Students Approaching Teachers To Trade "FAVORS" For Better Grades

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like the video and subscribe right now or this wasp will fly into your room tonight ass credit teachers have read it do students actually offer sex in exchange for good grades what are your stories while I was the TA in grad school this one really hot undergrad girl propositioned my advisor for a passing grade she did it again a week later obviously he refused both times the second time he kind of told her off to another week goes by her father calls him up a Bleakley offering a bribe to improve her grade he refuses a week later the parents called the Dina cussing my advisor of unfairly grading her treating her badly et Cie etc luckily my advisor had kept everyone apprised of the situation the whole time so that Dean backed him and the girl failed the class what sort of favors do those parents think they're doing for their kids sure some will work in the family business and be fine no matter what sort of duck ups they are but most of them will just graduate without appropriate knowledge or skills to make anything of themselves without quite a struggle hell I bet most end up moving back into their parents homes these days continuing to throw away money like they did with their tuition this happened the year after I graduated from high school in my high school where there was an advanced English course that this girl was failing at right around the final she offered the teacher sex in exchange for a passing grade the teacher ended up taking her up on the offer the kicker is that he ended up failing her anyways he got arrested yeah that sounds like the easiest way to make sure you're on a sex offender list teaching bunch of ninth graders I notice on the sheets that one stupid was a senior feeling like I thought he would not like being surrounded by 14-year olds I put him in the back closer to my desk turns out it was a smoking hot eighteen-year-old girl who needed three more credit to finish and next took my class she didn't want to work or do anything in class by the time the end of the year old around her casual flirting had become more blunt I want her to stop anyways before the final she needed to make a 77 to pass she offered crazy times I told her to just work and let's see what happens and walked away well she earned a B and passed fast forward four weeks I go to a restaurant in the evening and she is now waitress there as I pay for my meal the cheque had her number 1:it saying she just wanted to thank me I called her the next day and she thanked me several times that summer before she went to college still some of the best nights ever back when myspace was still a thing I was a grad student hanging an undergrad astronomy class I would occasionally get friend requests from students and tentatively add them since a fair number of them seemed to feel a lot more comfortable asking for help on homework over myspace messages and through the formal school Mao fast forward to halfway through the semester the class hottie sends me a friend request literally the most attractive person in a class of 100 she messaged me saying that she was having trouble with the observation projects and asked to meet me out at the observatory at night so I can point out the stars to her being a bit wary I told her to just stop by during normal Observatory hours when I would be working and there'd be plenty of other students there too she eventually came out but only at the very end of Observatory hours when almost everyone had left I started getting a bit nervous but try to focus on the observation project to be honest though I could never quite figure out what her trouble actually was with the project she seemed to grasp all the concepts just fine the messages continue coming getting a bit more personal each time as the semester is drawing to a close she asks if she can take me out to coffee I go into full freakout mode as I've heard all the stories about professors getting cornered to improve grades and the backlash that can occur I write her back making it very very clear that so long as I'm her TA I'm just her ta thing is something didn't add up here she had the third highest grade class easily an A if not A+ so why would she need the extra help it turns out she really just wanted to date me and was actually studying extra hard to get good grades in that class to impress me the trouble she was having with the observation project was a convenient ruse to try to see me alone we started dating soon after the semester ended and we are getting married next week I've said this elsewhere in a similar thread but once as @r I had a girl offer her sister to perform oral sex on me for a B in the class I told her that the only way she could get a B in the class was to make a resounding a on the final which unfortunately I had no control over but to this day I wonder why she offered her sister's services over her own it is unethical for a teacher to sleep with his student their sisters are fair game makes sense considering that the sister is 18 plus it would be an acceptable service that would not jeopardize his job - of course falsifying her grades I have rarely been hit on by students and never been offered sex for grades except maybe once when a student said she'd do anything for a better grade but she really just mend extra homework or he taking an exam a wealthy parent offered me a thinly veiled bribe once the athletic department sent someone over to talk to me once because I wouldn't do special favors for athletes can confirm worked as a TA and was once offered favors in return for a letter grade bump on an exam I was assigned to help a small group of students who struggled with their lab reports or exam scores as we were walking out of the room after our session one young woman who had been a little flirtatious and had been strutting her stuff turned around and told me she had warned her tightest pants for me and something along the lines of when you grade the next exam maybe you'll think of that and think of how we could do things to help each other I was a little taken aback but told her I had no power over graves blatant lie and that she'd be better off studying with her friends from now on she rolled her eyes but nothing else happened after that and she acted like it never happened my professor told me that on once per semester a young woman would come into his office usually towards the last week or two and say something along the lines of I'll do anything accompanied with some hint emotions think pulling a dress up to show more leg running a hand over their breasts etc the sad thing is they do Tilly offer this up in exchange for passing the course with a C grade and not even ask foreigner not a direct grades for sex scenario but I did have one student high school submit a video of herself in her pajamas like Victoria Secret leopard tank top thing for a project she showed it to me as pass was starting so there were other kids in the room but I could definitely sense that this was supposed to be a private showing as she kept fairly close to me while she explained that she blanked on what to do and just did this video last minute and was it okay etc I pause the video as soon as it was clear she was half naked and then told her I couldn't show this to the class she said I could watch it later by myself I sent the link to my principal instead and then deleted the email and in that moment I knew I was a real adult not really what Opie was alluding to but I'll share anyway I used to teach kung fu' many many moons ago hence the username I had one particular female student who pursued me relentlessly I oppressed after a club night out she was hot a body to tempt any genus of fauna she had her but I could watch for hours which I frequently did during training anyway after a night of debauchery she says so does this