Strange Encounter in the Woods!

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foreign I'm back again at the location where I've had lots of activity let's call it well that's happened and I brought my trail camera and my night vision with me because I'm making a stand that doesn't sound right does it I'm taking a stance oh I don't oh this is Sparta [Laughter] no I really do love this place down here and I'm not going to get bullied out of it whether it's wild pigs dodgy dudes oh that's creepy someone crouching down in front of camera first I want to talk to you about some new content that I've been working on now I'm probably gonna make a few enemies with this content because I think it's going to be quite controversial but it's probably going to make some of you laugh as well but I can't tell you what it is just yet and the thumbnails they're not going to be my usual type of thumbnails so um I can't tell you what it is just yet you'll have to turn notification Bell on so you don't so you don't miss out on them they've been some kids down here camping bit looks of it they haven't made a mess what I can see but they have left their tent it's just one of those crappy pop-up thingamajigs now look it's got a big hole in it that's why they've left it so my rubbish from it to take out while we're speaking of rubbish um keep forgetting to tell you when I went on me uh on me camp where I broke my other tent got another casualty of War I went up onto the hill to see if I could catch sunrise and if you remember there were loads of rubbish up there and we're gonna take it away and I keep forgetting to mention it I went back the next day all right if anybody recognizes these sunglasses then get them told as you can see it um wasn't the best weather but looks like the wind and got this tree down here this is where I used to hang my hammock from from there across to these trees here but whoever's done this has probably damaged the tree and then it's weakened it which is a shame and uh there's some more trees over down there so looks like I've got plenty of firewood and I don't have to go far for it but anyway I've got loads to do so I'm gonna crack on and get stuff done first things first get the beers in fridge [Applause] oh yeah just can't reach what happens when you're a short ass all right let's see if I can do this without dying fine now that I've pruned it a bit I've taken those two off where it was snapped at top you can't get in there to get me sorry because I'm a short ass so but now that it's pruned it might have a better chance of surviving but I doubt it with all this damage that it's taking here it's probably got poorly sick from all this shame really [Music] all right mate can I sit down first Jesus Christ come on come here there we go well cheers everyone I thought that I'd be a teenager myself today watermelon VK oh that's nice no wonder kids go for these it's like pop um reason why I wanted take control of this campsite back is because I absolutely love it down here it's just gorgeous and this is where I come and bring the kids down here in summer because there's a decent fire pit here and I don't like going around different places and making new fire pits and stuff like that I mean this has been here for years so I'm not too bothered about that it were here before I came here covering moths and stuff but I actually moved this big Stone here because it were over there by that tree so that took me ages I've actually built a dam further down on stream so I can have a a wild dip in there in summer when it's nice and warm and we don't normally get midges down here either bugs but they seem to be all out tonight well today I should say [Applause] I'll be enough [Applause] there we go a little drip feed that now I need to figure out where I'm going to put me uh me trail camera I'll figure out where I'm putting my tent first I don't want to disturb any at bluebells maybe I should have brought hammock but the reason why I got my tent is because it's got this tent oh it's just Fendi it's because it's got three doors I can look out that way that way and that way so if you hear any noises during night I can have a quick peek out plus I didn't fancy being in Hammock being in a bare tackle ready for the eating hopefully that'll catch us on it there's like a trail that runs through here and then through the camp a while ago when my tent collapse the pump mowers I put a lot of effort into shouting out smaller YouTube channels or should I say small YouTube channels like myself I tried doing a hashtag top five under 20K and I nominated five YouTube channels nobody else did it nobody else did it uh why is that they're scared that the subscribers are gonna go to a different Channel or whatever I mean we're all in this game together you know so we should try and help each other out like a community but I don't know so because they've done that I won't be mentioning any more channels you can all get there is a channel that I didn't mention in that top five for under 20K but I thought they were already over 20 000 subscribers and that's Gareth and Zoe wild camps sir they're a couple obviously Gareth and Zoey and I've been watching them from the beginning like six seven years ago I think they started so go check their Channel out I'll link it in description let's clean this fireplace I'll put it scatter all this which will be good for the forest floor it's also good for uh brushing your teeth is uh call ah [ __ ] off ah midges are out in fourth now are we in ASDA they over there that's all this I think it's a cake stand two pound fifty where 249. it's all right in it we had to cook mistakes on that for later on ah I hadn't even brought any smidge you're up with me either there's not normally any midges down here but today they're out in force I might have to get this fire going you know get rid of these midges that worked didn't it [Laughter] hey dear blood images do any of you watch blot Outdoor Show he does a lot of stealth camping but it gets absolutely wasted and does a Whiskey Review or waski review whatever he calls it but honestly it