How to Create a Kingdom (ABRIDGED & UPDATED) | Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

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creating a kingdom in mountain blade bannerlord is one of the most challenging and most rewarding things in the game especially with the ability that was just added in the most recent beta branch that allows you to promote your companions to minor clans members you can now grow a big kingdom fast in this video today i'm going to give you a nice short abridged and updated version from my previous credit kingdom guide which is linked in the upper right corner that goes over just a quick amount of bullet points to from start to finish for creating your kingdom now keep in mind here i will be making a full-fledged longer video that matches the previous one that'll be around 45 minutes to an hour long going through each and everything i'm about to talk about in this video but this was during a live stream of mine where i tested one the most recent beta branch and i wanted to really kind of give everyone a real quick crash course on how to make a kingdom so this should give you a nice quick sharp start to things if you have any questions like i say in the video uh go ahead and let me know in the comment section below but here is the actual stream that you're gonna jump into we'll watch it together and if you have again any questions let me know in the comment section and i'll help you out in creating your own kingdom in mountain blade 2 bannerlord so if you're watching this after the fact i have this is obviously a stream this is why my face is here you might see some notifications on the left or right side but i'm recording this during the stream so that you can get an idea really quick of how to create a kingdom and it really starts with your character right as soon as you make your character it's time to kind of play ball and you're going to start wherever you start on the map this character's already pretty developed and everything like that but wherever you're starting on the map this doesn't really matter your initial foray when you start the game is going to be the same for the most part for everyone it's a matter of making um i'm sorry not making but going and doing arenas and killing looters that's the first two things you're going to do but the big thing you want to focus on is trade even if you're not going to be a trading character it's one of the easiest and fastest ways to make money in the early game and the best way to do that is take advantage of very long trade routes from locations that have abundance of a certain commodity to locations that have not abundance like you know um the opposite of the word surplus that is not coming to my mind right now so a good example would be the kazate lands not the i'm sorry the azerite lands over here and you can see that now with the update to the ui you can see exactly where these asteroid horses are across the map so if we're taking a look this is far east right yeah that's far east you've got this location this location this location a dearth would be a good word for uh offset of surplus this location here here so on and so forth so what you want to do is head down to the south region depending on where you're starting of course if you are in a sandbox campaign and i'm assuming you're in a sandbox campaign as that's what most people have been doing lately you go to the southern location and you grab these asteroid horses and you bring them west over here into volandia the whole time you're doing that kill packs of looters try and bring your units up to around 30 units i'm sorry your your army up to around 30 troops 30 units and kill looters and do arenas this is going to get you some really good early renown and it's going to get you some cool items you can sell for money it's a good way to just kind of initially bankroll you botania is a good location to also bring those um which you can also do is go over here to these locations and buy a lot of fish and bring it south so there's there are lots of commodities you can bring from all over there's wool and fur over here in the east that you can bring to the west stuff like that so when you do those first initial portions that's what's going to get you a lot of initial money and once you have around 20 or 30 troops it's time to start getting spicy now what you got to do here is press n go to clans and you have a whole bunch of clans well press minor and you've got all the minor clans that are around the map that are going to be joining the other factions as they go through their wars now all these fact these minor clans some are a little bit more challenging than the others like legions of the legion of betrayed they're a little bit more elite than say the hidden hand and that's who we're going to focus on the excuse me sorry the hidden hand here are probably the easiest clan next to embers of the flame embers the flame did get a little bit of a buff not too long ago but what you want to do here is in the early portions of the game they are not going to be allied with another nation and you can tell because their flag is just their normal color and it'll say let's see if there's anyone here that is allied this is the very early portion of the game so it looks like there's not they'll usually be at war with the location they start off at there it goes part of britannia so if it says it right there you know that that's their allied with the nation you should not attack that clan but hidden hand and embers of the flame those are the two you're probably going to want to focus on you go and you just start attacking them you find the smaller portions of their army especially with hidden hand what you do is you have again a 30 man army so hopefully a good spread of 15 archers and 15 infantry you have your infantry go into shield wall all the hidden hand are going to throw crap throwing knives at you that do like no damage and you just have your archers do damage to them while that's happening it's gonna probably break their