I Tried JAPAN'S SUMMER TECH and It Was...

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summer Tech is popular in Japan this year probably because it's nearly 40 degrees celsius right now and I don't mean air conditioners you know I will I'll show you today we're going to go out buy as much of Japan's personal summer Tech as we can get our hands on unbox it and try it all out that guy was nice right out of the gate he says that he uses it every single year and that it helps a little nice guy thank you for chatting sweat is already getting in my eyes and at the Crossing there there was an Uber Eats driver who had like a sun shade on his phone we're looking mostly for cool down summer Tech today and so let's find a shop and head right in okay so this shop is called akibao and aside from all the noisy background music it seems to have a lot of what we need right out of the yes it's got air-conditioned vests it's got this handy cooler thing and it's got a mobile net cooler which is 96 that's a hundred dollar net cooler also what is the difference between both have comparable features the same number of fans they use the same amount of power I really think it just comes down to design see if they have any other items this shop is actually known for its cheap electronics when I say cheap I mean that in every conceivable sense of the word you can actually get a lot of this stuff on AliExpress there are several of these shops all throughout Akihabara but most of them sell the same stuff so before we hit a big box store we're gonna grab ourselves one of these handy coolers and the gray vest just because it kind of looks better than the blue [Music] now do not worry the old ways have not disappeared the traditional Japanese sensu and uchiwa are still fairly commonly used but the handheld portable powered fans are becoming more and more popular I used to have a teacher back in elementary school that would get really upset at us for using the handheld like the the year to pull the fan out of the piece of paper should be like that's just heating up your body because you're moving your body but our next shop is actually right over here we're gonna be stopping at big camera [Music] since Akihabara is Japan's Tech and Gadget Central we should be able to find everything we need in the area today but the first step is just figuring out what what floor it's gonna be on okay so they've got a whole section here look they have this thing from akibow at a comparable price but there are cheaper neck coolers and these ones actually seem pretty interesting minus 50 minus 17 degrees What minus 11 okay so they have these neck coolers that have these cooling plates that apparently will cool down your neck within two seconds also they have the tiny fan I saw a guy with a tiny fan earlier and I was wondering how effective could that be and they have they have samples let's it's already on and then I feel nothing but I am kind of interested in these pocket fans I also saw a guy walking around with one of these earlier you kind of hooked them under your belt and they blow air up your shirt probably gonna grab one of those later as well I want to grab one of these coolers I think negative 17 is going to be a bit much for me so we'll start simple around negative 11. I also want to grab one of these ice Rings today but these ones are like 3600 Yen with these ones still being about 2 000. I feel like we could probably get them cheaper at Don Quixote so let's start with this nice Mom hey quick stop at Don Quixote this store is pure chaos I never know where to find things here so we might just need to ask the staff but I don't think they've only got the handheld fans and this one unmarked unpriced okay you know what we're gonna we'll head to Yodobashi [Music] okay actually I was looking at him but then I just saw this display and it's actually quite hilarious you have all the fans and the cool magic ice rings and the cool fit and then the logic cool Mouse did they just put anything here that had the word the word cool in it I love it [Music] looks like yorubashi's selection is pretty similar they've got the neck fans the handheld fans and they've got these but they're only about 40. I wonder which one is better the neck fan or this that is a noisy noisy neckband that have it has settings feels like it's almost blowing the air in the opposite direction it's doing nothing it does nothing at all so I can grab myself just playing around the sample of this little fan here and it's actually far more powerful than I thought this might not be a bad idea and I think I'm going to grab myself one of these neck coolers as well let's get going I grabbed two extra items as well we're gonna open it all up head out into the city to try it at this one you need to go in the freezer I personally am the most excited about the vest you see these everywhere in Japan especially with construction workers and when you see somebody with a full vest or jacket in near 40 degree weather you think are you crazy and then you see the fans and it makes you curious how effective is it so we're gonna get these open right after we give some love to our sponsor Tokyo treat and sakuroko who made this video possible now if you don't know them they are both Japanese themed monthly subscription snack boxes that will