The Little Liar Story + Many More Popular ChuChu TV Bedtime Stories & Moral Stories for Kids

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friends in story time [Music] choo-choo and friends in the [Music] i've got the cupcakes and i've got dino [Music] i've got homework oh this should cheer you up oh look a butterfly it's beautiful [Music] [Music] foreign jared what are you doing here [Music] did you eat our cupcake did you take my dino did you do the [Music] homework huh cupcake dino i don't know what you're talking about maybe it was the squirrel why don't you ask him [Music] from i like playing with my toy car alex if we reroute the transmission through the main shaft the vehicle should achieve higher speeds hi costly huh you know my name yes costly everyone knows your name you're the wonderful custody the great custody the custody everyone wants as their friend hello anyone home i am yes you know i can make your car go faster someone like you deserves a faster car [Music] you better be careful jared is a little liar he steals toys he ate our cupcake and took my dino huh i don't believe you jared is a nice little boy he's my friend all right costly we tried to warn you carrots making a fool of you full of me i am custody the great and famous i need a fast car and jared can make it fast see [Music] don't worry costly we will help you get your car back from that jared just go talk to the tree of truth [Music] huh tree of what [Music] oh all right team you know the drill rendezvous in five roger yes roger that over and out [Music] oh tree of truth jared stole my car [Music] hey kesley what you doing i am telling the tree of truth about what you did tree of truth tree of truth jared stole my car and chachas dino [Music] oh no tree no i didn't liar [Music] do you know what happens to little liars do you know what happens when you lie your nose grows long just like a carrot so long that we could touch the sky don't lie don't lie lying isn't a nice thing to do do you know what happens to little thieves do you know what happens when you steal your two little ears disappear and you end up with two slippery long yellow banana peels no no no no i didn't steal your car you gave it to me remember nope you stole it you are a little thief don't steal don't steal stealing isn't a nice thing to do [Music] you must always yes you must always be honest you can't escape that easily the tree won't let you [Music] do you know what happens when you start stealing and [Music] and no one thinks of you as nice or good be honest be truthful they are very nice things to do everyone yes everyone yeah everyone will like you if you're honest and good everyone yes everyone yeah everyone will like you if you're honest and good [Music] what's going on jared is a little liar [Music] getting a taste of your own medicine but but but the tree it hit me it tripped me that was all you you were so scared you tripped you tricked me all of you tricked me now you know what it feels like you tricked costly and took his car you ate the cupcakes and stole dino i did you know if you want something you can just ask you don't have to steal i can do you want a cupcake yes yes what yes please do you want another cupcake do you want dino do you want to do my homework [Music] yes [Music] you see jared if you play nice with others they will be nice to you too there's no need to lie or steal we can all be friends and share so can we be friends yes can we play nice yes can i have my car back no [Music] everyone will like you if you're honest and good [Music] be honest be truthful they are very nice things to [Music] [Music] everyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] costly was a mischievous little boy he didn't know how to do nice things and he often used his hands to cause trouble he even sometimes use them to hurt his friends [Music] one day in the playroom custly picked up a toy truck and used it to hit his friend [Music] even used his hands to scribble with crayon all over the clean white wall too often custly used his hands to hurt and ruin things so the other children stayed far away from him [Music] do you want to play with me [Music] no this made kesley angry and he did even worse things with his hands one day the children went to their teacher to complain about costly miss dorothy costly's always hurting us he breaks and ruins everything please do something about it miss dorothy [Music] hmm miss dorothy came up with a plan to show costly how he could use his hands to make everyone happy she picked some flowers and gave one to each of the children cusley was surprised to see how the children smiled each time miss dorothy handed out a flower [Music] huh [Music] miss dorothy then painted a beautiful picture and kesley saw how everyone smiled at the picture [Music] next miss dorothy used her hands to hug some of the children cusley began to see how much joy hands could bring i love you little one we love you miss dorothy one day miss dorothy invited all of the children to hold hands and dance around together cusley who was also part of the dance found that he was feeling very happy too [Music] costly watched as miss dorothy used her hands to water the plants making them grow and bloom beautifully one day custly was about to push a girl but then he remembered all of the wonderful things miss dorothy had done with her hands and he stopped himself cusley noticed how miss dorothy could spread so much happiness by doing little things with her hands like making and sharing a milkshake or cutting cookies into fun shapes