Stylized hoodie guy blockout in Blender for around 1 hour

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and we start so this concept is from above me the concept Above Me is from the AI obviously but uh why is obvious because it's uh there is a lot of detail and some of the detail is a little bit unnatural it's not exactly what it needs to be the idea is that well if somebody comes to me and approach me and say okay in the approach me in the email of course or whatever and say okay I want this as a freelance to make this model and I will say probably no why uh I can make this model pretty easily without some of the details but the idea is that when somebody makes a model or makes a concept from with the AI they like it they like the concept and they like it because of because all of the details and uh when you make the the model and uh they see it they will say yeah but it lacks some of the detail and I will say yeah but the money is not that big you know so if you want all the details you have to pay more but we don't have the money so uh to avoid all of these confusions I usually refuse to do AI uh images for freelance but since it's a nice overall silhouette of the of this character we will do it as just a example Le just for testing and this is actually again as probably most of you already know is in the Discord server in my Discord server which is Link in the description of this video this is the weekly sculpt challenge I do weekly sculp challenges every week about maybe Saturday I put them on and the challenge is on until the next Saturday so there are no prices the price is only that you will make some models and they will definitely be interesting and good practice that's your reward so this is our face I will not do too much more of the face we'll get on to the body the idea here of this character is to be a blockout because for this amount of time 1 hour we cannot actually do amazing stuff but we will do the jacket we will do the pants we will do the everything that he has main forms main shapes we will do let's analyze by the way a little bit what the body means so if we measure the head with the hood how tall it is and then the distance between the chin and the crotch it's similar so we have to make it kind of similar don't make the body too big because it will lose the the taste of of the model itself the idea about you know making things from concept this is exactly why this is interesting because it's making something from a concept and something which is kind of cool looking and if you can make it it's fine so now I'm working working on the left side of the model so this is the model and this is his left side why because that's how it's turned in the concept right now if it was turned the other way I would be working like this but since it's turned this way I'm working like this this is just a preference personal preference and I think it's the better way to work but you know everybody can judge for themselves hopefully hopefully uh okay concept is cool do I need uh do I think it needs those tentacles on the back of the head I will probably not make those tentacles so uh they are not completely needed but if you want to capture completely the essence of the concept you most likely have most likely have to put the those tentacles because they are part of the all overall silouette I on the other hand will not do that because I am B and I don't want to do it now let's select this and subdivide once this will be the Hood by the way if you don't get it but we'll see how this will be a hood I don't know we'll see again it's interesting for me also I did it once in front of live audience uh just the day before yesterday because I am teaching in an academy here in Bulgaria and I have some um character master classes doing there and this is part of those character Master Class things hoodie amazing now uh we need to put more edges like this I think this would be kind of enough and we'll see this have to be sharper like this good and then of course I will make thickness for this because otherwise it looks awful generate solidify solidify is the thickness here hopefully nothing crashes let's go uh this guy is called painel I'm still saving in the dragon girl in blender Cru folder which is fine since I haven't done any big project after this one this was my L latest course that I came up with and now I plan to do mostly streams our Station reviews stuff like this just to relax because this course was not hard but it was uh a little bit exhausting maybe yeah for me I did it for 20 21 hours the dragon girl and it came out pretty well I may show it at some point here in this stream now this is fine we need some legs cylinder again and okay scale down put it down so the legs are not as important I mean everything is important but the legs are not going to be visible that much they're going to be not visible invisible legs we will have what I mean by that is we have shorts and we have pretty big boots so the legs will be very barely visible but it doesn't matter they need to be there so we will do them like always we'll do the S curve on the legs this is the best way to do legs in my opinion and this is fine let's mirror it and we have a basic block out now we will need some shoes and the shoes I will do from I can do them from every anything not everything from anything I can do them for example I can do them from a cube I can make them from sphere I can make them from a cylinder I can make them from a basically every shape so we will choose a sphere this time why not it's fine put it here make it smaller and rotate it a little bit and they are done no they're not but they will be let's go from the front view and just drag this this will be the okay the bottom of the shoe up like this they are pretty huge shoes although they're not uh super big shoes now in what I have done is pretty big we'll have to shrink it down as like this they shouldn't be that kind of a monstrosity this is the tongue of the shoe here as you can see the idea of making uh a block out of the character is to see how all the shapes are intersecting not intersecting how they are um compared to each other so now we are putting all the shapes and then we will see how they go with each other that's the main idea and of course we will go with the mirror for now and we have the so for to see the overall again shape of this character we will need a jacket so let's see if we can make one jacket pretty quick and it will be again with a cube put it here scale it down and let me see now control R double click and the jacket has to be open from the front so what I will do is I will delete half of the cube and the bottom of the cube also we don't need it and now from this we'll be able to do it with a mirror modifier again move this this will be the opening of the jacket in the front [Music] and yeah you will see but uh the idea in the beginning when we're making such thing as the jacket or uh like uh the shorts to make it as low poly as possible in the beginning so that's what I'm doing it's super low poly and I will add gradually gradually polygons until I am happy with the result and then we will see what we'll do but basically we will need first to be very very low then we will add some polygons so we can extrude for example the the sleeves we'll extrude the sleeves make them wide like this extrude again scale down and this will be our sleeves for now as you can see super low poly and that's very important for the beginning of such sculpt hey ni just wanted to tell you that your videos are superb and you as a person very charismatic guy love your works and how you communicate with people in unique way thank you thank you very much thank you I like to see those comments you know it's very nice image looks AI generated that's a good point uh hello everybody hello what do you think some what do you think are some of the best ways to make money from blender I do game models and hard surface that's a good way to make money from blender yes I mean making money from blender you cannot do if you don't have enough practice