Best Blender Addons Released in 2024 So Far

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if you are a blender user then I think right now is the best time to be alive because blender independent third party developers are coming up with amazing add-ons every day so in today's video I'll try to bring together every successful blender add-on that was released in 2024 so far in the last 5 to 6 months so if you missed one of the new blender Anam videos then this is the recap that you will need but only with the add-ons that stood the test of time during these last few months so please watch till the end because it's going to be very worth it but before we continue I want to let you guys know that the blender Market is having right now a huge sale where you can save 25% or more on over 11,000 blender anal courses models you name it and by the way if you don't know where to start you will find a list in the description of this video with the best anons in all categories so without further Ado let's jump right into it we're going to start with Trace genius which is a tool specifically designed to help you trace through images and extract sweet and juicy 3D meshes out of them from what I can see this anal can be handy for designers or anyone working on Logo modeling or animations in addition to maybe concept art and even 3D printing what makes this addon interesting is that it doesn't just offer you the option to convert 2D images into 3D shapes but it takes it to another level by offering you a number of features to fine-tune your effect for instance you can easily add outlines of your selected shapes as well as ability to invert your image selection which introduce extra possibilities for you to play around with another notable feature that enhances this tool is its ability to refine extracted shapes using color and brightness threshold also it comes with a tool that lets you separate individual parts of your 3D model after the mesh was generated but this is not everything because stray genius lets to extrude and bevel your extracted shapes for a fully automated process and we can't forget that it uses an advanced algorithm to clean up your nasty geometry which can be useful and maybe in the future this tool is going to be even better with future updates next up we have Mountain Scapes which is a blender add-on that contains a large set of ready to use assets for various landscape elements varying from snow covered mountains rocks Cliffs to Tropical Mountains from what I can see it offers two different types of assets highdefinition assets and low poly ones and just like their name suggests HD assets offer an intensive amount of details utilizing 8K PBR textures which brings a lot of depth and detail to your renters even when zoom in for close-up shots and of course with a lot of details you're going to expect a sacrifice when it comes to Performance so this is something to keep in mind on the other hand we have low poy models which offer less quality but runs significantly faster than the HD assets especially if you have an average machine you're going to see the difference it is also worth mentioning that there is an additional feature for low poly assets and it is the micro displacement mode which generates a height map that will help you bring extra details onto your optimized low poly models and this can be a really handy solution for you if you have a slower machine or if you're looking to bring extra details to low poly optimized models next up we're going to talk about an interesting add-on called fluid lab for making fluid simulations and it is made and developed by the same developers of the famous RBD lab add-on fluid lab is a new blender add-on that was designed for making simulations of fluids but is it really good well from what I can see it can make viscous substances slimes and everything else in between and the best part is that it works in real time and it doesn't require you to go through the whole process of setting up the domain and baking simulations what's even better is that this add-on enables interactions between different emitters with varying densities viscosities and behaviors which I think opens the door for many possibilities and just keep keep in mind that this add-on excels with small to medium scale fluids and provides presets for customizable shaders and seamless olymic export options which can be used for in different cases and the chair on top is that the add-on works well with the RBD lab add-on which is probably the best when it comes to destruction effects and rigid body simulations and I highly recommend this add-on because you probably should check it out this allows you to mix between the two in interesting ways for example Le you can make a glass of water break and every piece will interact with the fluids which is kind of interesting and make things look more realistic moving on to the next add-on which is simply called simply fast from the developer of Simply cloth from what I can see this item provides a collection of shortcuts and tools specifically designed for mesh editing and rigging tasks so it works by grouping all these features and one compact interface making the entire process easy and accessible in addition there is a pop-up panel that appears near the mouse cursor when you press F1 or Mouse 5 and if you don't know what mouse 5 is it is those buttons you can find on the left side of your mouse which are called Mouse 4 and mouse 5 this was just a side note for those old school Mouse users who don't use mouses with buttons on the side or on the left just saying so this offers quick access to some functionalities that can be something that interests you and what I think is interesting about this add-on is that the interface adapts based on the type of object that you're working with and it's current editing mode which I think ensures that you have the right tools at your fingertips for meshes Armature lights and cameras and different things depending on the most tools that you're working with now let me give you an idea of the shortcuts and menus that you will get access to when using this add-on firstly for the object mode you get the object properties tab containing