A Beginners Guide to OBS for DJs & VJs

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hey what's up YouTube my name is DJ beneficial today we're back again with another tutorial now in my last video I went over all the connections and settings you guys need to know to get high quality audio coming from your mixer into your phone iPad or your computers that way you guys have high quality audio when you're doing your live streams if you haven't seen yet it should definitely check it out cuz it's gonna help you coming into this video today now for today's video I wanted to break down everything you need to know to get started using OBS now this isn't going to be a full expanded breakdown of everything going on in the entire OBS program you guys want to see a video like that let me know in the comments and if enough people ask I'll make a video like that but today's gonna be everything that you guys need to know to get started how to organize your scenes how to do your settings and how to get connected to your streaming platform so I'm really excited to share this with you guys hope you guys are looking forward to it as well and if you like this kind of content be sure to subscribe to my channel I like to talk about everything related to music DJing live streaming I do nightclub recaps and I like to show the behind the scenes of what goes on at the radio station and I also like to talk about what technology what kind of tools and programs I'm using in my workflow so everything I talk about is how to succeed as a DJ and how to build your brand so if you're interested in those kind of topics be sure to subscribe and without wasting any more time let's get into the video okay so the first thing you want to do is go to your search engine and type in OBS it should be the top search result as you see here it is you want to click on the link that says download and as you can see here whether you have PC or Mac or Linux they have a version available for you since I'm a Mac user I'm gonna click on the Apple and click on download installer that will download the installer and once you have that downloaded go ahead and open it install the program I'm pretty sure you guys already know how to do that so we're gonna go ahead and just move on to the next part okay so once you have OBS installed to your computer and you open it for the first time this is what it should look like now before we get ahead of ourselves the first thing that we should do is head over to settings now since I'm using the same computer to do my DJing and my streaming I need to make sure that I keep the CPU usage down as low as possible to make sure that I don't have any type of glitches or issues while I'm DJing so first thing I want to do is come over here to output you want to make sure output mode is on simple video bitrate should be at 1200 your encoders should be software times 264 your audio bitrate should be 96 and then we'll come down here to video what I would recommend is your base canvas resolution should be 1920 by 1080 and your output scaled resolution should be 960 by 540 basically the higher in pixels that you go the more CPU it takes to push out your livestream and most people are really only going to be watching this on their cell phone anyway so you don't need to go full HD mode on them it'll actually look just fine at 540 once you have everything set the way you want it go ahead and click on OK and now we have our settings done for now over here on the left this is where you have all your scenes you can have multiple scenes and we're gonna start with just one for now and it looks like they've given us one already and it's just named scene now I want to change that name the way that you would do it is do a two-finger click and it'll pull open your options menu and let's go ahead and click on rename and I'll type in main scene now one thing that's kind of weird about OBS is you would probably think you would just hit return at the end and that will save your information but when you hit the turn it actually deletes everything just tight so let's do this again main scene and this time we'll just click away from it and that'll actually save your information so just a little heads up there and we'll come over here now to sources now the sources are all the multiple layers that you put together to make your scene so the first thing we want is an audio source now in my last video I talked about how to do all your audio settings for live-streaming whether it be OBS or otherwise in that video I discussed how to have your computer be able to receive your audio from your mixer through a USB mic input if you haven't seen it yet I'll go ahead and put the link up here at the top just go ahead and click that and watch that video before you proceed forward now to add an audio source you either do a two-finger click in the open area or you come down here and click on the plus sign go all the way up here to the top and do an audio input capture and you can rename it here if you like I'll just leave it as audio input capture that works for me now if you already have your mixer connected to your computer through a USB mic input it should show up as an available source here when I click on device so I'll go ahead and click here and as you can see right here my mic USB audio system is available so I'll click that that'll be our audio source and I'll go ahead and click OK and now we have our audio input source so as soon as I start DJing I'm gonna have high quality audio going out into my stream now the next thing that we want to do is add a background if you just wanted to add an image background you pull up in your add menu and you go to add image or you can add image slideshow if you wanted to have multiple pictures alternating as your background now if you're a video DJ you probably want to use your music videos as your background if you're not a video DJ but you want to have some kind of motion graphic going on behind you then you want to come down here to media source go ahead and click that and you can rename it if you like I'll go ahead and rename it as background click OK and the first thing you want to do is make sure that you click loop and closed file when inactive that'll make sure that once the video comes to an end that'll start over