morale then you just send everyone to chase them down or if they jump into melee combat with you you'll probably be able to defeat them with your tier three infantry that's another big thing you want your army to only go to tier three if you go beyond tier three you're going to start running into cannibalization with your income and that is not what you want this early in the game so to quickly recap here you're going to do arenas and while you're doing arenas and killing looters you're going to trade horses once you've traded that and got a nice good size 30 man army or so start killing minor clans and once you do that it's time to kind of move on to some more i guess advanced things so you want to get married and getting married is huge because you can actually put someone into your family which is on your clan that has very good um stats and one of the good characters that a lot of people have always kind of go for here is sora here she's really strong she has amazing steward she's got good trade and she's got charm and writing which is those latter two skills are not that important the former ones are the ones that are important steward and trade because you can have her in your party and make her your quartermaster which will thus increase the amount of troops you can field based off of her steward skill which is going to be high and also your clan ranking but you should really be keeping yourself as quartermaster and adding as much food as possible getting yourself a morale bonus down here so that you can have food variety plus six this is gonna help you boost up that quartermaster quickly if you are the quartermaster so once you go through the process of marrying her and again i'm going to extrapolate all on this more in a much larger form video but this is just kind of a real quick crash course you can have her in your um in your army and she'll be able to produce kids you can have her do any number of things but it's nice to get married because she also has a ton of armor now that is kind of cheesing it you shouldn't really rely on that because there's any point they could just say well we're not gonna make it so your wife has a ton of armor anymore so sorry don't you can't do that anymore but it is a way to get a lot of really good armor for literally six or eight thousand dollars because that's why you have to pay for your uh dowry more or less so once you've done that you should be around clan rank two and that's where things kind of get become a slog right because you have to get to clan rank tier four in order to create a kingdom in order to press this button right go to kingdom so i can do it right now because my clan tier 5 not a big deal but what you really want to do now at this point is either become a mercenary or a vassal in a other kingdom i know the focus here is to be your own kingdom but by doing that it's gonna allow you to ramp up your renown game quickly you can kind of do some other things like skills that will help you increase your renown i think it's either i think it's stupid here right uh there's a there's a skill that's going to increase your renown but it's it's not enough to really make much of a difference actually i think it's in charm here yeah so adventure stories plus one renown for each issue resolved not worth it you want this 20 more renown from battles in the charm skill line this will really help you out when you are a mercenary and a vassal so by doing these things you're going to get into these wars you can create your own little parties here that make your own army that's going to increase your leadership and this will allow you to gain renown quickly so once you get to tier four and again like i said this is all short form in the longer video i'm going to explain why and how you should be creating your own parties because they cost you zero influence to recruit your own parties into your own army thus increasing your leadership and your steward skill which is going to come back to you huge when you create a kingdom so the last big thing here now is time to create the kingdom right it's your tier four what do you do well it's time to start scalping the map look around for factions that are particularly getting beat in wars or wars between two factions that are just constantly embroiled and they keep switching hands when it comes to individual locations because the requirement is one town or one castle so the big thing to do here is look for like let's just say tamnu castle let's say that this castle was recently reconquered by another faction well the actual garrison is going to be small and by the time you are a tier 4 faction with good amount of stewardship stewardship skill so on and so forth you should have minimum 130 troops and a brand new castle is probably gonna have 50 or 60 troops maybe so you go ahead you plant yourself there and you take that castle now it is going to put you at war with the person who holds it so my advice to you is make sure you take a castle from the faction that is losing the war in the two-faction war that's going on so just as another further further example let's say these two factions are at war and chiba was taken by um the southern empire here and asteroid is just losing terribly well they're not going to want to start a two-prong war with you they'll probably sell for peace quickly and if they don't it really only costs 10 to 30k to make peace with the other faction so another quick recap going through real quick here you've gone through the trading process you've gone and fought minor clans you've cr you've created a wife you have gotten married uh you've done another point that i forgot to just jump into here is get workshops and big workshop choices here are over here on the right with kazat choosing any kind of wool production from kazate is a really really really strong move i'd recommend that unless you wanted to own a kazaite land then for the most part try to maybe make beer over here in blondia that's another good one as well but making one to three workshops as fast as