and even if you have enough practice you have to have a good portfolio at some point otherwise nobody will ask you to do anything if you don't have a good portfolio to show and these days there are a lot of scam artists so it's uh it's a little bit more difficult probably oops not not this so yeah making money with 3D nowadays is not very easy the idea is that uh this is just a kind of a a bump in the industry the industry just is now the game industry mostly and the entertainment industry is a little bit in a hole right now but it will get out of the hole it was just uh too much inflated the overall industry was too much inflated in the co times and now it's uh has to deflate back to the original side that's why they are laying off people a lot of artists are laid off 2D 3D doesn't matter and that's why it's a little bit harder now but as I always say just use this time to develop your skills to bump up your game because at some point this will be over this hard times will be over and you need to be ready with a good portfolio to go back or to to go uh inside the game industry or the industry as a whole I always recommend for people to not start with the freelance always recommend to start with working in a studio if they can of course this is the most difficult part as probably you can imagine let me see now what we can do okay this this fine generate subdivision surface modifier and this will be one of our fingers so I was asked a question by the way when I was doing this live uh in you know in front of live audience the day before yesterday so it was Saturday and uh they asked me do you have to make to detail the finger more until you start to duplicate it and put it into place uh I say it's it's your choice I can duplicate the fingers put them into position and just to see how the fingers will look how everything will look with the fingers and then when I want to detail the fingers I will detail just one finger delete the others and duplicate this one finger again it's not as you can see it's not a big deal to duplicate the fingers it's super easy now I'm duplicating just to see how they will look as a whole thing and how the character will how the overall character will look now we can see that probably the fingers are a little bit too big and the arms probably and some of those things and we will fix that also we need to have something like pants so let's make the pants from a cylinder as I always do that I mean I always make pants from a cylinder especially shorts not pants if if there are pants like long pants maybe I will do them another way but when they are shorts I do them from a cylinder or I make them from a cylinder maybe I do them it's not exactly I do them do them do them do them I don't know do them them nobody knows so this and then we will go no select this extrude up mirror we need to have a little bit of distance in the middle and as you can see I work uh relatively quick there are not many people who can work that quickly which again I will say it's not what you are supposed to do you are supposed to work uh with a quality not with a quantity or with the super fast speed it's super fast speed is fine but it takes a lot of practice beforehand so in the beginning when you start you don't need to try to be that fast it's just unneeded fastness and even me sometimes cannot be as fast as I want to be so let's see this it has to go underneath the jacket the jacket is on top of everything as we can see we are trying to achieve this level of detail of the concept or not the level of detail we will not achieve it we will achieve or try to achieve the overall feeling of the concept with this uh kind of a broad shorts and overall I think we are we captured it not perfectly of course because we have worked for 18 minutes right now but as you can see as a blockout it started to work if we need it to be as good as the concept we'll need to put a lot more hours into it it will not be that easy just for 20 minutes and be done Nico you look tired I'm not exactly TI but probably I'm not that excited that much today but it's fine we cannot be excited every day like uh for everything we sometimes need to be a little bit tired no today uh what I did I wake up I uh you know bring my girl to to the kindergarten but before that 30 push-ups okay when we were going to the kindergarten we had to be hurry uh so she was with the bike I was uh running in some places I was really running after her so it got me a little bit tired and then I went to the store bought some things and on my way back I make pull-ups on the bar uh in one of the gardens and pull-ups I made like 24 24 pull-ups and it was pretty cool so yeah I may a little bit tired because of all this so when you put a edge Loop you put it and then here we can go even and now the edge Loop is in even distance which is great and now if we want to make this particular thing as uh as in the concept we will have to not do it we will not do it actually we will not do it as the concept completely so our arms are a little bit more spread than the concept which is fine I am I will I can live with it it's not a big deal we'll select this rotate a little bit and move forward those hands and this also this I think it's better representation of the concept uh the face of the concept we cannot actually see that much but again it's not a big issue for us again the idea is to make it look relatively as the concept for a short amount of time which is my specialty I do it pretty quickly every time because I don't drink alcohol almost never no only when I'm on vacation by the way when I'm on vacation I drink arakia which is um certain type of Balan alcohol it's uh you can find it in ser I in Turkey in even in Greece and in Bulgaria of course Ria lakia we call it and sometimes wine it depends if it's summer sometimes even beer but raaka is the best with salad raia you always drink with a salad and the best salad in Bulgaria is called ofchara salad ofchara means Shepherds Shepherd's salad they uh translate it like Shepherd's salad and it's amazing you have tomatoes you have cucumbers of course you have cheese you have yellow cheese you have uh some kind of a hard cheese you have also eggs you have ham peppers this is just the the best salad ever okay some people ask me when you will combine the fingers with the arms for this particular character I will not this particular character is some kind of a cyborg or a robot I don't know and his fingers are kind of separated in the concept also so we will not combine them that's convenient right yes so now let's work a little bit on this good morning Nico hope you are doing good I'm doing pretty good yes Nico I think your voice is too low or is just me my voice is very low I can sing in the Opera like a bass it's very low depends on how many triangles your models have the more the more laggy it gets on older PCS of course on new PCS also on all PCS that's the idea by the way now I'm uh Amazed by some belarussian YouTube uh guys that they're making a car which is something between a Bugatti and and vulga all type of vulga and it's just super beautiful and there are uh what I'm amazed at is that they're spending so much time in in the things you know uh since I am not that guy I'm not a guy that will spend so much time I'm so amazed that people can can do that you know they can spend hours and hours and days just to make a mold for the roof for example you know and even the mold for the roof of the car it took them because it's the roof and the back of the car and the sides just the whole back of the car uh took them couple of weeks just to make the mold of it it's just wow I am so amazed for people that can have the patience to do such huge projects like this if I had this patient I probably will make uh things like those uh Chinese guys that you can see sometimes in our station amazing models with so much detail and hair and U armors and clothes you know folds and everything just wow but I'm not I'm not that guy so it's not going to happen you will see from me this kind of streams where I make uh a model