Strangers locked me in my van! SCARY SOLO VAN CAMPING NIGHTMARE

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in this video I get a rude awakening whilst out stealth van camping in the woods cars just pulled up and it sounds like they're walking around the van and whilst this was scary enough they tried to lock me inside my own van I just really don't understand why someone would try to imprison me in my own van but before we get to that let's find somewhere to park [Music] up [Music] I was only 17 I fell in love with a gyy queen she told welcome to the woods I mean I am parked on the side of the road I have parked across from a bit of a clearing after last week's video where I had a little bit of aggro I decided this week I'm just going to come out in the middle of nowhere so that I can have a little bit of downtime and looking at it it looks fine at the moment but as soon as the Sun starts to go down I think it might get a little bit creepy around here so I've got a bit of a plan for today I'm going to make the easiest meal ever which is my very own lamb stew I have bought this uh casserole mix and some uh already diced lamb it's going to be really easy and I'm going to Chuck it all in the slow cooker so then while this is cooking over the next couple of hours I can do a little bit of exploring and then come back to a nice hot meal now the only thing I would say is this is made probably for a family of four so I'm not going to need all that Ved I need to get some Tupperware for the van so that anything I don't use I can just put in there going to turn this off onto High Che the meet in cuz obviously you know lamb stew that is the most important thing I have cheated and bought a packet like I said this is going to be the easiest meal I've ever cooked other than when I just heat up a tin of lamb stew Chuck that in I'm going to do half of that and the veg wise I'm just going to cut probably half the bag in there we go there we go put a bit of a stir lid on I'm going to have to just store this in the fridge with no way of keeping the bag together unless actually masking tape always got a use for masking tape so I kind of feel like it would be really rude not to go for a little wander in the woods while we're here Get Back To Nature how am I going to overcome this do some climbing I mean it's just padlock there's no signs that say keep out so I'm going in easy enough not going to lie there is something very nice about a walk in the woods it really is quite beautiful just the way that the the sun's kind of like coming through the [Music] trees [Music] this is the end of the track so it looks like I'm going to have to go off [Music] road seems to be a lot of trees down around here and it's definitely not from the storms cuz there's like tree stumps everywhere but even though these ones here look like they were cut down but that one there has been blown over because all the roots are up if it was a windy day today I would be like yeah I'm not going in there last thing I want is a tree to fall and hit me on the head this was pleasant I think I've exhausted that might head back to the van for a non-alcoholic beer [Music] I mean I cross the road to come into the woods so there's always that side that I could always try out later on maybe if I get bored [Applause] right well I've drawn the front curtains because you know if there are any cars that go pass I mean this road is pretty quiet since I've been here I've only seen one car Go pass so it's quite quiet but I've drawn the front CS I'm going to leave these open for the time being just enjoy the view um I think we should probably check on the stew it's been on for about an hour so getting there it's hot anyway right well this is normally where I would be cooking dinner but as it's in the slow cooker I'm just going to sit here enjoy my non-alcoholic beer well enjoy it as much as I can having no alcohol in it and wait for the sun to go [Music] down [Music] [Music] tell you what's weird right being outside and then coming back in the diesel heater really has that sort of rubbery smell again like the first time that I fired it up and I'm wondering if it's because last time I used the van and the diesel heater and ran out of fuel so I'm not sure whether that has something to do with it but it does smell it's got that weird rubber smell but my carbon monoxide alarm is here it's not gone off let's just make sure it works does it work yeah it works right okay okay yeah it's working for a minute then I thought it wasn't working I mean it smells nice but is the veg cooked I'm going to try a carrot a lonely little carrot that's one hot Raw carrot it's been on for about 3 hours now so I guess a slow cooker is probably not the best thing for a camper van because you know if you're parked up in a place for a long period of time you can pretty much leave it on all day it's been on for 3 hours and the recipe pretty much says that you know it should be done by about 3 hours but that's not that doesn't give you the information for it being in a slow cooker so if you're staying somewhere and you haven't got to move slow cookers are fantastic because you can put it on in the morning and then by dinner time you should have a nice stew ready to go but in this situation it's 6:30 I'll give it an hour and if it's not ready I'll have a pot noodle well whilst I wait for that food to slowly cook away I think I'll be a bit of a worse if I don't actually go for a wander in the woods when the sun's down might leave the diesel heater on on really low it's on the lowest setting at the moment anyway just so it's nice and warm in the van when we get back all right going try and not look at you completely because that light I've got shining in my face is very bright okay I am in the wood Woods there's a lot of like weird nature