Whipping Cream Pound Cake | My Mixer!!!😫😩😐 | I've Missed Y'all🥰😁 | #PoundCakeQueen👑💚💚

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hey everybody y'all i normally make sure i have everything together before i turn the camera on but i'm so excited and ready to talk to y'all then i can't wait how y'all doing happy december y'all christmas is coming y'all doing all right i hope everybody had a wonderful thanksgiving can y'all tell i missed y'all oh my goodness i missed you guys so much i'm so excited to be back in the kitchen baking as so many of you are with all the messages i received you guys and we're going to be baking today without an apron i know y'all see it you see the t-shirt i'll see the shirt our daughter finally after over a year of having a cricket she finally pulled it out because she wanted to make a t-shirt for our grandbabies for his thanksgiving so when she made his shirt she was on a roll so the pound cake queen shirt will not be covered up today with an apron okay so y'all look this is what we're getting ready to do we're going to kick off december keeping it really simple before i go there honey wash your hands don't be in the kitchen with nasty hands because that's just nasty i wanted to get that out of the way before i forgot but listen we're gonna keep it really simple i've had several messages from you guys about like the classic and the traditional recipes like cream cheese or sour cream pound cake and several of you have even mentioned this whipping cream a pound cake that's on the back of this swans down cake box that i pull out every video so we're going to start today with this whipping cream pound cake so it seems to be very simple [Music] one thing i notice about their recipe they don't use i'm not seeing the baking powder or the salt i always put baking powder and salt in my pound cakes i will be adding that and also they're using six eggs i'm going to use five i always use for the most part i always use five large eggs so that's the only difference i think that i'm gonna do i'm even gonna do the glaze but as it pertains to the flavoring it calls for vanilla extract half a teaspoon honey i don't put no half a teaspoon or no extract in nothing so we're gonna do a little bit more but we will be doing vanilla and y'all already know how to do the smidge of my cream bouquet i know some of you may not care for green cream bouquet but to each his own y'all y'all already know whatever you like okay so but for the most part i'm going to follow the recipe and then their glaze calls for some butter some heavy cream some extract flavoring um it did mention if desired add a four teaspoon of almond extract or vanilla flavors i think i'm add a little bit of almond extract to the glaze okay so that's what we're doing today this whipping cream pound cake so if you've not tried it you guys tried i'm excited about eating a little bit of batter today and seeing you guys of course okay so this is what we're using we're using three cups of swans down cake flour to that i'm adding a half teaspoon of baking powder and 1 4 teaspoon of salt my baking powder and my salt i've already added to my three cups of flour now once i add that baking powder and that salt to the flour i like to sift it one more time just in case you don't know swans down when you purchase it in the box is already pre-sifted for you but like i said once i add those ingredients i like to sift just one more time and then we're going to use one cup of this is the heavy whipping cream it is room temperature i have five large eggs here that i've already cracked they are also room temperature i have my three sticks of softened butter it is softened unsalted butter here i have three cups of sugar and i think that's it and of course we're going to use some powdered sugar a little bit of butter a little bit of almond for the glaze we're going to turn the oven on 325 degrees so we can start preheating i'm gonna spray my cake pan with baker's joy okay and y'all see i have my little cream bouquet here on there someone so many of you asked me what kind do i use i use cream bouquet evidently there are other flavors um that may be some butter something or something i don't know but my bottle actually says cream bouquet so that's what i use okay all right let's start getting this cake mixed up you guys i also get a whole lot of questions about my mixer y'all my mixer is on the blink i'll be trying to cream blood and sugar and it'll stop and start back my husband says that there's a shortage in the the little power button but y'all so i'm on the hunt for another mixer this is the um fam dean family collection mixer it's the rotating hand mixer but y'all it's on the blank so i will definitely i do have another standby mixer that's put away this you know so i'm not really stressing it too bad right now but y'all it is on the blank so one of these uh videos i'm i would certainly be debuting a new mixer i'm sure because this one i guess she said honey you've been working me me too much but i've had this one probably for about um maybe almost two years so yeah okay so right now i'm just adding my softened unsalted butter to my mixing bowl and when i turn on my mixer i'm going to let the butter just mix up a couple of seconds by itself just to get it mixed up mixed up good and then i'll slowly start adding my sugar now once i add my sugar i'm gonna cream my butter and my sugar for about 10 to 12 minutes yes i do cream that long and yes i do set a timer i know some people don't cream that long but i do so cream for about 10 to 12 minutes and then once i'm finished creaming the butter and the sugar it should be light