How to stream like a pro! - Multi Cams, Professional Audio and much more!

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do you want to take your live streams to the next level well today we're gonna have a look at OBS a free piece of software which I'll allow you to set up multiple cameras have image overlays and much much more let's get into it so OBS is a free piece of software which you can get from Mac Windows and Linux so first thing you want me to do is go ahead and download it you can download OBS from OBS project comm just select which version you need and get it installed on your computer once you've downloaded the program you are going to need to set up some cameras and your audio to get it into your computer so what I'm using for this demonstration is I've got here a Berenguer you see a 202 sound card this is a very cheap sound card but the great thing about it is it has an input and an output so you can actually pass audio through the device itself so for example like I am here if you've only got one output on the back of your decks you can plug your speakers into the behringer you see a sound card and plug your speakers in and the audio will still play to you in the room but your computer can also access it so the first thing we need to do is launch OBS so I've got it installed now on my Mac and you're greeted with this top area this is your canvas and then down the bottom we've got the ability to create scenes outsourcers audio mixer which will be important as I'll show you in a bit and then you've got your transitions here so what I usually do is I've got a couple of webcam set up in this room right now they're just Logitech webcam so and I've also got another method which I'm going to show you which is using your iPhone camera so I'm going to create a couple of scenes so I can quickly choose between each camera on the fly whilst in the middle of a stream I what need to mess around doing you know having to rescale stuff whilst trying to DJ so the first scene I've got here I'm gonna have a sauce and what I'm gonna do first I'm just going to capture at the audio so let's call this D DJ in that let's just caught dex so this is a music coming from our decks into the OBS software so then we need to grab a sauce so the behringer you see a two are two is USB audio codec depending on your sound card it might be named you know whatever it is so just select your sound card that you using to input the audio so I've got that there now and you see it's popped up on the audio mixer so what I can do is I'm just going to launch Serato DJ light and we'll test that the audio is coming through nice and clear so I'm gonna head into the crossfader free music pack if you would like to grab hold of these trucks free of charge click the link at the top right corner and we have a download deaf ear so you can get all this music free of charge so let's have a look there's just select a couple of tracks so I've got some trucks lights at there and then there we go there's some audio coming through I just turn the speaker's up back in OBS you can see here that the down in the deck section so we've got audio coming through so that bit is all set up so we need to get our cameras on the go so we're gonna click plus again on the sources and we're gonna do a video capture video capture device let's name this top down so I've got a webcam just above me here so let's call this top camp click OK and now we need to select our devices so we've got the built-in webcam here so hello everyone that's the built-in webcam on the computer screen itself we've got iphone on these two Logitech c920 s so believe the top is that yep so this is our top-down shop so I'm happy with that click OK and you can see that it's dropped it into the canvas here so I can move this around what I'm going to do first of all is I'm going to zoom in onto this make it a bit bigger drag it to where I want it to be about that you can right click what we can do is we can go to transform and rotate this 180 degrees there we go drag that into place I'll do nicely so we go we've now got our webcam so you see there we go so we've got warm camera setup what we want to do now is let's get an image overlaid into this so if I go to plus then image it's key with images that you use a PNG background it's not essential but using a PNG image means that it's transparent so for example if I just call this cross fader logo and then browse for my image go go to the desktop I'll search crossfader logo so we've got two images here we've got a jpg and a PNG what you can see here the jpg has a white background you see this by this black box that's what that black box is indicating that's a white background if I imported that just to show you what I mean click OK as you can see it's got a big white background it blocks out everything behind it so that's no good for us we don't want that so if we browse again crossfader logo I've actually created a PNG this is a transplant background click OK and as you can see you can see straight through it we can then scale this down and put in a corner and there we have it we've set up our scene so we've got our audio we've got our top camera and we've got our logo in the corner so that's our first scene but as I mentioned earlier I've got more than one camera here so I want to create another scene so I'm gonna go down here I once called this scene side cam so first thing I need to do is I need to add some sources back in because the sources like the deck and the logo whatnot they were all set up in the first scene so side cam I'm just going to go to audio input capture and you can see here create a new one I can add the existing one so we've already settled the decks we don't need to redo it we can quickly just hit our existing hit decks there we go it's showing up there now if I get some audio playing again you see still working that's not so fine so I also want the crossfader logo to shulk still so again add existing cross-modal I'll click OK as the logo we can just put it back in the corner if we want it there or wherever but like I said earlier we don't want to use the top cam we want to stop another one so much in the same way we'll go set up a video capture and this time instead of adding the top comm let's call this one side cam okay it's already so low he's already used as a scene name it has to be slightly different side camera hello you see now 20 and we have this camera down here hello everyone I could just move that about where we get how we doing everyone you can see me there so again we can just pop that down and let's resize this so it's a bit bigger as you can see that I've just covered over that crossfader logo whilst sizing this it's not what we want to do we want the crossfader logo it there so what we'll do is resize it once we're happy with that click OK not a problem click off it and then what