Pinky, The Proud Petunia + More Good Habits Bedtime Stories & Moral Stories for Kids - ChuChuTV

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zucchini storytime [Music] cus Lee was a rude little boy he never respected his friends he always put them down and was rude to them we win the game because of me huh cus Lee's teacher Miss Dorothy noticed this she decided to teach cus Lee a lesson so that he would learn how to respect his friends hmm one day during story time Miss Dorothy asked the class to sit down today I'm going to tell you a story a story about a flower named pinky petunia pinky petunia was a proud flower she was very rude to everyone and thought about no one but herself I'm the prettiest flower in the garden there's no one prettier than me pinky always put her friends down hey butterfly you are of no use to this garden you really aren't huh pinky please don't be so rude everyone is useful in one way or the other well you aren't so stop bothering me [Music] pinkies rude behavior upset everyone in the garden so the parts of the flower decided to teach her a lesson pinky is always rude to us we should stop helping her maybe then she'll recognize our value good idea pinky will not be able to bloom without our help so the parts of the flower decided to stop helping pinky the next day the roots didn't hold pinky stem pinkies leaves didn't make any food and her petals didn't blossom pinky was terrified Oh No what's happening to me why am I so hungry why can't I stand straight why am I drooping because everyone stopped helping pinkie she started to wither they all stopped helping me that's why I can't stand tall or bloom oh I shouldn't have been so proud hmm I shouldn't have been so rude to everyone all of you I'm sorry I'm so sorry pinky finally understood that she only looked beautiful because of the others help and once she admitted her mistake the other flower parts helped her blossom and look pretty again so that's how pinky petunia learned the importance of teamwork right pinky petunia did well because of her team uh I don't think I'd like to be like pinky petunia I don't want my friends to stop helping me I understand that each and every one of us is important cos we finally understood what everyone is important and that teamwork always helps us win [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] costly was always showing off and putting his friends down chica [Music] you can't Oh [Music] choo-choo you sound like a frog when you sing don't you wish you could sing as nicely as me ChaCha you really can't dance look at me I said so chiku the pictures you draw look terrible look at the winds I draw they are wonderful cos Lee's friends always felt hurt by his rude words I wish costly wasn't so rude to us yes I wish he understood how badly he makes us feel one day choo choo and the other children decided to participate in a talent day that was being held at the school [Music] but you to sing beautifully and won first prize she who received an award for a picture that she painted and chica and cha-cha won some races the only friend who didn't win anything was cus Lee and she felt terrible about it I'm the only one who hasn't won anything I always thought I was the best but Chu Chu and the others didn't make fun of cus Lee instead they went up to him and tried to make him feel better don't lose hope costly there are many more competitions that you can take part in there's a dance competition coming up soon we are participating in it you're a good dancer I'm sure we'll win if you join our team so costly join shoot you and the others they all practice together come on let's work hard and help each other win [Applause] Chuchu and her friends stole the show during the dance competition the team's dance was the best and they won first prize our team is one yes costly we won because we all did our best and help each other win that's what is so special about being a team hustlin never made fun of anyone ever again he tried to be more like - - by encouraging others instead he learned that being patient kind and loving can bring out the best in others [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the City of Scottsdale there lived a girl named juju she was a sweet girl with a very kind heart but she was so careless that she kept losing her school supplies although it upset her choo-choos mom kept buying new school supplies then one Monday morning her mommy yelled out juju could you get me your backpack please yes mommy I'll be right there here it is I've gotta run to the restroom I'll be right back her mom took out her pencil case and found it to be empty hmm that's it I've had enough of her losing her school supplies this needs to stop she needs to start being more responsible did you wash your hands I sure did mommy good job listen young lady I have been patient with you I have replenished your empty pencil case with school supplies every single day I have replenished it with two new pencils and a sharpener again today these are going to be your school supplies for the whole week if you lose them you won't get new ones for another week have I made myself clear yep