shortcuts for shading smooth and flat material properties and object transform operations also the fast tools menu offers options for mirroring objects fast rotation hardening objects and more furthermore the object tools let you apply and remove modifiers remove materials from selecting objects nuke materials and much more and for the added mode you can set bevel w select bubbled edges subdivide and UNS subdivide Shear Bridge shrink flatten and more so now that you have an idea of how it works you will find similar shortcuts and menus available for armatures light and cameras which will significantly boost your productivity by basically eliminating the need to search for each command or tool individually the next add-on I wish I had known about it before it is a a great Anon that can save you a ton of time when adjusting skin weight and transferring weight from one mesh to another when ring a model inside the blender in a short period of time this little guy can easily attach and detach any object to your character and it can even attach and detach multiple objects at the same time weight painting isn't really a simple task and this addon can help you achieve results that might need hours to manually do yourself and on top of that it is free so you have no reason not to use it especially if you use blender for rain you can think of it as an automatic weight painting tool in blender but it is much better and much versatile I'm not character animator myself but I'm pretty sure that this going to be usful for animators game developers and even VFX artists and talking about game developers and VFX artists the next one is really interesting Sprite particles allows you to create a long list of sprite based visual effects and this technique has been and it is still being used till this day in the game development industry so leveraging the power of geometry nodes from what I can see this add-on allows you to create all sorts of partical effects like splashes bonfires smoke and steam in addition to many many other things the benefit of using this approach is that it is not resource intensive if you trying to achieve the same result with traditional simulation let would take a lot of time and even more horsepower however the Sprite approach can achieve a major results in a fraction of the time the feedback is basically in real time and you can just and tweak effects instantly which is just impressive now back to rigain again rigui Pro is aey add-on one rigain with a ton of features that can help you organize bone Collections and their versatility in a very r and easy matter but this is not everything the Anon allows you to control bookmarks special actions custom properties Armature extras and even specific panels for different popular armatures like Auto rig Pro and rigify add-ons as you know sometimes when rain actually more often than not you feel like your character or Whatever Gets clattered with all the controllers layered on top of each other and sometimes you just want to isolate only the ones that you are working on especially when using rigify or mix some eggs the iron is great at keeping track of all the joint bones creating bookmark presets and even controlling bone properties in somewhat a simple fashion and I'm sure this is going to be great for animators and game developers out there next up we have easy patch which is a handy tool for blender that simplifies the process of creating and patching topology meshes so instead of a fully automatic topology generation tool it allows you to drw patches with control over the edge flow direction and you have the ability to create patches with three to six boundaries and here is what the add-on offers you control the boundary patch by simply dragging the mouse making it easy to define the shape of your Mash batch and from what I can see you can customize the pattern of your topology by changing the rotation to better suit your personal preferences you can also adjust the pole position within your Mash but please keep your poles away from the areas that require to be bent when animated because it can cause some issues another nice feature that comes with this add-on is the ability to switch between different patterns for example the zero pattern is recommended for clean topology making it a good choice by default and if you don't want to worry about tweaking the settings or finding the right pattern you can just use the guide mode it works by suggesting a solution based on your input and providing modification suggestions for an improved workflow when retopologizing generally speaking this tool can be useful for those who want to have control over their Imes topology and the direction of edge flow while maintaining Simplicity and easy use in your blender projects we have zenock which is a blender add-on that is all about enhance your blender workspace by adding a familiar window control bar to every area within the software and it brings a lot to the table for example from what I can see with toggle buttons you can quickly switch between viewport areas or you can open them in separate Windows providing a smooth and intuitive navigation experience you can also easily restore minimized areas in the viewport using the minimized buttons which can ensure that space settings such as tools in the N panel visibility are always preserved it Additionally you can get control over the area of visibility which can be done using system buttons offering options to minimize maximize and close areas with ease which I think can be really helpful especially if your user interface is cluttered and I think the addition of an expand and collapse bar makes this ano really flexible allowing you to customize and adjust your workspace according to your preferences which will definitely boost your productivity when working on your projects we have physics Placer and this add-on is all about dynamically placing your object in blender using physics this can be useful for many General use cases like putting multiple objects or fruits into a basket or placing objects on top of one another and unlike the regular physics simulation where you have to manually add physics adjust settings and go over this