again that way there's no interruption with your background and closed file when inactive basically just means that it won't be running the video in the background which should free up some extra CPU if you're not using that video at the moment now we go ahead and click on browse and you can search for the file that you're looking for but an even quicker and easier way to do it than this is literally just to grab it drag it and drop it in here so let's come back here and let's remove this by pressing the minus button clicking yes and I'll remove that background let's just go ahead and drag and drop one in here so I'll go ahead to my finder I'll grab a background I'll go ahead and drop it right here in OBS and it fits perfectly and it goes right into place now once it gets to the end of the video it's gonna stop up to make sure I can go here I either do the two finger click and click on properties or I'll just double click and it automatically takes me to properties I'm gonna hit loop closed file when inactive go ahead and click OK now I've got a background and to make sure I get rid of this red line what I like to do is just click the lock button I'd like to pretty much lock everything once I'm not using it to add a logo you would pull up the add menu and go add image and then go ahead and browse just like I was showing you before but the quickest easiest way to do this is literally just to drag and drop something in there so let's go ahead and grab the logo I want come back here to OBS and just drop it in there it's already ready to be moved around I could see sighs it did he pull it out of the corner a little bit and once I have it where I like it go ahead and lock that in now if you're a video DJ and you want to use your music videos as your background instead of a loop the first thing that you want to do is you want to make sure that your mixed emergency is open and you want to make sure that your view window is open even if it's off-screen somewhere come back to OBS open your add menu and you want a syphon client and let's go ahead and rename this to mix emergency hit return and let's go to source mix emergency output and that's pretty much all you have to do go ahead and click OK now we can resize this to fit the background and hold shift you can make it fit and let's go ahead and lock that in now you see what happened here is that it's actually covering the logo so if you want to make sure that the logo shows on topcoats at the logo layer and click up and that'll push it up to the top so basically everything gets stacked one on top of another starting from the top to the bottom all right now let's talk about something fun here let's talk about setting up your green screen so obviously the first thing you gotta do is you gotta pick one up they can get one either from Walmart or Amazon or pretty much anywhere online but get yourself a green screen and get yourself a stand for it now you could also put it up on hooks if you like but I like to put it up on a stand because it's more portable that way so that's what works better for me and you want to go as wide as possible now you see here in my case I actually put two of them together and the reason why is want to capture your whole setup without being cut off too short on the sides now in addition to your green screen you also want to make sure you got a couple studio lights one on the left and right across from you and what that will do is eliminate any shadow off your face so people could see you nice and clear when you're needing now you can also use a top light if you like as well but if you do you want to make sure that it's not one of those household yellowish kind of lights because I throw off the whole green screen effect you want to make sure it's this kind of light which is this really bright white kind of light and that's known as daylight so if you're in the hardware store you want to find some daylight LEDs those are the kind of lights you want to use if you're live streaming or doing a photo shoot and in addition to that I just want to mention that if you're wearing a hat like mine with the green underneath you might want to turn it around backwards or wear a different hat or else you're gonna have a part of your head that's see-through so just little heads-up on that one all right now we're not done yet we still need to add the layer with the DJ so what we're gonna do is go down to sources do a two-finger click and we're gonna add a video capture device and we'll go ahead and rename this video capture 1 click OK and at this point you should already have your video devices connected to your computer through the USB ports and if you do it should show up here as an available device when I go ahead and click on the device tab in my setup I have two separate Logitech c920 s and you can see them both here and I'll go ahead and click on the first one as you see here you get a quick preview go ahead and click OK and you can go ahead and just drag and resize that into position now we want to do two effects to this layer so the way we do that is by doing a two-finger click on video capture 1 and go up to filters we're gonna add two effect filters and we're gonna add a crop slash pad and you don't have to rename it so first off let's trim off some of the wall on the left side that's not covered by the green-screen now let's go ahead and do the same thing to the right side and just to clean it up a little bit more let's do a little trim off at the bottom the top looks fine to me and now we're gonna add a chroma key you don't have to rename that either now as you see over here on the left there's a little bit of noise that's not showing on the right and that's due to what I showed you guys earlier about me having two different green screens no one is just a little bit different in color solid still shows up with a little bit of noise here however that's an easy fix all you really have to do is play with the settings a little bit I'll go down here to similarity and just move it a little bit and that will correct the issue and as you see just a little bit of movement and it looks fine we're good here let's go ahead and click close now let's go ahead and put me in the middle and there I am we don't have to lock it in just yet though we can actually