraft there the distance the patch 500. I think that's the supposed general aviation aircraft that's probably um not got the correct model matching 400. record turning downwind low level yeah it definitely is a little bit low minimum hello good evening traffic information approach number one spoilers versus the green coffee Michael traffic information do you sell on the old separate keep in the center right we're gonna go manual brakes to ensure that we vacate at Bravo which was always the plan we're gonna idle on the spoilers now and there we go ladies and gentlemen after a flight time of 57 minutes and 47 seconds left Alpha ground one two one seven five Shadow Lake golf thanks so much there we go everybody Welcome down here we switch one two one seven five and we'll clean up the aircraft once we're uh out of the way of the runway and we've got a bit of time look at the FPS still folks we're still achieving well over 60 FPS round hello shuttle 8 golf vacated uh two foot Bravo on Alpha should let go very good evening welcome to Edinburgh taxi to stand six via Alpha Echo and foxtrot alpha Echo foxtrot stand six for Shadow Lake oh thank you there she is safely down on the ground look at that at the stunning pirigi Edinburgh scenery and 70 FPS here we are stand number six you can see that we've got the visual guidance enabled so we can turn off the taxi light before we turn on to stand there's that lighting again that looks so good evening you are cleared to Heathrow return on to stand exactly the hate bird wasn't one Charlie deposits yeah we are turning on to stand number six easy peasy lemon squeezy information so we'll follow the guidance on the display make sure that we park nice and straight at speed and good check as well it's like really enough it's like playing a video game doing this edging our way for I feel like I'm very very very close to the display in fact I somehow feel like that isn't quite correct because we've gone way past the stop mark somebody whoever programmed that didn't do a very good job because we've gone way past our stop now it's fine this is Brown hello again shuttle nine a kilo stand six and A320 with information November requesting clearance please down to London Heathrow very good evening you are clear to Heathrow by the Gotham one Charlie departure squawk 7607 607 it's all nine kilo cleared uh to Heathrow gossam one Charlie departure squawks seven six zero seven keep clicking the wrong button should a nine kilo your right back is correct information November's current q and H 996. and take a look around shall we got a bit of other traffic around Drew's there in his seventh floor we've got a couple of easy Jets there's a Tui heading off there you go chat there's a Tui departing Edinburgh 80 FPS as you do into the sun oh what a view look at that that looks amazing start to the West shuttle mine as brief then commencing push all engines clear here we go so off block time at 23 minutes past the hour again we're not going to do single engine taxi on this one and our final low sheets just come through we'll acknowledge that in a moment let's go and start the engine so ignition start engine number two look at that precision set parking precision okay we will do what they've asked us to do inside the parking brake hey starting engine number one and whilst we do that we're just going to acknowledge the load sheet so 58.9 and 31.2 our final figures accept that looks so good with all the traffic forward thank you dear holding points out for one to buy a foxtrot and hamper Ed now first I'll be fine another one quite a 60 people and Channel 19 are you as well practiced a holding Point Delta one via foxtrot Echo and Alpha for around via Fox shot Echo and Alpha Runway two four Shuffle nine kilo there's our taxi clearance everybody which means we can release the parking brakes turn the taxi light on add a bit of power onto the engines we can already do our takeoff conflict easy two eight zero six raise copy oh look at the shadow of the aircraft on the ground that's so cool nine kilos 1187 for Tower thanks very much have a great evening okay bye hey we'll go and follow the commands of Edinburgh Grand thanks so much for the ATT to them to Tower until the one it's ready and we'll call in after the Qantas 747 ahead of us Scandinavian 737 Runway 241 off they go 24. oh hello shuttle nine kilo in sequence on Alpha for Delta one we're gonna have a look outside see how we're doing FPS wise with the sunset and the views that looks amazing look at that I'm looking forward to watching the departure behind the departing in front of flight seven four seven four hundred line up already two four behind behind the departing contest 747 via Delta one lineup Runway two four behind shuttle nine killer all right we've been cleared to line up let's get some lights on watch I want to watch them roll but we also need to line up on