Strength in Unity, Ice Cream Truck, Little Forest Rangers - ChuChuTV Storytime Adventures Collection

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choo choo and friends in story time [Applause] adventures choo choo and her friends were in school [Music] [Applause] [Music] suddenly cha-cha ran up to them he looked very afraid huh what's wrong cha-cha is something troubling you choo-choo there's a big boy bullying all the little kids he's taking all of our pencils don't worry cha-cha we'll stop him we can't he's too big and too strong [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we may be small cha-cha but we're strong if we all stick together come on let me tell you a story about strength in unity and how the little creatures of the forest banded together and saved themselves from a big mean elephant long long ago there was a beautiful forest the little animals who lived there we're very happy the sparrows sing songs in their nests [Music] the bees buzz cheerfully the frogs hopped around without a care the rabbits scampered around having fun and the woodpeckers kept themselves busy looking for worms in the trees one day an elephant moved into the [Music] [Music] forest [Music] oh [Music] the little animals thought the elephant would be kind and friendly but to their disappointment the elephant turned out to be very mean the elephant did some very nasty things he broke the branches the sparrows had built their nests in he trampled on the rabbits and the frogs the beehives the elephant even pulled out the tree the woodpecker was pecking at and he shook it as if it were a baby's rattle all the birds and animals were worried about the elephant we must do something about that elephant he's ruining our lives we must get him to leave us alone [Music] so the animal sent the woodpecker to talk to the elephant mr elephant my friends have sent me here i have a message for you we'd like for you to leave us alone the elephant laughed at the woodpecker [Music] why should i listen to you i'm a huge and mighty animal and you are all weak little creatures go away and tell your friends i'll do whatever i want and so the elephant continued tormenting the little animals all the little animals went to visit the owl that night he was a wise old bird who lived on one of the trees mr owl can you help us the elephant is tormenting us because we are weak and small you are wrong my friends you may be small but you are definitely not weak you all are very strong and you will be stronger if you all work together listen carefully now i have a plan and so the wise old owl told the little animals about his plan [Music] the next day the elephant woke up and got ready to trouble the little animals [Music] i will have fun troubling the little animals again today [Music] oh the bees gathered around the elephant's ears and they buzzed very loudly the sound of the buzzing began to annoy the elephant the bees are very noisy today i must shut my eyes and flap my ears the moment the elephant shut his eyes the woodpecker flew down and pecked them my eyes something's pricking them i better wash them in the pond and so the elephant ran with his eyes shut [Music] standing near a ditch the frogs began croaking [Music] the elephant heard them and he ran towards the ditch thinking it was the pond the elephant fell right into the ditch the ditch was very deep and the elephant realized that he couldn't get out of it on his own help can somebody help me out of this ditch the owl and the little animals then gathered around the ditch my friends can help you mr elephant but if you want them to help you you must promise to be kind and to never trouble them again i promise i'll be kind i'll never trouble them ever again the little animals then helped the elephant they called the little forest rangers and the little forest rangers came to help the elephant worry we'll have you out in a few [Music] [Applause] minutes the elephant was very grateful for the little animal's help [Music] thank you everyone you have been very kind i'm sorry i troubled you i thought you were small and weak but you are all very strong we are strong because we stick together should join us and be our friend we'll all be stronger and happier that way and so the elephant and the little animals became friends the elephant also realized that he felt nicer when he was kind and so he never troubled anyone again [Music] [Music] [Music] just as chuchu finished telling cha-cha the story the boy who had been troubling cha-cha came by cha-cha give me your pencils [Applause] choo-choo and the others came forward and stood with cha-cha [Music] hi we're cha-cha's friends do you want pencils we can give you ours i'll give you my pencils too but you must ask nicely huh i'm sorry the boy stopped troubling cha-cha he realized that cha-cha wasn't small and weak when he was with his friends [Music] he also became kinder and nicer which made everyone like him mr icee was an ice cream man he used to make delicious ice cream treats and sell them at the park he used to carry his ice cream treats in his little ice cream cart that had a tinkling bell [Music] [Applause] ice cream ice cream sweet yummy ice cream i'll have a scoop of chocolate ice cream mr icee sure cha-cha i'll give you an extra scoop since your birthday is just around the corner [Music] [Music] thanks mr icee [Music] i'd like a scoop of strawberry ice cream please mr