I'm going to be really careful with them mommy good the school bus will be here any minute let's get going [Music] [Music] so how was your day at school it was good I had a lot of fun okay time to grab a fruit I won't pretend I didn't hear that are you done with the fruit yes good do you have all of your school supplies choo choo looked at her mom with a blank stare I don't remember hmm go fetch me your pencil case shoot you walk to her backpack grabbed her pencil case and gave it to her mom nature calls I'll be right back Choo choos mom opened up the pencil case and once again was shocked to see it empty now I've had it this girl needs to learn responsibility choo choo are you done nearly done mom be right there hurry up we are heading out for some shopping I'm here put on your shoes and hop into the car choo choo ran to put on her shoes and jumped into the car let's head to the store and pick up a few things sure mom do I get a treat hmm one small chocolate and that's it yay Thank You Choo choos mother stopped by the store choo choo was busy walking along the aisle searching for her chocolate her mom picked up a few packs of pencils a few sharpeners and some chocolates the car stopped by a small foster home come on chew chew chew chew got down and held her mom's hand and walked along [Music] children mrs. Charlie is here to visit us could you all please come here all the kids assembled in the visitors area hello little ones this is my daughter - - she wanted to visit you all and play with you could you kids teach her how to draw one kid ran and fetched a piece of paper and the pencil case the kids gave the pencil case to choo-choo-choo-choo opened it and found a small pencil with a broken eraser and a broken sharpener Chuchu looked at her mom and her eyes flooded with tears hey why are you crying don't cry - - silently walked over to her mom and whispered in her ear choo-choos mom gave a pack of pencils to chew chew chew chew share these pencils with your friends here yes mommy all the kids jump to a joy they sharpen the new pencils and started to draw a [Music] few hours went by choo choo it's getting late give them all a hug I know you will miss them all let's come back another day okay mommy choo choo gave them all a hug I'll see you all soon choo choo was awfully quiet What's Wrong angel [Music] choo-choos eyes filled with tears she started to talk mommy my friends back there had one pencil with a broken eraser and a broken sharpener yes they did and here I've been losing my school supplies every single day hmm I am think careless with my school supplies I have lost so many pencils and sharpener if I have been careful I could have shared them with my friends mommy yes darling I will never ever lose my school supplies again I have realised my mistake I will be responsible mommy good sweetheart I'm glad you realized it mommy kiss choo-choo and from that day on juju never again lost her school supplies she also made a point to visit her friends every weekend and play with them choo-choo and her friends lives happily ever after [Music] [Applause] once upon a time there lived a boy named thusly he had grown to be a naughty kid he pushed his friends down bullied them and wanted his way around in everything his friends were soft and forgiving in nature they just put up with his harsh and rough behavior thinking he would change he had the bad habit of tearing his books throwing his clothes and breaking his toys it was not going to be long before someone taught him a lesson it was a nice sunny day his mom yelled out cuss lis your room looks like a garbage bin your clothes toys and books are all over the floor I need the floor cleaned up with all your things put in place I will be paying a visit to your room pretty soon you don't want to be grounded do you did you hear me yeah yeah loud and clear I'll make sure the floor is cleaned up [Music] wow that was fast this does not look like your room good job come on let's go for a stroll and grab an ice cream it's a treat for your hard work mommy I feel tired and sleepy dinner is ready have an early dinner and hit the sack yeah okay whoa I so forgot that I had dumped these things on the bed Huxley threw his books to the floor he toss his toys around and dumped his clothes under his bed now that my bed is cozy let me put out the light and go to sleep the next moment cuz Lee was deep in sleep and was snoring away to glory he started to mumble he started to toss and turn in his sleep the toy monster truck trying to crush his toes the books blew around crashing and thumping into him the clerk piled up together and was trying to cover him [Music] the toy robot was calling his hair jumping up and down on his tummy finally the giant storybook that was hanging on the rack above him crashed onto his head with a pedal there was a loud thud cuss Lee had rolled off the bed and was on the floor he woke up shrieking startled dazed and sweaty whoa what was looks like I'd had a dreadful dream it was more of a nightmare let me get up and put my things in order let me put them where they belong from that day onwards he realized his folly and decided to be gentle to