KYOTO is INCREDIBLE πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ My First Time Eating KOBE BEEF (Japan)

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okay guys I'm in Kyoto and I purchased this ecoca card which is like the IC card here and we're gonna see how the public Metro uh public transportation works here in Kyoto and we're gonna go check out some places here I think this uh Kyoto video will start tonight and end tomorrow but uh yeah let's try and figure this out here I'm looking for the Kazuma line I think is what it's called I'm looking to take the uh Subway so this is it here okay it's easy enough and I think yeah is what we're looking for here so this card cost me 2 000 yen and I have not tried this brand yet so I think I will get this brand oh I guess it's Coca-Cola huh interesting yeah oh maybe not I don't know but look at this I have this handful of coins here actually can I use my coca card I think I probably can can I ah yeah it looks like I can uh right now I'm gonna just use my coins because I have too many ah I needed that this area is pretty cool there are a bunch of book offs which have like used electronics Used Books things like that there's also like I think some bars and stuff here hey guys let's also see if we can uh charge the uh use the card here at 7-Eleven now I like this bottle of water so let me get the same Brands but yeah I'm curious to see if we can use this part here at 7-Eleven I do I think I did read that you can [Music] all right [Music] okay that was like Apple pay it was so easy okay very cool So the plan is to use this for the remaining I don't know what I have like like 10 or 12 days 10 or 11 days here left in uh Japan I'm gonna use this during my time here in Japan and then after it'll be a fun souvenir for me to have so yes you should get a IC card it makes life easier even if you're just coming here for a week or two so yeah this is more like uh it seems like downtown Kyoto you can see there's an architecture X there which is a really nice brand for like jackets and winter clothing I do imagine it gets quite cold here in Japan uh it's currently end of August uh August uh 25th I believe today yeah August 25th so really quite warm here still which I prefer but I guess anyway today I am in the kind of downtown area here of Kyoto and I think tomorrow I will check out some temples and kind of do that stuff you know I've been thinking about this what I love about the vending machines here in Japan is not just the convenience but you only pay a couple cents more for the same bottle of water so this was a hundred and fifteen or 105 yen but you can also just get this for 120 or 130 yen from a vending machine which is only a couple cents more for convenience of not having to wait in line so yeah vending machines amazing in Japan you can see it's quite busy here in Kyoto he's not really sure what to expect I don't have much planned for Kyoto other than I do want to go to some temples tomorrow I will be heading to Osaka tomorrow but not until later so I plan to keep my luggage at the hotel and then spend the day exploring uh Kyoto tonight and tomorrow but yeah it was not really expecting a downtown area here I had no idea what to think of Kyoto but um one of the best matches I ever had was a Kyoto Masha in Bangkok so if the name of it was Kyoto so I'm assuming the matcha here in Kyoto proper is incredible so I do want to find a matcha at some point so I did read that jaywalking is illegal in Japan which is what this dude's doing right here so you're technically not allowed to do that it is technically illegal you can be fines you might even be able to be jailed I don't know this here's a Patagonia store oh my God so I I mean I know we're in a more like um uh outdoorsy area here of Japan but uh you tell me I may have to research this is this more of a um like wealthier area here in Japan because I'm seeing like there's a Rolex guys there's a Rolex store I mean I'm just seeing really high-end stuff here I'll have to research this but you could also tell me in the comments section please do let me know subscribe by the way really mean a lot to me most of you are not subscribed and it helps me out a lot it's completely free it also allows me to continue making these videos so thank you okay well this was not in the plans but I've been walking down this stretch here and I look to my left and we've got this thing going on here so not exactly sure what this is other than it seems like a shopping center it's like a mall but like not a mall I don't know it's hard to explain it's like a strip of indoor outdoor I guess it's indoor I don't know it's like the roof is um sort of like the roof of a door the roof seems retractable to me or something other than this seems like a strip of shopping very cool look a casino okay here's the thing guys tell me what's going on with the casinos because I've read that gambling is illegal but I see casinos all over Japan so I don't know and there's Pachinko and Slots oh guys I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know explain this to me oh look arcade too oh man I've just been letting out my inner child here in uh Japan it's been uh so much fun yeah a little bit too complicated for me right now put this out but you know it just blows my mind like over here in Asia the arcade culture is still very much alive versus in America it's dead it's like literally dead arcades don't exist it's pretty cool so this Pachinko right here is 40 5 Yen per slot I kind of want to that's like the second Pachinko place I walked into it I didn't film because they had a strict no filming policy I did film one in one of my other videos which I don't think I should have done but hopefully it'll be okay but it's a fascinating culture it's gambling but it's not gambling so and it's very interesting because you see people of all like ages backgrounds in there playing Pachinko it's so cool so yeah I'm still walking down this stretch here of shops and I'm not sure what I'll find or what I'm even looking to find here other than yeah I didn't want to spend the