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hey guys this isn't is de coming to you from my house a little bit different environment than last time you guys saw me got a idea for a cool video today but first I want to thank everybody for your support and your views and all your questions and stuff you know just you guys have been bombarding me but that's cool that's awesome that you guys are hungry to learn and I love being able to help other people out I don't know everything um I'm in this with you guys I'm learning as I go you know there's a bunch of trial and error but I was just you know super you know just in all of you know how many people has emailed me since I've posted my last video on our our a team set up at our church like daily I get two or three emails from people from all over the world I'm like woo I did not think this simple video that I kind of threw together after work you know would spark so much attention and so much questions and the emails and stuff but from Brazil to Australia to Scotland Chile Africa all over the United States I've been getting emails this it's just crazy and I've tried to you know respond to as many as I can but I am so sorry if you know I missed your your email it's just man it's I I just can't keep up with it by myself so I apologize for that but seriously thank you guys so much for the support and I hope you guys you know grow in your ministry and grow and in your knowledge I mean that's that's just awesome so this is gonna be a little bit different this is nothing with you know a team gear nothing like that but I have had so many questions on doing livestream on a budget like more than a budget then you know what I previously posted you know in today's world there's tons and tons of churches that take place in a living room take place in super small cafes and just super small that you definitely don't need no ATM setup no you know $20,000 $30,000 video set up you just need the bare minimum to get you the word out and I've seen a lot of people use periscope I've seen a lot of people use Facebook live YouTube live with just their cell phone with like iPhone sitting on the stand or even on a bookshelf or some of that so this is kind of going out to you guys that are in that you know small church small community related venue that you just do not have the budget to to do multicam switching and lower thirds and all this crazy stuff for livestream so this is gonna be pretty cool and I don't know if you guys can see or not but I am screen capturing a software that I have installed on my computer it is called open broadcast software OBS I think yeah it's over yes open broadcast I guess software open broadcast Savior our skin so this is a piece of software that's totally free super free um used to be buggy back in the day they've done a ton to it and I'm I don't know if you guys are kind of weirded out that I'm looking this way sometimes what I'm doing is on this monitor so you can see there's my mouse I'm actually watching what I'm doing on this monitor to make sure this is recorded right and got my audios and audio levels and stuff so so this software super free and I learned about the software whenever I started doing streaming of my gaming you know I have it gamer I love playing first-person shooters and counter-strike and h1z1 and nerdy stuff like that so you know a bunch of my friends we stream and you know we we might not stream to tons of people but we'd stream to each other you know when we're bored or when we're not able to go to computer some we can watch each other so I found the software and downloaded it and started it and this thing has been a pretty big workhorse for especially for it being free excuse me had some back mount do so this is open broadcast software I'm going on tangent I'm sorry I'm so sorry this is informal video this is not no you know million dollar production here this is like bare minimum one-on-one with you and let's learn this together so I said mini church don't have a budget this could be a super solution for you just think if you had a laptop or a desktop computer in your living room right now you must have some kind of webcam either it's on your iMac or your Windows PC surely sometimes somebody's gonna have a webcam in your family or something and right now two of the three cameras I'm using today is web cameras nothing special this particular one that you're looking at is I think like 58 bucks now on Amazon the one over here it's I'm borrowing it for this to show you multi camera stuff and then this one back here it's actually one of our church cameras that we've hooked to our a tube and I'll show you how we have this set up okay all the tangent is over it's kind of back line of everything we're just going to dig into this and get started so think of this software as a virtual video switcher and you know this is bare minimum switching basically you want to get three different angles and text and all that on your videos this is probably gonna be the simplest and easiest way to do it all right so let's dig in alright everybody see my mouse there it is right there on my nose okay so OBS this is version point sixteen point two 64-bit windows I think they have a newer version out now I just haven't updated because I'm lazy you have a bunch of different views up here don't worry about that right now but we have scenes we have sources and then we have a mixer which you can tell that's going to be a audio related item and then you got all your you know start streaming start recording studio mode settings exit all that fun stuff but scenes okay so if you're familiar with like pro presenter or somebody that that's kind of like a playlist I'm not really I guess it is sure I have forget all this stuff up here this is just my personal stuff and I didn't make a new template so right now this is Church YouTube livestream Church youtube Church YouTube okay so whenever I have this highlighted everything in this area is connected to this scene so I got small Church logo scriptures name tech director lower-third background video capture device Jeremy's canvas