Strange Day in Tokyo's Tech Wonderland πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ (Japan)

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well I am back in Tokyo just arrived here a few hours ago and today we are going to explore Tokyo's Tech wonderlands we'll see how far we make it we do have rain in the forecast here but uh it's been a few days I've had a highball since I've gone to an eaya so we're going to get some high balls eat some food and we'll see what happens from there guys but super excited to be back in Tokyo once again I was out of Tokyo for I think maybe 10 days or so exploring hirosima Saka Kyoto again and that was a great time but uh the range is cleared here and we've got a wicked wind chill but we're not going to let that stop us some high balls are warm us up so I am in akih Habra and this is one of my favorite areas of Japan so if you've never been to Yodo Bashi actually this is a place where you can go like replace your phone screen you can replace your phone case screen protectors all sorts of electronics in there it's a really cool shop um and over here is the massive train station Jr station now I don't know if I can get to where I want to go from here but we'll find figure that out quickly yeah I don't know if I can oh maybe I can't doesn't matter figure it out but uh yeah this is the place where uh dakus love to come or maybe more lightly anime lovers like myself this is uh not only Tokyo's Tech Wonderland but also Tokyo's anime Center oh we've got a British pub over here all us fails we can go to a British pub here oh well he well they're taking me on an Indo door route I don't know if I'm supposed to go through this book off or not but we're going to go in this book off I don't think this is the right way truthfully okay well we can't do an akih Habra video without going to a book off see uh I've never seen this one DC kayman I have never seen that one in my life anime DVDs let's see what's on here I think I might have been to this book off before we want to go look at the game boys we want to go to so book off is a place where you can get obviously like manga anime DVDs but also you can buy uh like game consoles and even you can get like iPhone phon iPads I've taken you to this place in some of my other videos but it's a fun place to wander if you do a Tokyo trip so usually they have like all sorts of consoles here so you can see the switches uh you can see the old school Nintendo DS lights here PSPs 10,000 Yen would be $60 $66 so something like that because 1 is 660 here like these are broken I think uh yeah so called Junk item so they're like really cheap so you'd have to be able to repair them but oh it's always fun anyway let's go get some food in highball so because I watch my own videos obviously YouTube now recommends me like uh Retro Game videos and like there's this whole subset of YouTubers that do like retro game hunting in Japan and apparently the book offs here in akih Habra are overpriced so take that for what it is if you're coming I don't know how true that is I don't buy games anymore but yeah oh guys the wind here is no joke it's absolutely no joke here I did not I forgot my wind screen back in the United States so that sucks um for me so hopefully the sound is not totally ruined here ah I could have just literally gone through there okay but you can see I think it's Wednesday not stopping akih Habra from being extremely busy and crowded here at around 5:30 of course this is a place where you can also EXP here it's the maid Cafe which I will not be doing again but yeah you want to do that it's here as you can see this just an absolutely fascinating part of the world here you can see all the electrical threads here so interesting all right well let's see if this was worth walking to I think it should be in here I'm thinking these are uh internet cafes cuz I saw shower toilet in there anyway I hope this is [Music] right cool area here guys okay so this one you do you order through the app cuz this might be a two-day video cuz I know you guys are hearing me complain about the weather this is the coldest day I've experienced in Japan ever the wind chill is just brutal so we'll see but also cuz of the uh noise for the the wind noise all right let's see what they have here you can actually see the flame in the background there that looks so cool all right oh what do we go with charcoal grilled local chicken I think we have to go with that [Music] right o see I want to try like everything oh this is their specialty fresh and crispy chai R quickly yeah let's try it let's get a little adventurous here some of you are wanting me to get more adventurous okay this says two to three people we're going to go for it all right this is what we're going to do for right now and then I might get more food let's see here sujen soda is really [Music] good it goes well with meal craft soou highball all right let's try some highball here let's go fragrant highball normal okay okay we're going to send it okay I don't know what Plum sh Show is but I've been a huge Plum fan since my second trip here in Japan so we're going to also send that order cheers back in Tokyo should probably get some food in me before this but well that's strong tastes really good though I am now a highball appreciator since my uh second Japan trip by the way this place is called sucata nojo here in akih Habra there might be other locations I'm not sure but yeah it's like a 4.8 with close to 2,000 reviews which is insane for Tokyo because the food is very critically reviewed here so 4.8 with that many reviews this is supposed to be really good