Maya Pro Tries 3D Modeling in Blender

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so I would just press why why right after you press e I'm asking you like why are you asking me why dude and then figure out which a that's that the the normal we need we need more help here another blender thing is that you kind of have history but for one function dend cute you see symmetri nice I like that yeah so you can and I know you don't like the shells all the time only faces why must you forsake us blender with more useless options here you're going to want to hit tab no sir I'm hitting tab dude what are you talking about you say that so I would inset it V is from always remember that's actually pretty cool honestly I started using Maya way back in 2005 and it's been my go-to tool for professional work and the backbone of my YouTube tutorials ever since along the way I also learned other 3D apps like zbrush Modo softage and Houdini however there's been one piece of software that's always gotten the better of me blender years ago I gave blender a try but could never quite get the hang of it I couldn't push past that initial learning curve and that thought always bothered me and what I did manage to learn has long faded from my memory but all that changes today I'm setting out to model this energy can in blender complete with proper topology a task that I could doing Maya in about 30 minutes with over a decade of 3y moding experience under my belt how tough could learning blender really be and just in case things get rough I got a big 3D YouTuber in a blender Pro on standby just in case I need some backup can I overcome the challenge of learning a new 3D package after having years of comfort with my usual 3D tools could blender show this season 3D artists some new 3D modeling tricks maybe become my goto 3D modeling app or will blunder fall short and prove that it doesn't belong in the industry standard conversation of 3D packages we're about to dive in and find out download download it helps if I could actually spell today download blender Go download blender 4.02 the world famous blender home screen blender navigation orbit middle Mouse button pan Which is shift middle Mouse button zoom in and out Mouse wheel should be simple enough alt this is going to take a while I keep hitting alt here so it's been about 15 minutes that I've been trying to orbit pan Zoom around this default Cube versus doing it with the alt button how we pretty much do it in Maya overcoming this navigation muscle memory is uh pretty challenging so far let's get rid of this default Cube here probably don't need these cameras now I deleted everything from my scene collection is this like Maya where it actually needs the camera let's create a new scene here and this cube is back why won't you die default Cube I just deleted you I guess this thing always is going to come back with the uh every time that you open up a new scene which is kind of annoying this camera is not the actual perspective uh view or what we're actually looking through like Maya so I don't think I messed anything up to add a reference image hit shift a to bring up your add menu scroll down until you find your images tap so shift a and we're going to drop an image reference this looks terrible uh looks like this guy dropped in perspective which is pretty much what Maya does shift s nope shift a and now we're going to do image reference there we go now we need to move this so looks like w is not going to do it uh muscle memor is betraying me once more but it looks like uh we have the tools here so this is the move which is the G and I'm not getting a a gizmo here so looks like this little guy here controls your gizmos there's the my esque Gizmo that I was looking for so now I'm going to hit shift a I want to bring in a cylinder using my superhuman deduction Powers the cylinder is probably under mesh which it is and now we're going to go to cylinder in any mode if you want to switch between wireframe and solid use Z so I'm going to just scale this so we can go back here enable this for scale as well right in the middle scale up ah come on blender there we go so right in the middle I'm just lining this up so I initially thought this was going to take me about 10 minutes and it's actually been close to an hour from downloading blender getting used to the navigation bringing the reference images in and just really figuring out the basics of the interface at this rate it's going to take me probably over a day to finish this and I really can't afford to take this long on this project but luckily for me I have a Nifty little backup plan so I'm going to call in a buddy of mine a 3D modeling Beast who's a lot further along in his blender journey and the sponsor of today's video is me looking to turn your passion into an exciting career film or video games if so I got you back en roll in the hard surface Master Class discover my simple stepbystep process to create professional 3D models unlock the 3D secrets that will get you hired register for free to this exclusive three-part training using the link down below onar my man appreciate you coming in the call man what's up JL how things going man well you know honestly this has been a wonderful journey of exploring and getting to to know a different package now honestly bro it's kind of been a living hell yeah I feel that take everything from Maya over to blender has been a little bit more of a challenge than I originally anticipated I threw in the towel I I folded like a cheap lawn chair and I decided to call you um as my backup here you're a certified 3D Ming Beast you have a little bit of exp a lot of