one and all he promised that she will take good care of his books and toys [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the quiet suburb of Scottsdale there lived a boy named cha cha cha cha had a problem she washed way too much TV it had literally become an addiction and this upset his mom very much cha cha you are watching way too much TV on your feet you need to get some exercise this is not a choice young man what part of this is not a choice did you not understand turn off that TV now I'm not going to say it again turn off that TV now you don't want to be grounded do you okay stop yelling already there it's off happy good there is a time for everything and there's a limit to everything now put on your shoes and go out and play okay cha-cha grabbed his video game console and tucked it into his pocket he then put on his shoes and headed out I'm going to play I'll be back soon be careful sweetheart when ChaCha's dad returned from work he found ChaCha sitting under a tree playing video games [Music] hey honey I'm home how was your day it was good guess what I saw jr. on my way home yeah I kicked him out of the house so that he could get some exercise that's not what I saw I saw him sit under the tree and play his video game Oh No hmm I'm starting to worry about this child of ours hmm me too I've tried to get him to play ball with me I've tried to drag him to go bicycling nothing nothing seems to have gotten him away from his TV and video games while the parents were talking they heard screams coming from the yard next door cha-cha mom peeked out the window and noticed a bunch of kids playing and having fun she noticed cha-cha standing outside and watching them play what are you looking at it looks like we have a new neighbor with four kids look how he's staring at them playing this might get him to make friends and play outdoors let's sit and watch what he does cha-cha stood there watching the kids play basketball and soccer the kids were having so much fun [Music] the cha-cha wanted to play too but cha-cha had never played these games before so he didn't know what to do everyday cha-cha just stood there watching the kids play then one day the kids noticed cha-cha watching them play they came up to cha-cha and introduce themselves and cha-cha introduced himself - nice to meet you cha-cha would you like to join us yeah but I don't know how to play these games I have never played good no big deal join in and we will teach you how to play ok cha-cha joined in with the kids and started learning the game this is so much fun I never thought games would be like this and I've never had so much fun I feel so happy thanks guys mom you're welcome we're so happy to play with you ChaCha [Music] since that day ChaCha's addiction to TV and video gaming disappeared and you never missed a single day of playing outside with his friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was recess - - was watching her friends play on the playground cha-cha was on the swing I'm having so much fun chika and chiku were having fun on the seesaw even though everyone was having fun everyone was making sure that the other children had a turn cha cha Yoon I sit on the swing now : would you like to turn on the seesaw yes please come and have a turn all the children were being very thoughtful but then costly came into the playground he started pushing the children he wanted the play equipment all for himself hey Jana go and find something else to do I want to sleep I want this seesaw for myself choo choo saw how cus li selfish behavior was ruining everyone's fun so she called out to her friends let's play a game it's a fun new one each of us will shout out the name of an animal and then everyone will make the sound that animal makes who wants to start I want to it's my turn now while tutu and the others were having fun playing their game hustling was going higher and higher on the swing I'm gonna go and suddenly costly once so high that he was about to fall off the swing luckily choo-choo saw him Humphry is in trouble let's catch him before he falls too soon and the others hustling and saved him from really hurting himself I was mean to you all but you all still helped me I'm sorry for my bad behavior please forgive me don't worry costly we are your friends and we are always here to help you costly apologize to the children and promise never to be mean again everyone forgave him and invited him to join their games [Music] Olivia's family had just moved to a new town and Olivia had to go to a new school she didn't know anyone in the new town and she felt very nervous on the first day of school I'm gonna feel lonely at the new school I don't know anyone there I won't have anyone to talk to it to play with Olivia always shared everything with her mother and so she went up to her mother and told her how she was feeling mom I don't feel like going to the new school I don't have any friends there what if they don't like me or let me play with them boy let me be their friend Olivia's mother tried to calm her fears don't worry Olivia you'll be fine you'll make lots of new friends I'm sure you'll come home with a