or by fluttering her hands like a butterfly's wings she flew kites in the sky she blew kisses to all the children cusley just couldn't believe how much happiness miss dorothy could spread with her hands [Music] one day miss dorothy called cusley over kesley i think you have noticed just how many wonderful things we can do with our hands [Music] and that our hands are for helping and loving and sharing and caring and not for hurting others [Music] if you use your hands to do nice things everyone will love you you were right miss dorothy our hands are for helping and loving and sharing and caring and from now on i'm gonna use my hands to do those things kesley used his hands to do kind and loving things [Music] and he made many wonderful friends [Applause] [Music] costly was a very spoiled little boy [Music] he would always throw tantrums when he wanted something and he would pester his mother to buy him a new toy every day mom i want that toy please buy it for me i really want it i really do kesley's mother felt very troubled with the way costly behaved especially when she took costly to a store he would refuse to move till she bought him something i want that toy i won't come home till i get it costly please behave yourself everyone's [Music] watching [Music] one day kesley's mother decided to be very firm with cusley i want that toy car i won't move from here until you buy it i'm sorry cusley but i'm not buying that toy car for you you already have dozens of toys that you don't even play with but this car is a red one you must buy it for me mom i want that robot too i'm sorry cusley but i'm not buying you anything costly's mother took costly home and showed him his toy bin look at how many toys you have kesley [Applause] and look at how many of each kind you hardly play with them i really don't think you need more toys you already have more toys than you can play with they are all being wasted [Music] huh kesley's mother then pointed out some of the other children from the neighborhood look at these children kesley they hardly have any toys why don't you invite them over and give them some of your extra toys [Music] good idea mom [Music] and so costly invited the children over [Music] friends please take some of my toys i have too many of them i'd like to share some of them with you all the children were very happy they took some of the toys and thanked cusley thank you for sharing your toys with us costly we've never seen so many toys before in our life you really are generous [Music] yes kesley thank you why don't you come and play with us it'll be fun [Music] kesley felt very happy now he realized that his mother had made him do the right thing giving his toys away had made the other children very happy and the toys he had stopped playing with were being put to good use [Music] as the sun rose over the horizon it's shown on the lovely suburb of scottsdale which was just starting to get busy [Music] a little girl named chuchu who lived in a lovely house there had just woken up and was getting ready for school as she walked down the stairway a smell caught her attention and lured her toward the kitchen [Music] her mommy was busy making her lunch [Music] good morning mommy good morning sweetheart [Music] something smells good what is it it's my grandma's secret recipe spicy chickpea sandwich is it for breakfast no it's for your lunch yummy thank you mommy choo choo the school bus will be here any minute you've got to get moving [Music] i'm ready mom okay let's go [Music] the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town [Music] so choo choo's stomach started to growl she couldn't wait for the lunch bell to ring [Applause] [Music] would you like to try this spicy chickpea sandwich that my mommy made for me i'd love that here opening the lunchbox chuchu finds that her sandwich is missing her eyes fill with tears it looks like someone ate your sandwich and left you with an empty lunchbox you must feel very sad i will help you figure this out later but for now why don't you share my lunch with me the two sat together and shared chiku's lunch and an apple that chuchu had brought when they finished they returned to class [Music] you look sleepy come on choo choo it's bedtime [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign don't cry we can share my lunch it looks like someone is being mean to you let's put an end to this mischief how do we do that chiku tomorrow we can both bring very spicy food ask your mom to make your sandwich very spicy no one will be able to eat such a sandwich and they will learn their lesson sounds good [Music] good morning mommy good morning sweetheart mommy can you make me two sandwiches today and make them very spicy sure sweetheart [Music] be careful it might be too spicy bye-bye mommy love you bye-bye love you too me at lunchtime chuchu and chiku heard a loud scream and rushed to find costly running towards the boy's toilet they both went to the locker and found choo choo's half eaten sandwich huh they smiled at each other from that day onwards chuchu's lunch remained intact for her to share with chiku [Music] [Applause] it was a sunday afternoon in the heat of summer choo choo's mother was working in the kitchen [Music] the children were playing games and having fun [Music] and the grown-ups were relaxing [Music] the hot sun made choo-choo feel thirsty [Music] phew it's really hot today i better get myself some cool water to drink when choo choo went into the kitchen she saw her mother working there oh look at mother she looks so tired but she's