Stevie Wynne Levine Tries Jollibee For The First Time

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I'm Stevie win LaVine and this is my first time eating Filipino food everyone remembers their first time Stevie wi LaVine welcome to the show uh thank you thank you for having me of course of course we found out that you had never had Jollibee before but then we found out you never really eaten Filipino food before how do you plan on apologizing to the Filipino Community today so sad the thing is I've come very close I have amazing Neighbors that actually that you remember the cheese car and the pizza car that we did on GMM I sure do it was their car they invited Cassie and I my girlfriend to a baby shower they're Filipino and they had it catered with Filipino food but when we got there they also had a beautiful teered cake and asked Cassie and I to take a photo around the cake and what happened was as Cassie was putting her arm around me she punched the beautiful cake and we left surely therea and so I never got to have any of the food wait hold on how much damage was done to the cake we were able to turn the cake the other way so the hole punch was facing the wall but it was one of those things where you punch a cake and you can't you know you can't just sit and pretend it didn't happen you know have so many infractions against the Filipino Community to apologize for we can get to that at the end of it you can write your apology have teed YouTube video Perfect I think they're expecting it um today's the show all about first so I'm going to ask you some questions about your first time doing VAR things as I make you some Filipino food and the first dish typically a first course this is a beautiful appetizer it's called lpia Shanghai have you heard of it I have you seem really excited when you saw all the ingredients I'm hungry I haven't met a food that I don't like that's not you're working for a very weird show to have not met a food that you don't like I will taste anything once I'll say that okay you never eaten Filipino food do you remember what the first food that you ever had is well no one ever I I can't remember like in my actual memory the first food that I had but my mom likes to tell a story cuz I was born in uh South Texas and I love tortillas but I couldn't say tortilla so I would say TI um and the other food I loved was the crackers remember if you sat down at like a restaurant they'd have like crackers on the table no is that a southern thing I think it what kind of crackers like Saltines like those are those aren't like appetizers though those are for the those are for if you order soup know there's like a social contract that you only eat the crackers if you order soup well I got angry if you went to a restaurant and there weren't crackers on the table so my mom said I would just yell cratches really loud if it was a nicer establishment that didn't have crackers but I also really love tortillas teas and I have a a brand new puppy in my life that I named TI well like right now you have a brand new puppy what that we got exactly a year ago and she uh is from Mexico and she's tortilla colored it turns out that in tagalag uh which is a Filipino language TI means penis that adds up you could hold on hold on if if somebody just said turns out into goic t means I feel like 99 out of 100 people would have said penis right well I thought it sounded more like titty to be honest do you know what PE peek means well I feel like there's going to be a lot of names for penis just like in everything I feel like you should almost switch T and peek what do you mean what are you say so PE is that boobs oh that's a cute name it's it's cute right but peeg implies like a you know like like a different sort of fact that you just whispered that in my ear is what's the first time you whisper vagina in your boss's ear now I have an answer to that question for anybody wondering we have a bunch of ground pork here I've added sesame oil soy a bunch of artics like carrots Ginger and some water chestnuts I'm going to start rolling out this Lumia we got some spring roll wrappers right here we're going to get them fried off uh but I want to know what your first job ever was and what you learned from it but also can I guess what your first job ever is yeah I think you should know what my first job was um I'm guessing that by the time you were living in North Carolina out of South Texas you were an animal Wrangler at the petting at the North Carolina straight Fair M that would be so cool I I love that but no I wasn't but I have to do animals what was it I think you know this because before Matt Carney became the hot dog on a stick guy I was the one that just got thrown under the bus all the time because my first job was at build-a bear I didn't know this was your first job yeah and what did I learn yeah how to build a bear tell me about zombie cheerleader camp you Googled me did you yeah of course I Googled you did you initially cuz you were credited as an associate producer did you initially audition to be the lead um no and there was a topless nudity in this okay okay movie um so I was 17 and I was looking to get into the industry in some way but I didn't feel like leaving the state of North Carolina and I think it was like a Craigslist post or something and this guy was making an indie film and I was naive and I was like okay I will be a PA on this movie it was interesting because it quickly became apparent that like he didn't really know what he was doing and so I was like well I'll do more things and then I was like now I will be the ad of this thing so I became I like entered as a PA and then I left as associate producer and AD of this movie um and also it was where we shot in the dead of summer in North Carolina and uh one day I came home and I because it was the dead of Summer and you were in a field you had to like strip off your clothes there's ticks everywhere so I like stripped off my clothes before I went into my house I looked down and there was a tick on my boob and I screamed there's a tick on I screamed