when I'm borrowing black magic device which is this camera so super simple you have a high ball and then you have a high ball with a cross on it can you guess which one is live it's the eye ball when you have a cross I mark through it you're not gonna be able see it got it okay so if I disable this video capture device 3 which is this camera it disables it and now you can see what's on the bottom layer which is my black magic device this camera right here hello and if I enable it it comes back so in like Photoshop you know you have different layers you know you have a your background layer and then you can just stack on top and if anything's above it it kind of sits in front of it that's exactly how this works ok so some cool things you can do with this to really kind of help you out with you know making it look good making it look professional make it look more than a just a webcam stream there's some cool things like so I'm using some of our graphics from church and so like I got this this is called small church logo with transparency this is a logo that I have that I've made it like 50 percent transparent and I've made it small so if you can see this right here this box this is where it's going to go so boom look at that isn't that amazing we're like Hillsong level right now already Hillsong Bethel yeah so this can be like anywhere like I can carry around I carried around put on my face putting anywhere you can resize it [Music] boom so I use this just for like branding you know everybody does it shoot you watch TV and you have a TV in little oh goodness at bottom so that's already that just makes you professional can I get an amen hallelu all right so oh this camera here this I got in picture-in-picture so boom there's that camera it's a four by three so that's why I'm not like super using it everything else is sixteen by nine but right there okay bring this back to you all right so I got that over okay so you're saying well how can I do video switching well I mean really there's one way to do it you can do it like this all right you got your main camera and then you got your secondary camera boom pop it open so say if this was your main camera and it's just looking at the pastor and this was like a side cam of the stage or of of the living room you know crowd shot of the living room something this is your different angles so you turn it on off on off there's no fading on this one but I mean realistically you don't want to do tons of fading in a live broadcast you just want to pop it so that's one way to switch okay and you know this other stuff right now I'm about to show you so don't be alarmed but with this same stuff I have a microphone input set up so that's why you're hearing me hear me talk on here so that's that's this is an independent mix for audio so like if you had a device that had a microphone on it like this like I used it for a little live stream with my wife and for like a little impromptu cooking session we use that microphone sound of decent I mean and I just used the my audio source for my black magic which is like right here i unmuted it and I'm not gonna do it now of course but well there you you're not gonna be able hear don't think and that's picking up off this mic so if I tap it all right so you have different audio devices you can mute it all through here so I'm not going to touch this this is my audio that I'm recording on but as you see all these sources are showing up here as well at least the audio excuse me for that burp I had a lot of death it's much by that they'll do okay so you guys get it you got sources for a scene you got audio for the sources boom okay so I'm hitting this next one oh my god we got lower third so this is a really cool lower third that you can get for your live stream for your free software no switcher no propresenter setting up it just takes time to input stuff or if you have Photoshop or anything that you can design files with you can do it super simple let me show you how I got this set up so um let's see here alright I'm going to turn off my little Hillsong Bethel broadcast logo so this right here I got it labeled with lower third background this is just a straight-up 1920 by 1080 wallpaper I got off of Google so I'm not trying to copyright anybody it's just we wanted to find something really quick before the stream or before this recording so that is just an image overlaid and then I wrote text boom there's my logo boom overlaid you can see the marks through it you know it's got a few percent opacity okay alright so John 3:16 is not my only thing I want on here so my pastor walks up I turned off my scripture boom pastor and histah first vice versa okay so like you know if I wanted to add something here so I would go to text but you know what let me show you the other stuff and then we'll how about this I'll show you all that what I can do and then I'll show you how to do it next got it okay here we go um so yeah so get scripture stuff like that that's one way another way to do stuff you don't have to have the lower third background on you can just do your text over it of course it doesn't look as good but now if you're doing a little bit of a worship that'll be good to have all over your your worship pastor some of that you know if you want to do a bare minimum boom there you go okay so I'm turning it back on let's put scripture up okay so then I have this third one and you can make as many as you one of these like seriously if you've got particular things like an offering or you know announcement video countdown you could do all these and I'll show you an easy way to switch on the fly as well so church videos so you you guys this is me fishing I'm just gonna you know throwing us out there I enjoy watching this video it's me catching a red drum in Murrells Inlet so I brought you guys here just watch this video realistically this is cliff bait I'm just kidding so think of this it's like okay you have a marriage retreat and this is your promo boom this is all this is going to be whole you know your viewers are gonna be able to see this and if you look over here you know