still cooking everyone's favorite things and she's doing all the housework all by herself poor mother she's trying to make everyone happy and comfortable all by herself i should help her choo choo stopped playing and went to help her mother [Music] mother i'd like to help you that's very thoughtful of you choo choo when the rest of the family saw choo choo helping her mother they decided to help out too chuchu's father started washing the dishes choo choo's grandpa filled the water bottles chuchu's grandma helps with the cooking cha-cha set the dinner table the baby didn't want to be left out and came forward to help too [Music] choo choo's mother felt very happy when she saw the whole family helping out thank you everyone it's really nice of you to help me out i'm really lucky to have such a loving family i love you all choo choo felt very happy when she realized that she had set a good example for the others and made her mother's work easier and we love you too mother kesley was a boy in chat chat's class he was very proud of himself [Music] i'm handsome and smart there's no one else like me costly also made fun of all the children cha-cha you're so silly chica [Music] huh on the day before halloween costly went to the park to play he found a corner and started playing by himself suddenly the lights in the park went out and the park became very dark huh kesley's hands began to sweat his mouth felt dry and he began to feel butterflies in his stomach kesley was very afraid of the dark it's so dark here i hear so many strange sounds and what are those lights [Music] i hope they aren't ghosts or witches costly was terrified he couldn't stop thinking about all of the scary stories he had read cuss began to cry choo choo and her friends were in the park too luckily they heard cusley huh that sounds like costly hmm i know that kesley's afraid of the dark he must be scared because the lights went out let's go help him choo choo and the others turned on their flashlights and went looking for costly [Music] look there he is costly was still shaking with fear when chuchu and the others found him so they all tried to cheer him up costly we're here don't be afraid there's nothing to worry about but i hear strange sounds and look at those two shining lights cha-cha shown his flashlight and showed kesley where the sounds were coming from look over there see the frogs and crickets they are making those sounds and those lights you see they're fireflies [Music] huh kesley felt much better he was thankful for choo choo and her friends and the lights came back the next day was halloween costly decided to surprise his friends with balloons cupcakes and chocolates thank you everyone guess what i'm not scared of the dark anymore and i'm sorry i've been rude to you all you are all brave kind and caring and that's what makes you all very special thanks costly we are all happy to be your friends come on it's halloween day let's go trick or treat happy halloween to all halloween halloween halloween is here halloween halloween halloween [Music] halloween halloween is here dress like a wish or dress like a ghost and don't forget to scare the horse hold your wand and say trick or treat and they will give you something sweet halloween halloween halloween is here halloween halloween halloween [Music] halloween halloween halloween is here oh what fun to watch the kids play they dress so scary on the halloween day from the candy bag we'll find good ones to pick we'll give the kids a treat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] choo choo's neighborhood was a great place to live many children lived there a boy named cusley lived in the neighborhood too one morning kesley's mother woke him up with a kiss good morning costly sweetheart it's time to rise and shine oh mom it's sunday today can i sleep for a little longer please you can costly but don't you want to get up and get dressed it's your birthday today remember oh yes it's my birthday i almost forgot happy birthday sweetheart thanks mom so what would you like to do today kesley would you like to invite your friends over for a birthday party yes let's invite my friends over for lunch that'll be fun we can get pizzas and a big chocolate cake i'll also make my favorite broccoli soup for my friend it's your day today kesley so we'll do whatever you like dear [Music] hustly got dressed quickly he wore some nice new clothes [Music] kesley's mother invited his friends over [Music] she ordered pizzas and a delicious chocolate birthday cake meanwhile costly put on an apron and started making his favorite broccoli soup butter fresh broccoli [Music] soon the soup was done and costly was ready for his birthday party the doorbell rang kesley's friends came with presents happy birthday kesley's mother invited everyone to join kesley as he cut his birthday cake come on everyone let's sing for cusley while he cuts his birthday cake happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear costly happy birthday to you thanks everyone [Music] costly's mother then invited all the children to eat lunch come on children you must be hungry now let's have some lunch [Music] costly wanted everyone to try his broccoli soup [Music] everyone i have made my favorite broccoli soup for you all please try it it's yummy i'm really hungry costly but i'll skip the soup and just have pizza and cake try it cha-cha it's delicious i know you'll like it no costly i only want pizza and cake oops [Music] cha-cha's hand accidentally hit the soup bowl some soup spilled out cusley became very