mean I'm gonna get my green belt next Saturday spoiler she got her green belt throw away Kindle long when I was teaching freshman science labs in grad school a girl offered me sex in exchange for a passing grade the department had a strict but very reasonable attendance policy basically if you didn't show up to at least half the lab meetings you automatically failed the lab course so this girl basically didn't have her [ __ ] together and skipped more than half the meetings without an excuse she would need to make up two laps in order to receive a passing by embarrassingly low grade and we tears weren't supposed to allow makeups without a doctor's note or similar at the end of the semester the student was acting pretty sketchy she asked to meet me but refused any of the times I proposed when it was obvious that someone else would be around office hours during other labs I was teaching etc' she kept asking for a meeting to discuss her grade so finally I proposed meeting fifteen minutes after my second-to-last lab section on the last week of the semester that is I only had to work for two more hours for the rest of the semester I also asked my boss and another female TA to be there by mail now the thing is that I don't like to fail students also one of the makeups she needed was for the same lab as I would teach the next day so I was going to offer for her to come to the last lab section and make up one of the dry labs pencil and paper on her own time that would pull her up to a pass well long story short she came to the meeting we arranged I had implied that noone else would be there but made sure my boss and the other TA were there I explained that she needed to make up two labs she asks but isn't there anything I can do and kinda gave me that look note this was with the other two people standing right next to me so it was super awkward I responded that she could come to the next day's lab her response was priceless she couldn't make it to the lab because of a conflict with some sorority event and repeated the question about anything she could do well two ducking bad I guess if you're going to prioritize having fun over pass in your class why should I go out of my way to help you pass so I didn't tell her she could make up the pencil and paper lab and just said there was nothing I could do she asked if there was anything at all she could do to boost her grade third time using this line and my boss who looks young like another TA spoke up and told her to get lost so here's the best part as soon as she left she emerald my boss she didn't realize he was in the room and asked to meet him to discuss her grade he explained that there was nothing to discuss that she was metaphorically screwed when I was teaching high school I taught across the hall from a keyboarding teacher whose husband was a middle school history teacher they were both in their early fifties at the time and she was a few years older she was also quite attractive at that time so I imagine she was very beautiful in her younger days back when her husband was a senior in high school she was hired fresh out of college as a typing teacher he said so many guys took typing his senior year because of the hot young teacher they both married other people back then but got divorced and married each other in their 30s but whenever a new scandal hit the news about a teacher banging a student each I mean I banged my high school typing teacher to which he'd promptly be punched by his wife background he had a freshman intro course multiple years in a row I was voted best TN the subject by the DEP year after year so I would be asked back and would make it fit into my schedule one semester I had a classroom full of incredibly hot females mainly athletes as they the time of the course was optimal and they all handed me their schedules at the beginning of the course so I would know when they would miss in a hole there was one particular girl who struggled all semester assignments always late 20% off the top never seemed to be focused and hounded me for extra credit assignments ways to improve her grade etc I tried really hard to get my students to do well I would go the extra mile and once a semester I would offer a challenge for extra credit she did the extra credit but her great even still suffered and she was at risk of failing what I would say is a cake class so part of the class was to researched paper / reports one halfway through the semester and one at the end she did quite well on the midterm one but as we closed in on the final one I noticed she was very erratic and stressed seemed like she wasn't able to juggle her course alone in this was the class she was letting go I approached her about it and she explained the situation the final report had a specific time it needed to be turned in by I sat in my office as students poured in to hand it in before the deadline but not her I waited and waited and didn't see her two minutes to deadline I get a text message from her she's across town and was on her way would I please wait so she could turn it in on time silly me I obliged her request and waited 45 minutes after which she hadn't shown so I went home with my stack of papers grabbed some beers on the way and tucked in for a night of drinking and grading 12:45 a.m. I received another text from her asking where I lived after a few back-and-forth texts I agreed to tell her where and that I would only be up for 20 to 30 more minute and her paper was late 30 minutes pass and she hasn't shown up so I get ready for bed 10 minutes later I hear a knock on my door she has finally shown up paper in hand I let her in and as the concerned person have her explain what's going on I'm kind of a pushover for a good sob story she explains and while it's fairly believable I tell her I really can't make an exception for it it's hard to remember the exact reasoning but it was like and during this time she is rummaging through my kitchen and pours herself a short I say I'm going to bed and she better head out and she pushes me back down on my futile and I'll never forget it says I will do anything to pass this class plus you're cute being the moral upstanding gentleman I'm I declined her offer but then another deal was made it was the end of the spring semester and heading into summer and she said if the paper is really good will you grade it the best you can so I can stay on the team I agreed with her adding and we can have some fun this summer she passed the class barely enough to stay on her respective watersports and we had a weekend fling that occurred outside of me being a TA during that summer win-win I was an adjunct at a community college when I was starting my PhD I was in my early twenties and was engaged but not married so I didn't have her in yet anyways I had this chick in my class that a few weeks in sent me an email asking if I would want to go out sometime I responded that it wasn't appropriate and I was engaged she apologized so I figured that was that towards the end of the class she sent me in ml asking about her grade and wad net and says because I really need a B as in VJ I answered her other questions ignored that part and she didn't mention it again I also have had students that'll s blunt awkwardly come on to me one that comes to mind was a student came up after class and asked what it meant if she thinks about sex a lot like all the time even in your class I teach psychology so that's at least in the ballpark but it had nothing to do with the course content you have been visited by the dog oh of academics comments to your homework dog go to help him through the school year thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
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Id: VVmM6ZonXbU
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Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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