gets absolutely steamy and when he's live chat the other day when he's when he did a Premiere and uh people were saying blotted Outdoors instead of block Outdoors it does it gets absolutely smashed okay don't want to start fire up just yet because that means more work cutting marbled up you're right mate what's up here I think all I've got to do now is just wait until it gets dark and while we're on about other YouTubers Paul Messner you need to stop telling companies that the tents are good keeps bumping price up what you want to do take it out review it say it's absolutely crap and then they will uh they will put price up then because every time you do a review on a tent Paul prices go up get them in bottom that should give it a decent bed then cheating as always get some of this Birch back on it that should go hopefully we'll see foreign that's it look fire's going hopefully it's not gonna alert any walkers walk along top of that Ridge up there there's these paths up there and then these puffs up on top of that Ridge as well but the midges are doing me nothing so I've had to hey is there any other YouTubers that watch my videos I know Ben from daily Outdoors does and uh Paul Messner sometimes does but is there any others let me know in comments because I want to know what sort of crap people try to send you know companies try to send you out well they do me anyway they try to send me out all sorts of stuff um I've turned down an e-bike a big Power Pack thing on Wheels be nice to have this stuff but it's just not it's not what the uh what my Channel's about really that's why I've stopped doing reviews and stuff because I prefer to just share my adventures with you because I know you some of you don't come here for gear and stuff like that but if I find something decent you know if I buy some and like this tent you know stuff like that then I'll show you that and stoves and stuff like that that I bought so let me know in the comments what sort of crap people like to send you um I have had a few things from companies I've had that sun blesser head torch I still use that hard land pants trousers that I manifested I still use them they're decent pants although the worship moment so I've had to put me old um I think these ones are carry my pants put me all carry more ones on I also get a loads of sponsors wanting to want to admit you know advertise their products and stuff but when I watch videos and I see sponsors on them I always skip them anyway so I don't see pointing them I mean they do offer good money one's offered me 1500 to seven and a half thousand to advertise their product on me uh on my channel and another one recently a game they wanted me to do a game um complete a level you know so I've got to um play this game on my channel complete a level and then tell me final thoughts on it they wanted to pay me 10 grand for that 10 grand but it's not you know you're not gonna watch that are you you know what I mean and that's why I made this channel just uh share my Adventures I mean it might be a stupid like business decision not to because 10 grand would be nice but it's you know it's it's not to do which channel is it I'm not gonna say what game it is but I'm not a gaming channel if you're a gaming channel then yeah fair enough but like I say that's just not just not what I want to do on the channel I want it to grow organically and hopefully get an income just through the afternoon as well aren't they but I can't stop them YouTube well I can't stop them but I want to get some money from doing this even if it is just a little bit so other YouTubers if you're watching put down in comments what the uh the stupidest thing that you've been offered to do a review on I think one of my first ones ever with like a uh a toilet tent you know like a like a pop-up toilet tent I think that will want to be very first ones that I got offered obviously I said no that'd be interested to know uh uh excuse me second bottle's nearly done I don't normally drink oh I don't normally drink on camps either but I just fancied some a bit some something sweet but I didn't fancy pop but I've got to be careful that I don't get back into my old habits because I used to drink all the time and I mean all the time I'm talking every day I mean I was pretty much an alcoholic well a functioning alcoholic Anyway come home from work four five six cans a night and then on a weekend just blast it absolutely smashed every weekend and that went on for years and years and years did that and probably about three or four years ago I decided I just woke up one morning just decided enough's enough I'm gonna stop so stop drinking for six months and you don't realize you've got a problem until you actually stop because I will go in past the uh the beer aisle you know what I mean in the uh in supermarket and it were drawing me in going please come on come and drink me come and drink me but I just have to stay strong so after that six months I'm not suping I decided to you know just have a drink every now and again and I've got an handle on it I mean like I said I don't drink at home usually unless we're having barbecues or just sat out in sun or whatever but I'm definitely not drinking every day like I used to and uh it stomach well the good you can you can think clearly after not drinking because obviously alcohols are depressing as well and that's not good for you no good face weed all right we've got steaks aren't going now a bit of rib eye pot boiling for some Mash and I've got a visitor creeped up behind me asking me if I had a light I ship me pants this is Martin anyway I don't know him but he's stopping for a stick so just some random grade you want round here in a poncho a couple of months ago [Laughter] right gonna get these cooked up didn't do much filming because uh that lad Martin who creeped up behind me asking for a light they're homeless so I fed him some steak and some mashed potato and his uh he's gone on his way so I'm just gonna enjoy this fire now kick back for a bit then wait and see what the night brings what do you think Emmett I did ask Martin if he's