What happened to Grizzly Gaz?

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keep hearing stuff up in up in distance someone's been busy here so I'm not really happy about spending a night in here really ooh dark in here mate this path's proper crap [Laughter] wasy you were miles away then wer you I was so I'm out with Curtis say hello Curtis hello Curtis we're going on a a big loop going to see a few monuments and stuff well one that we know of Studley Pike don't know if you can just see it or but one wall there so we're going to go up and see that talk a little bit about that and then we're uh got to find a a camping spot we've just got us D packs on at the moment cuz we're obviously doing a massive Loop and then uh dropping back down out at wind because the bag that I've packed I packed it probably about 6 or seven weeks ago cuz that's how long it's been since I've been out and I have no idea what's in here so it's going to be a surprise to see if I packed everything that I need and actually What tent I've got it's pretty muddy about everywhere and seen a load of deer tracks so we might see some deer later on tonight hopefully no cows cuz I always seem to encounter cows while I'm up on these Hills my fitness level is so I didn't fancy carrying a big backpack full of 18 kilos or whatever it's got in it so we just got my little day pack on with waterproofs and a and a drink it's so much better doing it this way I might do this from now on park car up near where I'm going to Camp leap backpack in there and then just put me little bag on to do me little walk bit of wild swimming oh no fendy how we going to do this mate how are you going to do this with your little legs look this Stones [Music] here you don't want to use stones or de you just want to look at State don't be climbing up on me look at state of a living the life out you mate eh all right there she is look studly Pike this for here behind me it's called Uh Sunderland pasture and I up here the other week and had me backpack on and everything walking through it all and it would just it was just muddy as hell I would try to find a place to camp but everywhere were just absolutely soaking then it started raining and I just thought you know what I can't be bothered I'll talk talk more about this once we get to Camp got a lot to talk about I think clear the air a bit poor fendy is not liking these uh these bridges are you mate huh hey y we've seen a few over there and now that's the reason why look cuz they're on dicks [Music] Lane [Music] [Music] [Music] n things we do for YouTube [Music] [Music] eh and here we are at studle Pike Monument this 121 ft Monument dominates the skyline above Toman in the cder valley sitting at top of Studley Pike a 1300t Hill the monument was designed in 1854 by local architect James Green and completed in 1856 at the end of the Crimean War the monument replaced an earlier structure commemorating the defeat of Napoleon and the surrender of Paris it was completed in 1815 after the battle of watero but collapsed in 1854 after Decades of weathering and a lightning strike Studley pipe Monument contains a spiral staircase of 39 steps access from the north side if you visit Please be aware that several of the internal steps are in darkness so it's useful to have a torch with you to light your way as there are no windows the entrance to the balcony is on The Monument's West face some 40t above the ground level the views are well worth the walk and the climb well wow that throw you away right so that's where we are there Studley Pike we've come up from here up around here round and then we're going round here and back at Reservoir and back down which is along that path I think and around there around that way what are you doing come on what's that woman laughing at over [Laughter] there oo that's nice is't it look at that don't know why but I love a good bit of water we're going for a swim you first fendy first I went for a swim just back up there yeah K he nearly fell in we're walking through some uh through some mud and he just went nearly lost his leg oh this is shish kebab oh went weeds aren't we mate ehh what are we doing man it's 3:00 now and i' be getting dark in a couple of hours and we've got to get to other side at res there where car's parked and uh get us backpacks then get back up for a camp waterfall jump in it's an idiot there that' be all right to Camp there would it a I've just sunk now as well look bville Tennessee poor fendy up to a nipples in it not a lot we can do all it does is rain doesn't it through uh throughout winter in the UK we've had a bit of snow like I had my kids when we had the snow so I couldn't go out camping in it this P proper crap come on fenel pick her up come on mate oh don't like this cold water do you kids hey swap these bags and let's get camping eh so we've done his 8 kilm route a circle we dropped back down to the car swapped his little backpacks for his big backpacks and now we're off for a camp look at him he tried doing a uh a walking shot and wind just blew his camera up oh no mate look the pond of death what are you going to do now mate the things I do for you a fenzel ooh it's a bit deep though is't it not surprised you didn't want to go through that dragging your little hippo through it that dog running off in distance just splashed all way through won't bother about it mate it's up with you so I only got little legs I don't think it's safe in here mate I don't like it mate don't better down there really didn't it yeah down there where stronger trees are look all trees and that all leaning up against each other in that I mean look at it it's all Blair Witch style in it so I'm not really happy about spending a night in here really I've been up here before and I've uh made a video before about and the title was don't camp in these Woods cuz it's dangerous and everyone was saying why is it dangerous it's clickbait and you know I showed all trees and that down they were expecting Bigfoot and that [Laughter] all