allow you to experience Japan from the comfort of your own home wherever you are with the big difference being that Tokyo treat focuses on mostly pump and limited edition snacks for Japan like the ever loved kitkats the these look fun as well and as always has a drink and I am this one is Mystery flavored Fanta what do we got I have no idea what that is but that is that is delicious and apparently zero sugar wild sakuroko here partners with local Japanese snack makers to provide traditional and authentic snacks and teas from Japan and always comes with a piece of tableware but this one we have a little ichiwa which I'll be at low Tech is perfect for today's video I love these little uchiba Festival cookies they just scream Japanese summer with the fireworks and what is choco Mochi what Oh I thought it was wrapped again but this is one of those edible you can just eat the wrapper that's amazing each box also comes with a descriptive booklet and its own theme for the month of the theme for Tokyo treat this month is fireworks flavorfest and for a second ago it's festivals of okino both very summery themes now if you are interested in giving them a shot you can use my link in the description box below along with the code lens to give yourself five dollars off your first box thank you so much to Tokyo tree and sakurako and that wraps up our sponsor segment I'm gonna start with the handy cooler here which is insanely taped for some reason a USBC charging cable turn that on okay that's the fan that's the icing okay so it has three levels of fan you can't really feel but the ice oh this icing thing gets up that actually gets nice and cold and instantly covered in sweat considering the level of sweat on this thing I I hope it's waterproof next we'll just open up the mini devil fan I'm assuming this one also has three speeds on slightly more on and Incredibly aggressive now the bladeless neck fan here is one that I I have my questions about right these are actually known to cause dry eyes it's been on the news and everything and it's dead we're gonna charge that only having to charge one item so far is not bad we're trying out this cooling neck plate next this is I thought it was black it is blue doesn't have its own battery though so I think you've got to plug this into a power bank okay let's give this a shot you plug that in and then put it expands okay and then is that okay okay we'll give that one a shot a little later it works I did end up getting one of the small clip waist fan things that is that is not small at all it's also USBC does it have its own battery or do you also three oh that's nice and cool also three settings these just get this would just get clipped like this and well that that's an effect okay we'll deal with that later I also grabbed sunscreen just because I ran out of sunscreen while shooting this and on to the big ticket item the thing that I'm the most excited about the best and it comes in pieces I guess the vest is in this little bag and then I I install the fans I am slightly worried about Japanese sizes this also needs a power bank [Music] and then each fan has its own button I guess we just push those okay [Music] and then a little pocket here for the power bank just like that I want to try this out though my biggest concern with the best is actually how it's gonna fit so far so good arms are a little tight it feels so crowded inside I can feel the air coming out my neck actually you know what I just looked down and realized how puffy I was and it made me smile I also wanna try this thing I guess they they worked together could I put this in this pot but also if I'm being completely Fair the Breezy roof of my studio is not really a fair comparison I literally laid the astro turf to reduce sun exposure and cool it down I think we need to get into the city streets with the sun beating down on the pavement let's let's grab our items and do that this thing just refuses to charge wonderful which means I need to try to return this to yorubashi which will be fun because Japan's doesn't always make returns [Music] now I'm going to try to give each one of these items an Effectiveness score from one to ten there's also a lot of stuff that we didn't pick up I saw a girl with a sun umbrella parasol that had a fan attached right to it don't need it didn't even look for it like that a lot of the items are going to be Composites of things that we've already picked up I think that we've got a pretty good cross section but I've been out in the sun in this vest now for a good 10 minutes and right out of the gate I can tell you the best is not what I was expecting I'm gonna have to take this off inside the vest is actually very hot I haven't cooled down at all I'm sweating it's almost terrible it's the neck this entire area is just air coming up around my head that is slightly pleasant but I now understand what the guy meant when he said squishy it works a little bit it's you know what we'll take off the vest we'll give just this a try actually taking off the vest itself that that's a bit of a cool down now I can feel the sun beating down maybe it was doing more than I thought put that in my pocket I will turn this on on Surface value I will give the best is that on I can't tell if it's on okay it's on now the vest itself I will give at best I