experience in blender much more than me and I figured you'd help me get past some of these sticking points yeah for sure and the good thing is I just went through all of this right I mean I used Maya been using Maya on a daily basis and now I'm using blender for a lot of freelance I figured how to put in a couple reference planes and create a cylinder how do I make these unselectable so I keep selecting them no matter what it's kind of my first challenge here I know Maya has the layer system where you could drop them hit template or reference yeah so what we want to do blender has kind of a different system it has uh Collections and then it also has what's called restriction toggles so the first thing that I would do is select your reference images in the viewport let's throw all of that in a collection kind of like our layer right if you press M on the keyboard in the viewport it automatically create a new collection so you know just make a new collection call it ref so let's do it ref enter all right so I see the eyeballs which is visibility right uh just my my genius deduction here right boom there you go how do I take off this selectability so the annoying thing right by default is that blender doesn't show you your selectable or non- selectable layers so you see that little filter thing at the top right right next to the collection icon this like little funnel looking thing you see that triang change here yeah yeah right yeah you got to dig through to get these settings you see that little triangle kind of looks like a compass so that lets you know that it's selectable so if you go back to your outliner under your ref collection just disable that boom bam and so now it's it's there but it's frozen now so you're not going to accidentally select it nice nice all right so I got this non- selectable but you know in Maya how we can set it up where it's not visible in perspective but in your orthographics it is can we do some some similar flavor of that yeah yeah you definitely can so if you select the reference image go to your settings panel on the right so we're we're looking at the right here yep right above that there you go so this is your object property so if you have mesh you have lights this is essentially your attribute editor right for whatever it is if you want this to only show up in orthographic views you disable perspective boom so now it's not going to be there but if you snap to the orthographic view so if you hold alt and do that weird blender thing where it snaps how do I Snap like you mentioned from from here I did learn that that you could hit the num pack cycle these right so I'm already like a blender nine level nine right yeah so this is one of those things when you're using mine blender you're going to do this on accident all the time it's holding alt while using the left Mouse button so you do this on accident all the time but if you're orbiting with middle Mouse button and then you hold alt as you get closer to an orthographic view it'll automatically snap into an ortho view it's weird I know it's weird because it took me a while to really have it become intuitive CU you're so used to just hitting space bar in Maya and just switching your orthographic views cuz you'll notice there's no quad view here you can set it up but I actually like the fact that we're always in perspective and I can snap to whatever orthographic view I'm kind of embracing all of the you know the blender nuances compared to the Maya right now what I have is I kind of use this to line things up let me delete this I'll kind of start focusing here on the uh the top details and kind of extrude my way out it's kind of the best way to kind of shove a cube in here um something right there you go shift a I I'll take credit for that I got I got 50% right so shift a mesh and there we go Cube boom object mode so we can't grab the verts right from here we got to go into what's called edit mode edit mode okay so object drop down second after second on my blender our skills are just growing exponentially here all right so we're in edit mode is there like I'm going to go crazy here toggling this is there a hocky for this oh yeah yeah you're going to want to hit tab yeah tab like the tab that's here in the soda can that tab no sir tab I'm hitting tab dude what are you talking about you say that man these are questions my students ask all the time and I love it it's like it's like trying to um teach your your parents how to use the internet I'm hitting tab man what's going on I Got You tab on the keyboard yeah so I'm toggling that's that's that's progress all right cool so we're going to go in in here and then there we go Marquee select all right so I know G is grab so I got these lined up let's scale these bad boys down so you said shift space bar and then for scale works the same yeah I'm going to not need you soon man I'm I'm absorbing all your your powers here at an exponential rate yeah let's let's why don't we set up something uh symmetrical we we usually kind of model with symmetry um let's drop a edge Loop here so if you want to add an edge Loop you it's called Loop cut um which is controlr so if you add that that'll allow you now it works a little bit differently hit controlr that's asking you which Edge ring do you want to insert this Edge so if you click you're like okay now I'm in position mode so you can left click to drop it anywhere but in this case we want to have it be symmetrical so just right click okay yeah so left click this is kind of like the the multic cut where you control middle Mouse right middle Mouse yeah yeah we're in edit mode so if I go to face which is three drag