We Try Bacon Tea

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Welcome to "Good Mythical More." Boy that thing does not want to spin. We got to loosen this sucker up. We are gonna try bacon tea and we've also got some actual bacon pieces, real bacon bits that we're gonna compare it to. But first- Let us reminisce about 10 years guys, come on. Let's play what's the word? We'll guess the definition of a word. This one is lant. L-A-N-T like ant with an L. [Both] Lant, lant. Sounds like a verb, like I'm gonna, I'm gonna lant a boil. That's when you don't quite puncture it. I think that's when you, you pull, you pull on somebody's cord, like a, like a lantern [woman laughs] Just a little lant. Just going to lant it a little bit. [Tongue Clicks] Just grab it and and pull on it till it clicks. [Tongue Clicks] Pull on it till it turns him on. That's definitely it. Pulling on someone's cord, could be a baby in the umbilical, who knows. That's our answer. Is it right? Twinkle? [Together] Stale or aged urine. Do we really need a word for some things? So it's, So it's an, it's- How hard is it to say, "That's my stale urine," versus, "That's my lant." Because it's a lot- My Lanta. I, I was I was walking in a, in a back alley. There's a lot of lant you'll find in a back alley or in, in a stairwell exit, in this city. Oh yeah. You'll get a lot of lant. Yeah. That's one of my favorite things about this city. So this is an actual All the lant. This is an actual product. It's bacon from Phantom Blend, not a sponsor, no Fandom Blend, adagio teas. And we each have one of these. So this is the real deal right here, okay? Oh, it smells like nasty smoke flavor. Super, super smoky flavor. I'm going to let that steep. While it's steeping, do you want your prize, Link? Heck yes. So what is this called, Chase? I think it's a BLT, a mysterious BLT. Okay. What? Something long towel. A berry long towel? Beautifully long tablecloth, so enjoy. Tablecloth. Yep. Yep. That's pretty cool man. That could be like, your new fashion thing that you do in 2022. Kinda like the look of that. I don't know what happened to my hairs, man. I'm real festive today for the 10 years. And let's compare that to Hormel bacon, real bacon steeped. So this is bacon bits made from real bacon. This is not, okay, you got to shake it little bit and start steeping. I thought it'd be a good idea to pull up a still frame of the opening of the very first Good Mythical Morning. All week we're going to be celebrating 10 years in all sorts of ways. I know there's lots of special surprises prepared for us. Getting a little Jason Segel action was one of them. That was cool. Wasn't that so nice? So nice. Very sweet. He made like a whole, he, you know, there was a scene behind it. I mean, he didn't have to do that. Was that green screen? He thought about it. Yeah. He was like, I'm going to go out to the ocean specifically for this show. So on Ear Biscuits, we reminisced at length. I won't say ad nauseum about- Well, there were, there were points. 10 years of Good Mythical Morning, celebrating the anniversary, looking back, looking forward. So if you want to hear us unpack that in a celebratory mode, listen to our podcast, Ear Biscuits. I know we're going to be reacting to this first episode of Good Mythical Morning on the mythical society in our react videos. So we're not going to react to it, but I just thought, you know, I'm just kind of looking at the set here and there's different things that pop out at me. That first of all, what we're wearing, I still have that jacket. I'm not ashamed to still wear that jacket, 10, 10 years later. You still wear that jacket? Yeah, occasionally. It's my only dark brown jacket. Just one dark brown jacket, man, Gotta start having And then I got, Dark brown jacket. I got the green jacket that I still wear and I got the, the jean jacket that I- once I get a jacket that I like, boy, you can't, you can't, I can't part with it. Um. And that t-shirt, you're wearing, I now own, and I wear that frequently. I don't, that v-neck, I don't wear it because you wear it. Also, it got too short for you. I had a friend tell me that v-necks were out, so I don't wear those anymore. Oh really? Yeah, I guess he didn't tell you. I got a friend who doesn't tell me when I wear it all the time. The main thing- It's a weekend, When I look at that, Boy this is hot. The main thing that I notice is the fact that there is a acoustic guitar back there that was acoustic guitar I got in college. So even by this point, that thing was over 10 years old. And, you know, just getting to that place where it was really aging in a great way. Starting to sweeten. And then in our