can't give it more than a 5 out of ten because the rest of me was still mine it's I'm struggling because with the sun beating down on me now I can really feel the heat and I feel like I'm even sweating more so the best might we'll give the vest a six this neck icer I have it on the most powerful setting and it's honestly not doing a lot I believe this also has a fan setting is that I I can hear the fan I can feel it vibrating against my neck but I I feel nothing and the coolness has now gone away this what is this meant to do you know what after a solid two three minutes of using this not only is this not actually that cold in the hot summer heat but the charging point at the back here has actually heated up this is warm now so I've got this mix of warm and cold going on this gets a solid one out of ten for me this is this is not working and you know what that reminds me I've got to quickly swing by Yodobashi to see if I can return that other non-working item [Music] but now we've got nothing going on so I'm going to try this belt fan I think this part I just slit my shirt right in there so I swear to my eyes so far so good it stretches the shirt in a really weird way so that's that might take a bit of getting used to but almost more effective than the actually yeah this one might be considerably better than the best we're about two minutes now and I'm already willing to give it maybe a seven out of 10. actually it might be even more effective if I took it off the side and clipped it directly onto the back where's the clip and did it like this is much better that is that that's a solid 7 out of ten right there and you can hear the ambulance in the background there's been a 230 percent increase in heat stroke this year so it feels like I've picked a very appropriate time to do this video and we have reached yorubashi a really positive and smooth return experience in Japan so here we go they're actually checking to see if it works or not so in Japan doing everything the right way but on the plus side they at least gave me a seat to sit down inside and this back fan is still working okay so that went way more smoothly than I thought what did you think about them checking the items though I've never seen that before that was new and we're it's actually still nice and cool okay the purple ring is not bad no that um that got really warm really quick not a fan of the warm plastic around my neck don't know why so many people like that that's better so that neck thing gets maybe a one or a two for me also I love this guy's ears but this the the fan what can I say it's it's a fan like if if you've never used a fan before then nothing I've got to say to you in this video is really going to be of any help this particular one is not bad the power setting is really good on it we'll give it a five but there is still one last item this one right here which I believe also has a fan in it but I couldn't really feel the fan in the is it on it sounds like it's on I could barely feel it in the studio I I definitely I don't feel anything now this part here gets really cool and it's it's really pinpoint and specific like it's like okay yes this section of my face is is slightly cool for a very temporary moment while it's pressed up against me and I I don't no no sorry it's only getting a three none of this summer Tech is really winning me over it honestly out of everything that we've tried today this little fan that I put in the small event this has been the most effective this has been my favorite in fact I'm gonna put this back on right now a while back I tried one of uniqlo's dry Tech shirts that pull the moisture away and keep your skin dry and cool and no those get an Effectiveness score of zero for me they did not work but what did you think were there any items that you would want to give a shot yourself with the cicadas in the background are there any that you think that I missed let me know down in the comments thank you guys so much for joining today and you know I will see you again real soon honestly the best Japan summer Pro tip I can give you is just carry a towel all this summer Tech aside I would not be able to survive without this bring a towel this one here is actually by much stuff but it comes at quite a price tag especially if you want the battery set with it that is ironically the most challenging part about filling in this on a 40 degree day was the GoPro the thing kept overheating freezing failing I have no idea how much of the footage actually turned out if we managed to get a video at all I will be shocked it is a dumpster fire of a product GoPro I don't need 5.3k in my camera what I need is reliability fix your stuff fix it [Music] foreign [Music] by the way this is also almost finished and I can't wait to share it with you
Channel: Tokyo Lens
Views: 453,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Vlog, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Vlog, Japan Vlog, Norm Nakamura, Norm Tokyo Lens, Japanese, Japan tech, Japanese tech, japan technology, summer tech, japan summer, Tokyo summer, summer techwear, techwear, japan techwear, japan summer techwear, akihabara, akihabara tokyo, akihabara tech, japan tourism, life in japan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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