Marquee these how do I get rid of these faces it's a couple of hot Keys one you can simply use delete and then so faces blender here's another weird thing yeah you can just select Faces Sometimes you can delete if it says only faces you'll leave your edges and vertices which is a weird thing but I found some for that here and there but yeah just doing faces blows away the vertices and the edges it's kind of like Maya where you do control delete and to to get rid of everything but if you hit the regular delete it leaves all your verts and pisses you off most of the time yeah yeah well you going to see something even weird actually undo that and I'll show you what blender does which is weird now if you select two faces and then delete but do only faces only got only faces yeah look at that though you see that looks like a nightm man it it this freaked me out okay this freaked me out when I first did this and I was like why is this happening right so why must you forsake us blender with more useless options here I I've seen some use cases but for the most part if you see these floating edges cuz it'll literally leave a line which is your Edge so face which will blow out the edges go back wireframe let's let's scoop these up here see you in hell faces and there we go now let's set up a some kind of symmetry yeah so the nice thing about blender similar to 3ds Max is it has a modifier stack right so if you see that blue wrench over there and then now you add your modifier and just you can just type search or in Search and type in Mirror okay mirror X beautiful oh you could actually do multiple axes at once that's that's nice man we that is pretty ni we don't got that over in Maya this is getting fancier I'm liking this right here let's go back into edit mode you know what I I'm kind of missing my um my two views here um can I keep a Ortho and have a perspective if you hover over in the top right corner of your viewport it turns into a Crosshair so now click and drag over playing Call of Duty now my head shot you got to be precise here now click and drag move that over to your left there you go okay that's nice I like that it is pretty flexible all right so if I go in here set that up ortho which is what I want we got our perspective which is always nice let's bevel these bad boys so I could just go here and moding right modeling yeah and this will give you way more real estate so we just got to kind of go back pull this out now we get this I think we're ready uh for the big The Big B here big uh the big bevel so I'm going to select both of these how how do I do that blender's very hot key tripping so you can just and I notic that yeah you can just h control B for bevel all right contrl B okay boom as you're beveling if you middle Mouse scroll up boom you can add that this is super nice I got I got spoiled now cuz I do this in blender all the time when I go to Maya it just it just doesn't do it just doesn't work as well yeah it doesn't this is actually pretty uh pretty intuitive can I change the settings on here let me undo that how how would I change the shape afterwards of the bevel is there some kind of node history or another blender thing is that you kind of have history but only for for one function BL yeah so just just as I was getting to know you better and we were just connecting you just just shove a steak Knife into my heart there's a lot really do like that node history in Maya so what's the work around here so what you need to do is and by the way calm down guys I know you can add bevels as modifiers okay but we're using a destructive modeling workflow here for subd okay so if you hit contrl B to get back in your bevel tool all right control B bevel so I want to go ahead and I think we're good on subd divisions here I know we're probably going to have some overlapping goo but let's take care of this shape right where's the history at here like how can we tweat this bevel it's in the bottom left corner of that viewport nice now we could change this bevel let's see the shape all right that's what I want to do so we play with the shape it's working out nice we're kind of approximating that if not mistaken we got verts on top of verts so why don't we fix this I'm assuming something like a merge would work so if you want to be safe in merger vertices you can hit M for merge on your keyboard and you can merge by distance that's awesome now these are merged now we go back here that's perfect that's what I want it kind of get a feel for the divisions here probably a couple more more this is not working out man we we got a soft select we could use we do yeah I don't know why blender just doesn't call it soft select like every other 3D software in the world but you can use proportional editing is what they call what they call it now you're in proportional edit mode so you're not going to know cuz this always confused me too but you want to press G now ah okay yeah okay so now you see it and then you have a fall off like you would your normal thing's gigantic how do I uh manage this uh this infinitely large fall off here middle Mouse scroll down okay all right and so now you can start to to move it massage this thing you know what let's um let's kill these uh these faces here real quick because this is kind of driving me crazy so I'm going to scoop these up X faces there we go now this is much cleaner one for verts let's get the these two here G proportional I think I'm I'm I'm going to need to yeah I need to filter this ah go blender how the tables have turned boom got it we could probably knock this down yeah this is uh this is pretty nice to be honest it's uh about an hour in and uh