angry look what you've done cha-cha you've spilled the soup i'm not going to give you any cake or pizza now huh i'm sorry costly i didn't mean to spill the soup i'll help you clean it up oh no you won't [Music] choo choo heard cusley scolding cha-cha costly it was an accident you're not being fair do you remember what happened last week you were playing with a frog when you accidentally hurt its leg uh-oh i think i'd better go home i've hurt this frog huh you left without helping the frog but cha-cha and i took the frog with us and cared for it [Music] you're very rude kesley you ran away without helping out but we forgot about your mistake and came to your birthday party we forgave you didn't we huh [Music] cha-cha made a mistake by pushing the bowl away he's willing to help you clean it up he's being very fair costly and i think you should be fair to cha-cha and forgive him too hmm you're right choo-choo i'm sorry cha-cha and i'm sorry about spilling the soup too costly and cha-cha shake hands costly then gave cha-cha a huge slice of pizza and a big piece of his birthday cake [Music] this is for you cha-cha i'm sorry and thank you for forgiving me friendship is all about forgiving and forgetting always remember that cha-cha then surprised kesley by asking him for a bowl of the broccoli soup [Music] i'd like to try some of the broccoli soup you've made i'm sure it must be very good i'll get you a bowl right away cha-cha enjoyed eating the broccoli soup oh this soup is yummy you're a very good cook husky thanks cha-cha [Music] everyone had a good time at costly's party [Applause] we all had fun today and we learned how we must always forgive our friends it's very important choo choo was right friendship is all about forgiving and forgetting kesley was a greedy little boy he always wanted more of his favorite things mom i want some cotton candy but you've already got some ghastly yes but i want some more [Music] one day chuchu's mother invited all the children out for ice cream costly choo choo's mother invited you to get ice cream i hope you will behave yourself and be good don't worry mom children you can have a scoop of your favorite ice cream please choose whichever flavor you like best all the children were very well behaved they all selected a scoop of their favorite flavor [Music] i'd like a scoop of chocolate ice cream please i'd like a scoop of vanilla [Music] one scoop of strawberry ice cream for me i'd like a scoop of yummy butterscotch chuchu cha-cha chica and chiku were very well behaved they all had a scoop of their favorite ice cream but when it was costly's turn he grew very greedy [Music] i'd like chocolate vanilla strawberry and butterscotch i want one scoop of each i want four scoops of ice cream the man at the ice cream parlor gave custly four scoops of ice cream he put them one on top of each other and costly felt very happy to see that he had four scoops chocolate [Music] vanilla strawberry and butterscotch i'm going to eat them all but just as costly was about to lick the ice cream all four ice cream scoops started to wobble and then fell to the ground yikes no costly was left with an empty ice cream cone [Music] oh no my ice cream has fallen on the floor keisley you shouldn't have been so greedy one scoop of ice cream was enough for you to enjoy cusley wished he hadn't been greedy i've lost all my ice cream i don't even have a single scoop left on my cone chuchu's mother was very kind she bought cusley another ice cream costly don't worry we'll get you some more ice cream i want just one scoop of chocolate ice cream please just one scoop since costly wasn't greedy this time he enjoyed every bit of his favorite ice cream [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] kesley was a careless little boy who always wasted things costly always wasted food and he always wasted water splash splash [Music] miss dorothy cusley's teacher had noticed cusley wasting water many times [Music] she would warn kesley hussley you are always wasting water you mustn't do that water is very precious you must conserve or save water [Music] but costly never paid attention to miss dorothy one day miss dorothy took cusley's class to the beach it was quite hot and sunny there [Music] costly wanted to have fun and so he began squirting water from his water bottle [Music] everywhere after some time kesley felt thirsty but when he opened his bottle to drink some water he realized that there was no water left huh oh my water is gone and i'm very thirsty [Music] what shall i do now costly looked all over the beach but he couldn't find any water to drink oh my throat hurts and my mouth feels so dry i wish i hadn't wasted the water i had i wish i had a sip of water to drink miss dorothy noticed kesley she gave him some water from her own water bottle custly this is why i always tell you not to waste water water is very important we need water to drink when we are thirsty it is also important for growing and cooking our food without water we wouldn't be able to bathe clean or survive that's why it's important for us to conserve water kesley we must save every drop we can custly drank the water and thanked miss dorothy thank you miss dorothy i now realize how important water is i won't waste it from now on in fact i promise to save every drop i can [Music] kesley kept his promise he never wasted water again [Music] and if he saw anyone wasting water he's saying this song there's water water everywhere but we must use it with care water is precious for all of us let's conserve it without a fuss [Applause] [Music] in the busy city of scottsdale there lived a boy named cha-cha though he was a sweet kid by nature he didn't know how to manage his time this made him difficult to manage for his mother getting him to do his work on time was always a challenge for his mother from the moment he awoke until the moment he was tucked back into bed at night his mother struggled to get him to do his work good morning my angel rise and shine get up it's time to go to school i'm gonna fix your lunch and we'll be back in 5 minutes please get up and get ready i don't want to have to keep yelling at you to wake up please [Music] his mom goes to fix his lunch and mumbles to herself cha-cha is growing up but he still does not know how to manage his time i have tried everything but nothing has worked so far it zaps me of all my energy i've been thinking the same thing too why don't you take a trip to the school and talk to his teacher hmm i guess i should a little help from his school couldn't hurt i'll go today hmm gotta go time to hit the road before the traffic starts to pile up okay i love you have a good day i love you too have a good day [Music] cha-cha are you up yet cha-cha you're going to be late for school [Music] okay okay i'm getting up stop yelling already cha-cha gets up and starts to get ready cha-cha then finishes his breakfast get your bag cha-cha it's time to go to school yeah yeah don't give me that attitude young man now get up cha-cha gets into the car and his mom drives him to school run cha-cha the bell just rang have a good day sweetheart okay okay i'm going cha-cha walked slowly to class his mom parked the car and headed towards the principal's office she knocked on the door and went into the principal's office good morning miss lucy good morning miss charlie well well what a surprise it's good to see you what can i do for you today cha-cha's mom tells the principal about cha-cha struggles with time management and asks for her help the principal smiles i get it i have an idea tomorrow is the field trip that he has eagerly been awaiting the bus leaves school at 7 30 a.m drive him to school tomorrow but get here five minutes late i have a hunch that this plan will help him learn thanks miss lucy cha-cha's mom leaves the school and heads back home the next morning cha-cha wake up and get ready today is your field trip the bus will leave without you if you don't hurry cha-cha gets up and looks at the clock it's already late let me get ready we've got to get there on time mommy [Music] like the principal said cha-cha's mom made sure she was five minutes late dropping him off when they arrived at school cha-cha found that the school bus had left without him his eyes filled with tears cha-cha stood there feeling miserable with a long sad face i'm so sorry cha-cha it's sad that the bus left without you [Music] all this happened because i was not on time it's all my fault i'm sorry mom [Music] suddenly he heard a honk from the school bus from around the corner his face lit up as he looked at his mom wow it's my school bus it's my school bus it came back to pick me up he hugged his mom and looked at her mommy i have learned a lesson i'm never going to be troublesome for you anymore and i'm going to make sure that i manage my time better i'm sorry for what i put you through mommy oh mommy hug cha-cha tightly now go and have a great field trip cha-cha climbed into the bus and waved by to his mommy and from that day on he managed his time all by himself and made sure he was not troublesome for his mom [Applause] [Music] this was in a quiet suburb in the city of scottsdale the suburb had a nice school and a lovely park a little girl named choo choo and her younger brother cha-cha lived in the lovely suburb next door lived a little girl chiku with her brother chica they all went to the same school and were very close friends after school they loved playing in the neighborhood park one day while playing they had noticed a man sleeping under a tree [Music] this man seems to be sleeping whenever we see him oh yeah i noticed that too should we find out whether he's sick and needs help no let's not go near strangers and talk to them but we should help once we go home let's tell mom and try to help him you're right let's do that choo choo cha-cha [Music] [Laughter] i need to get rid of these kids they are disturbing my sleep need to make sure they never come back [Music] looking around the man noticed a few paint cans [Music] mommy there is a man in the park who is always sleeping we fear that he is sick we wanted to tell you and get him help good job i shall look into it choo choo's mom called the mayor's office and reported the mayor's office assured to have a look into it the mayor visited the park and he put a community notice homeless man [Music] the mayor left the park and the man started to paint the monster the weekend had started the kids head towards the park wanting to play choo choo's mom with a book in her hand sat on the park bench mommy mommy all of a sudden choo choo's mom heard the kids scream whoa what's wrong why did you all scream why are you trembling the kids pointed their fingers towards the painting [Music] she saw the monsters painting and held the kids she distracted them by giving them some toys and a little candy she called the mayor's office and reported this incident folks till we figure this out let's not send the kids to the park alone play safe and yell out if you get scared i'm right here just play where i can see you we play right here and we'll be safe as they were