process over and over again till you have a good result using physics Placer Works in real time and it is super easy to use and set up firstly you just need to set the Collision object which is a pivotal point that defines the Dynamics of your scene then all you have to do is select the objects that you want to manipulate and what it does is it sort of brings all your object to the center of the mouse almost as if you have a magnet then you can simply click Q to start dynamically moving or even throwing your object if that's what you're going for and that's it now if you're interested in animation and specifically stop motion then you can take a look at step motion which is a userfriendly blender addon for crafting stop motion style animations with ease and comfort at least this is what it seems like so the anal simplifies the frame by frame animation process which is used in traditional stop motion animations by allowing frame manipulation using hot Keys making editin a smoother experience from what I can see the ano comes with a couple of features worth mentioning for instance the handy Oni skinny feature that keeps your active frame visible while feeding old frames to red and future frames to Blue which offers a visual guide to your animation progress another interesting feature is the realtime animation preview facilitated by the step motion preview geometry note setup which enables you to witness your animation in real time eliminating the need to wait for the final result which I think is really useful step motion actually goes beyond individual frames by supporting the creation of entire scenes for example the instance setup let you duplicate frames without heavily impacting your computer making the construction of complex scenes with varied animations kind of easy the addon also includes an animated clay like substance to frames which is generated procedurally each time you open the add-on moreover it collaborates seamlessly with warpy step enhancing your animations with a kind of authentic clay motion feel next up we have a very interesting add-on that is all about helping you create asset libraries if you ever try to manually create an asset library in blender then you know how time consuming it can be especially rendering thumbnails for each asset well using the asset Library Builder add-on you won't have to worry about that because the process is tedious and repetitive so let me tell you what this add-on offers one big feature that this add-on comes with is the ability to automatically render thumbnails for multiple assets at once on top of that this addon comes with a couple of presets for custom lighting setups that you can choose from to Showcase your assets in a good lighting condition and the developer Prim es to add more and more presets in the future another handy tool that you might want to use is the camera angle preset and what this does is that it gives you the ability to select from Custom camera angles if you want to showcase your assets especially if you want to do that from different angles like from the side the bottom or the top this addon also comes with a couple of additional features like a tool to automatically set your origin to the bottom of your model within a single click as well as a tool to batch rename your assets which is really cool to have with this add-on now let's go to rendering news with the render roll add-on which makes rendering vibrant colors in blender a lot easier for you to achieve and it works by using blender secret weapon for colors which is no other than the r view transform that is often overlooked but it ensures that your colors look crispy and vibrant on any type of screen so you no longer have to put up with the complex process of color adjustment because the add-on simplifies the entire process by eliminating the need for confusing note setups and endless adjustments and it works by using sliders that give you control over your colors adjusting exposure gamma and contrast in addition to sliders for fine tuning the white highlights shadows and black levels also details can be brought on out of the values using sharpening texture and Clarity controls which pack everything you could ask for also this add-on comes with some additional features like the ability to add various postprocessing effects like lens Distortion and film grain for that extra Touch of realism which is a nice feature to have we have alt tab easy fog 2 which is a quick solution for anyone trying to achieve those realistic volumetric renders including clouds smoke or any sort of foggy effect this addon comes with lots of features and it offers over a 100 static VDB volumes containing clouds explosions abstract volumes ground fog shock waves guide rays and the list goes on it also comes with 50 procedural volume materials which can be animated manually but if you're lazy and don't want to do that then you can use pre-animated pre-ad that are comparti avoid the blender asset browser which is pretty handy additionally these presets are fully customizable enabling you to easily adjust density color texture mapping and noise texture all of which are neatly organized through a simple UI containing sliders and values that are straight to the point it is also worth noting that the add-on supports only Cycles renter engine so you need to keep an eye on your computer's performance especially when working on bigger scenes or if you have a slower machine quick physics is a userfriendly blender addon designed to simplify and reduce the workflow when it comes to creating simulations and the way I see it this Anon will enable you to easily add realistic physics simulations to your blender projects in a short period of time and just like Mountain Scapes by B production this Anon is also from a trusted developer so M&D created this add-on to allow you to easily add realistic physics simulations in case for example you want to create puff Parts in objects like hard surface models and by using the cloth panel simulation feature you can add realistic details to your models without the need for manual adjustments which I think can save you a lot of time quick physics also alls to generate cloth dropping simulations