there's my fishing video so I can you know bring up multiple things and you can make it start when as soon as you make it go live you know I could still bring in my scripture you know everything is still layered here I don't have my camera set up on this one but you guys get the drift there we go as you can see there's a little bit of a fade and I have that set right here like 11:50 just to make it nice and pretty they're not anything crazy so that's like three big things that a lot of churches that have these this big gear can't even do because they just can't afford the the more you know more of the gear that they need to do this stuff so that's that's three huge things that you know as a small church a living room Church a small community bare minimum set up this is like super powerful and it's free it's crazy it's mind blowing like that you know it's my blood it is okay so you guys get the drift on that all right I'm gonna do one more thing and show you how to do it I don't know why did that okay so I'm hit the studio mode right there boom okay so over here to my right this okay this side where my mouse is that's live this is what's to come just like a video switcher okay so if I had my scriptures on this one and I wanted to make sure this was set before I just you know go click on something you know all right pastor int is about to come up all right and he's coming up on stage boom there's pastoring sista okay same thing with here I got my video ready all right we're doing this promo for marriage you know marriage retreat boom there's the video and at that time all that's going on you know I can see everything that's going on you know my normal cameras so I can you know make sure the graphic is right and all that stuff while that video is playing come back there is my stuff now another thing you can do is which you kind of see it here I have like these three cameras they're not set up right now but for the cooking show I had I had them all set up but so if you had three cameras three webcams all right so if I put this one to show that camera I'm gonna take off the scripture and then this one to show me this one up it's kind of a pitiful camera so all right so I got my main cam I can transition to my third cam with my video on top I'm gonna turn that off they cut back into it there you go there's my overlay go into my a third camera boom and I'm just I'm just doing this you know I'm mixing the camera angles you know on the fly now there's you can sit up short you can set up shortcut keys for these cameras so like you know you and and st. you can you can set sort like on and off buttons for each of these sources and then you can set on and off buttons for these scenes so like I can't one and go to scene 1 to scene 3 you know vice versa if I had a crazy keyboard I could you know I could do all kind of stuff even in my mouse I can do shortcuts so there's tons of stuff you can do so that's one way you can do transitions really quick right there so I'm gonna come out of Studio mode come back into this is more like your edit mode but still you can go live with this I've done this tons of times with this so alright so we're gonna go into how we do some of this stuff okay so I'm gonna start with see if I can do a new scene you guys might lose my my video so tutorial okay you should still be able to hear me though it looks like I do have audio still so what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna set up my baseline so my camera is gonna be my base so I'm hit this plus sign and all this stuff is things you can add to your stream to your your window so video capture device is my webcam now if I was going to make a new one like as you guys you just hit create new it's gonna take you to a window where it asks you which device do you want to use which I'll show you here so if I okay like I can choose different different things that's connected to my computer okay if you don't see it here you might need to make sure you have a driver's down with it for your webcam and all that stuff choose your resolution fps most of time that's you know easy it's already set you hit configure video to white balance and set your games on your cameras but so I'm gonna remove this real quick all right add video capture at existing this particular one is device three boom there's my camera that's on the bottom layer there's only one layer right now which is right there bottom layer okay now I'm going to add my Hillsong Bethel graphic so I'm gonna go to image I'm gonna create new Bethel logo alright I'm a browse let's see here [Music] okay so there is the graphic from earlier but it's not transparent you cannot see through it so I'm gonna drop that there so simple nice and clean you can mess with the size of it and all that later alright to make it a pat uh you know transparent I'm going to right click on here and then go to filters okay hit the plus button and I think I use chroma key you yes I do so if I turn it on my pasady so I'm just gonna drop it down to 20% to show you how crazy you can get I think I usually do it like 50 so now you can see my eyeball through the logo super simple right super simple okay so I'm gonna add my other cameras just for kicks so I have the second web camera which I'm just gonna choose this Jeremy's camera boom there it is round picture and picture it smaller like a huge big huge okay I don't really wanna look at it but that's how you do it now how this camera is set up I am using a device that is this but not the per 4 K version just the normal version which is I don't think they make anymore so you can find on eBay super cheap this is a just a simple capture playback card I got right there is your input you have an output so you can monitor and then you have a a Jack where you could have video in with like RCA you know audio in RCA component in all that stuff on that so I'm using a desktop right now and so that's why I have that in there it's just a PCI Express card if you're in a laptop I don't think they make any for laptops so you would just have to stick to webcams but basically I'm running HDMI out of here going