Death by Meat! Street Food in Tashkent, Uzbekistan!

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you're messing with me right no what do you mean he didn't this isn't anything this is just two huge piles of fat that's not a dish over these last two days whose Becca Stan has already proven to be one epic food adventure destination this is a horse milk fermented horse milk from giant plov to mountain sheep - donkey racing I beat that donkey fair and square by the way today we're on an Uzbek street food mission oh I guess I just ordered one this scent of these foods could grab you and pull you in from a mile away a permanent cloud of meaty smoke in the air from freshly roasted meats this is kind of like the local who is that hot dog I'm told and tossing myself into a giant bread oven okay ready you believe it means your foods that make you say yeah I'm gonna moment a hormonal so count your sheep and grab a friend today we're going big in Uzbekistan [Music] good morning everybody welcome to the sunny and bhikkhus show this morning we are in Tashkent introspect to stand in front of what are the most awesome bazaars they have here bizarre means markets but there are some bazaar bazaars but we can talk about later there's an old saying which says if you want to really see the country or the city you have to check out the bazaar which is perfect representative of that community [Music] we've reached the food section right here alle hospitable guys different type of foods but right now the season of persimmon and promote grenade I don't know that I've ever eaten a persimmon so he just asked somebody he went like this and that means like go ahead yeah okay mmm nice rich sweet the inside is very mealy like an apple that's a little bit old what's happening over here she's putting oh you know yeah you have to smell it because it is good for your health kinda kills the bacteria at the same time it's like an old ancient history and they can remove the bad demons and make a sale good kind of thing she's a Ghostbuster all kinds of spices seasonings nuts pistachios nuts he wants to try it it's a phobia no problems sure showing how easy to open this is an oven and these are grown in this area yeah definitely ain't a good omen I feel like royalty when I eat this kind of good oh yeah the great thing about that it's not just for us because we're foreigners and it's for everybody who wants to try big they're free to try we're not getting special treatment no it would be nice if we could get some special treatment we arrange something yeah okay which Bazaar is this charter sue this is the oldest bazaar in a town this one is awesome it's like a 1000 years old the location this used to be a downtown over the city this place is massive crazy action in here noise there's like a rock is there food we can eat here too definitely let's go check it out we're in the largest bazaar in Tashkent and behind us a huge meat section very prevalent with beef and there's sheep here - mutton here they have whole sheeps just hanging up maybe I'll buy a sheep hello we need a sensor this hole he's cutting out that light it's my outer sunlight it doesn't matter if you need the handle grams of this place particular they sell it now I've heard the sheep also called Dumba but what is Doomba Doomba is this place yes this is the doom bar it's like the derriere the booty that's a really prized part of it right yeah that fat goes into cooking all kinds of things all kinds of things we talk about the cloth we talking about these kebabs oh he misses his girlfriend he says you thought that Dumba butt was good check out down here there's a picture of a horse I can only imagine that that is horse hanging up right there of course ah the horse meat is super dark these giant cuts this is all horse meat here's some big livers and then it's just a worst foot no no no it's a count we're out of the horse table we're in - of a cow patch here they have a huge tongues cow cow songs next to them they have a cow tails this is a marrow wash so even just a bone being sold for soup yes we it's not only for soup we boil them gelatine off from the bone and everything comes out and we eat it as well I appreciate seeing just every part of that helping you is not going to waste when they know how to take the tongue a tail some Dumba and make that into delicious food we're talking about some serious chefs all the smell we are outside of the bread baking areum mother mother mother ship is calling us so let's go say hello to mother sheep right here they've got these huge is this a tender it's a tandoor should i crawl in there yeah crawl in and warm Oh God right up on the wall year here we can see the process he's got the dough he's gonna flatten it out always there's kind of a flat part in the middle and they do this stamping in the middle otherwise the bread is gonna get like really fluffy so he's gonna show you how to do it so you flatten it up like that oh I don't want to do that I do that on the Dumba every night press down get your finger really in there and then they got this thing it is like for fixing a car or something I think he's putting some kind of dairy on here it's hard to see it's a white secret sauce they won't tell us what it is and then the seed system you see he hits it against this little pillow here he's stepped inside it basically can I tell you something yeah I've learned in my travels its obviously he's the one preparing and he is the one who's always working with the oven you don't know I know then he doesn't have any hair on his arm hahahaha you get this is the hull of what I can I've been invited to put the bread inside literally need to step into an oven okay ready you believe in me yeah no I do I still have hair I didn't go deep enough once they take it out they toss it over here can we eat one of these yes it's so precious Aloha oh yeah please oh ha it's a cold one I believe so so fresh crispy on the outside a little bit doughy on the inside cheers Cheers and this is the one the one who did it looks pretty good this is so delicious simple fluffy crunchy fried palm this place is magical and the one you did for sale the bread you made is going to be sold to some super lucky guy probably they're gonna sell it on Amazon or Ebay uh-huh so nice add bread they're not gonna be making much money we have made it to the food section of this whole huge complex so much cooking happening behind us that there's a permanent cloud of smoke of meaty smoke in the air it's awesome we are expecting really different kind of food like I think more than 50 different variations of street food this place is very well known among locals even for weddings different ceremonies if they have a huge party at home usually our parties are really really big like 50 70 people it's really hard to cook at home so what you do go home you come to Charleston market you buy it you go but I'll say you can just grab a snack there