quickly so whether you are animating a falling tablecloth or creating a pile of fabrics I think this can be pretty straightforward unlike the native methods of blender also this add-on offers a rigid body stimulation feature which helps distribute objects naturally and it works for many use cases like scattering rocks on a Terrain or filling a container with objects so generally speaking this tool can save you a lot of time and effort in addition it automatically pins the end points of Curves making it simple to simulate Dynamic curves such as ropes or c cables which completely takes away the repetitive manual adjustment so just select the curve and let the addon handle the rest next up is bagag Grove which is a je pack created in partnership with ever motion what this addon does is that it adds a Twist to the traditional scaring techniques when working with ever motion assets and from what I can see bega Grove allows you to easily select where you want your access to be placed by simp L drawing a curve and it will take of everything so you don't have to manually position your assets one by one just like the other scattering add-ons so it works by taking the curve you create and automatically arranging your assets according to it by placing small assets on the grow border while the larger ones stay in the middle which helps to produce a realistic result the best part which I thought is not going to be the case you are not just bound to using a motion assets since you can use any asset of your choice also it offers some settings to further customize your growth for example layer border distance and smoothness in addition to density distance as well as a random seat value which is cool to play around with furthermore the item comes with three volumes containing preets for scattering Garden Urban and wild assets containing lots of models on a side note these assets are fully compatible with the free bapy scattering system which adds additional value to this add-on so you don't have nothing to lose now we're going to jump to something different because we're going to talk about topology this blender add-on called final topology can fill important gaps in polygonal modeling tools because it can offer two different versions one for 3D artist and one for cat professionals and this is interesting so from first sight we can see that the add-on is packed with features for M engine topology and we will cover the most important ones first inverse subdivision snapping which is all about precise mes adjustments and seamlessly transitioning into live mode for real time modeling secondly users can now with ease control neighboring levels and iteration settings which can ensure accuracy during edits in addition the single step operator simplify complex tasks with customizable inter smoothly transitioning into UNS subdivide which restores original low resolution meses from the subdivided one which I think can be useful moreover shape freeze enables topology changes without altering model shapes and in the advanced version constraints are introduced for sophisticated modeling tasks which are complemented by additional settings for customization which some people might need on a side note this addon was mentioned in blender Conference of 2023 illustrating its practical applications talking about practicality the next add-on is all about optimizing your workflow while navigating through the complex blender interface by adding handy and compact P menus so what makes this add on so good is that it doesn't just offer P menus but Smart Ones that display according to your section and the mode you're currently in for example you know longer need to go to the edit mode and select the components you want to use but you can just summon the P menu by pressing the tab and selecting whatever mode you want to go in another example is when you are inside the edit mode you got the P menu containing features related to edit mode like disolve edges delete vertices selection tools and so much more another handy P menu that I wish blender had by default is the brush menu which lets you select any type of brush that you want and it doesn't stop there since you can even summon a dedicated menu to tweak the settings of your selected brush which I find really useful what's even better you don't just have to work with the sculpt mode but with other modes as well just like one working with the grease pencil curves and so many other modes next up we have a very interesting anal called ink tool which is all about creating ink paintings effects inside blender using the add-on is like having having a cheat code because it comes with loads of tools to help you get that painting effect and the good thing it is done procedurally using the power of geometry nodes so you can easily create ink breast Strokes by making curves and adjusting their parameters to find tune the effect and it also comes with a feature to achieve that ink Edge effect that can be found in traditional ink paintings but it doesn't stop there since you can add a special ink texture that is fully procedural so you can customize it to get your desired look and if this is not enough you are even able to go into weight painting mode and manually draw onto the model also this an comes with a couple of ink assets for adding stuff like leaves and branches and finally it comes with procedural generators for adding animated branches the next add-on is going to be easy envelope the add-on can help you with weight painting inside blender for starters I think it can be an alternative to the automatic weight painting algorithms so envelope weight binding defines a cylinder shaped envelope range for each bone which is ideal for complex meshes like multi-layer clothing with this add-on you're not just binding bones but you're sculpting white envelopes with Precision by customizing the range of each Bone's influence on one visualizing the changes in real time which is interesting but this is not everything the easy envelope add-on is packed with some handy tools and key features that that I need to tell you about for instance you can find tun we distribution with gradient curve adjustments which I think can help with smooth