cratches there's a tick on my boob is this the plot to the sequel of zombie Cheer Camp zombie Cheer Camp 2 Electric Boogaloo yeah oh my God I saw so many boobs that summer like just but there were zombie boobs you know it's like boobs are like kind of green you know that makes sense that makes sense I mean if you're into that did did that make you feel some type of way uh not about girls but about green people Stevie what's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning uh it's so unhealthy I I check to see how that day's video is perform oh same oh my God doesn't it feel good some days and doesn't it feel terrible other days it doesn't usually feel good for GMM on Tuesdays and Thursdays yeah heard that you mostly know when you're going to feel good and then you mostly know when you're not going to feel good yeah there's very few surprises but you do it every day yeah I got some limpia rolled we're going to roll a bunch more of these we're going to fry and then we're going to eat them you excited for it yes let's do it so if we're coming straight out of the Fry Basket watch your ass there you go little golden nuggets of deliciousness dig in and the perfect serving size absolutely uh you're going to want to eat these four at a time so we have some sweet chili sauce right there typically it's either served with like sweet and sour sweet chili something sugary um my favorite thing about Filipino food is uh the term that they have coined sweet meat which is a combination of sugar and meat I'm very excited also speak oh dig in dig in speaking of sweet meat no I was going to say well kind of I was going to say speaking of uh tagala and genitals I have a toolic language mixup genital based story okay there's a Filipino food called K wait I didn't hear anything you said no how are you feeling about the limpia not hunder and penises this is so good the ginger bits that still have like the crunch to them too can I double dip if it's the back I I think once you once you go to the back you're hold it in the CLE that's not there's no sexual any want know there okay mhm this is so good right I love it tell me about the first time you remember getting in trouble I was a very good kid go on oh we're making porkbelly adobo by the way but in third grade um I had two teachers puled me aside and told me that it's not okay to laugh at people when they get hurt you need more context because sometimes it's very okay to laugh at people when they get hurt I think it's okay if they start laughing I had this thing where like if someone got hurt and didn't start laughing I was also angry at them for not laughing cuz that meant I couldn't laugh too um where do you think this was conditioned into you how did this happen it's just so funny when people fall down I not not true and sometimes you have to just feel out the situation is it a person who's going to laugh at themselves or did they really hurt themselves I don't think anyone really hurt themselves and I was like violence you know I think it was more like I tripped or you know someone pulled my chair out was there a specific instance when you were a child that somebody hurt themselves and you laughed that was very inappropriate because there could be a multitude of things that happen do you remember one specific one you know how some people have that thing when like something really bad happens they involuntarily laugh because they don't know what to do I got it that is really and I try and pivot into a half cry so I'm kind of like I'm sorry I'm sorry it's just like yeah it's bad that's so bad I would get it in like situations where you shouldn't laugh like um is it called moot Court you know the thing where where students pretend to be lawyers and judges and they like set up mock trial mock trial but there I think this also Court yeah isn't moot like a a a term that hyper online people use for something vagina is no wait what vagina what I Stevie I'm so sorry I have a lot of ear wax can you say it Crunchies but anyway I remember being like trapped in the corner for some reason I was watching this thing and it was inappropriate to laugh and I I that's all I wanted to do the entire time there's something that triggers like you're not supposed to do this for that particular thing but when you're a kid you don't know like um the first time I got in trouble I was 8 years old and I threw a rock at a train me and my friends you know we're just hanging out o inside California throwing rocks at trains how kids do how who C like did it actually cause some kind of damage or like who said something I don't know but somehow the police showed up at my friend's house we thought it was super cool and super funny and we're throwing rocks kind of big at an passing am trck train and then we went home didn't think anything of it and then cops knocked on the door and then um Ricky's parents told me that I was going to jail for life um and so that was super cool oh okay I like I want to have a better response oh okay all right so we got we got some water we got the pork belly in there it's nice and sweat I'm going to add some soy I'm going to pop this lid on see if we got a Sim of this this for 4 hours meanwhile Stevie can you tell me in excruciating detail every emotion you felt while watching Titanic for the first time now Stevie when you say you felt sad as Jack was dying in those frigid Waters sad for whom for yourself realizing your own mortality yeah yeah that's what that's what I was trying to get at uh wrong show every show is going to turn back into last all right so we got we got the pork simmering away and the soy and the vinegar I'm going to add a little bit more vinegar what do you what are you smelling here I'm going to like mostly vinegar I'm going to be honest yeah but I do like vinegar so I'm all about it what's the first vinegar you ever ate God I'm such a good interviewer all right I'm going to Dish up some of this adobo right here no garnishes let Brown food be brown sometimes then we got some nice jasmine rice on the side there you go digging it's not hot thank you