okay we got a miso dip and eat and then we also have some veggies here as an appetizer okay OK break break egg and sauce on top okay okay all right first appetizer came or first thing I ordered but I want to try some of this uh miso I think you put it on the food see what this is I don't know what that is okay so this is the first item I ordered here this is their specialty I have been told that the raw egg yolk is okay to eat in Japan so this is a chive raw egg yolk we were supposed to split the egg yolk over the Chive with uh soy sauce so let's let's do [Music] it wow oh my gosh warm chive and the egg yolk makes it like really creamy chicken okay thank you all [Music] right okay so the chicken is sizzling there [Music] this is so insanely good this is wasabi so at first I wasn't sure like is like this chicken isn't what I think of this is like sort of Wasabi but not really it definitely has a ginger taste to it and this you can taste the charcoal on this chicken oh my God you can just taste the charcoal this chive dish is one of the most unique things I've ever eaten the creaminess of the egg with the soy sauce and the worm CH oh my God that chicken was so unique I ate the whole thing it was like so salty but like charcoal anyway there's the uh plum sauce with the shashito I've never had before oh it's definitely fish tastes like fish sticks okay well I can say I tried this some type of flavored eyeball I don't know what it is let me give you the name Yuga natu eyeball Yuga natu hiball it's like citr it's like a grapefruit also about prize so this bill is going to [Music] be $33 so this is actually a pretty higher ends isaka it's 5,100 Yen I would say all things considered I mean it's just when you compare it to Western prices it's just like my Chipotle Burritos pushing $20 so let's keep it real anyway this is a good experience what is this hello is this an internet cafe and uh is this hours 3 hourss 3 hours okay 24 hours okay okay guys well I've heard about this hack before but that is an internet cafe and you can get 24 hours in the internet cafe unlimited internet you have showers bathrooms $8,100 Yen which is $52 I am spending 90 something like $96 a night at my hotel that's insane now I also want to talk about that restaurant so I would make a trip back just for that chive appetizer the chives with the broken egg on top that was one of the most unique things I've ever had I would come back for the charcoal chicken because that's their specialty and it was really really interesting like it was very salty and you could really really taste the charcoal um not like anything I've tasted before and I've just been thinking about this what's crazy is for $31 you can eat at like a 4.8 Star restaurant with thousands of reviews in the biggest city in the world and basically order everything on the menu I ordered like six days that's insane all right guys well it's one of those nights where the sound probably sucks because of all this wind it's extremely cold and uh that's about the size of it so let's see what we go here probably going to stick to indoor places oh my god um yeah I'm just kind of wandering but uh maybe we go to the see what an English pub is like and then I continue this video tomorrow oh my god I've have not experienc wind like this in years guys oh look at the trees it's insane look at all this stuff look at all this stuff flying look at this oh oh my God look at this look at this oh my oh I 100% just got stuff in my eyes actually screw it I'm just going back see you guys tomorrow peace okay feels like 33 wind gust 26 miles oh wait wind gust 49 mes hour is that right what what all right well next day here and finally not crazy windy so there's a collectible store called Mana Drake or Manda Drake something like that it's apparently one of the things to do an aaba I didn't get to go last time so let's go there's also a chicken KATU sandwich or like a no no no a fried chicken cutlet sandwich vending machine somewhere around here we're going to go on a hunt for that so now remember it is the next day so this video is very strange it's been a strange uh 24 hours here back in Tokyo but that's how travel goes sometimes guys oh man just thinking like it will take my whole life to explore Tokyo like I remember being here before spending significant time in aabra and I've never walked down this street so yeah it's pretty amazing uh yes it's in the seek base place and you can see that there is uh Tokyo video Gamers as well here which I've seen is also something you should do we should might as well just check it out actually it seems like so much stuff here second base camera Art Gallery I my skipping three oh three has nothing maybe anyway here it is so let's check it out okay so I didn't CA no filming oh wow okay look at these vending machines oh they're like oh man they're like hand painted cards you can see the person painting there on the video screen oh wow those are cool 3500 Yen it's like 20 bucks I I mean it's a cool souvenir and I think it probably get comes in one of these uh can which means I can't get it cuz it's bag space Oh waa tell me what this is is this a plant vending machine I think it's out of order or something wow look at all these vending machines I've not seen any of these before Oh wait so this isn't multif Flor this is just one it's like pods okay so I guess you can get like really rare Collectibles here like obviously this one is 38,000 Yen that's very expensive um I'm not seeing any characters I recognize what's cool is you can hear the uh Jr line above you as you're walking through here it's very faint but it's it's very cool