old studio, I made a mistake of letting my children in the studio one day. And all, all I remember is just hearing a crash and seeing Shepherd, I think it was Shepherd. I mean he was really small at the time. It was Shepherd. It was a couple years old. It was Shepherd, yeah. And just big enough to run around and break things. And he had knocked over that guitar and it completely broke right at where the neck meets the body of the guitar. And, I mean, there were, I think we eventually took it to someone and said, can you do something with this? And they were like, "Not really." I thought you rebuilt it. No, I don't, no- It was irreparable. I think that guitar still might be somewhere in storage. Somebody might know that. Just the parts of it? Yeah, but it's, it's completely broken. But of course- You want to try this? The, oh the gold one- over my right shoulder, Which is the guitar that I got for myself It's now over my left shoulder. Saved up money when I was 17 years old to get, that was my first guitar, and the wax paper dogs, right there, hammer slammer series. That's right. Still there. So you, didn't, the first guitar you bought was an electric, not an acoustic, and that's it. Yeah. No, it's your second, the first electric guitar you had was black and white. And it was like, Well, A fake stratocaster. The first one I got was like a, was probably a Squire, you know, just like a couple of hundred bucks. Right. And then once we, a few months into it, when we were like, "this is going to be something," I was like, "I need a real guitar." I think I, I think I saved up $600 for that thing. That was the biggest purchase I'd ever- I remember I came over and you had it and you had the Eagles' song book. So in that, so there's, let's see. So there there's the Lionel Richie painting, doing the Lionel pose. That that was from a fan that we brought that from North Carolina. And we still have that in our secret loft. It's up there in the secret loft now. Yup, and those, the up to this point, CD blown up to giant size. We actually have those exact same canvases- In the creative house. In the creative house in our little music room in there. Yeah, so we have stuff the room where Like that. Where, one night, Remember when one night when it magically turned into a, a portal to another dimension or just an album. Oh yeah. Yeah, it's in there. And that, See that silver coffee mug in the corner? I think I still have it. Is he going home? All right, I'll fill some time. Well, there's a lot more stuff on this set these days, a lot more stuff on the set. I drank out of this coffee mug this morning. 10 freaking years later Only Link Neil can keep up with and still use a mug for a decade. talk about a creature of habit. That's literally, I've never even seen that. I haven't, I haven't drunk out of this coffee mug in like a couple of years. If you showed me that, And it's like, you believe that? If that was left out somewhere, and somebody was like, "Whose is this?" I'd be like, "I don't think that's Link's". I honestly would not remember that that is yours. I don't know if this is an updated version of it. It's not, look, because that one has Yeah. A black, That's right. Gasket. It's almost the same. It's like, Hey, if it ain't broke- It's not the same one. Don't fix it. Same microphone. I think this is a new It might be a replacement. This is a replacement. But this is the same model. It's the same thing. I think this is the second replacement or third replacement. This is fully, fully, fully. What's it called? Mine's really steeped. Steeped. I started around, Ding it. Now one of the reviews said- That's something. Don't be afraid to add sweetener. I actually have found a little sweet makes the bacon flavor even more realistic. So I just put a straight cube of sugar in there. And now we got to, but that's not gonna but it's not hot enough anymore so it's not melting. Is it real hot? No it's not. Another review said it's interesting and definitely smells like bacon. They were afraid, they didn't taste it. I just feel like there are some places that we don't need to actually go, just culinarily as a species. You know, it's, it's, it's fun to have a bacon flavored- Of all of the people in the entire world to say that, I just don't think, For real. You should be, the one. You know, if I say that, then they've crossed a line that didn't need to be crossed. So let's try the actual bacon. I don't think this is going to do anything. No, because it hasn't been tea-ized. Oh, it stinks. [Rhett's Thoughts] Maybe I should take more fashion risks, crop tops, I'm going to be a crop top man this year. You know what's not going to be a thing this