resize beneficial and put him in the middle as a little guy or we can put him in the corner sometimes it helps just to make the DJ smaller in the corner that way you can still see what he's doing but he doesn't block too much of the video so it's really up to you whatever your preference is so now we're going to make another scene and we want to keep most of the things the way that they are so what we're gonna do is do a duplicate of the main scene and the way you do that is do a two-finger click on the title where it says main scene and go up to the menu where it says duplicate and let's go ahead and name it seem to click OK now as you can see everything is here from the original scene however they're all unlocked so you have to lock them again but in this scene we want the DJ to be bigger and in the middle so we're gonna go ahead and resize the DJ put them in position and then go ahead and lock it in so now we have two scenes one where the DJ is small and in the corner and then one where he's big and in the middle and let's go ahead and make another duplicate as the sinks I have another idea and we'll go ahead and name this scene 3 click OK so in this scene I want you use a different camera angle so the first thing I need to do is click on this click on video capture 1 and then click on the minus to remove it go ahead and click yes and now we're going to add another video capture device this one is going to be called video capture 2 and we're gonna pick the other c920 device now as you can see here this one is more of an up-close view and let's go ahead and add the chroma key again click close now we have another scene with a completely different view let's go ahead and lock everything in and as you can see here we have a nice up-close view and you can still see the music videos behind me it still looks like I'm DJing inside of the music video pretty cool stuff and now as you can see you have three scenes to choose from in three different ways to entertain your audience now before we move on to the last part there's actually one last thing I want to share with you if you ever wanted to add your Serato screen as your background in the past you could either do a window capture or you could siphon client however after the Catalina update that was no longer available however I did find a solution now for this effect to work you'd have to have a dual monitor setup so we're gonna go ahead and take OBS and drag it into the second monitor once you have it on the second monitor you're gonna want to go to your add menu and select display capture make sure you pick this plays ero and you should be able to see the preview of the window once you see it go ahead and click OK go ahead and resize it make sure that it fits and now you have your Serato screen as your background now let's take it even a step further let's say you only wanted this section of your cerrado screen in your background just go to filters and do a crop slash pad and go ahead and trim off anything that you don't like in this case we'll go ahead and remove the entire playlist and we'll cut a little bit off the top so now we have the cerrado screen your DJ logo your music videos and you all in the same live stream you can take that portion and stretch it out any way that you like or you could even make it partially see-through you just go to filters and add a color correction go down to opacity and reduce it as far as you like we'll go ahead and put it at 50% and now when you come back you see that it's partially see-through and you can see the music video and the sarado screen have sort of merged so really between videos pictures window captures camera captures audio captured display captures size and client and all these other things that you can do there's really no limit to what you can create in the live stream the only limit is your own imagination okay moving on all right now there's one last thing to do before you start streaming and that is you got to put it in your stream key now you do that by going to settings and click on stream and right here is where you put in the information from your stream provider and from your account now go ahead and click on service and see if you see your platform in that list now if you don't go ahead and click on show all and it gives you a much longer list and just look through it and see if you can find your platform on there if you don't go all the way to the top and click on custom and once you've done that you can put in the server that would be the rtmp address and then you'd also put in the stream key once you have those put in you're able to start streaming so I'll show you guys where you can find some of those stream keys on a couple different platforms each platform puts their stream key in a different location so I'll go through a couple of these with you and show you where they're located but just keep in mind that when you find your stream key that you don't share that with anybody if anybody else were to get a hold of that information they can pretty much hijack your account and broadcast it under your name so you want to make sure that you don't let anybody else see that now since periscope is my favorite place to go live well go ahead and start with them first first you open the periscope app click on the icon on the bottom right that looks like two heads then click on the icon on the top right that looks like one head that takes you to your profile and these are pretty much all your options and settings you want to scroll down to the part where it says settings and in your settings you want to click on periscope producer this is where you would find your rtmp address and your stream key and once you started your broadcast with OBS the preview broadcast button will appear go ahead and push that and this takes you into a preview of your broadcast so you can check the way everything looks and sounds before you actually go live if you're already happy with the way everything is go ahead and type something up about your live stream and once you're ready to start go ahead and press the go live button on YouTube you want to be on your home screen and go over to your top right area and click on what looks like a camera with the plus symbol on it and click where it says go live this will load up your