all right so here's the records Place stop in there oh you should check this place out guys Tokyo video Gamers got like a uh I don't know hobby shop I don't know these are just like all hobby shops you can get like specially painted uh skateboards here as well all right drink then so you can buy beer here cocktail shots sparkling wine I may a game time decision on alcohol today and you can sit down and play old school games like wait play free no [Music] really oh you have to order a drink [Music] okay um this is cool they have like uh monitors built into the um table hereo a so nice I notice here we've got the Dragon Ball theme songs even the original Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z rest in peace rest in peace and uh Club Music let's see what we find blackeyed peas oh wow old school hot lovers oh wow I think I have been able to geolocate the magical chicken cut with vendor or vending machine we're going to have to go across the bridge I've actually never gone across the bridge here so goodest time as ever so I'm doing an aih Habra video tell me guys what anime have you been watching I've been watching um freay Ren Beyond eternity it's so good it's number one on my anime list my anime list right now it is so good all right what is this akih akih Habra radio kaian I've never been in there I don't think so it's got to be one of those electronic stores that looks like an intense multistore building wow Ensemble Stars the first slam dunk okay what is this some of these are um PN shops yeah I can't say it cuz of YouTube like maybe down there I don't know I might have gone in here before I don't know okay you got PS4 games here switch games more anime memorabilia wow this is a very popular one oh we've got other video games over there too I don't think I remember first time I was here I accidentally walked into a PN [Music] [Applause] store I'm curious I have to see what else is in here kind of curious to know what's down here let's go I'll let you know if I can film yeah I would say no well I can't unsee that all right let's continue well here's a four floor Pachinko and Slot uh Place cool I think there are a bunch of like very cool vending machines along this River if I'm not mistaken oh wow beautiful yeah never made it down here here all right so my geolocation skills let's see if they are uh worthy of this I don't know but you can't really like look up the coordinates of a vending machine so I had to do some trickery to find it it's hopefully it's down here well kind of interested just to see what these vending machines are anyway I think my intuition feels like we will find something interesting in these vending machines here yeah we will I found a or I see a popcorn vending machine first one I've seen right here is a popcorn vending machine wow I'm definitely going to take a photo of that somewhere in here you can get like soup in a can Oki muu I don't know I don't I don't know what this is wow so I've seen these online but I've never actually been able to locate them that says sex I don't know what that means because it's supposed to be food right the huge fire in Hawaii doing oh okay okay oh so it's not just food here like you can also get like toys and stuff wow like beetles the map says it's somewhere else but again how do you locate a vending machine okay well it's like the back rooms oh this is weird this is not it popcorn vending machine look at this uh mechanical SOA Bowl oh my gosh oh wait no I'm literally wrong there's a chicken KATU vending machine Let's Go H should have done better diligence on that oh well you live and you learn oh are they out are they sold out nope this is exactly what I was looking for okay number 12 yeah yeah let's go for it chicken katsu the mystical chicken katsu vending machine okay 1,000 in one two is it blue oh and there's our beautiful fried katsu cutlet sandwich delivered straight from a vending [Music] machine now I wonder if it'll be warm I don't think so all right here it is let's open this up they even have a little table here for us you can hear the metro in the background here's what the packaging looks like let's both look at it together oh they give you hand wipes perfect perfect and uh this is what it looks like all right let me open this up and wow okay so it is cold that's okay so many of these types of sandwiches like if you go to 71 or another convenience where they are cold I think I'll have to make a whole Instagram post on this and the lemon sparkling water let's try it out there it is fluffy pillowy bread the fried cutlet and their specialty sauce you wouldn't believe this came from a vending machine these are really really good look there's even a spot here to watch your hands okay now where can I put this oh no what do I do what do I do with this I mean there's a place for my bottle which I just house that but I can't put this in there so what do I do you can see their sandwiches here h this is slightly annoying have to do walk around with this I guess so maybe there's one back here nope well I'll let you know if this new days has a trash can if not there's a 7-Eleven over there new days is like a convenience area convenience store so if you come get one of these I think you can probably throw it away at 7-Eleven or new days all right cuz I felt bad I bought this WOW W but there's a trash can in there okay we can we can square that off cool oh and actually the uh literal restaurant is right there across the street from the vending machine so that that's where you can actually go get one uh that makes sense wow that is so cool I am really glad I did that all right let's explore