night in my tiny hotel room so oh my God it just goes on forever look at this jeez if you ever come to Japan and you get a chance to try one of these 10 Yen coins I recommend it I had it in uh Tokyo it's basically a pancake with like very big like uh very uh cheesy mozzarella cheese in the middle it's really good yeah so you can walk down that strip there and there's like a bunch of where the Burger King is there's like a bunch of uh shops and then there's also a shop a strip parallel to it which I'm gonna walk down now oh there's a fish Spa you can get your feets put your feet in there and uh have the fish eat away the dead particles on your feet but that is not for me okay well wow look at this so very close to where I just was there's this very popular shopping street look at this food Hall that's for students or something I know there's a university here right next to a Gucci and maybe that's where I was walking before but this is a notable area on the Google Maps so yeah there's even a Disney Store over here all right folks well I've been walking for a bit and this is where the camo River is is apparently a very popular spot and I can see why so yeah let's take a look here now parallel to this on the other side of these buildings over here is uh gosh I don't know what the name is I can't pronounce the name but it's like a restaurant alley and it's very cool I got some footage of that but I might go back here so I don't know if you sit on I don't know if it's best to go on this side or this side but you can see lots of people here maybe that's the spot I don't know you can see lots of people here sitting relaxing enjoying the night I think it is a Friday isn't it yeah I think it is yeah it's a Friday but I suppose this is the same thing you can see sort of like uh these restaurants look like houses uh I don't know if you can see it's quite dark but it seems like we got live music over here this is this is unbelievably cool guys so sadly the film of the river right now it's a bit too dark I don't think you're gonna be able to see how beautiful it is but there's like dim lighting you get to see the river get to hear live music It's A Very Cool vibe okay I will probably continue this video in the morning oh this is just so cool you got to come to Kyoto I'm glad I'm here all right guys good morning so this is the next day here in Kyoto and I really want to try a matcha in Kyoto I've heard it's amazing and I found this place called kurosu it looks to be very popular so let's go ahead and go in here all right guys so here it is here's the matcha latte looks really cool looks very good oh yeah so I think I told you the best matcha latte I ever had was called Kyoto from and it was when I was in Bangkok and so I had to come here in Kyoto and try this tastes very similar it is so good oh my gosh oh yeah definitely come I can definitely recommend this coffee shop very nice in there so yeah called uh kurosu all right guys well I am Sim I'm basically in the same spot as last night but this time in the afternoon all the way up till 5 PM there's a something called a Nishiki or nishiti Market where you can get food and you can even buy produce from what I understand so this is something that like I really want to do and I'm starting to get hungry so yes this is where Google is telling me it is and I see a bunch of people here so I got some um skewers here Yakitori rice cakes oh yeah I think this is like basically oh and last night I couldn't see the color through the roof I think I'm in the same spot or like right around the same spot oh shrimp oh Kobe beef [Music] wow I am tempted to try the Kobe beef it's hitting at about 20 I think maybe I'll try it hey you know what I've never had Kobe beef we're in the land of Kobe beef I'm gonna go for it it's 25 000 or 2500 Yen which I think is like 17 we're gonna go for it I think it is yeah Kobe beef 25 seconds [Music] uh just one okay okay where are you from uh US America oh America yes nice place yeah thank you uh Japan is nice too yeah thank you all right all right guys I'm excited hello shrimps Tokyo okay good good yeah yummy yummy yummy yummy CEO yeah oh cool I don't I've never had it I don't know I don't know okay here it is oh look at this looks very good oh the juice is dripping all over the place oh it's so good it's like nice and tender perfectly cooked you can see the red in it it seriously just like melts in your mouth as soon as you bite into it oh my God I'm a huge fan of steak this is incredible there's also some Wasabi here better without the Wasabi but oh my gosh this is so good this is definitely worth it okay guys so I can say that is simultaneously the most expensive and the best skewer I've ever had I've never had a Kobe beef and that was just it was incredible it's like you it's like the meat just melts as soon as you put it in your mouth oh my gosh it was perfectly cooked oh oh that was good oh there are so many options here I think we should keep walking and see what's out there oh you can get like mini beers Seafood you can try sake I'm not looking to try socket like 11 am but yeah I've noticed these like rolled egg rolled omelette sandwiches they look very good I don't know what these are goiza hello okay well this seems to be a very popular spot so oh my goodness Seafood seems like people are enjoying their Seafood here squid okay yeah that's about the price it's the going rate for a Kobe beef 2500 which is 17 it's good though I would recommend you try it uh is it like chicken pork okay uh how much for uh okay can I eat here can I eat it okay all right guys goyoza I've had this in the States but never in Japan so gotta try it here it's a pork pork guys I can see the guide lay guide Michelin supervised by Michelin restaurants so it's probably very good if you don't know goiza is like a dumpling you probably have heard of it before it's very popular in the states what I like about this is It's grilled with the bottom of it's grilled it's like a really nice Char on it let's see there's pork filling oh oh yeah so I read online in the morning like the local chefs