we're going to do is I'm just going to right click on this and I'm gonna go to order and I'm just going to move to the bottom and that allows the crossfader logo there it is to pop up that so we've got two different scenes got music set up but these are USB webcams what if you don't have a USB webcam they're quite hard to get hold of at the moment thanks to the surging popularity so what you can do is if you go to the App Store on your iPad or iPhone sorry Android users at the moment this isn't available to you but if you do have an iPhone iPod head to the App Store and download a program called OBS camera we also need to go to OBS dot camera on our Mac or PC and what we need to do is we need to download the driver so download the app on the app stop and then scroll down to the bottom and you need to click on USB or Wi-Fi you can use this by Wi-Fi if you want the camera to be wireless but you will incur lag and then we have to offset that like so I recommend for the best quality click USB you can use the iPhone cable that came in the box and then you can download the plug-in for Mac or Windows download the plug-in restart OBS so we go to OBS I've already got this installed so I'm just going to call this scene phone cam so once we've installed the plugin on the computer we've got the application our phone open up the application and at the bottom it says USB waiting for connection so grab your phone cable that's plugged into the computer plug it in it'll ask you if you trust a computer you can just hit trust and your code so that's now waiting for the application so we go into web yes and then click Add source iOS camera click OK and there we go you can see on the screen now we're using this iPhone camera hello everybody click OK and we've now got it automatically resizes so if we then have this camera like this we can add an iOS camera obviously we recommend you get a tripod or something to hold your phone rather than just holding it manually like I am doing but that is how we you would set up your iPhone if you want to use your iPhone rather than a different you know web cam or the internal cameras that's how you would set that up so I'm just going to get rid of that phone camera because it's not something I want to actually use at this moment in time so just gonna remove that scene so we've set up our scenes we've got the side camera here we've got the top camera here so we're almost ready to go live we're happy with what we've set up if you want to change like the brightness on your cameras only thing you can simply click right click go to filters and then we've got a bunch of effects that you can clip in here or the audio/video filters so if you want to add anything I'll change how your cameras look you can do it insert in that but we're happy with what we've got so we've got the teeth camera so what I'm going to show you is what I'd recommend go down to the right corner click studio mode so basically what we've got here is a preview window on your left hand side and your program window so what we're seeing on the left is in the computer at the moment and on the right is what's being sent out to our stream so now we're happy with how this works we now need to go to preferences stream will click on YouTube or twitch or Facebook live and that's how you would go to just one service but maybe you want to go to numerous services remember if you stream it to youtube you on the need a thousand subscribers but if you have a thousand subscribers or maybe you want to go live on twitch and on Facebook just in case Facebook copyright and pulls you stream down we can use a service called restream sort will do is we go to restream I am TP now all we need is a stream key from reach stream so what you do is you get to restreams website and you grab the stream key from there I'll show you how to do that and that so here we are in restream so we need to connect our Facebook channels it's really easy to do connect to Facebook allow the permissions so when you in restream what we need to do is we need to select our page if you just want to use your personal account you can do by clicking personal profile I personally want to share this out to my personal to my actual DJ page click Save we see their Facebook DJ how long happy days our Channel say you want to go to twitch click off your eyes so we've set up restream to go to the various sources we want it to go to I've got it set up to go to my facebook page and to my twitch account now what we need to do is we need to grab the stream key out of the software so we can just click here you see automatically copied it to the clipboard OBS come on V you can show it if you need to just double check click OK and then it's as simple as hitting the word start streaming we are now streaming up you can see that we're live there we go we can see in restream that the feed is coming through from OBS we can then click go live and we've done life and we can head back simply to Serato start DJing [Music] when we rgj now this is streaming what we can do is we want to flick between the two scenes so remember this is what's going out on the right side this is what's going out to the world on the left hand side we can click side cam so this is the other camera the other scene this isn't mean seen by the world at the moment on the right hand side that is what the world is seen but what we can do is we can hit transition or fade or cut these or quick transitions with a free click fade there we go Buster's faded out the world will now see the camera on the right on side and just to double check that we can witness this happen as there's a bit of a lag so as we're watching this on restream in a minute you'll see that it will just fade over just like that you're away you're streaming you're able to switch between your scenes professionally and that is how you take your live sets to the next level I hope you've enjoyed this video if you found it useful give us a thumbs up if you want to see more tips and tricks about OBS I'm further more advanced skills let us know in the comments and we'll create them videos for you in the coming weeks make sure you subscribe for all content just like this and we'll see you in another video sometime soon thanks a lot
Channel: Crossfader
Views: 103,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OBS Set up, OBS Guide, How to stream with OBS, How to have more than one webcam on stream, how to professionally stream, professional live streaming, Streamlabs OBS, multicam, direct audio OBS, how to set up a DJ stream, live stream professionally, image overlay, dj logo on live stream, v-mix, facebook live, twitch, youtube live, restream,, how to go live on two sites, live stream tutorial, professional dj stream, how to set up OBS
Id: ZjT704htsjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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