right time to see what tent I've brought with me cuz I've got no clue and there it is look the tar 2 with uh 11 mil [Laughter] poles oh miss this tent you know I don't know what it is about it I think it might just be the the Simplicity of it cuz I'm a simple man and I like simple things the only thing that I've had to change from this is the uh the clip at the top cuz um the other one didn't fit 11 mil poles in it but I'll link that everything in description if you want to upgrade yours and I'll have to figure out where to put guidelines as well cuz obviously the guidelines went onto the poles of the of the 9 mil ones but yeah I'm pleased with that a it's not all clipped together mate get off off get out stealth mate stealth there we go look me and fendy I got matching pads that one's a a light tall one and that's my light tall one but that's big enough for her is that now this uh down quilt has been packed up inside my backpack for about five or six weeks so we'll see if it'll Loft back up tonight I hope so why I'm going to be freezing out got me uh Flex tail thick pillow that uh Curtis got me for Christmas there we go also got one of these foil mats to sort of cover the full the full floor of the tent just for like winter camps cuz it's cuz fendy moves about quite a lot I just wanted something to keep her you know nice and chilled well nice and warm should I say I saw where someone said cheers if you curl it around like that and put it in your backpack and then put all your stuff in then it don't you know you can't really feel the see the bulk or whatever but I thought that would a pain in ass cuz then once you get to Camp you got to pull everything out cuz this is the first thing that goes in your tent once you're uh once you get to Camp so if you was if it were raining then you'd have to be pulling all your stuff out and that outside your tent to then put it in here but I'm happy with this setup I missed this tent you know but I've only gone and ordered some more tents and I look she's uh scatting about and she's going off a mat already what about her yeah so those uh nent ver ones the um the new version not the poly cotton ones they come out and I thought that looks looks a real decent tent does that and I've then I've seen all reviews and stuff so I ordered one and then I get an email from Big Sky saying that the shinook 2 is in stock and I've wanted one of them for probably about 3 years it haven't been in stock I could not get one now I'm skin so I'm going to have to get rid of some tents I think I m I might um I might get rid of the kuyu so I might do a raffle on that nent I emailed him and I asked them if if I buy one of their nent Vern ones would they send me one for free so I can raffle one off on channel so I'll have one of them to raffle off a brand new one I'll do that cheap for you so if you Haden got over 500 quid to spend on a a real decent tent then couple of quid and you can have one could you if you win that is offend his Christmas present can you see it it says slug Dog Millionaire on it ooh beef in red wine with lentil but I won't be needing that because ctis say kindly said that he's going to make us some burgers even though I'm on a diet I'm supposed to be but I think I've uh burned it off a i at 8 kilm we've walked I know that don't sound uh don't sound like a lot to T people but when you wen't done any hiking or walking or anything for a couple of months it gets to you o look I'm duck jerky you'll want that first what you kid there you go look I do feed me dog I just don't film everything while I'm out not every little thing anyway Curtis has brought pack lunch with him look all sauces and stuff he's got in here burger sauce hot sauce got to look after you mate I know you have aren't you an old man now you know Burgers Brios buns E D full pack he loves his cheese don't you I do there we go camp mode activated what is going on over here is it blackfast it's proper treating me tonight look we got some uh Pepsi Max mango as well oh you always look after me sir that I'll bring you out with me more often show last time oh you made me Ste last time oh yeah it were my go last time what now when we're in hot tent want burger sauce yes hot sauce uh o I don't know I might have one with hot sauce okay I'm having both on both one with one with booger sauce it's a good in it there see that cheese shower look at that look at stringy cheese on him yeah baby can't I can't do it yes don't drop him don't drop him we've got some it I'm not helping you all right Cheers Cheers as good as that good grub M Buy what's that hot sauce man is it hot just got me back up throat then it's red hot I think it's Franks Red Hot Sauce four more she's got the four more there you go can't leave you out can we yeah we've got dishwasher AR Go that nice mate sounds like it's nice he sound like an old woman man you that yeah it's not even 7:00 yet and I feel absolutely shattered if I close my eyes I'd just go to sleep now but then that'll be me waking up at 1 2:00 in morning wide awake so just letting me Burger settle for a bit and then me and uh Curtis are going to do a disco think out way to keep awake oh I think the universe has been testing me these last 3 months or so everyone's been pying my my house um just been taking turns at getting ill I've had flu and I've also had covid recently as well and then both of them absolutely knocked me on my ass kids have all had it so it's just been a vicious circle then weather's been absolutely shy it's just been absolutely persisting it down constantly when you're just getting over a bit of flu or whatever and you think I'll go out for I'll go out for Camp because I have my kids half a week I have them Wednesday night Thursday night and then every other weekend Friday to Monday so one week I'll have them from Wednesday to Monday then the next week I'll have them Wednesday and Thursday when it's not my turn then to have kids then storms blowing and stuff like that and you just think I can't be bothered going