we managed to get a a line so we're uh we're moving at the speed of light here we probably want to extrude inward here with the offset what's kind of the best way to do this in in in blender Maya you got extrude offset thickness all in one tool blender does not blender separates them all as separate tools so we want damn you blender just keep complicating my life here just why can't you be exactly like the the package I just left to make it easy for me I would consider it oh yeah pros and cons to each right so if you select that and then hit I for inset and then drag in wait a minute I I I I I see some uh yeah some trouble bre here on on on the lower lower east side of town here what I would do is I would undo that real quick and go back to Maya and no no no no throw in the towel now while I'm I I did that at the beginning at the beginning I would work and I'm like I'd flip my desk and I'd go back to Maya and do that and then finally I said you can't do that anymore and Mar so you got to work through it so I would apply now the modifier because the issue that we're having is it's in setting with mirror it's super easy to apply and then reapply so if you actually hover over and then press contrl a over the modifier uh object mode yeah now press contrl a yeah yeah there it is got it back into edit mode select this face so how do we this both faces select both faces oh that's right that's right that's why you get paid the big bucks man uh both faces because we don't have that mirror anymore now how do I inset this J you got this come on I there you go I m boom there we go I remembered there you go yeah I like that look at that edge flow baby that topology that's what I'm talking about uh only uh probably 20 more hours of this left but I think we're we're making some progress it looks like it's still there though yeah you it's still there but it's now it's just we could see where that is all right so let's uh let's hunt this uh this Renegade vert so I can't hide anymore oh wait a minute wait a minute we got this I think this is this gigantic face here is not liking us I think that's yeah that I I say delete that one too cuz we we can re recreate that real quick and why don't we um backtrack here keep these and let's see if this one oh this one's like part of aha okay I got you now blender you're in my crutches there it is Boom delete this and now we got this clean now we're going to get the happy ending that YouTube wants so we're going to delete this as well or maybe we can pop a verd in here and kind of just scooch these over you can just split the the polygon there's a couple different ways I mean you can use subdivide or just grab the knife tool and just cut the edge well we we'll run with the knife so a knife is one of the those hot keys that begin with the letter the problem is um I actually uh stopped reading and spelling at a third grade level that's why I became a 3D artist but here you go man just knocking me back back down man back into a whole world of trauma here if I remember right it's k cut and then split it to that corner of and then you just remove the edge now we could probably merge these with M we could do Center if I remember what you said we could do shift spacebar and move there we go now we're making progress so we we'll scoop both of these up hit X delete edges perfect so why don't we just quickly finagle these into place now something happened what happened man G give me the bad news what what happened look look at it in perspective solid mode H you see what it did to the faces perspective always breaks your heart you're looking like a like a hero in Ortho and uh looking like a scrub here in perspective story of my life where where do we go wrong yeah well we should just be able to just fill so how do we how do we fill these I would the there we go now now we're picking up you're kind of changing one side versus the other so you could reapply your mirror or you could use that symmetri which is pretty nice if you just hit a to select everything so you see where it says view select add mesh and then scroll down about halfway till you get symmetri symmetrize okay and so at the bottom left panel you'll see that do you what which axis do you want to mirror over to the other we I think you were working on the positive x axis so you want to do positive to negative nice I like that there it is yeah this is um this is this is kind of like zbrush esque where you like you're mirroring now I've watched your videos before J and I know you don't like the shelves right you always get rid of it you always blow it out but there are some nice ways to create some you know quick access tools right this is what I think of D [Music] shelf yeah man that that that shelf pisses me off I I I like to kind of um maximize my my visual real estate I'm being the the the real estate game here as far as visual right hold on I just want you to add that symmetrize tool to kind of a quick access so if you go back back to mesh symmetrize this is a nice thing about blender I I'll give it two points right go to symmetrize rightclick the words symmetrize about halfway up and then add to Quick favorites so now once you're in the viewport you can hit q q and you see symmetri po nice I like that yeah add you can add whatever tools that you commonly use to your quick favorites hence the name right been starting to grow that especially for pivot stuff symmetries and different functions works extremely well we established this initial Edge flow now I think I probably want to extrude these down and start building this out I think that would be a good game plan and kind of start what's the best way to