smile come on now let's go before the school bell rings talking to her mother made Olivia feel much better but she was still nervous about how things would go when Olivia entered her new classroom the teacher welcomed her warmly [Music] hello Olivia welcome we are very happy to have you here the teacher then introduced Olivia to her new classmates children this is Olivia she's new to our town in school I hope you all will make her feel comfortable and be kind pollo Olivia I'm Chu Chu I'd like to be your friend you can sit next to me we'll have lots of fun together Chu Chu made Olivia feel very welcome she also introduced Olivia to her friends guys this is Olivia I told her she could play with us and sit next to us at lunch time hi Lydia hello Olivia felt very comfortable Thank You choo-choo I was really nervous this morning but you have been so kind but I feel like I've known you all forever I think I'm going to like this school in town thanks to you and your friends when Olivia went home that evening she had a smile on her face [Applause] [Music] did you have a good time at your new school Olivia choo-choo and my other new friends were so kind they made me feel very comfortable now I'm excited to go to school to see and play with my new friends Olivia no longer felt nervous or sad about moving to a new town and going to a new school choo-choos warmth and kindness had made Olivia very happy and comfortable [Music] in the busy city of Scottsdale there lived a boy named cha-cha though he was a sweet kid by Nature he didn't know how to manage his time this made him difficult to manage for his mother getting him to do his work on time was always a challenge for his mother from the moment he awoke until the moment he was tucked back into bed at night his mother struggled to get him to do his work good morning my angel rise and shine get up it's time to go to school I'm gonna fix your lunch and we'll be back in five minutes please get up and get ready I don't want to have to keep yelling at you to wake up please [Music] his mom goes to fix his lunch and mumbles to herself cha-cha is growing up but he still does not know how to manage his time I have tried everything but nothing has worked so far its apps me of all my energy I've been thinking the same thing too why don't you take a trip to the school and talk to his teacher hmm I guess I should a little help from his school couldn't hurt I'll go today hmm gotta go time to hit the road before the traffic starts to pile up okay I love you have a good day I love you too have a good day [Music] cha-cha are you up yet cha-cha you're going to be late for school okay okay I'm getting up stop yelling already cha-cha gets up and starts to get ready cha-cha then finishes his breakfast get your back cha-cha it's time to go to school yeah yeah don't give me that attitude young man no get up cha-cha gets into the car and his mom drives him to school run cha-cha the bell just rang have a good day sweetheart okay okay I'm going cha-cha walked slowly to class his mom parked the car and headed towards the principal's office she knocked on the door and went into the principal's office good morning miss Lucy good morning miss Charlie well well what a surprise it's good to see you what can I do for you today ChaCha's mom tells the principal about cha-cha struggles with time management and asks for her help the principal smiles he I get it I have an idea tomorrow is the field trip that he has eagerly been awaiting the bus leaves school at 7:30 a.m. drive him to school tomorrow but get here five minutes late I have a hunch that this plan will help him learn thanks Miss Lucy ChaCha's mom leaves the school and heads back home the next morning chacha wake up and get ready today is your field trip the bus will leave without you if you don't hurry cha cha gets up and looks at the clock it's already late let me get ready we've got to get there on time mommy like the principal said ChaCha's mom made sure she was five minutes late dropping him off when they arrived at school cha cha found that the school bus had left without him his eyes filled with tears cha-cha stood there feeling miserable with a long sad face I'm so sorry cha-cha it's sad that the bus left without you all this happened because I was not on time it's all my fault I'm sorry mom suddenly we heard a howl from the school bus from around the corner his face lit up as he looked at his mom he hugged his mom and looked at her mommy I have learned a lesson I'm never going to be troublesome for you anymore and I'm going to make sure that I manage my time better I'm sorry for what I put you through mommy Oh mommy hug cha cha tightly now go and have a great field trip cha-cha climbed into the bus and waved bye to his mommy and from that day on he managed his time all by himself and made sure he was not troublesome for his mom [Music] this was in a quiet suburb in the City of Scottsdale the suburb had a nice school and a lovely park a little girl named choo-choo and her younger brother cha-cha lived in the lovely suburb next door lived a little girl chiku with her brother chica they all went to the same school and