out in a storm you know it's not my sort of thing I don't don't usually go storm chasing but I have done a few times but that's just because of the time where I wanted to go out you know with kids and whatnot nobody wants to be walking about it rain for hours do they after they' just got over FLW a man FLW anyway that's the worst one in it man [Laughter] flu we had two kids birthdays in January as well and they've landed on weekends bloody kids who would have them spoil everything don't they only joking kids I love you really then tax return have to do tax return and pay tax man loads of money so that got me down but I think what really started to get me down were buying higher well higher end gear than what I usually get and being disappointed by it that's what started to do me nothing really cuz I bought that uh that sleeping pad 300 quid you know you're supposed to be a to go down to at least zero with it and plus 6 hour cold oh no it plus S I could feel cold coming through ground that tent that I bought leaked that cost me 300 quid I'm just going to go back to basics I think apart from these new tents that I've got coming I'm glad to be out in this again I miss her miss this tent yeah so me uh we meal elant been haven't been great I think I've just had a bit of burnout and stuff as well and I just didn't want to go out film you know you've got to come up with good ideas rather than say making same video every week hi I'm Gaz I camped in the woods n night good morning bye sort of thing nobody watches them constantly having to try and come up with good ideas for a camp you know that people will watch and it sort of sucked the joy out of it that started to burn me out I just didn't feel like going out I didn't even been out for walks or anything cuz I got to the point where if I'm going out I need to make a video that type of thing because I didn't have an idea for a video I just want going out I know it sounds weird it sounds stupid but I had like just a mental block but Curtis has dragged me out with him so thanks Curtis yeah you're welcome it's got It's got me out again I'm feeling a lot well I'm feeling knackered from the walk but I'm feeling a lot better about myself I've started a new diet as well I mean that's a a big thing that you know the motivation big thing for motivation if you're eating loads of you're just going to feel like and that's what I've been doing cuz I've been feeling sorry for myself I've got a Telltale sign as well when I know that I'm feeling you know a bit down and depressed I clean my ears constantly with ear buds now hear me out do do you ever clean your ears out and it's like oh yes no just me then all right just to get that little dopamine hit that's what it is I've also just been scrolling on uh Facebook and all that lot but that's proper toxic on there is Facebook I've been uh biting as well over people you know people even even in my comments one guy told me that he Ops he Ops me dog dies when I were arguing with him other people are just in a a place as well arly that's why they take out on other people cuz I were doing same I biting at people well biting back should I say when I shouldn't really being a public figure and all that lot but I'm only human I went out the other week cuz um a secret sauce told me not that secret sauce but a secret sauce told me the viaduct where I went and made a video last time cuz I were going to try and camp on there but there were a big like Iron Wall there with Vandal grease all over it they're doing works on it to uh like some some structural work on it and someone said they messaged me and said oh you can get on there now cuz they've uh taken that big sheet wall away so I went up and had a look to see if we can get on there were workers on there working away and both ends were open but they were like a Gilla cameras everywhere so I didn't want to risk that last thing I wanted to do was to get prosecuted so that set me back but I ordered some uh 11 mil poles for this tent I just need to figure out where to uh where to put the guidelines for it now and hopefully this is going to be a nice strong tent cuz if you watched me last video well me other video me went last time I were in it was it the last time when it uh when it collapsed on me up on bridestones more I'll proper disappointed then with this tent cuz I love this tent look at that look I get her her own airpad and she's not even she's not even laid on it what a waste come on get on there keep hearing stuff up up in distance I keep hearing like a squeak and a bang might go and have to investigate I didn't realize we pitched up right next to uh Hill B from Wrong Turn 2's Nursery let's go and see if we can figure out what this uh what this noise is wonder if there's a gate up here somewhere hey up it [Music] looks proper creepy and I'll say that about every Woodland but it doesn't dark does it or is it just [Music] me I want to get lost either at that I think this is where that tree's gone through wall yeah look smashed wall a bit if you can see Curtis's flashlight through there look fruit trees there that squeak again it's all right high pitched squeak like metal but there's no metal in here not that I can see anywhere mind you I can't see much in front of me cuz it's just wood down everywhere tell you what I can hear though he that bullfrog then this is why I say not really to camp in here but we've found a spot which is pretty sheltered and it's also got some pretty big trees there that look fairly strong someone's been busy here oh look a fenel didn't even want to come for a walk with us did you mate oh that's nice don't know if I should lie down like this might end up snaring although I'm not going to do uh Gear reviews for companies anymore I think that I should talk about this jacket that um columia sent me before Christmas and I've not mentioned it but I have worn it I haven't really took it off really I'm not sure it's good for hiking but it's really warm it packs down really well I think this is going