been creeping about in these Woods before but he said he um Manju is wrong building eh than what I caught on my trail camera I'm going to be on Maya now tonight as well yeah thinking is he going to come back because it wasn't a normal homeless person if you know what I mean after I fed him he uh scurried straight off and I've just tried using me night vision and the batteries have gone on it even though I've charged them up hopefully trail camera batteries will be all right tonight I'm gonna chill out now about fire and uh just watch Poor Man's teller for a bit the more I think about it The Stranger it gets fed that lad and let's be honest it were a junkie all right fed him talking about life and now we got to where he is and drugs and whatnot and then turn around to cut some firewood up so I'll cut a couple of logs up when I turn back round he's gone so scanned about and they were just walking off Into Darkness so I said see you later pal he went yeah yeah so yeah and just left I just found that really [ __ ] strange no it's gone missing her out he hadn't taken out but the fact they just left without saying oh let's put the uh ebgv's up there because he's going for two things one got to tell these mates there's a guy camping out with a lot of filming equipment and two he's got a score because he needs his fix and even then if he goes and scores as he's fixed talking with his mates while he's high I don't want I don't wanna be having a fight off a lot of smack heads at three o'clock in the morning you know what I mean but I've left my trail camera down there so we'll go back in morning and see if he's been but we got were telling me don't stay there it's all packed up throwing a lot of water on fire now making my way out but I'll see it morning well good morning I'm on my way back to the camp to collect my trail camera and see if that random smack head came back during the night so I just want to recap a little bit on this place on this camp I've been camping here for about four or five years when I found it the fire pit was just all covered in Moss so no one had been down there for at least 10 years I'll use the fire pit anywhere for 10 years so I've been using it then last year there was a load of noises all right branches breaking rocks thrown into the river at night time uh like pig noises and then a gurgling sound um but then someone or something was rooting around in the rubbish that was down there because there were a lot of rubbish on that camp but so much rubbish that I had to Take It All Away in a shopping trolley that I found that were found in the river when I was sat inside my tent and I heard them doing something outside the tent I shouted eye and he heard them run off so next time I went down it took me night vision stuff down and uh trail camera and stuff didn't see anything during the night but then my trail camera captured Summit or should I say someone creeping about at night and they actually took my trail camera down so whether they were watching me for hours or I don't know maybe beating one off to me snoring in the hammock I don't know but then the next time I went down I took Dean with me because I'm a shitty ass look there she is look enjoying life so that night I took Dean down we made a load of noise had a few slurps and that and then uh fell asleep so I don't know if I'll happen that night I did put the trail camera up but it were on first on Me on the camp I hope there's loads of dogs over there you put the Muppet at you you finish now and then last night I was sat just watching the fire you know stalking it and whatnot just chilling out relaxing in my chair and then some random guy creeped up like a ninja ninja bag Eddie were got right up behind me so you got a light mate I wish I'd have been filming at time honestly you just send me absolutely jump at me skin so then we sat around fire for a bit we were talking and stuff talking about his life and how he'd been stabbed by his mates and all this sort of rubbish and uh I made a mistake I had two steaks and a packet of mash so shared that with him and I turned around until cut some foot more firewood up it fits black at this time mind you so I've turned around to cut some firewood up and then when I come to put it on the fire realized it it just disappeared gone I need left most of his can there it only had a couple of mouthfuls out of it so I looked around to see if I could see him and then I could see him in distance just walking off into the darkness so I shouted to him are you going mate wait yep see you later gone so I'm then sat there after that thinking that strange that and the more the more I thought about it the more I don't want to stay there because like I said it could have been just going back to get his fix oh it could be going back to get his mates and if his mates like stabbing him then they'll have no clams in stabbing a strange drink would be so I decided to leave but I left my trail camera so let's see what that's captured if anything all right let's get across here come on Mick I don't know if I'm gonna Camp here again what do you guys think should I camp here again or what let me know in comment all right that's where I was sat on me chair there that's where tent was and he just walked up from here got to about got to about here right next to me when he said if you got a light mate said that he could uh see the smoke from the fire and that's why I didn't want to light it really because then it our Trail camera's gone that's where it was on this tree so my uh gut instincts were right aren't they to leave oh don't forget to turn all notifications on for my uh my new sort of videos that I'll be posting out right so I'm going to grab this uh grab this old wrecked tent and head out of here thanks for watching oh [Music] foreign
Channel: Grizzly Gaz
Views: 827,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grizzlygaz, grizzly gazza, strange encounters in the woods, creeping camping, wild camping UK, UK wild camping
Id: hGjSJkgJPAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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