transitions between bones also it offers different algorithms that are available for different mesh types which can provide you with good results for different scenarios and use cases another set of tools that I need to tell you about can be found and used in the edit mode and these tools enable easy selection and management of vertices with deform weights finally you can select the deform bone of chosen vertices really fast and also save meses as envelope files for future use allowing for easy reuse of settings and configurations now we're going to jump to something different what this Anon does is that it defines the old ways of adding decals to your objects and from what I can see the goal of this addon is that you can add as many decals as you want like by using any custom images of your choose us all inside of the Shader editor so you won't have to add any extra objects and the way it works is that it gives you an empty controller to fully control the location rotation and scale of your decal and what I found so useful about this add-on is that you can layer different decals on top of another in addition to being able to change the order of your decals by changing the order of your notes in addition it comes with a special tool for making Alpha cutouts that can be directly seen on your object and this means that you can use now different images as bullings as you won't even have to worry about adding geometry or having to fix it in the first place let's go now to lighting with the goo plus add-on which is a collection of multiple gobo lighting presets or assets that you can freely use to make renders and latest setups more interesting in the way that would say is more efficient what I think makes this add-on worth getting is that it comes with a couple of procedural go balls which are fully customizable and some of them even are animated this ano comes with over 53 presets which gives you many effects to choose from like cool laser grid water cos stics lighting arrays and grids patterns rink shapes and of course we can't forget the animated leaves windows and blinds what I personally really enjoy about this add-on is the possibility to mix between different animated Goos by diving into the Shader editor and making your own presets using a couple of mix nodes now let's take a look at the handdrawn line generator which is a neat tool for those of you who are looking to add that cartoonish or stylized line art especially when it comes to your renders and what I like about the add-on is that it doesn't require you to change the way you approach your scene since the entire effect is done in the composition and the anal comes with three different modes offering different effects that you can even customize by adjusting settings which gives you control over the light thickness size and color and you can take it to the next step by automatically making edges and areas to be affected by the handrawn generator which is a useful feature that you might want to play around with in my opinion this Anon is a really nice solution for many use cases and can be used for animations and even for visualizing architectural elements like floor plans now with something completely different we have age defs which is an anal that is all about adding AG effects or aging effects onto your textures by using Shader nodes to add those War imperfections that you can see all around you in the real world what I think is useful about this addons is that it makes adding effects like dirt and dust a simple process and you're not sacrificing any performance when doing so because it is all procedural and when it comes to these agent effects you can use nodes for Edge wear adding scratches and a dynamic dust on top of the object and so much more but it doesn't stop there since it introduces the ability to add cobwebs hanging around your objects which is just interesting in addition it let you add volumetric fog for that atmospheric look plus a dedicated tool for adding flying animated dust particles which are of course customizable and just like its name suggests this tool is all about generating patterns by transforming any texture into cool looking patterns so in a nutshell pattern designer is a geometry node generator that you can use in your blender projects to get original organic patterns into to your scene which can work especially well as displacements for your environmental elements and you could also use it for making cool animated UI elements or you can stick to its basic usage and apply to your floors or walls because at the end of the day it is really up to you I should also inform you that this generator offers loads of possibilities by introducing a couple of Sliders to precisely and neatly manage your patterns I'm talking about things like tilting count the option for honeycomb and triangle profiles radial and linear arrays just to name a few options that you can play around with using pattern designer is straightforward you can impend the node group into your scene or use the provided stin alone blender scene for Focus design work it also offers two main warp deformations circular kaleidoscopic and Quarry each with various sub deformations to experiment with and what I think the best feature of this add-on is the fact that it offers the option to add animations with the auto animation driver no Group which produces amazing results moving on from complex Panner generation to a much simpler add-on that brings the old Auto smooth feature if you find the recent changes to the blender 4.1 Autos Smo feature frustrating well you're not alone the developer of this add-on was was also disappointed by the new system so he decided to take matters into his own hands and this Anon brings back the functionality of the previous blender version providing a familiar interface which ensures the auto smooth modifier stays where it should be I must also mention though that it is still in the experimentation stage so you might want to take everything with a grain of salt nevertheless the developer was excited to share his add-on and he doesn't expect that it won't face any problems so if you face any issues you may want to contact him to solve some problems and