Exploring dusty Pokemon bootlegs I forgot I had

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Hey so today we're gonna take a blast into the past if you've been watching me since 2015-16 so time then you have my sincerest apologies hey there everyone it's candy nuit and today cool but if you have been watching me since then then you would know that back in the early days of my channel I was the queen of Pokemon bootlegs this is a title that I take great pride in it was a serious problem no joke I was gone eBay everyday looking for the worst Pokemon bootlegs I could find games cards figures you name it I was all over it and while I never did much to get my hands on the elusive Pokemon emerald - I did amass a pretty impressive collection of fake games to be fair most of them aren't even intact because apparently I was a sadist and I like to rip them apart to see what the innards look like so now I just have this tin full of half cartridges most of these I did feature in videos I'd show people the differences between real and fake games but now I realize that my videos with a perfect guide with someone wanting to make a bootleg not taking credit or anything but as I kept covering bootlegs on my channel they started making ones that were more and more convincing so I don't know how much I actually helps but then we've got priceless ones like the Emerald that was in broken English but for some reason there were three magical bootlegs that I never showed in videos so I thought it'd be fun to dust them off and see what horrors I have tucked away in my room firstly we got this one pokemon white I got this one at a car boot sale in probably 2016 so time it stuck out to me because generation 5 bootlegs aren't really all that common so naturally I ran over there and dropped my money faster than I dropped out of college like most bootlegs there isn't actually anything interesting on the car it's just a copy pace of the game with some freezing issues and stuff but what really stuck in my mind with this one is the box yeah on the outside it looks like your regular gross bootleg box but the real treasure is on the inside the United States set off on a journey to catch a mole with pokemon black and pokemon white for the Nintendo DS on March 6th 24 hours later 1 million copies of the game had been sold pokemon black and white follow the time-tested role-playing slash adventure collecting from you it's this review I don't think I've ever been more confused by a buuut like in my life book was like this do you want to know the icing on this cake of shame look at the pages they've got out here and watermarks on them this is too good the best part is I haven't the foggiest idea where they've lifted this review from and it troubles me immensely to this day it's not huh maybe it's an IGN review or something so I did text searches on excerpts from the booklet and nothing I can't find anything on this how did it come from this is the greatest mystery of our time okay what's up next it's pokemon yellow version 2002 for Game Boy Advance yes I bought this on eBay because I have problems let's go [Music] in conclusion pokemon yellow version 2002 for Gameboy Advance gives me great concern so what they did here is they took Tiny Toon Adventures for the NES and they replace all the character sprites with this I'm a therapist as it's not real but I did this deep space every time we yeah ok I'm not doing this by a last but not least we have another game that I pulled out of the pit of bootlegs on eBay it's Pokemon silver also on Gameboy Advance let's start it up [Music] [Applause] yayyyyy this is pokemon silver I've made the wrong career choice so this is another hack of an NES game being Little Nemo the dream master which I definitely did not have to look up this time the character is replaced with a silver Sun true for reasons unknown it's still in Japanese and very broken it's very broken yeah okay what's up in here no we got stuff in here because it was definitely the most productive use of my time I thought for old times sake I would go through you bay again and see what I could find okay so not only are the boot like so much better than when I was actually looking for them but there are so many more Brom hat cartridges than I ever remember there being before I'd say buy these at your own discretion though because I get it for me playing Pokemon on a console feels way more authentic but don't be fooled into thinking that you're supporting the original creator of the hack by buying these cards 99% of the time it's just some random person who's pulled the ROM from the internet and shoved it on a car I always lose it when I see a listing that has a label like this and I think I relate to it more than I'd like to admit hello see I told you I'd be more regular with videos here's one that's not two months later I suppose with the two channels they upload few videos so I'm a lot more selective these days with the topics that I want to cover it has to be something that really piques my interest that being said if you think of a weird topic you want to see me delve into them please suggest it yay thanks as always for the amazing artwork I feel incredibly blessed that people actually want to take the time to draw me stuff so thanks a million okay bye I don't say
Channel: CandyEvie
Views: 1,111,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon bootlegs, fake pokemon games, weirdest pokemon bootlegs, candyevie, pokemon trivia, why did I make this
Id: 6XqmmXGjRfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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