icee sure choo choo would you like some nuts on top [Music] they are on the house for you thanks mr icee i want vanilla and i want bubble gum [Music] sure chica sure cheek crew [Music] come back chica you forgot your change oops silly me thanks mr icee here's my money mr icy please give me a huge scoop of your cookie dough ice cream sure kesley here you go [Music] oops my ice cream fell down [Music] don't worry cusley here's another scoop you don't have to pay me for it it's a gift from me to you thanks mr icee mr icee's ice cream treats were delicious choo choo and her friends liked them very much they liked mr icee too [Music] mr icee your ice cream treats are wonderful you should sell them outside our school yes mr ricey all our friends at school would love that hmm that's a good idea children i will come to your school with my little ice cream cart tomorrow and so the very next day mr icee took his ice cream cart to the school ice cream ice cream sweet yummy ice cream that's mr icee he's our friend he sells ice cream at the park we love his ice cream treats you must try them too many children went to buy ice cream from mr icee's ice cream cart i'd like a chocolate ice cream please mr icee i'd like a strawberry popsicle please please give me some cherry ice cream mr icee i'd like cookie dough please yes children [Music] yes all the children enjoyed mr icee's ice cream treats so much that they wanted more i'd like another scoop of your cherry ice cream mr icee i want some more too me too me too mr icee looked into his ice cream cart but all his ice cream treats were gone huh i'm sorry children but all the ice cream i brought is gone i want more ice cream mr icee me too me too i'm sorry children i'll find a way to bring more tomorrow many of the children started to cry [Music] mr icee went home that day and left his ice cream cart in the garage he then went to the store and bought wheels engines sheets and nuts mr icee then took all the things he had bought into his garage and shut the garage door he spent the whole night working in there by the next morning mr icee had built himself a shiny new ice cream truck my new ice cream truck is ready i will hang the bell from my ice cream cart on it and i will fill it up with lots of ice cream treats and the children will have all the ice cream treats they can eat so mr icee filled up the ice cream truck with lots and lots of ice cream treats chocolate cherry strawberry vanilla cookie dough once the ice cream truck was full mr icee headed out [Music] off to school we go the moment the truck reached the garage door mr icee pressed the brakes and stopped [Music] oh no my truck is too tall i can't get it out of the garage how will i bring all these ice cream treats to the school now hmm i better call chuchu and her friends hello choo choo can you and your friends help me please [Music] choo choo and her friends rush to mr icee's garage [Music] what happened mr i see [Applause] is that a new ice cream truck did you build it yourself yes children i built this ice cream truck to carry more ice cream treats for the children at your school but it's too tall i can't get it out of the garage i don't know what to do began thinking and soon they came up with an idea [Music] the garage floor is made of mud mr icy we will pour some water on it and make it wet and soft then we can scoop out some of the mud from around the truck that will make the truck a little lower and it will be able to fit under the garage door that's a good idea children but i don't have any shovels what will you scoop out the mud with with your old ice cream [Music] came to help too all the children and mr icee then got together and scooped up the mud from the garage [Music] floor soon the ice cream truck sank a little lower and it was no longer too tall for the garage door [Music] mr icee then drove the ice cream truck out of the [Music] later garage day he drove it straight to the children's school [Music] it's mr icee he's brought more ice cream treats for us [Music] all the children enjoyed eating mr icee's ice creams [Music] more strawberry for me more chocolate for me sure sure and mr icee gave them as much as they wanted mr icee then thanked chuchu chiku cha-cha chica and custly for their help and he gave them all many scoops of their favorite ice cream flavors [Music] thank you children you were all a big help today i would have never been able to get the ice cream truck out of the garage without your help we love you mr icee and we love your ice cream too [Music] once there was a beautiful lake in the mountains it had cool sparkling water the people who lived in the nearby town enjoyed drinking the water from the lake they also used it to wash bathe and cook the water from this lake is delicious i'm glad we can drink it when we're thirsty many people used to come to the lake for picnics hooray we are at the lake [Music] it's so pretty let's open our picnic baskets and eat our snacks but sadly many people also threw garbage in the lake [Music] okay [Music] it made the lake very dirty the garbage filled up the lake and made it smaller and soon the lake could no longer collect enough rain water oh no our beautiful lake is so dirty now and it's smaller and it's collecting less rainwater too we must do something or we won't have enough clean water in the summer [Music] and the fish living in the lake will get sick and die nikki was a boy