for 1 hour this will be mostly what you will see from me these days when this uh form of entertainment kind of goes away if people start to not feel nice about it maybe I can think of something else but for now I am okay with it it's fine by me I will make some detail here on the shoes because I think it's necessary to have some level of detail on the shoes otherwise it will look awkward here there are a couple of things happening like this good here in the front I don't know maybe I will make some like this it will be more appropriate I'm not uh in some areas I don't consider the concept that much since this is AI concept and it's not well taught and some things are but overall as I say over overall I like a lot the shape of it the overall shape and the silhouette it's very important silhouette for our job is pretty important of the character and this silhouette is great that's why we like it but we can put our own twist to it if we want because it's Ai and we don't respect it soorry I don't respect the AI maybe someday uh the Terminators will come and uh kind of taught me otherwise but uh for now I don't quite respect the AI but it doesn't mean that we cannot use it as a tool I'm you know I don't have to be but I'm a little bit irritated by the people who are thinking they are AI artists of course every artist who have put thousands of hours learning Anatomy learning how to draw or how to scope probably is a little bit affected by this we shouldn't be of course but we are nonetheless affected okay so now let's make a solidify modifier increase it good apply the mirror why not and now apply the solidify why not again and when we apply the solidify and everything what we need to do now is let me see maybe we can go and add a few more Loops here and there and then we can subdivide it okay a right click subdivide all right now we can smooth it out and that's the beauty of blender but by the way uh there are I I don't think there is other program maybe there is where you can make hard surface so easy and then adjust it with the brush uh zbrush is like this by the way in zbrush you can do hard surface super easy I can do or I could have have done back in the days now I can't because I don't remember how but yeah with the zodel brush uh you can do hard surface pretty easy pretty fast F faster than a normal 3D program usually okay symmetrize no symmetrize on the other axis thank you very much this is fine and then symmetry will be fine symmetry is uh one of the lifelines that I have because in order to do models fast symmetry is just amazing if you don't have symmetry you have to do the things twice so symmetry is one of my lifelines actually because I'm working fast if you don't want to work fast if you want to work slow don't use symmetry that's my advice to you if you want to work slow symmetry is your enemy you have to completely disable it and never use symmetry ever because it will just uh make your work very very easy but we don't want that right we want the work to be hard that's why why we don't use symmetry I use symmetry actually so so now I will mask why because I have to and yeah I just forgot how to mask with the with the other way but it doesn't matter I need to make them a little bit taller those shoes that's why I'm masking here I will invert the mask and then I will pull it down like so a little bit taller it's not too much but it's fine continue okay the face I don't completely approve maybe we can move this down like this and it's we we don't know exactly what's happening with the face but we know that it he has something like a face mask which can be a gas mask for example so let's make something like a gas mask which means we have to put a cylinder in there this will be the gas mask amazing gas mask I would say one of the best maybe the best gas mask ever okay let's select this and mirror it on the other side amazing stuff uh it's not but fine amazing stuff it's not I'm trying to see what will look better maybe it will look better if you if we make it a little bit more narrow this face probably but overall it's not complete bad uh or waste uh okay for the uh for the pants okay let me see what we can do here first as I always do I don't want to make thickness of the pens because it's not needed it's absolutely waste if you make thickness of the Pence I will just cap this with f and then I will press I and then I will press extrude so this is enough for dep pends for the high PO for the low poly it's probably the same uh if we want to do it this way this uh the other thing is this thing I will just make sure I extrude faces on normals and do this okay and here in the middle we can just make sure it's a little bit away from each other forward it can go and I think this is relatively fine and for the top we need to apply the mirror modifier go like this and F again probably one I which is I is insert and then one here maybe one here and of course one here and now it's fine we have the the things we can generate subdivision surface modifier we can add it and then I will select couple of edges which I want to crease this is not one of them I double click them and then we will crease them those are the edges shift e crease so they are sharper and we are ready to apply the subdivision modifier and uh before we go to I mean we need to put some fults in here how much time 33 minutes and we have this it's not the best it's not the worst it's fine we will go and press R make sure we have enough jum ometry and contrl R and then we will do some faults but first in the front we will go with symmetry again make this thing all right and if we have problems with the body we will just push it in and it's going to be fine Nico if I want to do styz character as good as you does it mean I need to get strong knowledge about anom first yes if you don't know if you don't know Anatomy uh you can make styliz characters but uh they will not be a good stylized characters they will be just your regular stylized characters maybe even a little bit bad stylized characters so yeah Anatomy is uh the tool that you definitely need as a character artist even with cartoon and stylized characters it's just something that you cannot jump over but you can try you know uh whatever I say everybody can try for themselves if it can work for example maybe I'm not right maybe I'm wrong maybe you can do amazing stylized characters for without any Anatomy knowledge but who knows I mean uh Anatomy knowledge is something that you probably need but if you don't have it but if you have a very good skill of working from a concept if you have a good good concept it should be fine it should be absolutely fine but if you don't have the skill of working from a concept then uh you have to have it this is the best skill that you will have to have and how to learn to work from a concept you have to work from Concepts a lot so you have to just practice a lot you have to make uh 50 or let's say 20 characters not as fast as me not like on this level Maybe maybe a little bit on a better level but now you can see that this character with the folds on the pants looks immediately much better which is kind of interesting how the folds on the pant are affecting our character look it's just looking better now I can select the arms and the fingers and connect them because I want to move them a little bit forward as they are in the concept at least I will try to do so and then we have to move the jacket also which is not a big deal I mean we will be able to move it pretty easily with the grab brush in scope mode in this face of the model the grab brush is your best friend so utilize it as much as possible all right now maybe this could be a little bit thicker and the arms could be a little bit wider but I'm just guessing I'm just trying here I I have all the main shapes now so I'm just looking at the concept constantly without looking at the concept it will be difficult but I'm looking and I am uh trying to achieve something that's relatively similar Vibe but just the vibe not the the overall detail and everything just the vibe right