playing they see the man shivering cha-cha looks like the man is really sick [Music] look at him shivering you were right let's go tell your mom the kids run and tell chuchu's mom what they had seen good job little ones let me call for an ambulance to take him to the hospital and the man got better who brought me to the hospital he was told about the kids who found him sick the man felt bad of his misdeed discharged from the hospital the man went to the park he saw the kids playing from a distance i was being mean to these little kids [Music] it's time to make it right let me remove the scary monster picture i had painted [Music] from that day onward he sat and enjoyed watching the kids playing he watched over them and kept an eye on them ever after [Music] choo choo and cha-cha were always very polite [Music] they always spoke kindly to the workers in the house good morning good morning kids thank you for making our garden so beautiful you're welcome but costly was always very rude huh [Music] hey you get out of my way huh huh [Music] ew you're so stinky huh huh [Music] leave the garden now oh huh ew this soup tastes awful you're a terrible terrible cook huh huh cusley's mother was very disappointed in him she wanted him to be polite and kind and respect everyone so one day she asks the janitor the garbage collector the gardener and the cook not to come to work please take a holiday for a few days don't come to work i want cusley to learn how important and helpful you all are [Music] yeah the next day kesley found that the house was very dirty [Music] there's so much garbage lying around where is stephen why hasn't he picked it up kesley stephen won't be coming anymore you will have to clean the house on your own and huh costly had to clean up his own mess this is terrible [Music] all the hard work made kesley very hungry he sat at the table and asked for lunch i'm very hungry andy get me my lunch i'm sorry cusley but andy won't be coming anymore you'll have to make your own lunch what [Music] so costly had to make his own lunch [Music] foreign and when custly went to throw the garbage out he found that the garbage can was already completely full and that it was making everything very stinky [Music] ew where is sandy why hasn't he emptied the garbage can there's so much garbage in it it's making everything very stinky sandy won't be coming anymore kesley from now on you'll have to empty the garbage on your own huh and so kesley had to empty the garbage can on his own ew this garbage is making me so stinky [Music] costly then went to the garden to get some fresh air but he found that the flowers were drooping and that there were weeds growing all over huh what's happened to the garden flowers are drooping and there are weeds growing everywhere [Music] i'm sorry kesley but julian won't be coming anymore you'll have to take the weeds out and water the plants yourself huh and so kesley had to look after the garden on his own [Music] this is so difficult where are stephen julian sandy and andy why haven't they come today when will they be back [Music] kesley don't you remember you were very rude to them all they work very hard for us i don't think they'll come back unless you decide to be polite huh cusley's mother then helped him to see how hard everyone worked [Music] all these people worked so hard for us kesley but you've never cared about them or had a kind word for them i'm sorry mom i now understand how hard they work i promise i'll be polite and kind and show them that i care please ask them to come back [Music] hmm later that day costly spent his time writing thank you notes the next morning costly went out with his mother and bought flowers and gifts and the next day [Music] when stephen julian [Music] sandy and andy came to the house custly spoke to them very politely [Music] hello steven this is for you thank you for keeping my house clean thank you costly this is for you julian i know that you work very hard to make the garden beautiful [Music] thank you sandy you are very important thank you for taking the garbage away thank you andy for all the delicious food you make and i'm sorry that i was rude to you all it's okay kesley after that day costly always spoke politely and kindly to all of the workers his manners made everyone happy yummy and custody's mother felt very proud of him [Music] thank you thank you goodbye [Music] chiku's mother was always reminding her to wash her hands carefully chiku please wash your hands with plenty of soap and water that's the best way to keep them clean miss dorothy has also told you to keep your hands clean it's very important yes mom [Music] but chiku was very impatient she didn't even want to spend one minute washing her hands and so she would only wet her hands and pretend that she had washed them have you washed your hands chiku um yes mom but i still see dirt on your hands chiku please be a good girl and wash your hands again okay mom but chiku didn't actually listen or wash her hands well [Music] one day chiku went to play in the garden she made sand castles in the sandbox she also sat on the seesaws and the swings [Music] when chiku went back home it was time for supper chiku please wash your hands well before you eat your supper yes mom but chiku didn't bother washing her hands instead she sat at the table and started eating many nasty germs had climbed onto chiku's hands while she was playing in the park and since chiku hadn't bothered to wash her hands they had stayed there [Music] the germs climbed onto the food chiku was eating and