Stupid Pokemon Misconceptions I Had as a Kid (Animated!)

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hey I know I've already had two self-deprecating videos recently though I stopped there stupid Pokemon misconceptions I had as a kid animated by me stupid tutorials so does anyone remember those stupid Pokemon tutorials on YouTube from pre 2010 like you gotta restart your game name yourself pickle press the L&R buttons exactly 437 times and if you do all this correctly then the first Pokemon you encounter will be mu here I actually fell for one of these there's no way I was any older than 10 when I did this so you can't judge me it was for a Celebi and emerald and the video insisted that my new file had to be a male character named AJ didn't work obviously but I ended up keeping the file and they still have it today it serves as an embarrassing reminder of my youth I tried looking for the video that Jeebs me but it's so old that I don't even know if it's still up on YouTube maybe you guys could find it for me hint hint hint blame Jim so you know the gym leader Blaine right course you do positive his gimmick is that he's a quiz master so in his gym you have these trivia machines to open the door to the next room if you get the question right if you get it wrong you have to battle a trainer and said but every time I played through the game I assume that those machines were just there for decoration and never interacted with them I thought the whole purpose was to just be every trainer to get to Blaine I only found out this wasn't the case like two years ago and needless to say I felt pretty stupid trade evolutions so this one was before even diamond and pearl came out so I was probably around 607 I didn't know trade evolutions even existed probably because I had no friends to play pokemon with and it just so happened that two of my favorite Pokemon to use on my Ruby version when Machoke and Sidra I'm sure you know where this is going I knew they evolved but I assumed it was by level up like most Pokemon so I raised them to ridiculous levels trying to get them to evolve every rack handy I found would be thrown at these tail he kind of evolved to help no no Pokemon centers when I first started playing I had this belief that if you kept healing your Pokemon over and over then it would increase their HP so whenever I went in there I'd end up healing an extra four or five times if I'd actually checked the HP boys after doing this then I would have quickly noticed that it didn't work but somehow I never thought to do that switching Pokemon this is the stupidest one by far and I still don't know how this idea got put in my head so in vessel you've got your four options fights bag Pokemon and run selecting Pokemon will let you see your party and then after that you got summary and switch switch obviously letting you switch out your current pokemon with a different one that six year old me thought that the switched option didn't mean that you were switching your own pokemon out but that you are switching pokemon with your opponent's you just have a spontaneous trade mid vowel and go on like nothing happened so I never made any switches at all during my first few playthroughs even then I was living life on the edge oh my god I did an animation thing stay here I have something super important if you want to see more animations sub to my other channel movie please I'd like to keep candy Eevee Pokemon scented but any future animations will be a movie the links are everywhere you can't miss it I've wanted to have a bashatt list for a really long time so if you do decide to follow me over on Liu be dead I will be ever grateful this is my first real try at anything remotely resembling an animation and I'm really happy with how it came out it was so much fun and I want to do more did I mention they'll be on Livy but as always thank you so much but all of the art it makes me very very happy also I'm gonna be if somewhere in the city this ship please come thank you bye
Channel: CandyEvie
Views: 1,492,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, silly pokemon moments, stupid pokemon moments, luvie, animated, animation, short
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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