before I eat this I have had this in my lap for the past minute and so I want to talk about the mythical cookbook I don't know how much of this you've shown little sneak peeks at this point but um this little section uh of our fun fondue times together if you recall I was told to wear patterns as was everyone else but one of us wait did I can't stress this enough I do not read the emails shut up you sorry um but I mean you did such a great job with this I'm so like the whole team the amount of work that went into this thing and I know that link said it a bunch but even if you don't cook and you just like pretty pictures you need to get yourself a copy of this at mythical cookbook. I'm so excited about [Music] this [Music] Stevie dig dig into the adobo um okay and you recommend I like spooning a little bit over the rice but then I also like keeping them separate you just get a little bit of that pork fat into the rice and eat the whole peppercorns that's like the best part to me we got a dink it's going to be so hot oh my God mhm that is so good mhmm isn't it cuz the vinegar isn't overpowering at all but it does like the acidity kind of cuts the fattiness a little bit mhm so much of cooking is literally just about balanced and if you have more fat you can add more salt you can add more acid pork belly adobo is one of those Foods where you can add so much of everything it's so good I almost want to I want mix everything together into make like a little slider with the Lumia and the goo well I kind of want I like the spiciness of this too this is loud right wait hit me up hit me up hit me up I feel like that combo is going to be they were much better separately yeah maybe but still but it's still good I still would eat an entire dish of that Stevie tell me about your first kiss and I want to rank your performance on a scale of 1 to 10 and your kissing partner's performance on a scale of 1 to 10 um no you know what I'm I'd like to apologize not only to the Filipino people but finally to every boy I ever dated um it got I mean it was horrible for me but it was probably really bad for you too um My First Kiss wasn't until my junior year of high school mhm and I was studying abroad actually what was her name I'm I would never call a woman that um and my mom had packed me Hanukkah KS because that was the time period it was and she packed me a gift for each night and so every night I had the nice ritual of opening my Hanukkah gift from my mom which I would have preferred to do by myself but one night this guy that I wasn't even really dating but all the other girls thought he was really cute so I was like this is a good hiding spot um uh joined me for my opening of that night's Hanukkah present and uh that was my first kiss kissed me mid Hanukkah present opening what was the present I don't know I just was like I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay oh poor thing poor me perform performance a zero it was so bad and I was just like is this what kissing is like it was the type of like butthole mouth tongue your first kiss was on a butthole yeah that's impressive I told you I only like Happ as long as it was blessed by a rabbi it's this is not Gooser oh yeah I forgot we're doing that well what get do oh what was the best kiss that you ever shared what I just want to I want abely with Cassie but which kiss well I Cassie and I have been together for 13 years uh so I don't have a how many times have you kissed 13 times we do it annually just on Hanukkah while you're opening your gift and she's like she's like happy Hanukah okay okay okay first K tell me about the first date you ever went on the guy I unfortunately dated my senior year of high school because one of my friends had a crush on him since apologized I'm I couldn't I don't know I was just like he must be good um he would show up at my house after school to watch the game which just meant whatever Sports thing was on cuz I guess that's what straight people did in my high school together like I confir that's that's a yeah sure I was dating him but he just showed up at my house I didn't want to hang out with him and he would just sit on my couch with his arm around me and then we'd have to watch sports and all of it was terrible it's like I don't want any of this none of this makes sense to me um God that sounds like my ideal night yeah now I'm wondering what Julia is thinking you know she's so happy the football season's over oh my God there's always a new season of something though always yeah when Bulgarian indoor track season is on and this boat to rocking don't come and knock it you know what I mean you ready to Tred some Jollibee yes let's do it let's do it Stevie for the grand finale of Filipino food we have jollybee yes this is a chain from the Philippines they've opened a couple locations in Los Angeles I'm a huge fan I used to get their little $1 corn beef pandol mayonnaise sliders all the time that kept me fed throughout College uh I'm going to open it up first we got the chicken Joy now Filipino Fried Chicken is a big thing it is generally served with gravy so here's your glass of Sip and gravy nice can we get a straw for the gravy please gravy straw and then spaghetti now Filipino spaghetti is very distinct for a lot of reasons you will likely see things that you don't see in like an Italian American spaghetti uh most notably in here hot dogs um there is actually a Filipino basketball team a professional team just simply called the Pure Foods hot dogs and so that speaks to how important hot dogs are to both my culture in the Philippines I freaking love hot dogs in Filippino spaghet is great it's also made with banana ketchup to typically the sauce is going to be a lot sweeter there's generally some sort of like processed cheese on top I think we start with the chicken I'm going to I'm going to liberally gravy up my chicken but you can eat it any way that you want can I dunk you can absolutely dunk oh this is hot this is hot wait are we dinking or we are we cross contaminating gravy it's [Music] hot that crunch that's so good sounded like