the runway we'll do all of that and then watch them go with half of us to release the parking brake oh look at that view ah the 747 looks so Majestic oh they go oh look at the climb rate wow he's gone into space here we go you can't even see him now there he is foreign 's up to about 50 and one again turn the volumes up side stick forward stable take off man Flex plus 55 SRS Runway Auto thrust blue and we'll start the clock so I forget that okay thrust is set 100 knots V1 rotate so gently does it pause the climb Gear Up nav farewell Edinburgh son Cottage one two six three shuttle nine kilo thanks have a great day just climb climb autopilot's enabled and then we'll switch to Scottish on one two six decimal three Scottish hello shuttle 9 kilo got someone Charlie through two thousand feet new current heading and climb flight level 110 for shuttle nine a kilo so present heading 240 degrees Runway heading and up to 11 000 feet oh my goodness sounds like something's going on for somebody I'm just going to turn that down starting to accelerate now so lap zero thank you absolutely gorgeous views look at the views of the sun there doesn't that look amazing okay flaps are up now so we can get rid of the ground spoilers get rid of some of the lighting and again we're going to do the same as we did last time so we'll set standard but we'll leave the standby in the uh local press until we pass the transition altitude and there we are folks safely out of the way of Edinburgh left 190 degree Shuffle Lana Cube there's one line of zero set we're gonna have a look at the view outside there it is absolutely stunning have you done much settings tweaking for the 4019 Nvidia control panel absolutely nothing I probably could have done but you don't need to this is the thing Ellie this is this is like the point is that so many people like we're all so used as flight simmers to having to tweak loads of crap right to go through in video control panel and your bios and all through the Sim settings and tweak all of these things to eke out one or two more FPS no longer needed no longer need to do that there's absolutely zero point me spending and frankly wasting loads of my time trying to tweak closer settings in control panels and stuff like that when out of the box literally just going into the settings turning on DirectX 12 and then turning on frame generation and seeing this FPS game I don't need to do any of that anymore and that for flight simmers is really the thing that I think is so great about this graphics card and why it's easily without a shadow of a doubt the best piece of Hardware that I've ever put inside a computer case that I own because no longer are we having to sit there for hours on end trying to fiddle around with loads of different settings just to get our performance and visuals in a fine balance that any sort of change could you know tilt that balance in one you know wrong direction with a 49 team with just the 40 series cards in general you don't have to do that anymore in my opinion you know you can just crank up the settings crank up your resolution if you've got a good monitor obviously um turn on DirectX 12 turn on dlss if you want it to be there turn on frame generation and just enjoy this in performing and looking beautifully easy peasy how many hours have we all spent in flight simulators not actually flying planes that trying to get our settings correct that's no longer the case if Microsoft flight simulator with a 40 series graphics cards don't need to do that anymore we can just sit back and enjoy the flying one hour later look at that view that looks so good we stay on this heading and just stay in open descent I reckon we should be finding to take ourselves on a base term you you throw a traffic shuttle nine a kilo through five thousand feet uh heading one two five degrees we'll call turning base and then final for the ILS Runway two seven right approach and if you can see straight out ahead of us folks you can start to see some landmarks Clock Tower Big Ben inside there's uh London Eye London City airports over there turn base and we can actually start to produce that descent right now quite nicely is there a traffic shuttle nine a kilo right turn heading one night zero degrees base turn two seven right we're gonna turn right over the top of the London Eye look at that that looks so good the sun's setting in the distance there okay I'm just kind of making this up so we'll go to three no two four zero degrees and then I've got that right on the localized that should help there we go lock start we've got 12 and a half miles so let's start to slow down now you throw a traffic shuttle nine kilo localized established ILS two seven right twelve and a half miles all right so localizer on both autopilots now and we're about six miles in trail of the aircraft ahead of us so let's go 180. and then we're going to switch to