who lived near the lake he was very worried about the lake and so he called the little forest rangers and asked for their help [Music] hello little force rangers can you come to the lake please [Music] the little forest rangers rushed to the lake oh no the lake is very dirty it's shaking too the people in the town will hardly have any water in the summer if the lake isn't made bigger and if we don't get the garbage out the dirty water will harm the fish in the lake what do we do now little force rangers how can we save the lake don't worry we'll ask the people from the town to help clean the lake and make it bigger and so the little forest rangers asked the people from the town to help can you help us clean the lake mister can you help us dig around the lake and make it bigger if we work together we will have plenty of clean water in the summer months but the people in the town were very lazy no one wanted to help clean the lake or make it bigger sorry i'm busy now [Music] i really don't have the time huh no one wants to save the lake we can't clean the lake and make it bigger by ourselves what do we do now don't worry i have an idea and i'm sure it will work choo choo went to the town's mayor hi mr mayor do you have any money to hire people to clean the lake i'm afraid not choo choo the town council has very little money we only have a few gold coins and some silver coins left they were part of a king's treasure can you give me these coins mr mayor they can help us clean the lake sure choo choo thank you the little forest rangers put the gold and silver coins in and around the lake [Music] choo choo then made up a story and she told it to chiku right in front of a lady [Music] look at this gold coin i found it in the lake [Music] i think the story i heard about the lake must be true it said that a king had hidden his treasure chest in the lake many years ago the treasure chest was full of gold and silver coins just like this one it said that a king had lost his hidden treasure chest in the lake many years ago huh gold and silver coins a treasure chest in our lake choo choo and the little forest rangers then pretended to dig around the lake and they pretended to find gold and silver coins i found a gold coin and i found a silver one let's fish in the lake and look for some more huh the lady began to tell everyone in the town what she had heard and seen there are gold and silver coins in the lake a king lost his hidden treasure chest in the lake a long time ago everyone's looking for gold and silver coins near the lake now then we must all go to the lake too we must dig all around it for the treasure chest and we must use our fishing nets to look for gold and silver coins many people came rushing to the lake let's look for gold and silver let's look for the treasure chest many people started to dig all around the lake [Music] they found some of the silver coins choo choo and the other little forest rangers had scattered [Music] look there's a silver coin there let's dig deeper there may be golden ones too some other people sailed on the lake and boats they used fishing nets hoping they would find the gold and silver coins in the lake [Music] i found something too huh it's a shoe [Music] [Music] as the people dug around the lake it became much bigger and while the people were looking for gold and silver coins in the lake they took out the garbage too and made the lake cleaner soon the lake was both big and clean the lake is much bigger now and the water is sparkling and clean again yay everyone in the town will have plenty of fresh clean water now and the fish in the lake won't get sick or die all thanks to you little forest rangers did anyone find the treasure chest it must have more gold and silver the lake itself is a treasure chest and its clean water is more precious than all the gold and silver in the world yes yes that is true choo choo and all the little force rangers were very happy they gave the gold coins to the people from the town and they thanked them for their help you all helped save the lake today and so these gold coins are for you please use it for the welfare of your village thank you thank you thank you ice cream ice cream sweet yummy ice cream that's mr icee he's our friend he sells ice cream at the park many birds lived in the garden and the snake loved to eat their eggs [Music] there were also some turtles in the lake giving the baby monkeys brides on their backs and the baby monkeys were giving the turtles and fish fresh lettuce and juicy fruits to eat the rabbit grew very angry he scolded the elephant mr elephant you better stop treating us rabbits so badly [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ChuChuTV Bedtime Stories & Moral Stories for Kids
Views: 21,050,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bedtime stories, bedtime story, stories, story, stories for kids, moral stories, moral story, animal story, animal stories, wildlife, friendship, moral, values, good values, kids, children, stories for children, children's stories, chuchutv, chuchu tv, shows, chuchutv stories, cussly stories, ChuChu and Friends, The King's Vases, Snake & The Ants, Turtles & Monkeys, bedtime stories kids, bedtime stories for toddlers, bedtime stories toddlers, Strength in Unity, Little Forest Rangers
Id: hZkbyKrJ6D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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