Stunning upset in historic women's 400m world championship final | NBC Sports

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and this light show just gets everybody pumped up [Applause] and those images on the track superimpose on the track represent the eight finalists in this the 2019 world 400 championship race Iike bull sorry Whitman from Poland here she's been on many relay teams that had success there she was Rio in 2018 in the European Championships in the 400 sharika Jackson will be in Lane three the Rio Olympic bronze medalist she also has bronze from the 2013 2015 World Championships Stephanie McPherson who was 30 now who has been around for over a decade for Team Jamaica action look really good in her semifinal did think she had a chance there but she looked really really good this young lady will not be beaten by three people tonight just 21 but loads of experience here in a 49 second semi-final to get here also 21 lady young us athletes waddlin Jonathas who as we mentioned has run a personal been here already look extremely focused and poised to stand on the podium champion and that's the Olympic champ and the favorite two seasons no losses the world leader at 200 300 and 400 meters but she has some thoughts about what happened two years ago the defending champion nothing better than hearing that when your name is announced mazing Oh she'sshe's able to do that tonight she to chat with the European champion Justine up 20 Erika's she has lots of experience as well and now here we go the women's 400 meter final here at the World Championships and as the lights come back on it's worth noting while all the focus and attention is on shore named Miller we bow of the Bahamas her attention for a good while has been on her people and the tragedies that occurred in the Bahamas with the hurricane she has pledged 25-thousand dollars to help out the way she could very quickly at all want to congratulate you you went on several mercy missions in a plane taking supplies to the people I know what you saw there was complete devastation and credit to Sean a for helping out and for you mate for doing what you could to help out the people very much in need one Caribbean [Applause] [Music] sis this is the final of the women's 200 Shaun a memo rebo in seven Phyllis Francis on their outside a night Shawn a minute we bow with that lightning speed in the beginning but Phyllis Francis holding her own I would have thought shot him every vote would have passed Phyllis Francis to this point but those two ridges that she's got all season long hey inside really doing live in point Sawa eat Master has made up to staggers she has passed the Olympic champion she is on pace to run something crazy but can she look at this [Applause] championships in succession but she's going to sell the World Championship [Applause] [Music] [Applause] most of the time you just want to win this lady jaysean a miller weave on Phyllis Francis all the way around this track and did not give back the lead what a race we just witnessed by these two women Shawna billowy about 48:37 48:37 this is phenomenal running sharika Jackson finishes in third 49:47 what's an incredible race Shana Mila Weibo is just shell-shocked world-leading times Sawa eat NASA just took a second off of her personal best to shut the world and shut the Olympic champion so here is Sawa eat Nasser and the plan for Sawa eat Nasser tonight was to go out like she had never gone out before and trust that she would be able to hold off everyone you see Sean a Miller we bow who we were focusing on out in Lane 7 who looks like she's sending up the perfect race and it was a result of 48:37 she was she had no idea what solid he'd Nasser was capable of but Saul was in the perfect position to be able to track them the entire race it takes so much guts to go out fast and to keep your foot on the gas goat heart always told me the second and third hundred is the most important part of the race where you position yourself for success in Sawa Eve NASA did just that she went on the turn as hard as she could and Trust in her training to be able to take her home and look at how she holds her for motto in a piece of 4814 and she never wrote form down the entire homestretch you see Sean a Miller we both tried to reel her in she feels like she's gonna fade she's gonna die you see so without much of a lead and she never gives it back great for both women tonight that's one of the greatest 400-meter women's races you'll ever see the third and sixth fastest performers ever now in the event and what a shot this was we thought Sawa eat NASA would bring it but not like this and you wonder now if Shani Miller we bolts is questioning herself for not running the 200 she had the world leading time at 200 meters and could have potentially been a world champion there and first time at the World Championships American youngster Waddell and Jonathas goes sub 50 seconds for the first time in her career a personal best and narrowly missed the podium and beats Phyllis Francis that time that Sawa Eden Nasser has shown on your screen 48 14 is the fastest 400 meters run since the world record was set in 1985 lots of history here this evening that's the year I was born guys I still cannot believe it I thought these we will run really really fast I thought somewhere in the range of 48 548 648 point one seconds is phenomena I can't wait to watch this race back and really break down her splits and Sonia let's be honest she can start thinking at age 21 about the world record which as we said is now 34 years old she's only 21 if you're running forty-eight one with two races in your legs before the round start for the 400 you can legitimately think about the world record which has been there for a very long time she was born in Nigeria but she represents Bahrain because her dad's Bahraini her mom was a sprinter but she wasn't a world champion her daughter is Sal Eve NASA world 400 champion well sir while you were coming up to home straight away were you waiting to see if someone would come and when nobody was there what did you think I wasn't waiting of course I was just a few to Maurice and I was trying to go as fast as possible I didn't want to chase because I'm used to chase wheel and today I wanted to be chased so I had to go all out oh that's what happened what was it like to cross the line I realize you hadn't won the gold medal here at the World Championships so rewarding because I've been through a lot to season injuries and stuff like that and don't miss really round wow they were tiring so crossing the line see that underwater hunter now with that amazing time of course I was so happy and excited and speaking of the amazing time he ran 4814 right you're only 21 and the world records been standing around for 34 years do you think it's possible in the future for you to go under 4760 sickness is impossible we can't wait to see what you do next congratulations
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 1,932,762
Rating: 4.8623962 out of 5
Keywords: olympic sports, olympics, track and field, salwa eid naser, shaunae miller uibo, shaunae miller uibo 400, shaunae miller uibo doha, shaunae miller uibo world championships, shaunae miller uibo 400 doha, salwa eid naser 400, salwa eid naser 48.14, salwa eid naser 400 doha, salwa eid naser shaunae miller uibo, salwa eid naser diamond league
Id: rXgV4hslU74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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