k sound like araki in kazak language means alcohol maybe yeah maybe it's comes from there I'm not I'm not sure I think he made voice level because he's also low for me ah the voice is low okay I don't uh quite understand now I will go to sounds I will go to recording and I will go to microphone properties and levels and yes it is low it has to be around 86 now it should be better and yes this restarted itself all the time so Windows obviously is doing whatever it wants to do and this microphone level is restarting Nik if you have time you will be able to do it just like the AI yes but it will cost more for example if somebody comes with to me with this concept and say how much it will take to make it how much money uh it will be and I would say okay this concept will be around let's say $1,000 for the hypol only for example and he will say but this is too much um yes but you have a lot of details and stuff for example the hood has see how much detail it has it has this hole here has this thing here this and this kind of a edge in here and this stuff and those things are unnecessary details but they are there and if you don't do them it will not look quite like the concept and then uh the person that's uh giving you the job will not like it that much and they will say h yeah but it this doesn't look quite like it this doesn't look quite like it and uh I have to find them and murder them probably but the idea is that we have to be careful you know when you are making a concept from the AI uh you shouldn't expect the 3D to be completely as like the concept but people just expect it I don't know they just do and that's oh oh no no no no no no no no I will not do this okay let's add one more level of okay apply and no apply the solidify modifier and the subdivisional surface we'll apply it later shift e move this to be sharper good this thing is fine and you see the the hood itself is looking pretty empty which is fine because it's normal it's empty but uh in the AI it's not empty it has a lot of detail there which we will try to do at least those uh earphones which are here I don't quite see what's happening with those earphones but yeah let's do do it like this then we will uh shift d move this here scale it down what am I doing now I don't know I basically completely don't know what I'm doing but I'm doing it I don't care now I will flatten this zero I'll flatten this maybe I have to flatten those by the way like this like like this and then here zero this one zero and move it down now probably the levels of the microphone are fine so hopefully everything is cool this is flipped as you can see or you don't see but I will show you it's flipped so we will go alt n and flip you know uh remembering all those shortcuts is a problem in the beginning definitely in blender but when you do uh it's just amazing I mean you can work so fast but you need couple of 100 hours to kind of get it just couple hundred hours it's not a problem it's just easy and now we we have some detail on the C which is great and we have to work a little bit on the jacket how to work on the jacket I will for the fast of it I will do it like this I just remeshed it yeah some people will say Ana they will want to expel me from the church of blender for doing that but I did it and I'm not sorry I did it and I'm not sorry I'm sorry but I'm not sorry it's all right it's fine it's fine we will see what happens but overall we have the detail the The Faults on the jacket in the concept they're not completely right but they don't look completely wrong too so they are looking a little bit wrong but not too much especially on the sleeves they're a little bit like but they probably will work so we will kind of try to do it like like from them uh we have something that we can do on other way so here this uh then we go mask extract okay inflate this smooth it inflated or smooth it and inflated and smooth it and then we can make thickness solidify modifier thickness good uh when you are making such a character a very very stylized character you don't want very thin areas everything has to be pretty thick and I always say that people always don't know that I'm saying it but yeah I always say that and I will continue to say it it's very important make everything very thick sometimes you will think that it's too thick probably you have to thicken it more because yeah I have a little bit of a think for thick things you know ah for example yesterday I watched couple of episodes of blood of Zeus it's a animated series for adults in Netflix uh blood of Zeus it's called it's interesting it's not the best animation ever but it's fine and the story is cool so I watch it I noticed something when they were rowing uh the one of super huge boat they were rowing and the row usually they have to be this thick in the movie they were like almost like my thumb super thin so if you have a big very big uh I don't know how this is called exactly but when you have this super big thing and it it's this thin it will break so it you know in this movie in this film or uh series they're making things a little bit thin for my taste I like them thicker the model I mean and the asses but it doesn't matter now let's see what we can do about the faults it's all about the faults about the faults no trouble it's all about the faults by the faults no trouble it's all about the faults by the faults no trouble it's all about the faults by the fs okay how much time do we have yeah around 15 minutes we can do some coloring though so it's going to be fine but the jacket is starting to take a little bit of a shape it's not the best jacket that you have seen most likely but it's also not the worst jacket hopefully it's somewhere in between which for this amount of time probably it's fine I want to no I want more detail here but I will do it this way generate subdivision surface and it will lag because sometimes it lags the subdivision surfaces tend to lag sometimes but I will apply it and then we will add some detail on the fingers like this why not I would say why not we will we'll add it detail forever I'm sorry that I'm not answering too much questions today but I'm just hurrying up to make this model as much as possible because we have to have a thumbnail for this video at some point and the thumbnail has to look good if it doesn't look good everybody will say Nico has lost it the thumbnail is crab I will have to fake the thumbnail a little bit I will have to work on Photoshop to make it better so it's not a good thing that's why I'm trying now we have it it's fine I let's color it a little bit it's doesn't need to have too much color though this jacket is let's say this color uh the hood is the same color this inside is the same everything is this color no uh this will be the same but a little bit darker so we will go and value maybe darker like this and there is a little bit of blue in this colors but yeah I don't care maybe darker this will be yes and the shoes the shoes will be this color again not this the the brighter color this one okay this guy is all it's the same color everywhere this should be the darker color so probably we'll take this one and it's too much I mean when you have the background it's uh relatively dark and your character is relatively dark everything gets dark so we are not happy uh outline is fine where was the The Background by the way it's h there was somewhere we can change the background I don't remember I don't change the background obviously uh often so I don't know but let's put some orange stuffs and probably it will look a little bit better with the orange stuffs and here there is some kind of a logo okay good now the same things here they shouldn't be exactly the same but I will make them kind of same and what else some kind of blue electric it's electric it's [Music] electric mhm okay some blue here on the shoes what else maybe the same blue we will use for the thing F it's not uh completely bad just random stuff you know just looks just looks interesting with this random stuff going on from a further away like this it will look