IRAN Meat Tour!!! Rarely Seen Persian Food of Central Iran!!!

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in the central part of Iran if the food has no meat it's like someone has no father and mother I think I'm gonna like the central part [Music] today we're leaving Iran's capital of Tehran and heading into the unknown [Music] Persian cuisine has its own unique culinary identity but each region of Iran is also serving up one of the kind local favors that you can only find there today we're heading south diving deep into ancient persian tradition I've never had any in cooking with pomegranate paste discovering foods and spices that do much more than fill your belly I have a friend who's losing his hair what do you recommend for that and sinking our fingers into Iran's most irresistible cuisine can I use my left hand to this of course we're not good morning from Iran today is a very special day as we are leaving a mega city of Tehran and heading to a city called Kishan let's see what awaits us there it's this way and um I'm gonna walk the whole way okay let's get in the car and go right now we're headed south toward kishan a city of 300,000 squished between deserts and mountains but first we're stopping off in the small village of Basel this village is famous for its rosewater production and the preservation of traditional homes with metre thick walls made of straw and clay keeping the inside cool another way to stave off the heat fresh juice hi there yeah how are you so good at getting up in the tree I didn't see any ladder you want to climb no I just um I'll give you moral support this is Targo she's on a mission to preserve traditional culture in her village including handicrafts and the meal she's making for us today what are we doing with them berries they make you jump and sweet drinks sometimes making table side I know that one oh my gosh that's tremendous very delicious do you think maybe I could sneak another one ha ha these blackberry trees are tenacious surviving semi-arid heats unpredictable rainfall and still bearing tremendously sweet fruit I want to try one of these King berries just raw raw you know it's not cooked yet how do you turn that into juice we put some sugar honey and wooly for one or two hours and then it becomes this yeah to your health oh yeah then must have a lot of sugar to tame the sourness of that berry yeah what is the main industry here it's famous for rose water it's a special kind of rock that has many uses it's for baking and cooking relaxing for stomach for heart women use this for hair and face what about growing hair no they're just for shining is you have anything for growing hair I'm losing mine plus I burnt half of it off yeah but then it's like I've got great hair but no girl wants to come around me you know who'd in Iran is not fast food meal prep is a serious commitment sometimes taking hours and today tar goal is displaying the area's traditional favorites and all of them require lament so here we have basically a whole half of a lamb and so what part did you ask for it I asked him for a special food and they know that what we need Wow when I was in Tirana I had a good amount of vegetarian dishes like uh Sh yeah but here your full menu everything has me yes in this central part of Iran especially you say if the food has no meat it's like someone has no father and mother I think I'm gonna like the central part yeah really with ingredients in hand torgul is ready to begin starting with her first dish known locally as mr. Looby ah goosey goose to lobby a ball off of him point o pollo cv g'v yeah goes to Lou be a pall over Shivan yeah got it so right now we're in your kitchen yeah it's like a very traditional kitchen for you Ron right yeah no I should put some easy yes sorry I don't want to any time there's a lamb involved she sautés it with onion to remove any gay meanness she adds a little turmeric and a lot of cinnamon one of the keys to Persian cooking is understanding that some foods are considered to have a hot nature and others a cold nature every food in Iran is either hot or cold if you eat many cucumber you became a stomachache it has a cold greater good I won't take any bites of any cucumber the food you should eat is also dictated by whether or not your own nature is hot or cold what is your nature hot or cold I need a balance not hot not for me you can eat everything do I seem like a balanced person I'll find out which I am later when the meat turns golden brown she adds white beans and water raising it for four hours until it becomes tender in many parts of Iran the distinction between food spices and medicine is not so clear as I'm about to find out we're in a factory yeah what kind of factory is this actually is the distillation factory which is used in every season for a special hair this is Perry he's here to walk me through the ancient science of Persian medicinal extraction so we have three vessels that he's gonna be working on today for four do you have arthritis this place has what you need diabetes sure that too can't get aroused like you used to in your 20s they can solve it this is zani on low call her what is this one good for xenian is good for digestive system and good for sex also all right if you use it as a drink or maybe in your food can have some effects on you that's because they heat you up [Laughter] digestive system no I got that part I could just take some to visible for that but I mean to wake up the reproductive system that's a pretty rare quality that's nice can I get a bunch of that to take home with me yeah of course all right sounds good extractions of all kinds are produced here they can be taken straight or mixed with food as you often see with rose water aside from what we're making over there there's some really unique flavors here human water huh if you are so you can use this if you're so fat muscular alright great human water here [Music] okay it tastes like we extracted the flavor from some tacos yeah have you ever had a taco oh do you like tacos yes we'll get along what else can we try a security it whitens your skin great though if your time you can use this you feel white whiter than before a little bit it just has a little bit of woody taste but none of these are intense at all they're all it's a hint of flavor finally the cinnamon oh that smells great that's very nice it's a bit sweet even yeah sweet and cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon II see the money [Music] [Applause] we've been slaving away like really creating a masterpiece here for the last four hours to bring this all together such an incredible effort and I can't wait to try it out thank you so much what