Straight Guys Go Shopping with Gay Guys 'For the First Time' | All Def Comedy

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we're shopping today two gay guys man we're hoping that they can give us some styles I got Jordan who you get a guy I got George she took Jordan as well Jackie no no let me tell you what it was how could dude I like that got a haircut with that jacket dress any black man over 35 that still got locks know what he doing in the game he's still able to get paid if you don't work at Apple well you gotta ethnic hairstyle and you still get money you got something figure like stray men dressed out of convenience something that's quick something that's going to math at all times I've matched that's my goal to match and make sure my clothes are iron I'm not a whole lot of razzle dazzle but it's like these joggers like anything nuts there's a little Versace and other sideshow well I'm a tourist so we just put on whatever we don't like we just get rid of this [ __ ] so yeah real chill not doesn't like I think I guys do actually dress better than straight guys because you're in a room full of men so everybody's checking you out I wanted to it over Monday but like it's just some stuff I'm not gonna wave wrong like you can't put me in those skinny jeans I got my mom's hips and height skinny jeans is just gonna make it worse I got man breasts I just thought you know it's not an easy thing to admit but a mitten is the first step I got on my man Spanx right now look at this you think I'm proud of this I'm [ __ ] fat man right yeah okay wait so let me sighs you are celebrity wise would you want to dress like b.o.b I like his style like Wiz Khalifa I like all right it's like stoner like stoner sheep I'm a little nervous it's all right the essence of dressing is to understand that you should dress from the crotch out my first president George was he trying to [ __ ] like he only stayed and like the underwear I'm what are you doing for the first 15 years we shop for clothes for five minutes we went underwear for 15 minutes in the store second of all music no bottles okay they chaps live a little bit you know what how about this man this will cover cover right now I'm being viciously attacked by him he has physically assaulted clothing around me he has physically assaulted 90s dance music around me what do you think I think that'd be bummed if I was like in the 90s R&B group like if I was part of jagged edge I like Drew Hill and I was like doing [ __ ] like this I think that'd be bomb and I'll zip it down I'm joking like tell me what you like 2016 no color teeth are never happen you know you could kind of pair them up with anything maybe like a nice chill you know drinking lovely ice that's nothing like with the dark black jacket right oh I mean this looks kind of small this might be like this look like a condom on ER have you ever worn skinny jeans because skinny jeans are the Oprah of jeans well you could wear them please something that's more like the Steve Harvey of jeans instead of the open it's like yeah yeah cut big mistake difficulty finding an extra-large ground on what you should wear the problem is that middle ground means if something would fit and this is West Hollywood and I don't know if you know this but I'm actually considered obese as soon as I cross Santa Monica Boulevard you don't want how about this if we start with something simple cream this covers everything first of all that's an ID okay that's a that's that way did you just say belt it I will say that I felt like it was a little fat shaming going on and the gay community the fact that angle size for me you know me like I'm referred to as husky and I found out that I would be a bear so I was like there's a lot of name-calling going on right now don't worry about the sides no senegalese you in oh no we think more about does the fit look I know we can't squeeze man we can't do you parent scare me like this is simplicity I could make something like this well why don't you stop eater because are you gonna be collecting garbage after we leave here is that why you're wearing the garbage man's outfit on the line between funny or hurtful a lot I don't want to offend I'm gonna like skin Wilfred was man you know anything could set me off you can put your weed in this pocket you can put your lubrication in this pocket I feel like everyone needs some zipper a détente thank you like zippers we're on a workout here I'm just trying to get him to dip his mouth he will not agree with anything I said but then back now they're like this this is a mistake but it comes with a belt this is not what I mean by a package to you but that it go poke them with this look and Birkenstocks that so you want to dress like a lesbian super rules are safe course what about this there are you horseshit this is like motion hey I play for the nets but I also eat [ __ ] does that not say about ray he kind of response sometimes he just rolls his eyes he responds more in body language when you're comfortable with a lady and you want to be like tonight is the night I should I want to try tonight is the night we try anal no that's what you want that's what you want to dress as oh look at here with the leather in the Crouch though a dressing from the crush everything Thanks hold it up would you well that's kind of loan right did you want something tighter I can get you something I said long got them another let's see when you're styling yourself you got a fold trick one that cuts the shoulders that's gonna fit perfect you [ __ ] my head up with two fold now I got you got me on that one all right right let me see come on I don't know [ __ ] let me get a pen I'm an incense now you do walk around this the genes not bad that's it but not the same I think the top mark but I think I'm heating something bigger than a medium in the bowels it's good luck Rach all right let me see yes I am a pro let me get a spin for you all right you know it's jelly that's even if you not like it you look like right out of like the we found love video I feel like this is that good this about do this is gonna get man we should I like coming it deserves the slow clap for getting it right we do I like it I like it I'm sucking at being good sir I hated I burn his banks was this experience what I thought it would be um no was it too much of a big deal I've learned from this experience that you know if ever I thought about it I'm too fat to be gay he put a DVD of porn dvd in my [ __ ] pocket and I didn't beat the [ __ ] out of him so I know I like I learned that uh is $75 it's a t-shirt I don't know how they afford and clothes I mean I would like you'd have to be fit so you can walk away with the shirt off all the goddamn time people thank you for watching straight guys a little shopping with gay guys for the first time I've been great Grady and I'm to hear more make sure you subscribe to a video so you like it and pass it along man Oh rage dr-dos you don't want no I don't want him but you paid no I don't want pay for these dogs this is what he wanted he said he was gonna dancing with this he's like I'm gonna like pop Bob Barr in rooms man you own bar internet [ __ ] out to the dope don't why does they have a pocket like extra bowl look at me why you own a shitty but there's yours look they say do the bed
Channel: All Def Comedy
Views: 1,983,589
Rating: 4.9254971 out of 5
Keywords: Gay Guys Go Shopping, Shopping with gays, shopping with gay guys, queer eye for the straight guy, straight guy for the queer eye, Gays help straight guys, gay guys, gay girls, gay boys, homosexual, homosexuality, gay men, gay woman, men who are gay, men who are straight, straight men, straight woman, shopping, retail, clothes, clothing, fashion, gay fashion, For the First Time, All Def Digital For The First Time, For The First Time All Def Digital, All Def Digital, ADD, all def
Id: BOl9S5tk-mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2016
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