and fluffy and it'll actually change colors it'll get lighter on you you don't want to hear those sugar crystals mixing around in the bottom of your mixing bowl and this is the part that's very important when you are mixing up a cake you can't skimp on this part you can't rush this part you have to have patience just go walk away and do something else while it's mixing but set your timer okay so once that's creamy and fluffy and then i'll try to remember to to show it to you on my little spatula then i'm gonna add my eggs one at a time i have five large eggs you'll see me add that first egg you'll see me add that last egg but remember i've added five and all so once we get the butter sugar creamed add the eggs then i will stop the mixer we will come back and then i'll talk you through what we're going to do next [Music] [Music] see that's what i'm talking about oh wait honey listen me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh well you guys you see i had to switch mixers because it kept cutting off too much and i wasn't too worried about it some of you that may think why did you already have another mixer i knew i had one in in the closet so that's why i wasn't stressing it too much but honey i've had this mixer here this had to pull out the old sunbeam i've had it for about 10 about 11 years now it's like i went from riding on the amtrak to a little uh roller coaster not roller coaster the choo choo train and twisty railroad y'all tweezer railroad is an amusement park that is so old and anywho so yeah for real for real the old folks were saying the church folk would say honey the devil is busy busy but that's all right we making this cake today how about that okay so i've added my butter sugar eggs now it's time to start adding our dry and the wet ingredients okay this part really doesn't take long so you want to be careful not to over mix okay you just want to mix enough to incorporate so what i like to go on and do is just add my extracts to my milk with my heavy whipping cream so i'm gonna start with a little bit of vanilla the recipe calls for half teaspoon listen we're gonna use more than that okay so that's vanilla okay y'all see that and then we're gonna do about a teaspoon of my cream bouquet just about a teaspoon okay i'm trying to make sure i'm holding this where you guys can see it i try to do a teaspoon all right so as i start mixing i'm going to start with my dry ingredients which is my flour mixture and we want to end with our dry ingredients okay so i'm gonna alternate back and forth with the flour and the milk and you'll see me add the first little bit of flour and then you'll see me add a little bit of milk and mix that for just a few seconds then you're going to see me add that last little bit of flour i'm not gonna go show you the whole back and forth process or the alternating process okay but just know you'll see me in with that last little bit of flour [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah it's official we need a mixer and unlike my other mixer this one did not or does not have the scraper in the bowl so i had to make sure i kept scraping down my bowl so thankfully i've already started my research on a mixer so there's one i think i kind of would like to have i need to revisit it again and get it ordered as ap i wish i could get something with the um with the code to it so you guys could get a discount if you were interested in ordering it all right this is a thick batter so that's one thing i can tell that's different about that is really thick and you guys i failed to mention that i did thoroughly spray my cake pan with baker's joy side track talking about my mixer so i did thoroughly thoroughly spray my pan okay so our oven is ready try to get our batter as smooth as possible and it's even not necessarily as smooth but as even as possible so our cake will be lopsided okay try not to leave too much batter on these spatulas because i promise you i'm gonna eat every bit of it okay we hit it on the bottom to release the air bubbles oh you guys i wanted to say thank you i had a subscriber that mentioned when i do my fillings in my cake the apple pie filling or peaches or whatever and hit it on the bottom she said that that probably made my fruit sink to the bottom yeah i didn't even think about that that's why i love y'all y'all just share stuff but she said you hitting it on the bottom caused your fruit to sink and i'm so used to doing this that didn't cross my mind but when she said that to me in an email she said it in an email it made so much sense so okay we're going in 325 degrees i bake my cakes on the middle wrap the middle rack in my oven so if you need to make an adjustment with your racks just do so now set the timer for an hour and 15 minutes if i need to adjust the time i will if i need to add more if by chance it comes out a few minutes early that's fine too but you never ever i never ever check my cake before it's been baking for an hour if you open that door too soon you're gonna cause your cake to fall okay so i'll come back once we are done y'all let's have a moment of silence for my mixer [Music] all right we have been baking for an hour and 10 minutes so now we're going to cool for about 10 and then we'll flip in the meantime while the cake is cooling i'm going to go on and make my glaze really quick for those of you who may be new to our channel welcome we are so glad that you're here but i never ever use a mixer when i make my glaze okay and i usually don't measure either so we're gonna add a little bit of powdered sugar um not quite two cups we're gonna add a few tablespoons of butter just a little bit