no problems oh it's not mutton already assalamualaikum nice to meet you thank you already my heart is stolen here we have some kebabs it's a beef he has a lamb variation as well ah those are nice kebabs I like someone who's just proud of their kebabs you know ladies another version of like a hot dog style they puts it into local bread and while standing yeah II just put on two lamb skewers right here this is kind of like the local who's back hot dog I'm told the bread that we just saw how they make it in the giant ten door cutting it down the middle always gonna put it in a plastic bag he's gonna take the skewer stick it the whole thing inside that bread onion a little bit of vinegar chili powder spritz all right thank you let's get a nice close-up shot of this the means kind of disappeared but trust me it is in there onion chilli powder bread is still pretty soft yeah it's fresh some people were ordering two meats for one bread if I had a guide that would fill me in on those types of nuances I would have gotten that for sure yeah unfortunately this is the kids this is not the case of you ready ready mmm Oh super good that is delicious savory and sour that vinegar is a lovely touch on there give up without vinegar is not a kebab and the bread is still very chewy I'm just ripping right off I mean this is street food man Muslim Martha and he's filming us his own blog either a bit of a food blogger to a position if you're smart you come here you get two meats in one pocket mmm you slaughtered that when was the last time you had proposed what is the last time you ate period are you okay so delicious as we move down even more options here more action a lady wondering what I'm doing hello my instincts tell me we've stumbled into the horse section yes this one called Norton this is very traditional - canned food available only in Tuscan right now she's putting on some what I presume to be a horse sausage and an onion on the side pepper oh yes a rock but ma'am how long have you been making this continent beautiful ass is Noren she's doing this job since she is six years old I'm not gonna ask how old this is now question it's kind of like doughy strands yeah they cook it they boil in the water then take it off and they cut it this one over here is the soup of the meat so the meat from here was boiled so like a horse stock usually northern eaten again by hand so you just create a bubble like that I check this out man yeah this is nice that she came first let's try it out I got a huge bite here very savory it's so delicious to my friends back in Minnesota I can describe exactly how it tastes it's like taco meat seasoned with these cheap Ortega taco seasoning pouches that cost like three for a dollar that kind of cumin explosion in there and then a little bit of a horse sausage on the side such a nice unique mushy texture to it Cheers right now let's see it so we call this Honam so it's like an envelop inside with the with a potato oh I guess I just ordered one I didn't even okay and I can order the super fast it's like it's all about cooking but look at giant ravioli - giant ravioli she wants to give you a fork - yeah she sells this food every day for last 30 years no holiday no office every day your dry cleaner must hate you though right this is a tomato base and you just got you've got this white towel to say it's very cheap fabrics if throws away and keeps you fresh for Delta smart basically we've got a giant ravioli with onion and dill on top put it inside this looks tremendous let's go for it then whoa I went through layers of heaven it's just like a giant ravioli it but then that dill I like it to meet the bass press it's just like mmm really nice it's like savory a little sweet the consistency on the outside of this giant ravioli was perfect like a little chewy so good I can stomach yeah buddy we're getting fat today oh yeah then we came upon something very unique here it is very unique we have some chickpeas salsa essential part of the cuisine but this is not what makes it so unique it makes it unique is the Dumba and it's a little hardcore tomba other part with the hair grows they shave it all and it's the Dumba with the skin Dumba is this place yeah this is the doom bar oh if it does make sense yeah it's the skin of the ass yeah can you show us yeah that is the skin of the sheep still very dark they sins with their hair off and then the fat huge fat layer all around it yeah that's really unique this is gonna be so gay me he's just kind of peeling layers of battle from this sheep ass okay thanks you're messin with me right no what do you mean he didn't this isn't anything this is just two huge piles of fat that's not a dish he can put some chickpeas but well how chickpeas are different beef is a chick peas but this one is something unique we should try however I think it's too big yeah let's fork it okay basically what we have here are some boiled cheap ass with some skin I don't like the way it sounds but you love the way it tastes that's why we're here let's go play not that bad not bad not bad at all you know the only issue is it's just so rich it's like eating a stick of sheep flavored butter the skin is nice chewy little pieces of this with bread will be understanding it is good I just need it on some bread do you have a piece of bread bread is super soft and a bit chewy looking oh that looks nice I'm gonna cut off that much fat I'm gonna put it inside the bread a little mini cheap-ass pita pocket definitely better the bread mmm that was outstanding CP butter I swear next time you have the chance to eat the Dumba of a sheep do it you're all pretty sold on this idea all right we're good here and then tashkent posts a huge variety of Uzbekistan hearty heavy heart-stopping street food but next week we're headed to the real food capital summer cots where we'll take on tandoor roasted mountain lamp homemade samosas and I attempt to crash a wedding be sure to subscribe for more fun food videos that was MEC tourism board actually bed crews reached out to me after seeing my own videos invited our whole team here and we've been able to document amazing food for you guys to see and maybe visit with Becca Stan in the future at one time yourself also for you guys this video is made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is the highest-rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including Hanoi knit Chang Danang poeme and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time peace [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,427,089
Rating: 4.9071703 out of 5
Keywords: Uzbek food, Uzbekistan food, Uzbekistan street food, Central asia, Central asia food, Central asian food, Best ever food review show, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel, Samarkand, Tashkent, Samarkand street food
Id: 3IcyUtjkrEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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