here in the Kyoto area they'll come and get their produce get their Seafood clams whatever it is that they're cooking so this is like a very legendary space oh it's like a oh man what are these hello oh it's a starch dumpling okay jumbo Yakitori oh my I had so much Yakitori last night that gotta try some other things here I think Yakitori so far is my favorite cuisine in Japan Yuzu honey drink now that sounds really good well yuzu's a thing you have to get in Japan a drink oh man that is so good it's like obviously sweet but it's not like chemical sweet overpowering sweet you know what I mean it's not like eating candy it's refreshing look at this it's called roll chicken chicken thighs huge skewers oh my gosh oh does that look good Ichigo daihuku Moki oh Mochi oh man okay for the second time in this video I'm doing a double take I'm gonna go get some of that Mochi because I love Mochi and it looks incredible I also need to get rid of my coins [Music] strawberry mochi all right 300 okay all right guys so here it is look at that and there's like a filling in there there's an actual strawberry also filling okay I have to really delicately eat this because whatever you think strawberry tastes like take that and then multiply it by 10. you know that was a really legendary experience here at the Shiki market so this is where I was last night and I think when I was walking I just this was either close or I missed it or something but uh yeah now I need a long walk after all that food so I ended up getting Kobe beef goyoza mochi and a Yuzu drink and that was everything was amazing prices are a bit elevated but that's to be expected because it's very high quality food it's touristy you know it's a local attraction and yeah but worth it I've been walking for a bit I'm not sure where this road leads but everybody seems to be walking this way so yeah we're gonna go this way see what's down here why Peter do have walked in the right direction because there's this Hana kamoji streets just take a look at this I mean it is boiling hot out here guys I probably should get an umbrella like everybody else and I do think that Vehicles do drive down the street but seems very interesting it's got to be real feels got to be 100 degrees Fahrenheit so I saw back there you can do you can bet on horse racing now that is one of the uh legal forms of gambling here in Japan is horse racing there's another one as well I can't remember but yeah interesting let's see what's down in here this also seems very cool I believe there's like a this is like Geon corner where I think you can watch like Live musical performances like traditional like classical dances and like classical musical performances ah sorry guys so this is actually Canon G or Ken and G Temple uh Gian corner is nearby here but yeah so this is like a Buddhist temple where you can also buy tea from What It Seems fortunately I cannot take uh photos or use my camera in there so I'm gonna go check this out if you ever get a chance to do that definitely do it it's the Canon G uh Temple Zen Buddhist temple and this information packet they give you is really helpful but it's also just so beautiful and peaceful I wanted to respect to the uh no filming so I did not film but I wish I could have taken you guys with me on that because it was very beautiful oh yeah you walk through the temple into there it's uh it's pretty amazing thank you wow how many of you could do that a running Carriage a human powered Carriage wow that's pretty incredible I don't think I've ever seen that before okay guys assuming I can film here this is the yasuka Jinja Shrine so another thing I wanted to do here in Kyoto I'm sure it will be beautiful uh looks like you got the bow yeah Bell before going in and wow okay this is like a whole thing guys you can get skewers here crap and other food old coins teaching coins look at this fan of Lights oh so interesting well I'm glad I came here you also get like sweets here like ices oh man you can see the trees in the backgrounds I don't know if those are mountains or mountains tree for I don't know it's like uh ambulance that you can purchase for a thousand yen about seven dollars oh my travel safety okay I hear something going on over here you can ring the bell in case that person's just rang the bell and then bowed I don't know what okay I don't know the significance [Music] [Music] yeah I noticed that in Japan as well you clap to you battle you clap two times and then you bow [Music] back this seems to be a place where you observe silence but there's a nice walking trail here so I'm going to enjoy this oh it's very peaceful okay well I feel like we have to go for matcha ice cream right thank you oh man I've been seeing this much ice cream all over Japan it seems like the time yeah yeah oh it's like really thick really thick ice cream I got the rich matcha which is 600 Yen and that would be exactly four dollars has the actual matcha powder on it and of course the ice cream is very Machi so I'm gonna eat this okay guys well I think that just about wraps up my video here on Kyoto thank you so much for being here really enjoyed my time here in Kyoto it was not long enough next time I will spend more time here when I come back to Japan so thank you for being here make sure you hit subscribe and we'll most certainly be talking to you again soon peace
Channel: Zane Travel
Views: 70,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Bangkok, Thailand, Street Food, South East Asia, Asia, Digital Nomad, Nomad, Co Working, Traveler, Food Tour, Walking, Coffee, Philippines, Manila, Cambodia, Indonesia, Chiang Mai, Temples, Weekend Market, Fake Market, Market Hunt, Market Spree, Fake Market Spree, Travel Vlog, Vlog, Travel Video, Food, Foodie, Cebu, El Nido, Boracay, Adventure, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, Saigon, Hanoi, SEA, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, KL, kl, Penang, Singapore, Seoul, Korea, Tokyo, Japan, Jakarta, Bali
Id: WckRsvJPqhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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