of vanilla extract and see can you guys see this okay you can see it pretty good a little bit of vanilla and then we're also going to do a drop of almond extract okay just a little bit okay all right so i'm just trying to my butter is soft i'm just trying to smush up this butter just a little bit now when you're doing your glaze you want to be careful when you add your liquid don't add too much because if you add too much you can't take it out and you'll have to add more powdered sugar to compensate for that when i first start mixing my glaze i like for it to be kind of thick that way i can easily get it smooth and then once you get it smooth if it's you know it'll be too thick but once you get it smooth and you can always add more milk to thin it out okay and you see notice how i'm just adding this heavy whipping cream gradually because like i said once you get it in you can't get it out i like to do this in real time so you guys can see that it does not take long at all okay it's definitely a great arm workout okay now i have it the thick consistency that i want and we're just gonna mix mix mix mix okay so now that i have it smooth of course it's too thick to um pour on the cake also for our new subscribers i'm a glazed girl i do not like to icing cakes icing and cakes is not my ministry i like it quick and easy so i always the majority of the time i fix a glaze i make ice in a cake every once in a while maybe for my husband's birthday i think i did i did some icing then but yeah i do not know okay so you see just that quick we have a thick glaze and i can always thin it out probably thin it out a little bit more okay i add a little bit more heavy whipping cream to it when i'm ready to use it but it's pretty much done right now and it's going to thicken up a little bit just sitting here so i'll add a little bit more heavy whipping cream too but that's just how simple and easy it is to make a glaze no need to pull the mixer back out you know once i put my cake in the oven i wash up my mixer and get everything cleaned up okay so we're going to continue to cool for about let's see we have about four more minutes on the let's see if we can go and get it flipped so i will have to do another clip now normally i wait normally i wait about 10 minutes but i do hear some ladies that flip after after about five minutes so let's see let's see [Music] this pain is still really hot really hot all righty then so now we continue to cool isn't that pretty so we will cool set my timer again i'm gonna let it cool for at least another 30 minutes i'm not in any hurry um so we're gonna let the cake cool also for those of you that ask about my little netting that i use it's just a food cover i have had this probably every bit of about 15 years or so and i think when i picked it up years ago i picked it up but i think it may have been big lots but it's just a food cover that you would use like if you were outside having a picnic you know to keep the flats and stuff off your food honey i don't you don't do flies either so i just like to use it to cover my cakes and anything i have sitting out in the kitchen because i just don't like it out in the open so i think i got it from big lots but it's been a long time ago i'm sure you could probably find some on amazon we have cooled long enough probably about about 30 minutes so we're gonna go on and get the glazing okay you guys this is another teachable moment it's the kind of stuff that i do now that recipe it called for the glaze it called for the powdered sugar the butter and the heavy whipping cream and i don't like the way it looks i know it's the heavy whipping cream and the butter that's giving it that curdled look where it looks like it's spoiled so i do not like the way it looks so what i'm going to do is really quick i'm going to do another glaze with just the powdered sugar we're going to use regular milk okay so we're going to use regular milk powdered sugar i added some vanilla and the almond extract okay and you guys this is the kind of stuff that i do in the kitchen and i just want to share it with you sometimes you have to try different things if you do something you're not really crazy about it if you can correct it without having to start your process all the way back over then try to do that okay all right and in the meantime this glaze i'm gonna kind of smooth what i can off it's like i said honey i don't like the way it looks i don't know it's fine but look i just don't like the way it looks y'all the extra glaze that went down in the hole i'm gonna take that out because once i add my new glaze we're gonna have more at least i'll take the majority of it out okay and you guys when you're baking and cooking everything is not going to always go as planned so you're going to have to make the necessary adjustment and i'm going to tell you my hat goes off to the the ladies and gentlemen for those of you that have bakeries or you have home-based businesses where you're baking for people and you have things that come up and you end up having to bake the whole cake over again oh boy embarrassing my hat goes off to you guys i only bake for my enjoyment and content i told you guys it has definitely become therapy for me when i'm in the kitchen makes me feel close to my mom whom i lost unexpectedly in 2016. so i do this for fun okay so my cakes don't have to be perfect and i don't try to um you know if i had a bakery it would be different but i don't try to get my cakes to where they're looking bakery perfect honey we're not selling this to no fat now don't get me wrong i like my cakes to look nice but i don't have to focus on my cakes looking