if everything works as it should be then good for you let's move on to the next add-on which is about enhancing the realism of your scenes by adding aging effects to your materials so in a nutshell it allows you to add various types of agent effects to your objects which can be great in a lot of use cases for example if you don't know how to use material nodes or software such as substance painter or in case you don't want to spend a lot of time doing repetitive tasks so this can be a quick and effective solution to save time you can actually add different effects like dust dirt Edge wear grunge smear scratches rust and more but it doesn't end there you can get a lot of customizability like we have in other add-ons by giving you control over things like aging capacity location scale and more next up we have a very interesting anal called simply Stitch and the good news is that it is from the developer of Simply cloth simply wrap and simply micromesh which are specifically designed for cloth related tasks and I think simply Stitch is self-explanatory but in a nutshell the addon is specifically designed for making all sorts of stitches that you can apply to your cloth objects and you can do so by following a couple of different ways and methods using a variety of tools and presets at your disposal and what I like about the add-on is that making stitches is as simple as it gets because it provides you with ability to make stitches just by drawing them using custom curves and lines or even using custom presets that are included with the pro version and by saying all of this I'm just scratching the surface because the add-on let's let you fully customize the stitching effects like profile scale distance thickness depth offset and so much more and if this is not enough you're always free to use your custom stitches or the various types of stitches that come with the asset Library which is dependent on the version of the add-on you decided to get now let's move on from stitching cloth to something completely different but equally if not more useful and this is with the node effects add-on which is honestly a dream come true to many blender artists myself included because this add-on is all about bringing complex customizable procedural shaders that you can apply to your models and get an incredible looking render and what makes this add-on Stand Out is that it provides over 35 commonly used procedural shaders including various effects like gold Moss lava gemstone rusted metal Holograms and much more from what I can see it provides you with a quick and intuitive UI allowing you to just select the effects and add it on top of your material and you could also access a couple of adjustable parameters within the anal interface for settings such as strength detail emission scale seed in addition to others but if you're not satisfied with that level of customization I highly recommend that you dive into the Shader iterature where you will get access to the whole package to fine tune and adjust your nodes using caption scale roughness and other stuff besides you can always layer multiple effects using the asset library to connect your nodes in different ways and get creative about it now back to modeling and still with cloth modeling we have a new addon called retopo planes which is all about retopologizing your clothes and garments in a nutshell Ropo Plains is a new blender G generator powered by geometry nodes and enables you to quickly retopologize your messy garments and clothes which I think is going to be useful in many different use cases for example this generator can be useful with exported meshes from software such as marless designer or other 3D cloth design software and we all know that the meshes that come out of these programs can be very dense and sometimes not very friendly when it comes to topology so this tool can work by utilizing the UV islands of your mesh to Simply separate the garments into flat individual pieces corresponding to the UV Island that you essentially created in your cloth software now after doing so you will be able to access the main features of this tool and it works by manually selecting the edge of each cloth piece using the main functionality of this tool that detects and produces the outline of your garments and after doing so for the all separate Islands you can go to the geometry node modifier tab to fully customize and F tune the topology of your place and when I say you can customize your topology I really mean it because you're going to have full control over density snapping distance scale seams Mar distance and smooth lowo level in addition you can automatically adjust the density by using the crease or sharp density control so up next we're going to talk about a special add-on for scene optimization which is simply called scene optimization it is an anal that includes a bunch of useful tools and features to help you better manage and optimize your scene and one of the best features of the add-on is ability to hide objects that are not visible in the camera viewport which can also work for animations and I think this can be really useful for both viewport and rendering performance and the interesting thing about the add-on is that you can also cancel out the effect at any time without having to worry about messing with the key frames of your objects another feature is the ability to delete certain parts of your MCH that are visible in the camera viewport which works by using the back face calling and it is especially effective for high poly models but don't worry you can always revert back to your object by canceling the effect also using this add-on you can decimate the objects that are further away from the camera as well as the ability to detect the poly count of every asset in your project object and assigning a certain color to separate the object depending on how many polygons they have for example red being the highest count now back again to cloth creation we have a new add-on called Divine cut which is an add-on that is all about quickly creating clothing elements like pants and t-shirts for any type of character you just have to select your character and then manually move each