select this scoop up this range yeah if you alt click it'll select the whole Loop click the starting Edge hold control go to the other Edge and there you go it took us 3 hours but we did the unthinkable year ladies and gentlemen we we selected a whole range in blender so I need a round of applause let's go ahead extrude in by what we've been doing so far e should be for extrude right if my uh third grade reading and comprehension and spelling is Right e there we go okay e not getting my Maya Gizmo here so when you're extruding I would do e for extrude and then we know we want to move this in one axis so I will just press y why right after I'm asking you like why are you asking me why dude why axis baby come on oh why why okay are you messing with me man no no okay we got it going to drop that there and let's pull this down s for scale said y again and I guess now we could start manually plopping these here to approximate this now is is there a way to um I know Maya has um constraints for like uh to to slide along the edges yeah it's a nice hot key to slide on edge essentially it's just g g let's try that out I like that nice and simple I think I want to go a little bit more straight than these what's what's the best way to like cut across and get a straight line it's going to be your knife tool again it's essentially the same as a multi- cut tool inside of Maya so think of it as your Swiss army knife right it's got a ton of different functions so if you grab K got and if you want to cut across you can do it that way now one thing is is there a constraint snap to the angle and it's a for angle nice I'm going to drop this here now what's the best way to get this a little bit more straight Maya you can scale flat can we do this with this Edge yeah it's a nice uh Trio of HCK Keys again so gota love those so if you want to scale it flat you can do s for scale and then figure out which a that's the the normal we we need more help here Y for the axis cuz that's the essentially the vertical axis and then you press zero so s y zero boom there it is amazing it makes you feel real cool too right XY Z boom Mo on that's that's always just a a nice feeling to be able to get those great straight edges and I think you get that Cadence of hockey is actually kind of nice to be able to do that all with with the hockey so I think we're ready to kind of do a little of uh Edge flow work here best way to do this is let's move this down with GG probably connect both of these so probably need a bridge here you hit contrl e while in Edge mode or it doesn't matter which Edge mode so you can think think of contrl v contr e and contrl f as in these are very very similar to the the marking menu inside of Maya and this got me through a lot here because these will find you all of the edge context sensitive modeling tools so we know we want a bridge and then you just find bridge edges control e got this and then we're going to do a bridge Edge Loops at the top Let's uh let's start merging some of these vers here M for merge I really like how you could kind of tell blender you know the different options like in Maya it's just everything gets collapsed through a threshold but here you could kind of pick and you you get multiple options so if this is our first and that's our second now that should be done so we're going to pick first obviously I I don't know the difference between first and last and then I think we could repeat that here so this is the first this is the second which is the last yeah probably do an inset here and I think that's going to kind of keep that that radio um flow here so could we just fill this in and then just bevel this Edge yeah we yep you can do exactly that pick this up here we'll hit f for Phill and is the bevel going to work here so I would inset it so we we have uh Michael Bay explosions on the left but I think we're gonna keep that and what are you doing all right so we we survived the uh the post apocalypse I like that now we got that flow and now we should be able to Bevel this and kind of get that that nice um that nice little creasing cuz we're going to end up breaking this up anyway so let's select this and then let's symmetrize it you like to live on the Wild Side man I I can't we can't model with vertices floating all over the place like that yeah you're right live a little man live on live on the edge onar clean clean meshes for Life man all right delete these as well we're going to go and you want to let's just res symmetrize this Hit N well wait a minute you over cleaned it right symmetrize works when you mirror over a mesh uh I know I know J I went through the exact same thing so now if you select everything and it was a all right now we hit n no not n it's q q there you go quick favorites boom there it is amazing now there was there's a couple faces which is okay there's completely separate in the viewport in the perspective V is from always remember that's actually pretty cool honestly we're like we're making logos here on the the the side so we're graphic designing and modeling at the same time I'll just finagle these a little bit closer oops ah the Navigation always always rips you down that's like the hardest thing to to get used to a second okay so we got this onar stepped out but I'm a big boy now so if I do contrl B and then play with this wheel here still quading out here at the um at the edges so that's that's going to be nice we keep our topology nice and clean and then I can probably finagle this I think a couple more insets and we'll we'll have all this Edge Edge flow nice and uh set up so we'll select the face inser and there we go now now we're getting closer