like they've come out of a bakery because they've not i'm not i don't sell them so i'll just have fun in here and just do whatever it is i want to do but i was not liking the way that glaze looked from the um with the heavy whipping cream and the butter no ma'am okay so we just fixed it and it didn't take long at all to fix it so there you have it a whipping cream pound cake with a vanilla almond glaze and of course the extra glaze it's down and hope it's cake time jesse you're gonna eat some cake baby so whipping cream pound cake let's see because y'all will show telling me to fix this here jackson have you eaten your dinner huh so i can taste this without him he didn't drop this off he didn't drop this soft cake as soon as you get it i consider this to be kind of a traditional cake let me get this corner right here look i ain't gonna hand my back to me he will not walk up and scare me tonight y'all he will not look there you go i said i'm turning around you're not gonna walk up behind me and scare me tonight what's this perfection it's a whipping cream okay oh let me show y'all what's good baby guess what happened today lemon there's no lemon in there okay there's no lemon in here i think if you don't want to share with your color i think it's more of a yeah see if i took that glaze off i kind of rubbed it in um you're gonna you're gonna i guess he's not gonna look mm-hmm in the first place i did i did the glaze that was on the back of the box and you use the powdered sugar maybe we can clean the butter but it made it look curdled and i kind of raised it god bless you god bless you [Music] so come here can we see the back side this is y'all we can see the back side they still not putting him on on the social media yet i want y'all to say how big he is you eat some cake you trying to get papaya cake hmm then give me some popcorn take it from it take it take it jackson they give it here paw paw i have them to the other side you just dropped yourself when you got caked in here i love you over there i didn't tell you what happened to me look what you see sitting over there new mitchell no it's not a new one it's the old one you it kept cutting off too much so i'm like that one right with the black one with the scraper behind it that's not you know it was been acting up for a minute i'm saying where did that one come from that's my old one i had old faith and that's how come i had ordered another because i knew i had one in the buses back in the 1960s let me tell you what i said i said i felt like i got off the amtrak and got on the little choo choo train to tweet the railroad i said no this is not going to work it's not going to work you're still doing research on your own it's not going to work i'm gonna have to get back at it because today was a struggle look i say like the folks say in church you know the devil is busy well at least in my thought when he's doing a poundcake marathon no it was acting up then but like i said i wasn't i'm going down now just i told him you said you think the switch i just think i just think it's a short twitch because i'm trying to get he pulled my glasses off and got behind somebody their glasses be dirty you can see all the dirt and fingerprints and be like can i help you i don't know i just kind of look when i'm sitting behind somebody you can't help but see that glasses and i know we use and we used to sit behind this little church our glasses used to be nice how you said people could you please get your mama glasses to clear your glasses y'all know what i'm talking anyway y'all look it's time to go thank y'all i was so excited to see them again today you got another piece i think you took a lot of money i just took that little coin anywho y'all we appreciate you guys so much again we hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving we are kicking off december but yeah i have to order me a mixer because the the love the little engine they could not go that ain't gonna get it okay all the people that ask for your mixture y'all can have it now they can have it now and the thing about the mixer it really doesn't have good reviews on it but and mine lasted maybe a couple years man look i really i appreciated it even the more once i bought it what's a good review what about the bus how long have you had that the bus i had i've had probably about 10 or 11 years i got that we were on we had the um well there you go that works thank you guys so much for watching if you're not subscribed if you're new welcome again if you're not subscribed here [Music] hit the subscription button turn [Music] had to show them my shirt too okay quick all right you don't put two pieces of cake you give a little bit get your crumbs up thank you guys so much for watching we already look forward to you joining us again next time say bye why you have to be all in the camera bye bye [Music] see you later
Channel: BeautifulTooCreationsWithDonna
Views: 210,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beautifultoocreationswithdonna, how to make cream cheese pound cake, how to bake a cake from scratch, not yo mama's banana pudding, pound cake recipe with cream cheese, pudding pound cake, how to bake pound cake, sour cream pound cake, pound cake queen, Lemon Pound Cake, key lime pound cake, Butter Pecan Pound Cake, pound cake from scratch, Pineapple pound cake, Eggnog Pound Cake, Cranberry Orange Pound, White Chocolate Pound Cake, Whipping Cream Pound Cake, Swans Down, how to
Id: EXL3f9EV464
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 56sec (2276 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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