tower on 118 decimal five what a view look at that view there's a London Eye again absolutely amazing still amazing FPS still averaging 60 FPS with all of this it's very Tower hello shuttle nine kilo uh all right let's establish two seven right ten and a half miles continue approach two seven right shuttle thank you go around 3 000 feet which we've got set there's Glide slope star GS star grounds come online as well on one two one seven beautiful views of London behind us as we come in for the approach eight and a half miles let's go flat two probably should have done that on glide slope intercept that would help a little bit with the pitch of the nose it's flap too okay we'll reduce 160 knots that view looks amazing with the night lighting and the sun has officially set as well so we timed this pretty much to perfection there's three greens so flap three on the speed brakes make sure the approach mode is activated and let's go flat full now back the wing views and then we're still waiting on land and clearance so flat floor to break uh sorry flat full Landing no blue and you can see with GS mini there keep it rolling straight ahead on Tobacco For Me with GS mini there that are ground speed is only 127 knots even though we've got about 150 seconds there we go landing clearance being received so autopilot's disconnected this is amazing look at the FPS in the top left hand though who would have imagined this one GS mini stands for ground speed Mini essentially when you've got a stonking headwind the aircraft will automatically increase the implications 500. okay here we go then second Landing of the day wishmela 400. 300. I've never felt Heathrow so smooth in my life let's hope the landing matches 200. minimum it's any 100 50. 30. 20 spoilers reverses green peace out I don't want to go Max Traverse let's roll it out of it so manual brakes Ford idle and there we go ladies and gentlemen welcome down to London Heathrow a little bit of a float and that was a very short flight time 50 minutes and we'll ask if we can roll out shuttle nine clearly happy if we roll out 12 for 10 Echo perfect there we go everybody Welcome down to London Heathrow tell you what we'll do is we'll just get a dome light on so we can see a little bit better in here and here's Alpha 10 Echo which is where we plan to vacate that was beautiful four three zero four three no further eight two seats over to the dark side one two three that's five it's over to the darkness sure nine kilo welcome to Heathrow continue right onto Alpha over to ground one two one decimal seven g'day all right Alpha ground on uh one two one seven shuttle nine kilo thanks so much yes it's first right onto Alpha and we'll clean up the aircraft let's go and switch to ground 787 has passed left to right stand two two one clear everything up um clean everything up in there get some lights off all right directors can come off round here that's all fine good lovely there we are we are sitting so we'll continue on to after and see what stand we get and hello shuttle nine kilo on Alpha good evening taxi Alpha hold link fire stick expect to stand five zero five also short of Link five six and we'll expect stand 505 shuttle nine kilo and again the only thing that's limiting us with fps to not get even better fps than we're currently getting right now folks is a slight CPU bottleneck so if I was on as I say the latest Intel 3900k or on a 5800x 3D or something like that from AMD or something even better you'd be getting even higher FPS than this just come online for us which is good timing because the Euro Wings on seminal five that's an interesting choice off as we approach the stand here she is it looks gorgeous with all the night scene yeah foreign rotation it's been that was very fun hey I've got no sort of what they're called notification about where we're going to park in terms of stopping on the display don't even know if GSX has actually been selected so we'll continue on well cheap that gives you a chance to look outside there we have it right ap's available parking brake is set there's Apu bleed and we can safely shut down the engines there we are after an hour and eight minutes ladies and gentlemen welcome back to London Heathrow I'm hoping I selected the right stand there we go so we can request the boarding now we can light off seat belt sign off turn off everything there squawk 2000 and there we are safe rotation from London Heathrow to Edinburgh absolutely perfect
Channel: Chewwy94
Views: 30,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NVIDIA, GeForce, RTX 4090, 4090, NVIDIA 4090, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator, FS2020, Microsoft, Chewwy94, Chewwy, Simulator, flight simulator, EGLL, EGPH, iniBuilds, iniScene, landing, takeoff, VATSIM
Id: GGmXr_aNnvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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