straight in there and it's showing up as a black magic device I got all the drivers installed and all that so if I hit plus button I am on the wrong one if I hit plus button black magic device I think I have it set as black magic device ok boom there it is so one thing with this though you have to make sure it's set to the correct mode this camera right here only does 1080i 59.94 so that is how it's set up there's no other options there you have different pixel formats but just keep it basic so there that there's that is that is there there it is there boom-shaka-laka all right so you got these two arrows if you hit the down arrow it drops it down on layers so look it's below it now it's above it logos gone vice versa okay all right so [Music] see here text let's do text so if you hit text GDI plus I don't know what GDI means but create new hello everyone this is in tis duh okay you see it up here yes you do I know you do don't you lie to me boy alright I'm just like my font there's not a ton of stuff you can do with this you know like shadows all that stuff if you want that get a Photoshop design it I don't know which I need help yes I don't know what you want to choose oh I know which one you use oh goodness okay Comic Sans I don't know about you but in if you're not using Comic Sans you're missing out you are missing out I'm gonna change my size here if that's not big enough yeah it's not big enough change it here let's do 150 Oh Comic Sans 150 hum you can do like background colors I don't know what that did Oh background opacity you can put yeah there yeah you do all that kind of stuff just have fun with the gradients I like to do stuff like this like there's an orange and then I'll do like this darker Orange look at that it's got a gradient awesome okay so I don't know what I just did I would delete it well fantastic hey this is in Tuesday don't screw up again okay select font and 150 they have a bold and Comic Sans okay so there's that there's that you see it's it's cutting off so you just resize it okay boom all right I am going to pull in that graphic or whatever graphic I won't let's see and you you could use video too so like if I wanted my if I wanted a moving lower third and I downloaded one or create it myself one let's do media source I'm add my fishing video in here make it big okay you know like if you're doing oceans like use my video okay I'm not even kidding oops look at that moving lower third in a video that's unheard of without a switcher come on Hillsong is going to pay me for this okay so boom there's your lower third it's a little bit too big do you need to be kind of down a little bit okay so that's how I make a lower third if you wanted to do a picture there instead you can hit image I'm gonna do lower third background the one I created look at there 1080 every size a little bit Lord it layer boom there this I'll do it one more make sure the Bethel lug is as well yeah so that is how you do that [Music] what else could we do here that can make you guys awesome browser you can do that basically you type in a web browser ya see here create a new type in a website and there's the open broadcast software so www Krishna stimulate calm deer in 1920 1080 click okay where you go there it is there's our website well it's video too nice but like when you get there I don't think you can scroll yeah you can't scroll so it's just like showing your browser but like what I'm doing right now I'm actually doing a display capture and I have it on my secondary monitor so that's how you're seeing all this you could do the same for that possibly okay how do you put capture audio output capture alright so say if you are using sound straight from your sound board if you actually have a sound board in your church if you don't if you don't have a sound board and you're just speaking use a microphone you might be able to use the webcams microphone you might be able just like get a desktop mic you know whatever you can afford it's gonna be better than nothing if you're coming from sound board you know probably a typical way of getting it to your computer is gonna be like RCA or maybe like an aux cable you know if you know what I mean by like 8 inch to 8 inch cable that goes from your sound board to your computers line in and then you can just you know audio input capture you can choose whatever one is on your sound card another way you could do it is getting like this is way outdated I just found this in the back I used to use this whole time but this is like a little sound USB sound card and this has got you know audio in lining and stuff like that you have extra outputs you mean that doesn't help too much but you would still have to go to you know eight-inch to the line in if you don't have it I don't think that works on Mac another product you could use if you have a little bit more of your button money in your budget you can use this this is a audio interface and I mean there's tons of different audio interfaces that's available to you this is just one I use a lot of Presonus products really like them but so say you have your like left output on your sound board right output or like an aux 7 or you know aux output here aux output here you have stereo or you can do a mono as well you know turn up your volume on it make sure match and then on the output there USB so your computer sees it as a new sound card and that's how you can get audio into your computer as well at a higher quality and when you do that you can actually monitor it there if you want it to or you know do like me I can monitor from my computer so that's how you can get audio in if you want more answers on that or you know if you have something's not working hit me up and I'll help you with that so alright so that's what your audio input capture audio output capture can't I don't really know him that means I guess guess that's picking up whatever you're outputting we're doing black magic device which is my camera browser source display capture you know it's just shows my screen game capture that's just showing the games that I play so image image slideshow so if