to uh replace my um my down jacket for being around Camp it packs down just as well it's water resistant and it don't have loads of stitching in like the uh like the down ones do plus it's synthetic and it's got like uh you know like my bag stuff inside it to reflect your heat back and uh remember when it were likeus 10 like last were it last month or month before I just wear a t-shirt underneath this like now what do you reckon temperature is now Curtis uh probably around four three about three or four degrees Yeah and I've got door open behind me and I've just got a t-shirt on underneath this and it's really warm and I just think it's bad juju to take something off a company and not say anything about it and it was uh that will pestering me but the reason why I'm not doing Gear reviews and that is cuz I just can't be asked I've been my own boss now for like 15 years and never had anyone like telling me what to do and stuff like that and then soon as someone send you like a piece of gear they just on your case constantly when you're doing the video can you do the video now when you're doing the video it's like I do a you know it's camping do you know what I mean I can't just do the video the next day so I'm not going to do that anymore at all I don't think cuz it's just uh it's just a pain in ass and companies that I've reached out to you know products that I actually want to test they won't sending me cuz obviously I I slag loads of gear off on my channel because I just tell it how it is if I don't think something's right then I'll tell you cuz I don't like buying gear when someone said oh yeah it's brilliant this it's brilliant amazing and then when you get it it's a load of shite and you think what no it you know what I mean I don't want to be that knobbed never have been if I think something's wrong I'll always point it out sometimes I curse that and the uh like sponsored advert segments you know like the beer 52 and wine 52 that I've done a lot of them are like scams and stuff I think I talked about this in my last video as well I get emails probably two emails a day at least from uh companies wanting me to put their product in my [Laughter] video but I'm not interested unless it's some that's going to be worth your while I don't want to be like uh Logan Paul is that what his name is he's selling loads like n te's off to his fans and it's all all a big scam an horrible bastard eh you can't always Vet companies properly do you know what I mean that's the only problem so if I tell you to go buy some or do this do that this product's brilliant you know blah blah blah I moisturize with this face cream every day that sort of thing and uh it turns out to be a lot of crap then it's no good is it no good I'm just rambling now AR I just tell me to shut up ien seen you for ages have I hey we haven't been out have we oh yeah I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments and stuff that I've been getting and all the emails all the messages and stuff I have read them all I've just been in a bit of a a dark place to start replying to people but honestly I do really appreciate it really appreciate it you know it's nice to to know that people are thinking about you I know some people don't even have that but maybe you should get a YouTube channel people [Laughter] will but honestly that's really helped me really has helped me but then you get the odd knob Ed that comments it's always them that stick with you as well a it those odds like one comment you know what I mean you can have thousands of nice comments and then you get one comment and that one comment you know that just sticks with you for some reason I don't there should we change angle so you're not getting barred eh how about that oh yeah I got nominated for the uh outdoor filmmaker of the Year Awards I didn't win me and wild bear were the uh joint Losers of that I should have say a giant second but who was it who won it were at um Scotland's mountains and then I got commen is it commended and so did uh wild bear I like wild uh Claire's videos she puts a lot of effort into her edits and stuff like that like she'll make a a three a 3day uh camping Expedition like 7 minutes yeah Clay you should make longer videos you'll make more money I a seen any of Scotland's Mountain uh video so I've had a look at his and it's pretty good pretty good like not as good as me got a little dog that he takes with him as well I think that's what it is is it I think everyone voted for Fendi for filmmaker of the Year Awards well good morning it fell asleep probably about 9:00 half n oh watching some before phone next thing you know I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep now so I Curtis is awake as well he just woke up for a Wei as well kicked him out at 10 for his Wii I've enjoyed being out in this again I pushing on temp poles last night and it still don't feel Mega strong so I don't know if this uh 11 mil Pole mod is going to work I just don't think it's um the structure is right for it do you know what I mean for for the wind but I absolutely love this tent so I might just you know I'll be keeping it for maybe Woodland camps and stuff like that but I'm not sure I'll be taking it up onto M and stuff like that blends in nicely in Woodlands anyway that nice khy brown color hey you want to say hello mate there she is look there she is right we're going to get packed up anyway I'll see you later
Channel: Grizzly Gaz
Views: 134,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what happened to Grizzly Gaz, where is grizzly Gaz, grizzly Gaz, grizzly Gaz YouTube, grizzly Gaz scary camping, grizzly Gaz dog, grizzly Gaz camping, grizzly Gaz haunted forest, wild camping, stoodley pike, stoodley pike todmorden, grizzly Gaz strange encounter, grizzly Gaz fake, Grizzly Gaz, grizzly gaz, wild camping UK, grizzly Gaz scary, stoodley pike monument, stoodley pike hebden bridge
Id: jAu423jPXyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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