year? Me hearing his thoughts. Huh? What? Not going to keep happening. I think I have that green t-shirt too. I swear, I do. And we still have the, the table, it's at the creative house, I believe. Mhm. The, the table with the hole cut in it. Cause that, that was from back in the Rhett and Link Cast live days, when we would sit in the Lillington basement studio, our first ever studio. So we've had that, I think out of everything I can see there, that's the thing that we've had the absolute longest, besides each other. It got worse. It is the card table. It got worse when we put sugar in there, this is horrible. This is just. It's just for the fun of it. Also, you know what? It's just for the fun of it. It's a bad design. Like I don't, I mean everything about this, it looks like a high school project. Yeah. It looks like somebody had somebody's parent's owned. Yeah. Like a, like a, Adagio is a family owned online tea retailer that sources their teas directly from the farmers in South America, Africa, and Asia. But they don't spend as much time on their graphic design. It's just how it says. Maybe if we just eat it straight. Okay, we can do that. We got another, another microphone back there hiding. Smells like, That's another like, Tobacco. Snowball. Oh. It's smooth. Let's Put it in a pipe and smoke it. Let's try to just eat a little bit of it. Oh, wow, that is dark. Is it real dark? [Rhett's Thoughts] Yes. It's crunchy. I'm not going to eat this tea, man. I don't, I got nothing to prove. Come on, man, you led me to believe that we were going to eat this together. No, I just poured it out for you. You know this we're in this, We're in this together, man. Eat some of it. It's not bad. I don't think you're supposed to be- It's better than drinking it. You're not supposed to eat tea. Yeah, but it's not- It's like smoke fortified or something, you know? Oh, I got like a piece of fat. I'm trying see if there's anything else I spot there. Stevie, what, give us a little preview of how we're going to celebrate the rest of the week. Oh, God. Yes. Are we gonna, are we gonna laugh or are we going to cry? Are we going to, are we going to decide to go on, Um. Are we going to call it quits? Well we're definitely going to laugh, because it's Good Mythical Morning. I certainly hope so. But, there are what I anticipate to be some sentimental emotional moments in which I might not be able to read what I'm supposed to read, cause I'm getting a little emotional. Oh, really? You know, everyone likes that. We're gonna, we're going to highlight some mythical beasts. We're going to highlight some mythical crew. We're going to have some surprises for you guys every day that you don't know about. That's the surprise. And that's only on the show because the celebration continues on over at society, over on all of our socials, so. It's just a bang up good time. Bang up. The intro, the new freaking intro? Yeah, it's pretty amazing. I don't know, I don't wanna, I don't want to spell it out for you, but it's, it's all in there, you know? Well. And it was created entirely in house, except for the music which we had to bring in. So first of all, I'll say, visually, this thing created all in house. Great job team, did an amazing job on this thing. It could very well be, yeah. Our best intro. [Rhett's Thoughts] Yes. An homage. It's an homage to all previous intros, especially the first one ever, which you know, you know when that you saw it. It's also an homage to you as a loyal viewer for making us a part of your daily routine. You're like giving away all the Easter eggs, and the- Yeah, so you can, okay. I'll leave it at that, but it's an homage to you. Super proud, and then Pamplemousse, who wrote the original Good Mythical Morning theme song, came back and produce this updated version. And I think that there's gonna, they're releasing that, like the making of the intro on their YouTube channel. So you can check that out. So amazing work all around, very nostalgic. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. And like I said, check out our Ear Biscuits where we talk more about 10 years. It's going to be a big week, a big year. I feel- Biggest year ever. I just feel like there's so much promise, and not just because I won the darts today. Well, don't get used to that now, because I get the, I get the cheat next time. Get as adventurous as you want in your kitchen with the mythical kitchen merch collection available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 363,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: lKfUBXnAjNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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