possible is going to help basically bankroll your future kingdom and as long as you don't go to war with that faction those workshops will continue to produce for you until you can replicate them in your own faction your own kingdom so again you've gotten married you've now made your workshops you've gotten to clan tier four you have taken your first castle it is time to create your kingdom now the entire time you're doing this as i said remember when i was telling you if you fight anyone you should release them it's important that you release any captives because it's going to come back to you right now as you create your kingdom because your kingdom will not grow unless you basically go and bribe people to join using persuasion more or less you go over here to clan you go over here to create kingdom and then you choose your kingdom culture [Music] and then you choose your active policies now you get to choose for out the gate and the big ones i would go with this council of commons this is going to give you basically some influence constantly coming in per turn based off the amount of notables you have in your settlements so this will help bankroll you in your influence production so you can do things in your actual kingdom management um where is the other one here royal guard now this is going to help you increase the size of your army and noble retinues this is another one that's going to sizeably increase the amount of your army and by doing this it enables you to have a large army on your own because remember you are going to be the sole member of your kingdom when it is created and the other kingdoms are going to jump on you as fast as possible so doing this helps you create a large army on your own without having to pull other people into it and if you have other parties roaming around you together making an army should come up to 500 or so if you have a lot so those are the big three that i would go with outside of that you could really go with anything else i think marshall was a good one um i can't remember another good one but for the most part those are the really really solid ones that i always recommend anyone choose let's just go with castle charters that's another solid one and then kingdom name we will go with the sultanate of room because that's what i'm modeling this character after so it goes ahead and creates it we already have our kingdom you're all set now from this point what you want to do is go around the map and try and find other minor clans and have them join your faction and again this character this character hasn't interacted with a lot of minor clans just yet but let's just say ragnar are the forest people and there's no one with good relation with me right well let's go to another one let's go to the gilman okay well these guys at least have zero that's better than nothing right but as you kind of look around you should start to see people that you've encountered on the battlefield and you've released on the battlefield which will hopefully have a positive relation and as you kind of look through this let's just choose this guy and his last location was at dern back that on the map go find it and i'm cheating right now so i'm going to warp over here but if he was around here you would go and you would talk to him and you would tell him hey um join my faction and if you have a positive he'll tell you to go talk to the leader of the minor faction which is this guy here so who we're talking to and that guy will tell you okay you know what fine give me some money and we'll do it if he likes you enough um or he'll just if he likes you know just yeah sure done and that allows you to have a clan in your kingdom and you can start to do this by looking around the map and finding other nobles that are maybe unhappy right like let's go ahead and click this dude well here's his leader and there we can see all of his friends all of his enemies and he'll start to maybe have enemies that are included in his own faction he'll start to have a certain negative opinion of his faction and out over time you can actually scout them from other factions so doing this keeping these positive relations with nobles allows you to build up your clan and this is how you keep your clan of flo afloat otherwise if you just make a kingdom you're going to have 110 soldiers and the ai's going to notice oh that's a weak kingdom what's that's free real estate and they're going to jump on you and kill you so hopefully this this kind of helps you out in creating your kingdom here in bannerlord um hey someone just joined the channel um it is a bit difficult and i will be going through a much larger form video but i wanted to give you guys an abridged updated version to how to do it in the current meta of the game my old video is from like 1.2 1.3 and we're on 1.65 right now so uh hopefully this helps you out if you have any questions or you're running into your own problems when creating your kingdom please by all means just go ahead and leave me a comment below and i will help you out those of you who have been watching this stream thank you for being patient but let's get back to the stream here and for those of you watching uh like i said leave any comments if you need help and i will help you out but have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 339,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, bannerlord pc gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount& blade 2: bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, mount &blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 gameplay, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips, playthrough, commentary, video game, guide, italianspartacus, unit guide, best faction, culture, how to get a castle, Kingdom, How to get your own kingdom, Create, Empire, Best, How to Create a Kingdom (ABRIDGED & UPDATED) | Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
Id: 9Tt7d88zR9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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