noises oh I tell you what I did bring actually I've got a little Lantern let's see if this is any better not a huge amount better I'm not going to lie this is uh a bit little bit freaky and you think the lights would make it better but it doesn't it just was that sorry I got freaked out then it just makes all eyes be on you so if there's anything in here there's only going to be animals and things but you just don't know idea angry Badger or something but it just might jump out on me but when you've got the light on and as soon as you look out there turn your torch off it is literally pitch black I something could be behind me right now and there's no way of me knowing but anyway I'm going to head back to the van like a coward I want to fall against one of these branches would you oh actually that's pretty rotten probably why they keep falling over I've never been one to be afraid of the dark but ever since I was a kid watching The Blair Witch Project always made the woods at night very scary which is weird cuz when I was like 16 I used to like go camping in the woods with my mates we used to pitch tents but there's a group of you then and it's not as scary but but now when you're on your own well I've got you guys haven't I one of the good things about this light is um it is magnetic so sit there for the minute look at [Music] that well it's toasty in here least that's some main thing I mean I just couldn't wait any longer there's lots of meat which is which is a good thing okay so if I'm honest the tin stuff tastes better I Tred to be up Market but I just need to not fix what ain't broken it's a meal though and it's hot so can't complain well that was lovely and I now have a uh a broth for I don't know a drink tomorrow on the drive home no idea it's nearly 9:00 now I think I'm just going to go to bed cozy all being well I'll see you in the morning good night a car is just pulled up and it sounds like they're walking around the vanan so I was just woken up because I could hear I heard a car pull up and it was it was at the front of the van so I got up turned my phone on and filmed and as soon as I drew the curtains back they drove off they got to the end of the road turned around and then came back and part behind the van you I don't even know like what they just think that there's just some random van parked here that they might be able to break into or I don't know but it's a little bit freaky it makes me kind of like I'm not moving but I don't want somebody breaking in thinking there's no one in here cuz that'll be a right pain hopefully I'll get a good night's sleep what a miserable day I slept surprisingly well considering after that car pulled up outside and then drove off I didn't hear anything else for the rest of the night so from then I actually slept all right right well I think we should at least go outside and see how miserable the WEA is my door's stuck the actual you see that I I don't even think I can shut the door on it so when I said I got left alone last night it doesn't look like I did get left alone does it I didn't even hear anyone out on the side door all right I've got to work out how to do this don't think I've got any pliers tell you what it's a good job I haven't got a bulkhead there we go oh it's miserable out here so here's it was obviously just people wanted to about and just be funny I guess guess but how dangerous is that locking someone in their van let me check the back door well there's nothing on this one because they wouldn't have been able to tie it to anything would they there's no way they could have done that door anyway God let me put the camera down now this is interesting I didn't actually notice this at the time but if you look at that fuel cap there there's fingerprints so now I'm wondering was their intention to steal my diesel and if so did they cable tie the doors so that they could make a quick getaway if they got rumbled but they're obviously not very intelligent thieves because anyone would know on these Transit Vans you have to open the passenger door to allow you to actually open the flap to get to the diesel they're not easy to cut are they trying not to scratch my paint that's the first time that's happened what waste of cable ties um don't really know how I feel about that imagine if I still had the bulk head I mean I could yeah I could have gone out the back way so scrap that it doesn't matter that's pretty dangerous right they don't know that I've got access to the back door they don't know that I haven't got a bulkhead in the van I just don't understand why someone would do that I probably just thought it was funny even that it's some some local that doesn't want people parking here overnight I don't know still cars going by uh well that was a bit of a tend into a what was pretty much a fun night and uh my battery's going to run out on this camera so nice and quick thank you so much to everyone that's bought me a beer through the link in the description you're all legends thanks for not forgetting about me even though I had such a long period of time off and I'll see you next week hopefully it'll go without any hiccups next week cheers I came here thinking the woods would be the scariest part about this trip but it's other people that we really should be worried about [Music]
Channel: Love Sundays
Views: 689,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: St ives, Cornwall, snorkelling, falmouth, Vlog, cornwall uk, Cornwall England, holiday, sunshine, ocean, sea, beach, sand, vacation, harbour, england, britain, scenery, drones, wetsuit, vanlife, Perranporth, Padstow, fowey, st ives beaches, Stealth camping, Stealth van, Campervan, Wild camping, Scary camping
Id: qaMrikxG2AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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