you had like a pre-service thing you wanted to do is hit this let's make a new one okay so you go here at files all right we're gonna add that at this that here [Music] click ok alright so this is a slide show and you can resize it so if you had it you know tailored to your lower thirds or some of that you could do something like that if you just had announcements and if you see if you notice it's automatically taking off the background or in or either automatically resizing it like if you if you design stuff with a transparent background it will stay transparent in OBS so that's awesome cuz like I use that all the time for my gaming stuff let's see here let me show you I think I have an image up a friend I made let's see here where is it where is it balance I don't see it Matt's face I don't know where it is you you yes I think this might be in one yeah there you go I mean that's not the one I was looking for but see that's transparent background so it totally disappears so you could do all kind of cool stuff with that kind of stuff so remove that alright so up next we got media source which that's like videos and you can loop videos constantly seen so if you already have so this is all the scenes that save your on the left so real quick if I want it to do my video one you know I can turn on that entire scene you know edit it over here and just bring it up there it's useful for some people I don't use it let me take off this lower third Fisher video when capture window capture is cool if you don't want to capture your whole entire display you can just make a box around it and you know a small box and it'll pop up on your screen text all that's normal okay filters that's your backup stuff filters you have audio effects gain video display all that effects there you can crop you can key I've actually keyed out I have a green screen that sometimes I use for gaming so put a rubber ha me make sure it's lit pretty well I key it and then I am above everything else you know I'm just like a weatherman I'm in front of my games and stuff so that's cool little thing and super free I mean it's not the it's not super amazing but I mean it's going different look there yeah okay so I'm gonna go over here and let's go to settings I'm trying to keep this video short I'm already at like 39 minutes 39 and a half so so you have settings here general yeah don't look like nothing crazy stream excuse me good lord so this is where you would go to choose your streaming service you can do YouTube twitch dailymotion Facebook live and there is I'll let you guys look at the ways you do it there's a stream key you basically get if I show this to you that means you can stream on my Facebook channel and I don't want you doing that but you just basically copy and paste your stream key and posta there click okay when you go start stream it should take you live automatically on your channel on YouTube or whatever pretty simple just look into it try it out if it doesn't work doing another way yeah awesome output so streaming whenever I stream on this computer and for people around here you know then a lot of people don't have amazing internet I drop it down to 1280 by 720 I mean all my inputs are 1920 by 1080 but I dumb it down x264 my bitrate I've dropped down a lot more I've had some issues with internet upload lately so I dropped it on 1800 so it compresses a little bit more makes it a little bit noisy looking it's not super quality but I mean I used to do like 3,500 and I looked really good look really really good now you can go higher than that to so you know you're not stuck that you have made an Internet go ahead and go with it recording this time recording you choose your format encoder I don't know how much this does for harddrive recording but boom you can rescale output I'm not your scaling it right now I'm just going straight 1080 audio choose your sample rate this is where like you can enable push-to-talk and stuff like that video I'm a bass canvas resolution is 1920 by 1080 it is down scaling it down to 720 which I don't think I meant to do that I think I meant to keep that 1080 so this might be a 720 stream I don't know hotkeys this is where you can like do start recording on-the-fly stop recording like I only used a lot of my number keys and stuff like that for that but you can see every single source is on here so you can add a shortcut for each one really awesome and then you like we go down here you have your yeah you have your scenes and stuff that you can do too advanced I haven't looked at this lately ah some look like nothing too important all that's default for me so boom that is your settings if you hit start streaming automatically starts start recording automatically starts recording hit stop it stops okay super simple you need to move your stuff up and down if you hit the arrows you can do that down here you can set up different profiles or scenes collections I should have done it on untitled or made a new one but I forgot so if you didn't want have all this craziness you can do different streams you know different scene collections tools automatic scene switcher don't know what that does might come in useful for you check it out toolbars nothing crazy you can flip stuff upside down awesome lock preview you don't want to if you got stuff where you want it and you're not want to touch it anymore if you hit lock preview I'll show you so I cannot move anything if I turn take it off you know I can move this around all that stuff can't see it I can move that around so yeah you know if you're don't if you get a perfect spot and you don't want to move it you don't want to add anything lock it help out it should automatically save all your settings as soon as you do them it's just stay there's been one time where I've had to redo everything that's I was painting my butt but I was having computer issues that day so I mean it's understandable I guess back to your settings all that fun stuff so before I go you have some options of extending webcams you know if you don't have a long cable you can get a USB extender don't suggest doing I'm super long you