do we start with I heard that you could get killed for it stealing too much good I'm not talking let's go for it Oh Artie and Christine is like the best potato chip I've ever had I can see why people fight for that along with the gusto Lew be a Polish ovide we have two other main dishes first chef de unarmed I'll call it pomegranate meatballs grated onion mixed with minced lamb meat turmeric cinnamon pepper and chili powder add chickpea flour and egg make some balls by hand and saute in oil oh that's very nice so meaty juicy it's kind of sweet too do you ever put that sauce onto the rice next toss kebab a famous Kashani eggplant dish eggplant fried on both sides then cooked with lamb meat tomato and Kushan signature pomegranate paste here the eggplant has become super soft that's very good it's very Hardy for me the flavor is overall very mild mild enough that I can taste the nuance of the tomato I'm the turmeric like all the different seasonings flavors really come out I've never had any cooking with pomegranate paste we have some foods with pomegranate it gives it some nice sweetness when is the last time you cooked a meal like this every day he cooks one up damn for the family okay you wouldn't usually make all three because I thought this was like an overload of me don't like matter P yeah really eating this much meat but this is a special occasion yeah I'll just scoop up some of this one lamb beans oh wow look at this this is like enough for a coal miner [Music] slow-cooked lamb so soft and the secret to a delicious which Libya is the use of bone and long time cooking it sounds like sometimes you cook it it takes even longer yeah or grandmom's put it under water from early in the morning to noon well for me it's a lot of ingredients I would normally see using a lot more cinnamon with the meat something sweet like pomegranate paste is very different but absolutely delicious day 2 Kishan we've arrived at the bazaar one of the jewels of the city with outstanding 19th century architecture [Music] this place has everything roses touch styles silver handicrafts and I'm here to find out if my own nature is hot or cold I have a friend who's losing his hair especially around here what do you recommend for that this is a spice shop dried plants you've never heard of herbs blends spices this is the intersection between medicine and seasoning people can buy spices for cooking but also look for remedies to improve their hair I mean health their health it's a soap this is a beautiful repair root who's this guy one of the oldest placement so this is for my friend obviously my hair is fine and kind of lush and taking beautiful but I was wondering I've heard a lot about people talking about being like a hot or a cold person or a balanced person and I was wondering if you could look at me it kind of size me up and tell me which I am when you get up in the morning because you taste a special thing in your mouth yeah terrible breath morning breath Peter or salty bitter in Iran I definitely do it's hot here a normal amount like eight is that normal [Music] this is your balanced temperatures not really holding a pot when you look at me is there anything else that's obviously wrong with me yeah you should avoid sweet even rice and potato well that's pretty obvious [Music] according to tar goal since unbalanced in nature I can eat everything on it including our final Kashani delicacy can you tell me more about where we are right now yeah we are in one of the old houses in Kampala Hattie house this is one of the old historical houses of Kishan once owned by a merchant over 100 years ago it used to house an entire extended family in over 20 different rooms and now it's a hotel it was mr. fallow had his house merchants of carpets and textile use on a lot of carpet yes today we're going to be served up Kishan best steward lamb and porridge known locally as catchy - porridge and meat that's all it looks amazing first the porridge chachi can be cooked in other cities in different way but in Kishan we make this with a split wind split we broken wheat or what some call couscous it is highly nutritious and when it's cooked it has a hearty warm taste and a vibrant yellow hue now the meat lamb that's been stewed for two hours with carrots green bell peppers onion salt pepper garlic and celery [Music] [Applause] let's dig in huh yes all right you will start this is the trouble I have in Iran people are so polite they always want me to go first except I don't know what I'm doing so this is the kind of food we eat with our hands yes can I use my left hand to that's of course why not oh it's pretty solid now it feels nice grab a little meat and the onion you want to have some too yes oh [Music] it's outstanding that porridge is so thick it's almost becoming like a solid again how do you say like is it yummy is it delicious Horseman's a pause in oh he showed me his Styles a little different he grabs some meat first and then dip it like a nachos in a seven-layer dip and then his hands are still clean cinema hmm the secret to a delicious Kaji is the meat so the more delicious to me the more delicious the whole product I do like the onion online the onion add some sweetness and then that lamb is so tender are people still eating this way today or is this like old-fashioned traditional in the city of norine in villages and I have to tell you that this is a sign of unity that everybody is a friends nobody hates each other and it's that they're feeling when you eat what do you say since this is your lunch this is everybody even in Iran's modern fast-paced society you can still see glimpses of ancient Persian traditions living on in a place that has one of the oldest cultures on earth also all that you know if my friend is able to grow his hair back using Persian medicine from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever full review show team works hard to roll out the highest-quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and A's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's ok too we're just happy you're here guys thank you so much for watching I will see you next time peace [Music] and be sure to check out our second channel more best-ever food reviews show her raw clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,602,613
Rating: 4.9118333 out of 5
Keywords: iran, iran travel, iran food, best ever food review show, sonny side, central iran, kashan, kachi, iran tv, iran food show, iran food review, iran review, iranian food, tehran food, kashan travel, is iran safe, iran tourism
Id: duhOziUZiZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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