the Tik Tok sound effect I'm I'm not tasting like any kind of like distinct spice per se Fried Chicken really ended up in most of the world because of Americans it's like after it's hot that was so hot oh yeah drink Z drink your Pine Apple quencher so so I like the Philippines how familiar are you with general Douglas MacArthur I'm not no battle gu Canal you nothing to you no no it doesn't not mean anything to I just don't know what it means no there was a big like military occupation from the Americans in the Philippines and that is also likely how Korean Fried Chicken became a thing where American G's there so like brought American food over and now the world over loves fried chicken it's like equal parts you know depressing neoc colonization but then also more Fried Chicken for the rest of the world that is good not that but chicken and the pineapple quencher is really good I thought it was going to be really sweet but it's not the spaghetti is really to me like the Brown Jewel of Jollibee it's messy there's a Filipino spot next to my house that makes a gallon bucket of spaghetti that you can buy oh you can't not buy it h that doesn't taste like I thought it was going to taste at all what were you expecting and what are you tasting well because you said it was going to be sweeter which it is sweeter but it almost has like um bar barbecue Saucy type of taste to it so there tends to be like a lunch meat ham that's almost like chopped or ground up into a sort of sauce so you're probably tasting the smoke off of that and then you're tasting the ketchup so when you taste smoke and ketchup you're probably tasting things similar to American barbecue man I'm like the the Emily desel of food anyone bones second bones reference on mythical kitchen where my bones heads at it's good but it's so it's like looking at something that you usually look at the tastes a certain way but it doesn't taste that way it's a different it's a in French they call that a toloy a fooling of the eye is that are you being serious yeah I shook my napkin dramatically and I think I shook some half eaten spaghetti into your spaghetti so that's my bad okay I I wish I could say that's the first time that's happened it's not no it's not speaking of first Stevie we got your first selfie oh my God P up tell me where you were and what you were thinking when you posted this and can you read the caption but do it dramatically shoot with at Ezra Spurrier yesterday is the caption poetry and motion Stevie what does it all mean that's the name of a photographer who took this photo and uh that's all the caption says although it does look like because the photo quality is so grainy like there's some there's some Miss on like Instagram back then or something it kind of looks like my hair is tied around my under my neck is that an as yeah it's an ascot also I love that he was like yeah just put your hat like that that's cool that'll be cool lean into it wear this spaghetti strip and wear this cocked hat um but yes what was your first major accomplishment what was the first time where you really thought like man I'm going to make it in this world you know when I played soccer I shockingly there was a period of time where I was actually pretty good at it and um there was I don't know if you're familiar with the the levels of playing soccer I don't know what you call it you know how there's like wreck teams yeah yeah and then there's like challenge SL classic is what they call it and those are like the teams that you actually have to really try out for and that travel around and that usually there's a a pipeline up um and so I played for one of those teams and that's like being that was like one of the first times where I it was I was recognized as like being good at something you know what I mean and so um but I will say I much enjoyed uh much preferred being very good on the wreck team to being okay with the rest of people who were actually good um but yeah that's the first like pat on the back moment I think I I had similar experiences in youth sports except um I was so much bigger than all the other kids that the opposing team's parents they would Jer at me and one time I fed out of a game and uh an adult man stood up and went get that monster out of there and I was like a 13-year-old boy and so dude the parents were so mean at these games like so mean and because I was in North Carolina they also all had Southern Accents so it was like get that monster out of here then it just sounds racist yeah like listen and that's nothing against not all Southern you know what I mean but I'm saying it just sounds like if you were casting in a movie racist guy yelling yeah there's an accent yeah it was scary the parents were the scariest part honestly uh Stevie this was an incredible meal how do you feel about Filipino food overall I love it I'm like there's not many times where I get to eat something for the first time so I was really genuinely excited to come on and eat all this food and it's so good you guys did a great job I love it I'm going to be going to jollybee every every Tuesday and Thursday morning and you're going to post your Instagram stories to prove it right yes you just go on Spring 15 outfit changes and then people forget okay cool yeah well Stevie I am honored that you chose to have your first time with me no I was like I was like should we how far can we push first time uh we'll figure it out um everybody from the Filipino Community thank you so much for doing what you do and please find it in your hearts to forgive Stevie Stevie you have any last words for him Stevie you have any first words for him sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry we are finally releasing a cookbook featuring fan favorite dishes from GMM and mythical kitchen and tons of completely new original recipes pre-order now at cookbook
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 535,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: 5J7Ey7PJeaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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