YouTube studio and we're gonna go ahead and stream classic now and if you scroll down to the bottom area there is an area that says encoder setup that will have your rtmp address as well as your stream key all right now to locate your stream key in facebook what you want to do is go to the Box in the top middle of the screen where you would normally type something that goes on your wall and in the bottom right corner of that box there's an icon with three dots go ahead and click on that and that pulls open the menu with more options available for you one of them is live video that's the one you want to click on and that brings you to another screen with two options one being camera one being connect you want to pick connect and right here in the middle of the screen is your stream key go ahead copy that information put that in your OBS and hit start stream come back here and hit go alive and you will be live with your OBS on Facebook all right now let's find the stream key on Twitch what you want to do is you want to click on your icon in the top right corner and go down to where it says settings and on your settings menu you want to click on channel and videos at the top all right there it is right at the top the primary stream key just copy that paste that in OBS and you're ready to go alright so let's check out mixer now what you want to do is you want to go over to the top left where it says stream on mixer go ahead and click there and it'll pull open the next window and you want to go right here in the middle where it says get started now and right there in the middle at the top it's blurred out but that is your stream key all you got to do is click on the icon which looks like two pieces of paper it'll automatically copy it to your clipboard and you go ahead and just paste that into OBS and you can start streaming to mixer alright so our last one for today is going to be D live so for D live goes at the top right corner of the screen click on the icon that looks like a camera and that takes you to your streaming menu go down to the bottom of the screen and next to the Save icon click on the line of text that says encoding server information and when this is blank you want to go down here to the bottom and click on the tab that says regenerate server URL and it'll put in the information here all you got to do is copy it to your clipboard and paste it in OBS and you're ready to go alright so now that you've successfully located your stream key let's come back to OBS now and we're gonna go to the right side under controls and press settings and go down to the tab that says stream and this is where you would put in your rtmp address and your stream key now once you've done that go ahead and click OK and when you're ready to begin go ahead and press start streaming now if you're using periscope or Facebook you actually have to go back to the platform and press go live but if you're using something like twitch or mixer as soon as you press start streaming you'll already be going live so make sure to pay attention to which platform you're using and the way that they get started and one last thing I want to mention is down here on the bottom right corner of the screen this actually gives you all the information like how long you've been live what your CPU usage is how many frames per second you're using and this green box actually is pretty important over here now if you have a green box that means your internet is connected just fine and you having any issues however if that turns yellow or red then that means there's an issue with your internet connection and that will result in glitching and freezing in your live stream so just make sure that you pay attention to that green box and if you're having issues with there turning yellow or red you may want to restart your router or check your internet connection so just a heads up there all right now there's one last bonus tip I want to throw out there for you which is that you can actually add effects to the audio as well now let's say you're previewing your broadcasts and it's just not loud enough now you don't want to keep increasing the volume on your gain on your mixer because if you go past 12 o'clock no matter what it's just gonna end up sounding really distorted so what you want to do is you want to go to your audio input capture open your filters and this actually works for any one of your sources that have audio on them so you can go over here and add audio filter bring up your add menu and we're gonna add a gain now I usually add 15 decibels to my gain now you can either press up and down on the arrows here that might take a while though let's just go ahead and highlight everything and press Delete and I'll just go ahead and type in 15 and hit return and now your audio will sound nice and clear versus beforehand where people might be at max volume and it still won't be loud enough this will definitely make everything nice and loud and clear without having any distortion be in your stream all right well that pretty much wraps up the basic fundamentals of using OBS I hope you guys found the information in today's video to be helpful and if you did the only thing that I ask is that you guys subscribe to my channel and turn on that bell for notification so you stay in the loop with me and if you guys want to connect on any other form of social media you can find me anywhere that DJ beneficial so look me up if you guys want to connect let me know where you guys are streaming to because I want to come check out some DJ sets and with all that being said man I appreciate you guys for coming by today and let's catch up again on the next video peace [Music]
Channel: DJ Beneficial
Views: 40,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OBS, Open Broadcast Software, Livestream, Live, Stream, DJ, Music, DJ Beneficial, 991 KGGI, Radio DJ, How To, Tutorial, Beginners, Guide, Instructional, Green Screen, Chroma Key, Periscope, Twitch, Mixer, DLive, YouTube, Facebook, Disc Jockey, Professional, Moza Mini S, Gimbal, iPhone 11 Pro, MacBook Pro, Apple, RTMP, Address, Stream Key, Settings, Scenes, Sources, 2020, Live Stream, Vj, Video DJ, Platform
Id: vNj-UrEhoYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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