akih Habra more Tokyo's Tech Wonderland guys all right starting to get excited now I was a little fany cuz I hadn't really eaten all day okay here we have takoyakis so Chestnut and red bean um premium cream yeah let's go premium cream hello hello uh premium cream premium yes got to go Mas thank you all right premium cream let's go so Taki Yaki so it is a fish shaped dessert M it's like a vanilla custard is the way I would describe it oh yeah you obviously got to get one of these you probably already know this is the one I wanted to check out aabra radio Kon yeah let's check this out gift shop the akba this is like fried food in here I'm assuming it's from that Family Mart on the lower floor here oh glasses optometrist if you need one of those on your vacation hopefully you don't got a car vending machine here we have Pokemon and then some other fandom seems to be a pretty popular store that first store you walked in that I walked in that I showed you it had like the anime and then I went down just got weirder and weirder as you went up there were like six levels all right let's see what's in here oh gotcha pon and stuff oh wow a whole wall of gons actually never done a Goa B it's like a like you can get like audio equipment and stuff there more cards over here and even more cards over here wow this is the biggest card shop I have seen it's crazy CRA is there are card games I've never even heard of like something arcade here these actually look really cool and they're really really affordable too at like 300 G this is so fascinating like here's fake Grand order I know that's like an arcade game I've seen played in Japan it's just fascinating to me cuz you can't find this in America obviously or if you do it's just like not readily available let's check out vtuber wow this is so busy and uh very popular you know I've heard of vtubers but it's not like something I can really say I've ever seen what is a vtuber I I know I've heard of it virtual where are the vtubers maybe I'm looking at them Hollow live Hollow live oh my God there's some weird stuff here guys I do know that there is a subculture of uh we'll say manga I can't say the word it starts with an H but you can see all that stuff here and at that first shop oh guys same thing this is the biggest like toys anime cards area I've ever been it's like a whole Mall of like anime stuff toys cards figures here wow what I'm saying guys I'm on the eighth floor there are nine floors here at least at least nine floors I think this is like I don't know those are actual those can't be guns this is like models like toy models and stuff decord guess it's like dolls yeah it's like dolls interesting okay no I stand correctly there are 10 floors this is called Big magic oh it's Yu-Gi-Oh and stuff there's Yu-Gi-Oh big Magic card shop oh this is all magic the Gathering I'm assuming oh maybe not guess there's other cars here too Vice Schwarz but here's Yu-Gi-Oh oh there's a dragon ball card game too I had no idea oh let's see what's on floor number 10 I wonder if there's anything here there's got to be something or maybe it's just empty space I don't know oh nope a mocha this is the end of the road vending machines maybe we can get the uh elevator that uh cut down on some time okay well I would say that's worth a uh visit 10 floors of pure uh geekery I'm making a boards here but I would say that's worth it there's like a Namco arcade somewhere that I heard is really cool I it's got to be around here somewhere oh look we've got the uh go-karts you can hire a or you can yeah I don't know hire a go-kart and get one and drive them through aih Habra that's so cool see as you go further there are more like um game shops arcades pretty much same idea here same theme ah here it is so I walked by it a bunch of times it's right near the Jr station so I've never actually gone in my so yeah there's the Jr here's the Namco all right let's see what's in here so we got claw machines basement is video arcade first floor is claw machine second floor music video game third castle toy and then Trading Card Game see the thing is I want to try one of these but if I win one like I literally don't have the bag space I've seen online they are so hard to win [Music] though check out the video arcade at this think they're all full [Music] oh these look like hardcore [Music] ones like Gundam or something some battle me do we end it with a Made dream and made Cafe no actually this is the one I went to or one of these I went to uh on my first time here it's fun it's interesting I would say do it it's just the filming you can't really film it's an interesting experience all right guys well it's been a strange 24 hours here in Hy Habra Tokyo I'm glad I stuck with it I'm glad I did it thank you so much for being here if you like this video Hit subscribe like and I will certainly be talking to you again soon [Music] peace
Channel: Zane Travel
Views: 26,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Bangkok, Thailand, Street Food, South East Asia, Asia, Digital Nomad, Nomad, Co Working, Traveler, Food Tour, Walking, Coffee, Philippines, Manila, Cambodia, Indonesia, Chiang Mai, Temples, Weekend Market, Fake Market, Market Hunt, Market Spree, Fake Market Spree, Travel Vlog, Vlog, Travel Video, Food, Foodie, Cebu, El Nido, Boracay, Adventure, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, Saigon, Hanoi, SEA, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, KL, kl, Penang, Singapore, Seoul, Korea, Tokyo, Japan, Jakarta, Bali
Id: 4hSvmhJa6CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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