badass uh hopefully what else what else yeah we need a little bit of black to put some accents here and there for example here here there is a vent line and this vent line is surrounded by white a little bit like this and we can make this also uh also what we can do is uh no maybe thinner and this by the way it's not exactly perfect but yeah let's try to add another line good job it doesn't look nice but like it no I don't but it's fine it's fine that it doesn't look nice what else maybe another black line in here smooth it and then those things here we'll see how we will do it this has to be black and the bottom and this shirt probably the same color as this and there is some details here there are some details here but I don't want to do them so I will fake it until I make it how how will you fake this Theo we will see detail okay something else something else now it looks fine let's put some Shadow cavity shadow on the wall and let's put a plane so we will have Shadow on the floor uh the concept doesn't have Shadow on the floor though but we don't care we will have extr Z select those control B like this and then couple of uh edges a shade smoth and scale this a bit more shadow on the wall okay this is relatively fine I would need to fake a little bit more things so first I need to fake a little bit of a bluish light in here although he has something like a blue Rim light which is fine we don't have it but we can fake it at least we can try to do it to fake it we'll see if we can do it yes uh experimenting I mean it's uh nothing just experimenting here don't worry don't do this at home this is just for professionals and we will have time for some questions I will not leave questions unanswered you know like always so a little bit darker this treat me like a Gam all right yeah it looks relatively like the concept is nothing like the concept but it's fine it's fine uh let's see what happens with the screen World both both is fine let's make it a little bit like this yeah the the head of our character now is a little bit bigger than uh it should be so let's make it smaller I usually make the heads smaller but this time I made it bigger hopefully you can forgive me guys I think it's good now and the character on the concept is a little bit wider this thing by the way oops okay ah this is it yeah not a very uh difficult but not a very easy character to do for 1 hour as you can see but I kind of did it so it's fine let's go to the questions in the chat Mo model already looking good uh relatively I mean like a blockout it's looking fine for a blockout in this phase usually I will work a little bit more if this was a freelance I would work a little bit more and then give it to the client for feedback because in this phase I can do very easy all the major changes if they want some this is the the phase that I will give it for a client for a feedback for overall forms uh and the silhouette mostly and then they will give the feedback usually the feedback is it looks amazing continue if it's not I'm a little bit sad but I can take it I'm a big boy and yeah we have to be careful by the way uh taking feedback is very important if you cannot take criticism then you have issues and you have to work on them I take criticism pretty well but from two types of people the people that I know that are good in what I do so the people who are better than me for example I take critics from them all the time and it's not a problem uh there are a lot of people who are better than me actually in character art so I'm not the goat as some people say goat I'm maybe one of the fastest probably not the fastest I cannot say that I'm sure that there will be some guy who will be more like uh uh pushed and he will became faster than me uh or he is already I don't know but the other people that I take critics from is the art directors or the art uh visual directors for for the project that I'm working on whatever they are whoever they are there are directors you have to listen to them you know yeah you're little good at blender too yeah I'm pretty good at blender yeah hello speecher how much time take a left-handed person to learn a 3D sculpt with graphic pen tablet learn to three scope uh if we have to be honest learn to 3D sculpt is a much longer process probably 3,000 hours 3,000 hours because we have to learn Anatomy you have to be working from Concepts a lot so you can learn how to look at the concept and represent it relatively well so yeah 3,000 hours I would say niik I wonder if you plan to make a course detected for topologizing Mid or high poly characters for video games um Mid or high poly characters for video video games for you mean for uh computer games or for PC games I don't think so it will be a pretty long course but we may do something like this I'm not sure yet hello at the end can be can this be a game character how many poly count you approximately completed so this can be a game character but first when you we scul this guy we have to spread the arms more because we have to look under the armpit we have to put polygons and everything so we have to spread them a little bit more and uh the other the other things are fine I mean this character doesn't look bad for the game character how many polygons it will be um it depends for what kind of game but usually even for console game probably this guy will be running uh it will be small on screen you will see him running and doing some stuff like for example um Sonic games Sid scroller it's this this guy will be very good for that and this things on the back of his head that I didn't do they can kind of make this happen uh around probably 35 to to 50,000 triangles and we are working with triangles here if somebody tells you polygons uh the polygon is not exact uh measure polygon can be triangle it can be a rectangle so but the triangle can be only triangle so if you say triangles it's the most it's the most exact measurement of a low po model es especially the low poly for the high poly it doesn't matter that much but for the low poly triangles is the thing Namaste brother Nik is three from Barat of course it's three fromat morning I'm working on a new project and listening to N Pearls of Wisdom fun stuff sometimes are you using a drawing taet or Mouse only drawing tablet and mouse is that concept also 3D sure looks like it uh no it's AI nice mate thank you Nico turn up the volume so we can turn it down now yes hi Nikolai how are you doing I'm fine could you make a course making your own self in blender a course for that probably not nobody will benefit from it uh and you probably want a course for uh likeness by the way I've seen this guy shf Brahim I think he was called or maybe I'm butchering his name I'm not sure exactly but he I think is from Turkey it should be probably or some of the Arabic countries I don't know but this guy is amazing and he has done Jack black the face of Jack Black in many programs in zbrush Maya and many other programs he was using and the course that he made is pretty expensive yeah it's uh a little bit above $600 and for most people it will be too much but I think if you want a course for likeness probably this course is very good I haven't done likenesses too much so I cannot do c for likeness I can do a basic likeness of any character for one hour even I can do it for example I can take a picture of The Rock and from a sphere I can make something that resembles the rock face overall resembles kind of a if you look at it from very far away you will see this looks like the rock a little bit but uh to make complete likeness it's it's a a lot of work it's many many hours even for one face I've talked with one guy in Bulgaria who is the best likeness sculpter in Bulgaria most likely IO ianov is his C and he told me that for one bust that he had make for Jon Snow 150 hours probably it took him the bust yeah he was uh this is with retopology this is with hair card and beer cards and everything so a lot of things but the overall sculpting even only the sculpting of the face features and everything no less than let's say 40 45 