know if you're in a household you could probably get by with you know one 15-foot USB cable I don't know that maximum link I know sometimes they're iffy and they don't always work at longer distances and stuff like that but yeah that's pretty much like a OBS like this is like a next-level stuff if you think about it it's kind of like Wirecast or Ustream producer but free free you don't have any ads or nothing like that it's super free they always update they updated it too much I mean they update it a ton I'm tired I'm tired of updating I just want just won't be done but yeah they always fixing glitches and all that stuff you can check them out on the forums and stuff but yeah this is like mind-blowing you know I I knew this was good for gaming but I never thought about it for the church world and I'm all about you know if you're a bare minimum shoot you could take I don't know if you can take like so I have a MiFi for work I use it all the time it's for me particularly its unlimited data but you know if you can't get limit it still it does good if I have three bars of service I can stream 1080 easily now I don't know if you go to Africa if the my would work I don't know how I've never been out of country so I don't know cell phone service but shoot if you got a small laptop two webcams way to get audio you could take this to Africa you could take this you know to the missionary field you could travel with this in the States there's times where we've carried live stream rigs for some of my band gigs you know to capture the moment and have it broadcasted to get a larger audience this is awesome I mean you don't have to carry around racks of equipment this is super simple yet long distance you may not have crazy zoom like if I try try to zoom I see here that configure video I don't know if you can zoom on the fly I haven't tried it you you I'm totally wrong thing I mean look at that quality no but seriously if you were in let low-budget don't worry about it I mean you're you are getting the word out you know you're you're doing God's mission man you're advancing the kingdom you know do what you have to do to you know get the job done don't worry that if you don't have a $40,000 budget I mean if you want to get the word out I mean Facebook life it's super for getting the unchurched cuz I mean I don't know about you but I have a lot of people on my friends list that yes they will not step in a step in a church or a church service or anything Church related but shoot when I Facebook live and stream you know my my rehearsals and so on that I bring people in that's never seen the inside of a church and automatically I've touched them you know I've touched them in some way in a you know in a good way they have experienced the love of Christ so don't be ashamed if you you know if you don't have the biggest budget shoot we're all we've all been there you know it's all in how you you you use your brain to be creative to get the word out I mean it's it's amazing what technology can give us nowadays so use it you know I'm not ashamed to say that I would use this at all I mean this is it's opened up my world you know the things I do so uh so it's been 48 minutes it's about an hour's livestream I may cut this down I don't know where I may just just throw it up as a roll things been pretty fun I know blabbered I know I've been all over the park with my dog randomness sorry but guys if you can see on my youtube channel there's a lot of stuff I am kind of organizing my stuff I'm broadening my my video range I'm not gonna be only doing audio video video stuff I'm not gonna be doing only church related stuff I'm gonna do some comedy style you know prank show blogging stuff like that so I'm trying to just you know broaden my audience but don't think I'm gonna forget about you guys because you guys are awesome and if you have questions you know write them in the comment section below that is super easy for me to be able to write everybody at the same time because like when my email you know I may have such-and-such from Africa such-and-such from you know here and then I have all my spam and I have sometimes I just lose it so if you comment on the video below that's gonna be awesome if you if you like this video if this helped you hit like man I definitely appreciate it if you hit like and if you really like this if you want to do one better if you aren't you're not already if you could have subscribed because I'm trying to get this out further and you know sadly the more subscribers and more viewers you get that's that's the only way you can get the word out for this kind of stuff so if you guys enjoyed it subscribe like share it to your friends share it to your pastor spirit to your ministry team use this as like a foundation be creative tell me what you guys you guys accomplished with this set up this easy rig I mean so I know a blood bird for too long I think I'm done so yeah watching guys stay tuned oh you've probably already clicked off by now we have it okay so I'm coming out with three more videos soon updated version of our church livestream setup we just changed some equipment around we've added some cameras here and there we're still changing constantly there's different ways we do certain things now so I'm going to update a video of that and then I'm gonna do a lower third video on how to get lower thirds onto your ATM software with propresenter five and if you have purpose enter six and it works the exact same way so said all that say it is 51 minutes 38 seconds in thanks for watching I mean Tuesda and I'm oh thanks I'm streaming I don't know
Channel: Ntizda
Views: 13,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: church streaming, multicam setup, church live stream, streaming on a budget, facebook live, youtube live, church youtube, christian assembly, ntizda, obs, open broadcaster software, obs tutorial, church video, audio, church, church av
Id: TIYhSYp4xs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 38sec (3158 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2016
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