then they all went right into her stomach when chiku woke up the next morning she found that she was feeling very sick ow i have a tummy ache [Music] and i think i have a cold and my head hurts too i think you have a fever chiku did you wash your hands before supper yesterday no mom i didn't the germs from your hands must have gone into your stomach and made you sick they're in my stomach yes chiku you'll have to miss school today and visit the doctor huh but i have a tennis match today and it's my friend cha-cha's birthday i'll miss all the fun if i miss school i'm sorry chiku but you have to see the [Music] doctor so chiku went to visit the doctor chiku the germs that were on your hands have gone into your stomach that's what's making you feel ill i'll give you some medicine to make you feel better but please remember you must always wash your hands with soap and water especially before eating your meals that's the best way for you to get rid of germs and stay healthy the doctor then showed chiku how to wash her hands first wet your hands with water and add soap then rub your hands together palm to palm in a circular motion be sure to rub the backs of your hands the same way and up and down in between your fingers [Music] next hold your fingers together and rub your palms up and down make sure you rub all around your thumbs rub the backs of your hands and fingers up and down together and continue to lather and scrub thoroughly all over your hands finally wash it off with plenty of water from then on chiku always made sure that she washed her hands well especially before she ate her meals chiku stayed healthy that way and never missed any fun again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cha cha was a naughty little boy he liked to roam around on his own a habit that worried his mother very much [Music] cha-cha i wish you wouldn't wander around on your own you could get lost i need you to stay close to me okay oh mom you worry too much cha-cha's mother only wanted to keep him safe but cha-cha regularly forgot what she said and would wander about on his own cha-cha please come back one day miss dorothy cha-cha's teacher assigned homework to all of the children children your assignment when you go home today is to learn your parents phone numbers that way if you ever get lost you will be able to call them and tell them where you are all the children went home and learned their parents phone numbers four one five [Music] three cha-cha however didn't bother learning his parents phone number instead he played with his new toy car a few days later choo choo and cha-cha were playing in the park as they were walking in cha-cha who noticed a balloon floating by he immediately started running after it [Music] a balloon i'm going to catch it come back cha-cha [Music] but cha-cha didn't listen to choo-choo he ran after the balloon and didn't even pay attention to where he was going after some time cha-cha realized that he was lost huh where am i this street looks very strange i don't think i've been here before cha-cha was afraid he sat beneath the tree and began to cry i wish i could call my mom but i don't even know her phone number choo choo looked and looked but couldn't find cha-cha anywhere fortunately she was very close to her aunt's house and was able to call her mother from there [Music] hello mom it's choo choo choo choo's mother rushed out when she heard what had happened when she arrived at the park choo choo got into the car and told her where she had last seen cha-cha cha-cha ran down that street then let's go look for him there the car slowly rolled down the street honking cha-cha recognized the sounds of his car's horn that sounds like my car mom must be close by cha-cha stood up and called out to the car mom [Music] i'm here luckily for cha-cha his mother and chuchu found him very quickly mom look there he is oh thank goodness cha-cha was very happy to see choo-choo and his mother he hugged them both very tightly i'm so glad to see you both i was really scared we are happy to see you too cha-cha cha-cha promised that he would never go away on his own again he also learned his mother's phone number so he could call her if he ever got lost [Music] again [Music] cha-cha it's only a checkup please mom i don't want to go to the doctor please [Applause] [Music] everyone called her little red riding hood and that was because she wore her favorite red writing cloak every day hello what should i do with my baby tooth when it comes out you can leave it for the tooth fairy she'll take it and give you a gift in exchange the tooth fairy what will she do with my tooth costly grumbles and fusses about everything he is very rude he must learn how it makes others feel when he complains like that [Applause] you
Channel: ChuChuTV Bedtime Stories & Moral Stories for Kids
Views: 7,266,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bedtime stories, bedtime story, stories, story, stories for kids, Bedtime Stories for Kids, moral stories, moral story, animal story, animal stories, wildlife, friendship, moral, values, good values, kids, children, stories for children, children's stories, storytime, chuchutv, chuchu tv, shows, chuchutv stories, cussly stories, ChuChu and Friends, Snake & The Ants, Turtles & Monkeys, bedtime stories kids, bedtime stories for toddlers, bedtime stories toddlers, The Little Liar
Id: ITTprGjizWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 36sec (5256 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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