hours which is a lot for me I usually do a Model A full model for like a sculpture and everything for 20 25 hours or something like this as you as you see the my newest course uh the drag go in blender course I did it for let me show you of course the course uh the course I show everything in the course uh from sphere to make this character the dragon the scales the the sword the armors everything the materials I show everything and I took 21 hours to do it with the post everything from sphere to this point 21 hours so I'm pretty fast yes but the idea is that if I have to take 40 hours just to do the face uh for me it will be a suicide you know I don't I don't know if I can do this kind of thing this is just not how I am wired you know and wiring is something that happens in your childhood usually and who is wiring you usually your parents or persons who are raising you they are wiring you so however they wire you unintentionally most of the time that's how you end up and I'm wired to be doing things fast and uh to achieve a result very fast good result but fast hi Niko I got a question when you make a show as an example for a game do you Box model its separate parts and then do a rology to have a single mesh yes most uh most the time when we have a game MCH for example for the dragon girl course if we have to make this girl the dragon girl uh for a game of course she has to be uh AOS but then all the armors will be retopologized with the uh with the body maybe with the exception of some armors like the elbow armor which are a little bit big maybe they will be separate but most of the armors which will not move compared to the body they will move with the body they will be retopologized with the uh with the body itself so there will be one mesh uh all the straps also and everything I explained that and why I'm doing that in the course in my other channel just speed CH I have a playlist there and in the playlist I have 38 videos of completely making a 3D game character from scratch the character uh result of this videos is in the game right now it's called drugo I think it's called Dro yes and you can find it in the internet also you can see it but it's completely free this course unfortunately of course you can pay for it if you want but it's free overall proportionals for games is Al always exagger rating and thickness increased because of zooming out yes how long have you been modeling I've been modeling since 200 two so 22 years but I've been sculpting for less than that sculpting for I don't know until 2010 probably I started sculpting so 14 years I'm reading the chat all the time but you know okay we're waiting yes good let him cook World space settings World space settings where was this here World space settings background color white okay but we don't see the background now so we cannot actually see what you're doing but yeah probably it's there uh tentacles yes sir people are saying that AI has come but the number of 3D characters artist jobs are decreasing it is true no uh the true is that they're laying off people from all over the industry programmers artists 3D artists and all kinds of people in the IT industry because of this is just the times it's not exactly because of the AI uh I'm my guess is that at some point when the industry starts to get on the on its feed they will start to hire more more more and more people now yeah now they're searching mostly for senior artists they're not searching for juniors I have never seen like in the last months uh advertising for a job for a junior artist no only seniors and even above senior so yeah it's a little bit difficult these days Nico as a blender sculptor for 5 years I'm thinking change to zebras because it's made for sculpting High detail characters but how much days it takes to learn zbrush interface tools brush Etc it's not about days it's about hours so if you spend every day uh five to to 10 hours studying zbrush you will be able to work comfortably in zbrush for 10 days or two weeks probably you will start to get comfortable in the beginning it will be hell because zbrush is a little bit awkward program it's not like blender it's not like Maya it's not like 3D Max I mean blender 3D Max and Maya are pretty similar they are realistic 3D programs I mean real 3D programs zbrush is not exactly that and it's awkward the interface many people say it's very awkward but of course it's learnable it's not a problem but I would learn zbrush only if I would do uh realistic characters if I would do something that which is not realistic stylized characters blender is completely enough but this is just me you know Nico I do now see every show I watch in 3D in the 3D lenss yes exactly sir you look like tantos Thanos thank you make videos from armor gaming character yeah armor characters I have in my portfolio of courses Legend says niik trained for 10 years in remote Monastery in himal like Batman exactly but they had internet which is the interesting part you can make some sculpter with zbrush I can yes but I will not is blender a future program I mean can you get a job with it the the the job is with uh it's not about the program that much yes the biggest Studios like uh Ubisoft or Gameloft or creative assembly or uh others they use Maya or Max and zbrush yes but nowadays they are starting to accept blender more and more because people the guys that are working in the studios they are people our directors everybody they're people right they're normal people like you and me and they kind of see the significance of blender in the overall future of the 3D industry so when you're uh applying for a job for example in some big studio and the art director in this studio who will probably uh kind of see your your portfolio and he will uh evaluate you he will not evaluate you based on the software that you use he will evaluate you based on your work so if you do amazing stuff in blender then they will say fine and the the thing is that even if they're working with Maya Max zbrush whatever they're working with you can still work with blender in the studio why because it's free they will not have to buy a separate software for you you will be able to work with blender and if you have to learn a program they will gladly be uh giving you the time to learn because you are that good if you are good in blender you will be able to be good in any other program and 3D programs are something that you learn pretty quickly when you know one like blender you know blender then you can relatively easily learn zbrush or Maya or Max or any other like Cinema 4D if you have to even or Rhino or whatever mudbox yeah how to transfer these colors to UV editor uh to UV editor why should you transfer them to UV editor I don't know uh most of the time my workflow you can see it in I as I told you in my other channel in the in the playlists there uh but I do this I make uh a flat colors for all the materials that all the different materials that I will have for example if I have gold I will make it yellow in the high poly then when I make the low poly the low poly will be mostly one mesh but when I bake it in substance painter I usually bake in substance painter bake the high poly all the low poly then I will be able to grab easily each material with the separate color and make it a normal like gold or whatever the animation on the Jack Black render was insane yeah but the the Jack Black uh was insane also so itself he's Trish I guess yeah probably Chris Costa is the living legend about real human likeness most of likeness artists probably take course from him his work is admir probably yes Chris Costa and other people they are not Yan sprs also Yan sprs is very good and uh yeah Yan sprs usually don't do famous people that he he does just normal people that he knows probably uh but yeah there are many people who are doing good likeness not too many though about 10 people prob I bought your cses and I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge and fun way of teaching I love listening to you what taking your cses thank you very much brother you look fresh