to the the promised landine the the inside tool is actually really intuitive and I actually like it being a separate tool versus having to deal with that um with the extrude in Maya and the offset yeah sometimes that can get kind of wonky amazing fun times verb pushing that's bread and butter all polygonal modeling yeah not the most exciting thing in the world but it is kind of a necessary evil as long as you lay that Foundation of good topology this part's pretty quick tedious but it can be quick yeah I'm I'm I'm I'm really really digging this uh slide too it's pretty uh pretty intuitive I think we're going to need another um Edge Loop here so why don't we bevel this assuming we could do that kind of pull out just one more Edge we're going to need a little bit more just to kind of hold that corner up I'll worry about quading this out and pushing it towards the outside later and that's the thing about topologies you know sometimes we just don't have to obsess about everything kind of quading we could just focus on localized detail and then pretty everything up and that that's something that I used to do as a beginner is obsess over everything how everything would flow how are we going to pull this off probably a bridge what's the best way to kind of tackle this or maybe just slice and cut all this up and connect these edges for the blender users pause what would you here think about what setting me up man is just like training day are you taking me to the to the wrong side of town yeah it's one of my favorite things in blender honestly and I I'm waiting for Maya to have something equivalent first let's symmetrize it get everything back to where it needs to be all right so we're going to do a quick favorites symmetrize boom now I would select that opening that you have for that face and let's try to use something that will automatically do this man delete those faces all right now select that Loop okay so what's what's next man you you're getting me kind of uh excited here with uh your your your promises of uh 3D modeling Glory well I hope this works so now we want to select that open Edge Loop and then if you press contrl F that's going to give you all the face context sensitive functions and there's this really really great tool called grid fill and let's see what it does I'm I'm a little nervous is this is either going to blow up my mesh or it's going to be amazing grifil this is janky but assuming if we play with this keep going yep come give it to me almost there give it to me and there you go I'm done yeah it's really really good I'm impressed we're going to need to cut here so I'll get the knife tool all the way through here that'll be a straight Loop out merge this bad boy together so we'll merge last so when we knife this that'll be quadded [Music] there Loop there and then we should be good we should be able to slide this add center now we established this General topology we got rid of that try and everything is nice encapsulated yeah that's the nice thing right is that all of your topology information 100% transferable here over the blender as long as you're just using you're using the same tools the fundamentals are the same bevel now we want to probably plop in some kind of cylinder here connect right or do the bridge the bridging mobber I know in Maya we have the Pol count how do we enable that here so that way I don't have to manually count verts and uh and edges and lose my sanity in the process it's going to be viewport overlays so it's that tiny little icon with the two kind of vend diagram spheres on top of each other hit that drop down the one right next to that there you go got it and then there's statistics reminds me of this High School class that I was terrible at but uh we got the edges this is always a great tool especially when you're doing clean quad work and you're trying to uh Bridge things instead of manually counting now this is 40 so now we drop a 40 Edge cylinder this will be clean so I'm going to hit shift a and then we'll just drop a cylinder go to the settings we're going to drop in 40 that's kind of nice since we're here in Maya um since we're here in blender this is already one object because we dropped this in edit mode right yeah I do that by accident sometimes I want to create meshes and then it just gets combined so if yeah if you're in edit mode it'll automatically edit that's nice that's actually a nice feature and we're going to have like less like history and stuff to worry about we don't have to worry about merging stuff so X delete faces bam in the money baby so now we got this face so why don't we inser it and kind of line it up here I'll hit I inset kind of line this up we got one inset two insets we're looking good let's um let's delete this face I think we're ready to bridge these up so let's um select these select these controll e and we do bridge Edge Loops this is now we have a perfect cap so I like that this is um this is all starting to slowly and painfully gel into my brain and yeah like you said there's not that many differences once you start knowing the workflow it's actually pretty similar for for a lot of the process Jil I think you got it man what do you mean so honestly I got to get back to modeling these uh these props and these assets that I've been working on for my next series you just is going to bail on me like H halfway through you just lull me into a false sense of security I think you got it man you think so we we we'll we'll catch up tomorrow you know and by the time we look at it tomorrow I'm sure the whole thing will be done and you'll be teaching stuff honestly it's so quick so quick to pick up on