selected verticy where it belongs like the chain neck shoulder elbow and everything else now you can just select which type of clothing to generate and simply hit the generator button and what it does is that it creates a couple of adjustable Loop cuts that you need to scale and move according to the proportions of your character the interesting thing is that it gives you a lot of painting tools which allow you to control the fit of your cloth when it comes to its design and movement for instance using the pin feature you can anchor specific areas like like cuffs or waistlines which will prevent unwanted movement during simulations then there is bloat which allows you to adjust the size of different parts in addition there is the smooth tool which helps you iron out any rough spots after applying the shrink bra modifier there's also a pressure tool that allows you to maintain structure in selected areas just so your cloth object doesn't flop around when it comes to design feature Divine cut offers convenient options like bind which can I think securely attaches the cloth of your character also it automatically binds objects like buttons and Zips to the cloth in addition to many other features moving on to the next add-on that is all about generating photo realistic skin shaders that can be applied to your characters to be honest creating human skin is a hard task but this add-on claims to make it easier so let's see what it offers humany makes it possible for users to directly apply photo realistic and procedural skin shaders but not only that it helps to do it within a short period of time the secret is the skin Shader which can be applied to any mesh or model for your character the interesting thing is that it was built specifically on Das 3D which means that it works extremely well for meshes generated using that software and from what I can see to use humany all you have to do is select your character and depending on what specific part you want to texture select specific material for example the Hat now in the add-on's interface you can specify which body part you want to use and by accessing the different presets that come with the addon you'll be able to select the ethnicity of your character as well as the display mode like grayscale Punchy medium high contrast and others and you could always dive deeper into the customization settings within the graph Editor to find two your skin accordingly now from human skin shaders let's move on to the next add-on which is all about adding imperfections to your materials with the add-on called imperfect it this one is going to be a handy add-on that is targeted towards those looking to make photo realistic renders and you can do this by using procedural nodes to achieve different and various effects the iton comes with a preset of nodes that can be easily and quickly applied to your model which I think can help you enhance realism it includes noes for asphalt wood dust smear scratches sand rocks droplets in addition to others and what I personally enjoy about this add-on is that you can easily layer different effects on top of each other but you can also tweak the layer settings within the anon's interface which gives you control over parameters like scale strength and Gamma and of course you could always get your hands dirty and dive into the Shader erator for more contr control and freedom over how you want to connect and use the nodes to achieve different effects I should also mention that at any time when you feel like you want to clear the nodes you can do that and start over and you can do this by using the clear all function which does just that now let's cover an add-on that does something different with Sketch and trace this developer also has add-ons like sketch and carve sketch and cage and grease pencil for mesh just to name a few to to sum it up sketch and Trace is an add-on that is all about generating 3D meshes from any custom image of your choosing which is very interesting it should be also noted that this tool works really well with black and white images so you might want to keep that in mind from what I can see the add-on is straightforward so after importing your image you can directly start experimenting with different tools and settings for instance you can adjust the resolution and the X and Y offset to cover certain parts of your map and you could also invert your image selection in addition you can even add bevels to those extra smooth edges and this add-on enables you to generate cool outlines and control their thickness and resolution as well as the ability to control the color of your mash and the type of the shading the next add-on is going to be all about organizing your nodes node organizer I think is pretty self-explanatory simply put it allows you to easily arrange and organize your me note setups making your note setups more readable and easier to work with the addon works for anything that is note-based meaning it works for the Shader graph compositor and even geometry nodes it might seem that this add-on offer something very simple but trust me if you ever try to make a complicated note setup then you know that keeping everything nice and clean can be challenging too and it might cause some confusion and waste your time especially when you try to figure it out on your own that's why I recommend you take a look at this add-on because it can be really useful next up we're going to talk about an interesting Anon called mix damage which enables you to mix and layer different types of damage effects directly onto your MH the interesting thing is that this addon directly affects your geometry enabling you to damage the outer surface in addition to the ability to add various types of internal damage for example in the shape of cracks or spheres in Edition it comes with 24 procedural distraction nodes that can be mixed and layered on top of each other but it doesn't stop there because after generating internal damage you can access a different feature that allows you to add extra details like gravel noise and steel damage helping you achieve more realism but it also comes with other features that you can take a look at for yourself next we're going