and pure why I don't know why I was modeling sculpting and blender for years as a hobby always s this navigation for me are unatural yeah may maybe blender is not at the edge of 3D sculpting but for me uh it has other reasons to be the best uh you know blender is not at the edge of 3D sculpting but if we if we consider all the 3D sculpting's applications out there I think blender will be second or third let's say sculpting in Nomad sculpt was not bad also but sculpting in blender is pretty similar to me sculpting in zbrush is the best hands down but it's not I mean it's like let's say 20% better than in blender in my opinion not twice or something and for the price of blender I think blender is the better software price-wise and overall it's pretty good can you do a c making modeler and rigged characters for in real no definitely no rigging is not exactly my strength I am a character artist I sculpt very well I model pretty well so I can do a whole character without any any issues but I don't rig and I don't use unreal at least for now Nico why sculpting in Z looks so smooth compared to blender even when using low resolution I don't know because it's not exactly a 3D program probably I don't know it's a 2.5d program can you curse in Hindi uh unfortunately I can't with the people blend darians find a in Bangkok yeah Nico will fent make me a better 3D artist fent I don't know what fent is but probably not a fan from tha Love the shirt oh yeah you you can see the sh I bought it from uh Bangkok yes from the big Market there one of the biggest markets in the world I think it is I don't remember the name of the market actually how it's called but the Bangkok people know it it's very nice city I mean Bangkok it's very very nice city I love it I may say I love it yes I don't like it I love it Bangkok I don't know why it's just super nice with the river and you can take a boat and sunny days and everything is fine and suddenly you see a Varan like uh a big lizard just somewhere in the city you can see a super huge lizard we call it Varan here in bulgar I don't know how it's in English exactly but it's yeah it's amazing any plan for making full Anatomy body course in blender ni you know Anatomy is anatomy uh my courses for anatomy are in zebras yes most of them I mean um female anatomy and the Superhuman Anatomy which is male anatomy they're in zbrush but they're for anatomy they're not for zbrush it doesn't matter if you uh kind of follow the course in blender or in zbrush or in Nomad sculpt or with pen and paper or in um procrastin procreate procrastinate procreate in iPad or whatever it doesn't matter it's an anatomic course so uh yeah but what if the they decide to make you pay for blender then I maybe reconsider we will see if blender starts to be paid and if it costs more than $100 for for example because now it's free $100 it's uh kind of a huge increase in price you know just amazingly huge just Infinity huge increase in price since now it's zero so from zero to 100 it's pretty huge uh I would consider going back to zbrush maybe but uh for me there is another thing also blender has a lot more people involved in so my videos and my courses are more likely to be bought bought from people who are uh you know because they're in blender if there zbrush has let's say it's about 6 to1 zbrush has uh let's say how many people know about zbrush and using zbrush and want to learn zbrush in the world uh there are like this amount of people blender people are at least six times more than that so yeah for me as a teacher and as um stand-up comedy guy although I'm sitting so a situp comedy guy sit down comedy guy I'm a sit down comedy guy uh blender is better option definitely fent is fanil fantel I don't know fanil what's doing to your body Nico in your case is it difficult for you to become a lead character artist lead artist back in in Game Loft since you are an expert in making three characters no it's not I mean uh in Game Loft uh we didn't have exactly a lead character artist or something we had a lead artist yes and I probably could be a lead artist responsible for the characters but I don't want to do that especially in Game Loft where I know the other artists the other character artists and they're at least as good as me so I don't see myself leading people people who are as good as me or better if the other artists were lowlevel like uh beginners or not as good probably I will be happy to lead them but I cannot lead people who are as good as me it's just uh useless you can get an early version of blender and staye yeah of course if blender becomes paid you can always get the earlier version which is free and use that and even now blender is good enough niik have you tried sculpting in real life not as much as I want to NCO multires or Dino Topo what's is most performant multires is not performant Dino Topo is also not good performance so none of the above I would say you're very wise businessman sometimes yes I'm 3D artist mainly Maya but now I think I have to switch blender um yeah you can I mean when you have knowledge of Maya or Max you can easily switch to blender and working blender whatever and when you apply to a studio for example and they say but we are working in Max or Maya do you know it you can say yes or you can say I can learn it for about a month which is true if you work a hard you can learn such a software like Maya or Max in a good level for modeling especially in about a month even less when you know another another 3D software like blender or the other one the other one means Maya or Max sit down comedy exactly I have a question about Nomad sculpt and following your blender cses using Nomad instead should I simplify the mesh at the beginning or what changes should I be aware of I'm not sure I use Nomad on my uh phone sometimes but I don't have a keyboard so it's super slow everything I have to click with the with the stylus which is super slow and I'm not sure exactly about the workflow of making whole characters with NAD sculpt usually I uh work with noral sculpt only for a face sculpt a quick sculpt of the face from sphere just I do that I was thinking about buying a programmable six button Mouse to improve my modeling and navigate faster do you think that is worth for you it might be worth for me I tend to work with the default everything because I work at home sometimes I work at the Academy I have to be able to work everywhere without customization too much you know does blender handle Hyo counts well enough to satisfy you for me yes the downside of blender due to con constant changes is your workflow run obsolet pretty quickly not the whole workflow just very small pieces of it but it's fine but the good side is keep improving so it's kind of a double HED SW yes brother in game Lo how was the life of an artist as a curious rookie who wants to enter into game studio uh Game Loft or any other studio is different nowadays it's not a good environment in Gameloft or most other Studios that I've heard of they're not a very good environment to work in they're a little bit hostile environment because uh people are laid off and you are constantly afraid for a job if you're going to stay or they're going to let you go that's why nowadays it's not completely fine but back in the days I was super happy for about I was 15 years in game Lo so 15 years I was happy for at least 13 of those years the last two years was a little bit like off but it's fine hello from Libya hello Libya how about do niiko D Studio I haven't opened it I know that there are ready models that you can dress and uh pose and whatever I don't know maybe uh if you are a concept artist a 2d concept artist you can use D studio for uh something to draw over a solid background to work on but as a 3D artist I don't think it's uh usable but I feel being Maya generalist from 2019 switching blender I have to invest a lot time to some level as my the same level as my yes you have to invest at least for my in my opinion 150 hours 150 hours usually should be enough for a guy who knows another 3D software to learn