blender you know what I think it's time for me to you know have nature take its course and for me to struggle a little bit on my own here but I think I'll be able to figure out but for those watching at home onar you're like an amazing instructor and you know I really look up to you uh your teaching your style your way of breaking complex things down and making them simple that's always super valuable you know how can everybody watching at home get to know more about your content and you know just learn about your amazing teaching style yeah for sure you can find me on at onmars 3D via YouTube Twitter Instagram art station and patreon so be sure to check me out there and I just started a series to help artists go from Maya to blender or blender toaya be a hobbyist that wants to work in industry or somebody that is a professional that just wants to use blender outside of work I'll have all those links down below so my subscribers can quickly find your content all right on Mark it's it's been real appreciate the help a th% and um I'll catch you next time I'll see you around JL good luck man by the time onmar left the call I already was around the 2 and 1/2 to 3 hour mark working on this and I figured this last leg of the journey was going to take quite a bit longer as I had to do quite a bit more modeling work but I didn't want to make this video overly long so I'm quickly going to break down what I did to finish out the model in blender I focused my initial energy on creating the topology on the top of the can and then shape it in 3D space and I was able to use the solidify modifier to add procedural thickness there uh to the opening of the can which was really really nice I did like that level of flexibility using the modifier stack after creating the details on the top of that can which were the most labor intensive everything kind of flowed a little bit quicker after that point I was able to extrude down and then Focus my attention on the details at the bottom which were pretty much simpler than the ones on the top after that I kept things pretty simple as far as getting to know the subdivision modifier and also just adding the holding edges I know there's probably a lot better ways to do that with Blender at this point using other modifiers but I kind of stuck with the tools that I like learned via just Googling or that onmar taught me during our call by the time I hit the tab things kind of sped up quite a bit because that muscle memory started kicking in and this is where my previous 3D modeling experience help me out a little bit because I knew exactly what I wanted to do it was just a matter of finding out how pulling it off and blender ladies and gentlemen here is the final result in blender honestly I wasn't sure how this 3D model was going to turn out because of my Limited experience with blender however everything from Maya once I got into the swing of things uh was able to carry over pretty much flawlessly I'm actually pretty happy with the results the model the details the topologies is pretty much on point and overall I'm pretty happy with the result that I was able to create so what's my final take on blender knocking out this 3D model took me about 6 hours but it probably would have taken me much longer if my boy onmar did didn't help me out transitioning my skills from Maya over to blender's interface initially posed to challenging but my existing 3D moding experience definitely did help blender impressed me with its grid fill feature saving significant time and achieving clean topology its modifier stack which reminded me of 3D Studio Max lends itself well to a powerful non-destructive workflow most 3D tools felt really intuitive and the Dual functionality of object and edit modes similar to what I appreciated from soft mod really enhanced my efficiency however blender's heavy Reliance on hot keys and less intuitive menus compared to something like Maya post a moderate learning curve and I could see this learning curve being much steeper for total beginners also editing object pivots wasn't as streamlined as other software despite these drawbacks blender 3D moding capabilities especially with its modifier system showcase its potential for creating models in a non-destructive manner even though there were some UPS downs and a little bit of yelling ultimately my experience with blender was pretty rewarding this journey taught me an important lesson while 3D software are essential it's the artist skill that truly creates a highquality 3 Model while Maya will remain in my toolkit I look forward to exploring blender further and creating more complex 3D models so have you used both Maya and blender how was your learning curve when switching between these softwares I would love to hear those in the comment section down below whether you're 3D modeling in Maya or blender one of the essential and hardest skills to master in 3D modeling is creating proper topology and to help you out I made this video right here
Channel: JL Mussi
Views: 32,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender vs maya, maya artist blender, blender reaction, blender for maya, reacting to blender, blender vs maya tutorial, first time using blender, autodesk maya, blender first time, blender vs maya comparison, blender vs maya meme, blender vs maya modeling, blender or maya for modeling, maya vs blender for modeling, blender, maya, 3d modeling, blender animation, maya artist uses blender, 3d animation, 3d modeling blender, maya model to blender, maya autodesk vs blender
Id: S9wb96DsAEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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