to be talking about rain and Bone placement with add-on called lazy bones lazy bones can be a timesaver for generating and placing bones for your character rigs because it has a very interesting and effective method of doing so which we'll be talking about so the very first thing that this addon uses or what it does is to simulate the skeleton of your mesh this means that it makes the mesh shrink into itself only preserving the very base of your skeleton and you can specify when to stop the simulation by pausing it at any given time to apply it and you might be worried because things won't look like much at the moment that's why you have to trust the process the next thing that you need to do is to clean up the skeleton by using the tools that allow you to decimate mirror remove small edges and resample your skeleton to make it look like something that you can use in the next step now you're ready to use the main function of this add-on which is the edge to Bone feature it allows you to convert your edges to bones and control their density by using the dism value last but not least you can use the bone doctor tools to fine-tune the Bone alignment by using different tools to complete the process and making any manual adjustments so that you can make your rig look perfect also a very important step in any workflow is materials and the next add-on called Auto material is about that simply put it will help you with the process of adding and applying your texture map into your materials this process can sometimes be timec consuming because you have to add each image adjust a color space add different nodes and manually plug everything together well with this Auto material add-on you don't have to worry about that anymore all you got to do is select your object and click on import textures Now navigate to the folder where you stored your textures select them and you can change the settings to fit the needs of your projects whether you are using UVS generated camera or other options also you get to choose to invert your normal map and what's even better is that you can even specify which Shad or type that you want to use like principle bsdf or even something like GL bsdf which is a great thing the addon also enables you to quickly apply specific materials to selected objects as well as pin and used materials to clean up your blender project the next add-on is all about doing R topology ply mating is a really interesting add-on because it brings something new to the table by using a modifier that already exists in blender which is the shrink wrap modifier so the way the add works is that it requires you to create some sort of cage to contain your model then subdivide it and just like that you're ready to start poly mating after you initiate your poly mating function it might not look like much especially right off the bat but don't worry all you have to do is use the sculpting brushes to refine and smooth your to techology without having to worry about the edge flow of your mesh since everything gets taken care of automatically the next add-on is all about cars the mega fit Pro is new but surprisingly has one of the largest vehicle libraries for blender featuring over a 100 fully rid cars and vehicles that are fully integrated with the asset library and on top of that they are fully customizable this one is similar to add-ons like trans transportation and traffic library of course with this Library you will have high quality cars that have proper and clean topology in addition to the ability to customize your car paint color and you comp posee them using your accurate rig and get them ready to be rendered or animated in your projects I have already mentioned that this anal brings a lot of cars to the table and they even come in various styles for example you got classic sport cars classic cars convertibles SUVs electrical cars estate wagons exotic cars and luxury cars in addition to pickups public transportation Vehicles small family cars as well as a couple of two- wheelers in the form of motorbikes and so much more cards are cool in everything but now let's move to the next add-on which covers something different Auto constraints is a new blender add-on that can enhance your workflow by automating access constraints applications meaning you no longer need to manually use shortcuts or switch to the orthographic view since everything is taken care of automatically and what makes this add-on shine is how easy it is to implement it with just one click and you can get all the benefits that this add-on offers also this addon has an effect on many tools for your modeling workflow for example move tweak rotate scale duplicate and extrude and what's even better these tools work across different modes like object mode edit mode curve edit and more now if you want to measure everything in your scene and create accurate 3D models you can take a look at GE measure and just like its name suggests this add-on is all about getting precise measurements of your 3D models right inside the blender's viewport for instance this Anon has a good deal of customizability giving you the option to switch units from centimet inches feet and so on and you can also change size fine tune offsets and add vibrancy by adding a Dynamic Color axis for y x and z Dimensions also this add-on is really interactive since it works in real time making it possible to accurately visualize your Dimensions as you're working on your 3D model which can be handy especially for product design architecture and some on setting this add-on is also simple all you have to do is append the G as your note set up into your scene now select your object add a geometry node setup in the modifiers Tab and finally select the geomeasure node setup and you are ready to go and there you have it guys if you are interested in one of these annal you will find all the necessary links in the description I hope you found this video useful and informative if you did please give it a thumbs up you can also check some of our previous videos thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 40,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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