another 3D software 150 hours this is my opinion I don't know if someone asked you this before but I noticed on the left on the last stream you're setting up you sculpt with small work area on tablet why is that uh because I'm used to doing that you know and also usually what I do is I have two monitors I have three monitors actually but I use two of them for work and uh since two monitors is very wide area I match the area on my uh on my tablet so I use just the middle of the tablet there are strips on the bottom and the top which stays empty I don't use them Nico how much you can improve in your skills I can improve uh as much as I'm willing to put the time to improve as everybody hio is there any technique to prevent unwanted parts from blending together when using remesh like fingers together or arms with the body thank you uh in blender I don't know probably but usually what I do is I will just separate them then remesh and then if I have to I will combine them back together uh this will be the the thing but if for example we have the fingers like this now I don't think there is a way to prevent them to merge together when rematch them just the fingers even without the arm on the top they will probably merge together at the base which is fine the other Techni te could be to shrink them so they have more distance between them then remesh and then inflate them back together it's yeah I have a multi-button mouse is it worth if you have a lot of hard surface modeling it's worth ah okay have you ever worked for big companies like blizzard or Ubisoft no here in India new startup uh blender is kind of a big company but I haven't worked for the biggest companies here in India new startup using blender because it's free while Maya is paid and in India cost huge yeah exactly not only in India every startup right now uh people who are the future of gaming actually because nowadays startups in 10 years some of them some lucky of them they will be the next blizzards or Ubisoft or whatever they're using blender because it's super capable it's as capable as Max and Maya and it is free the biggest Studios still use Maya or Max because they have a lot of plugins customized plugins for um in-house plugins they uh rol those plugins during the years and they're working with them a lot so they cannot just leave the max or Maya and turn to to blender also there is another thing it's difficult for the whole studio to go to Blender at once there will be some people who will go faster they will learn it faster and they will start using it faster but then you will bump into something else when you have h a model which is rigged in blender for example and you have to export it to Maya with the rig it could have a lot of issues also the same is from uh with Max and with Maya it's difficult so that's why people uh still biggest companies are still using uh the paid softwares for them the money for that software is not that big I mean uh $3,000 for Max for example uh for one year if they have to buy it each year it's nothing compared to the salaries of the people in the Western countries for example one salary of uh good 3D artist can be more than five 6,000 Euro or dollars uh and for the company since there are other costs for the company they will pay even more and the guy will receive less than that but they will pay even more so cost of Max or Maya for companies is not that big that big part of their overall costs that's why they're keeping it but for a small company it's amazing that they can use blender and they are using it they're using blender more and more ref shift or octane I don't know I don't use those render engines is it better to join a startup gaming company or established company which one is better to improve our Crafton skills so uh usually it will be better to join established company because there you will find professionalists who are who has years of experience and many people that have years of experience and whatever you have whatever problem you have uh maybe there will be something someone to help you but in a small company usually a small startup company you will find uh people who are willing to work a lot who are uh passionate about the business and you will grow with them you will help each other and you will share knowledge so both have benefits and smaller team usually is better in my opinion it will be more Compact and more team build probably is apologizing this model hard it depends if you put all the details and everything it will be not a very uh Pleasant job apologizing this model Nico I created a base mesh I'm struggling to create the outfit for the character in Marvel's designer do you think I should Master Marvel's designer or sculp the clothes in it depends I prefer to scope the clo clothes in because I usually work on stylized models if you want to have a very very nice and amazing folds Marvelous Designer is the way to go Nico why do you think it's your best sculpture I don't know maybe the orc cyborg I don't know we toate we need to donates funds more to blender probably yeah I want to see transfer this character to game engine uh in this phase of the character you probably will not be able to do it it has to be retopologized it has to be a lot of work that's needs to be put for this character Nico is it possible that I can work for a company from another country uh yes uh remote jobs after the co are more and more often but in order to land a remote job you have to be very good I mean just uh they have to see okay this guy is so good that we will let him work remote that's it by the way blender is faster in lunux Linux really that's interesting what do you think about zbrush on iPad I think they are just trying to uh to make more money from the people but this is my opinion have tried blender 2012 once while I'm learning Cinema 4D but now according to my friends friends blender is better than Maya especially Maya xgen hair no update from last 10 years yeah but xgen uh I what I've heard is one of the best softwares for hair which is fine I mean the plugins or whatever it's called in Maya uh blender is good for hairs it's fine it can do pretty nice hairs also I don't do hairs in blender though I don't hairs at all I do only stylist here so uh what do I know niik what's your approach to highly complex and details ornament designs in armor yeah the sometimes in zush for example you can do them with Alphas in blender I guess you can do them with Alphas but then you have to put a lot of um a lot of polygons in order for the alpha to work well so in blender I would restrain of doing that I would probably try to scope them and if there are too much detail I will sculpt them most likely uh by hand but there are different approaches you know it depends what year do you understand the flow of your work what will I do how will I do and Etc I don't understand the question where you check our station portfolios again maybe next days couple I mean this week we should do our Station reviews again Nico if your 16 years old self saw you right now what would be the first thing he'll say he I don't know he will say oh this guy is doing very cool because when I was 16 I didn't know that 3D exists you know I was 16 it was 200 and no uh 1997 when I was 16 I didn't know internet I didn't know 3D games yes I know games uh Mario and stuff like this I played but no 3D games a Mortal Kombat I've played I think yeah but no 3D games so I quite uh yeah I don't know why did you left your job at companies they left me I didn't left them I left them a little bit but they left me a lot for better results prefer to use a blender or zbrush uh for better results use your skill it doesn't matter software that much so bye for now guys and see you next time which will be these days maybe tomorrow maybe the day after tomorrow
Channel: Speedchar live
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Id: 0qzG0Rq3kgc
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Length: 98min 1sec (5881 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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