Team USA sets world record in mixed 4x400 relay, advances to finals | NBC Sports

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the 4 by 400 meter relay mixed and this is the first of two events where the top three in each plus the next two fastest times will go through to the final what do you think the perfect perfect strategy is here guys lead off with the man or a woman mix it up do with Sonia what's your opinion what is there an ideal way to play this I think so I think if you have a great team a strong team you lead off with them a man and you finish with a man the strategy here Li is that most of the times women are about five seconds slower than most men on average and so what you don't want to do is you don't want to give away more than five seconds with your male athlete on anchor however if you don't have a very strong team I say get as far ahead as possible when you load the front end with your men and hope that the male on anger on the stronger team can't catch them see I'm not so sure Lee I think you have to go based on what personnel you have and if you have really strong women and maybe your men are weak or maybe you risk it everybody in this first heat is leading off with a man and anchoring with a man but in the second heat we're gonna see Japan do something different they're the only team that's gonna do that in the entire field I like the fact that you should don't agree working different strategy that's right you know what else I love about this Lee is that this event gives the opportunity to kind of level the playing field at the four by four especially on the women's side it's really hard many times for these countries to find four women that can be very competitive in the 400 what you can do though is possibly find two and two and we see that with Bahrain who has Sawa Eid Nasser who is amazing and for her to enjoy the best in the world who has never run a four-by-four relay auto at any major championship because they couldn't find three other women and I'm glad you brought up Bahrain because if I was the coach of Bahrain I would put Sawa Eid Nasser on anger I say all the time and you know this Sonya because you were an anchor anchor is not just a leg it's a state of mind that's a young lady is so good so talented and so aggressive and I think that she can hold off anybody if she's in the lead I agree with you we're back to a Greg Lee the world is right again you've seen Canada and it's austin call who heads off in a saddened lane nine you just saw bahrain on the far inside in line to the united states Tyrell richard will kick things off and the u.s. is in line six yeah he won the n-c-double-a indoor title earlier this year for south carolina state he's run 40 474 personal bests last year also on that team jessica beard who is running second leg who has so much experience she's 30 now doesn't have an individual medal but she's been on two world championship relay teams in 2011 and 2013 and brings a really good personal best into this event so she'll have experience plus the speed to be able to give the US these first two legs a really good start other countries in this race I mentioned Bahrain in line to then Ukraine in three France Czech Republic Jamaica is right alongside the United States in lane seven and Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Lane eight and how about this Bahrain actually comes into this heat with a faster time in 2019 than the United States only Poland has run faster in this event this year Poland world world relay champions earlier in 2019 we see Poland in the next heat let's not be remiss to miss the significance of this first time ever at a track-and-field World Championship event mixed for by 400 meter relay and you'll see it next year right here on the networks of NBC at the 2020 Tokyo games first round away Canada leads off in the far right in black plane 9 the United States in blue Tyrell Richard right center of your screen and he's off to a really good start it's really hard to tell on the first leg how much of an impression you're making but it's pretty obvious that he's doing very well setting up team you and say one things we haven't talked about yet that it's going to be something that we have to consider its handoffs when a man is bringing this thing into a woman it's different than when a woman is so used to pacing herself on the speed of men so we'll see just how jessica beard handles getting the stick from Tyrone and to make us run a very good leg it looks like them and the United States will handoff just about even and first Jamaica has a lot of firepower yet left to pump but right now it's Jamaica and the USA and Jessica beard that are gonna cut for the inside right at those cones Jessica van takes the lead from Jamaica's Jenny Russell and then Great Britain in third at the moment and that's Zoe clock running for Great Britain and this takes away the nerves right there's something that's new about this we used to both the guys are running against the ladies but then when you get this thick and you're running with other females you feel confident and Jessica bear got off really well she wasn't necessarily clearly in front but she knew the first picture you gotta attack it to be able to get the break in front look at how strongly she's finishing here she has put a big gap between herself and Jamaica jazmine blocka grabs the baton from Jessica be it the United States still leads the way and that was a good time to remind you that the first three in each heat will automatically qualify for the final so it means that these three teams which have separated Great Britain Jamaica and the USA can take a look around as long as there's a big gap between them and there is now between them and Canada and forth they can back off a little bit Emily diamond Sonya looks really good in second for Great Britain that's right she looks fantastic Disick appeared about a fifty point eight on her leg I was surprised that Jimmy Russell couldn't hang with that she the fifty-one personal best Jasmin blocker had given some of that lead back but that's what you want to do you want to save something for the end and there's Sawa Eve Nasser we talked about her she's getting passed coming home but I have to think that Sawa Eden acid who's a contender for the podium in the whole war hundred maybe he's holding something back and that would be smart but she just also took a big hit by one of the other athletes I think in trying to conserve energy for the 400 later she might hopefully we'll be safe there Team USA now way out in front on the anchor leg here we have OB both we that's correct on anchor leg and Javon Francis who is anchoring for Jamaica he's in third right now they called him the donkey man because of his big kick he's gonna need it here but remember the top three will qualify automatically so now the fighters for the top three spots and it's a bass look at a massive bar I mean red a bass in Bahrain will get his country through by finishing in the top three and Martin Reed Rooney who's been anchoring for Great Britain for a long time made a big mistake here because his job is to make sure that his team is in the top three and automatically qualified he didn't do that Great Britain is likely to make the final even though they're outside the top three to the USA splits 45 one for tyro richard jessica beard fifty point eight days Minh blocker and fifty one two and then 45 three for a full wave on the anchor in the US comfortably into the final the US team thrilled understandably so I think it was the Canadian run a Philip oh say who collided earlier with Suwannee NASA and Evoque went here just looking up at the clock because he feels comfortable about where he is his team ran phenomenal in front to give him a good lead but Roni who was comfortably in second their honor you mentioned his experience has been on so many championship relay team of the world Jones got a little bit too comfortable and might have given up that third spot actually did give up that third spot for Great Britain so Martin Rooney we expect somebody with that level of experience to know better so he went from second with a hundred to go to fourth we think Great Britain is probably gonna get in on time but that's not the way speech you want to get in speaking of time guys that's a new world record time the existing one was 313 20 the United States just ran three 1242 Wow that's what happens when you you don't have an event that's been run that much the United States anchored by this guy in both wave runs the fastest time ever in the history of this event and no surprise they will be favourites come final time you
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 5,492,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Olympic Sports, Olympics, track and field, track and field world champion, tokyo 2020, mixed 4x400 relay, 4x400 relay, mixed 4x400m relay 2019, mixed 4x400m relay world champ, 4x400m relay usain bolt, mixed 4x400m relay usain bolt, world record, Team USA
Id: 1widYShgv6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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