were very close friends after school they loved playing in the neighborhood part one day while playing they had noticed a man sleeping under a tree [Music] this man seems to be sleeping whenever we see him oh yeah I noticed that do should we find out whether he's sick and needs help no let's not go near strangers and talk to them we should help once we go home let's tell mom and try to help him you're right let's do that shoot you cha-cha chiku and chika started to fall I need to get rid of these kids they are disturbing my sleep need to make sure they never come back looking around the man noticed a few paint cans mommy there is a man in the park who is always sleeping we fear that he is sick we wanted to tell you and get him help good job I shall look into it Choo choos mom called the mayor's office and reported the mayor's office assured to have a look into it the mayor visited the park and he put a community notice homeless man [Music] the mayor left the park and the man started to paint the monster the weekend had started the kids head towards the park wanting to play Choo choos mom with a book in her hand sat on the park bench my my all of a sudden Choo choos mom heard the kids scream whoa what's wrong why did you all scream why are you trembling the kids pointed their fingers towards the painting she saw the monsters painting and held the kids she distracted them by giving them some toys and a little candy she called the mayor's office and reported this incident folks till we figure this out let's not send the kids to the park alone play safe and yell out if you get scared I'm right here just play where I can see you we play right here and we'll be safe as they were playing they see the man shivering cha-cha looks like the man is really sick look at him shivering you are right let's go tell your mom the kids run and told you choose mom what they had seen good job little ones let me call for an ambulance to take him to the hospital [Music] and the man got better who brought me to the hospital he was told about the kids who found him sick the man felt bad of his misdeed discharged from the hospital the man went to the park he saw the kids playing from a distance I was being mean to these little kids it's time to make it right let me remove the scary monster picture I had painted [Music] from that day onward he sat and enjoy watching the kids playing he watched over them and kept an eye on them ever after it was in a lovely school district of Scottsdale the district hosted one of the best schools by name Scottsdale junior high chica chiku choo-choo cha-cha and cuss Leigh who were the thickest of friends who went to the school one fine day the teacher asked the kids little ones those who know how to make little snacks for yourself please raise your hands none of the kids raised their hands oh that's okay we are going to do a little project we are going to make our snack for tomorrow ask your mom to teach you how to make a few snacks that we would want I want you little ones to make your snacks tomorrow [Music] [Music] so who all have brought your snacks today except for chiku and chica the others raise their hands chiku and chica why haven't you both brought your snack today my mother was not home to make me my snack Miss Dorothy she had to go to the hospital to attend to my alien grandma oh I'm sorry about your grandma class who is ready to share your snack with chiku and chika good proud of you little ones listen I'm going to make a shuffle in the seating arrangement sure Miss Dorothy chiku you move over and sit with ChaCha chica and cus Lee you move over and sit with choo-choo since cus Lee did not offer to share his snack with chika Cosley felt hesitant in asking choo choo for a share her soft gentle and lovely nature made her offer a share to cus Lee you would love this costly try a bit of might snap cus Lee felt ashamed for what he had done he felt bad and wanted to make it up the school bell rang and the kids left for their homes for the day so little ones have you all learned to make your favorite snack yes Miss Dorothy could we have them displayed on your tables please all the kids put their preparations on the table cus Lee had put four boxes on his table you made four boxes for yourself no Miss Dorothy I made more for it to be shared with my friend uh-huh that was so sweet of you I'm so proud of you cus Lee we all are the teacher was extremely happy and the whole class was [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 13,227,534
Rating: 3.8520045 out of 5
Keywords: The Proud Petunia, Pinky, bedtime stories, bedtime story, stories, story, stories for kids, Bedtime Stories for Kids, moral stories, moral story, animal story, animal stories, wildlife, friendship, moral, values, good values, kids, children, stories for children, children's stories, storytime, chuchutv, chuchu tv, shows, chuchu tv stories, good habits stories, clean and green, cussly playground, chuchutv stories, cussly
Id: OdGtaDjP9F4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 40sec (3040 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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