Rhett's 4 Year Old Walks Into a Bar

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This may be the funniest story since Link's broken pelvis.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/peachgeek 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2013 🗫︎ replies
my four-year-old son did something that I don't think any four-year-old could do should do or would want to do let's talk about that hi I'm Jacob and I'm John from Harrison Ontario Canada good mythical morning good mythical morning you're wearing a bow tie today is a special day right not only is it Monday not only is this the 225th episode of good mythical morning but it's special in more ways but you know what they say about guys who wear bowties what yeah that guy with the bowtie I don't like him I've never won a bowtie yeah I don't anyone doesn't I don't like guys with bowties but but today is so special guys who make it who decide to wear bowties threat just because I'm just trying to say that today is so I'm building to something here that's not about my bowtie it's okay you can wear it all you want - I'm just telling what I think about it I'm willing to take the risk associated with wearing a bowtie order - it's a clip-on I mean it's a clip-on I know you couldn't tie one that well I'm willing to take the risk associated with wearing a clip-on bow tie in order to make the point that today is special for not only those other reasons but also for the reason that it is just another day allow me to preach for a second that's why I'm wearing my blue jacket we do not take lightly the fact that we are privileged to be able to do this this I'm being serious here be serious with me I'm backing you up brother look at him he's backing me up he's being serious we are privileged to be able to do this it's a privilege it's a privilege to be able to come into your home or your office or car or whatever way you're experienced there you are and and that you care you know and that you watch and that this is not for nobody but it is for a special group of somebodies mythical beasts you who care is give me a couple gaps we are we are privileged to be able to do this and we do not take that lightly we take it heavily and I just want to say thank you and Rhett wants to say thank and you're welcome that's all I got to say I was beautiful link it would have been this is much more effective if you didn't have that bowtie on it's it's special you know here's what's gonna happen everybody in the comments is gonna be like I love the bowtie you should do that that could be your thing so I'm just I'm still the whole balance thing here they're gonna love the bowtie you know so I'm just and you got a tuxedo shirt on - where'd you get that boat no it's just a regulation it's got like the tux thing in the back let's get to this though a couple of things Shepard did that you teased to at the top of this yeah I don't want to take away from that I don't want to delay it any longer I have children you have children one of my children is 4 years old his name is Shepard you may remember him from some of our videos what would you like for Christmas a pet night a pet lion sure you want something else beside to that that bird and moto Akina he's very cute he's very smart and he's very independent and he has demonstrated that in a couple of ways recently okay uh when we were at home in North Carolina still call it home by the way I'm is where the heart is over the holidays we went out to eat the last night that we were there with my brother my brother's got four children good gracious and a wife well so this is a big group of people that we take we're vicious and so it was all of us together at this wines restaurant Wang's wings oh and it's not like it no it's not a Japanese restaurant well that would be Chinese probably okay and anyway so we get through with our wonderful meal and then as we're about to leave or saying our goodbyes because we're about to go to the airport my my four-year-old son Shepard says we hear him say I'm thirsty but you know there's so many kids running around and we're saying about him it's kind of late in the restaurant think kids are always thinking you know they're always thirsty they're always either drinking or pean you know or thirsty yeah tell me something I don't know and so we get to the - to the exit of the restaurant and we realize that we have all these kids but one of the kids that we don't have is Shepard and Jesse's like where's Shepard and I'm like I don't know he's just my love us to look out for him now that he's my kid I don't know where he's at and then we look over my brother Cole is pointing towards a certain part of the restaurant like this and we go over there and we see that Shepherd he's at the bar what do you know what do you mean at the bar do you mean that he's bartending that he's that he's like no throwing cups around serving the ladies he's at the bar and he has a drink he's a he's a he's a customer but he owned a bar still you know he's he is shorter than the bar stool like what he's almost the same height as the bar stool and then he's good six inches below the bar itself and he's sitting there with a non-alcoholic beverage hey ice water with a straw in it and he's just sitting there drinking it smiling so big and then we go over there and the bartenders and we're like Shepherd and the waters like he just came up and asked for a drink he just he came up to the bar and asked me for a water well if you're thirsty that's the guy to go to so then forget the parents so here they don't give her a reason south Shepherd's mind works he's like I'm thirsty I set it at the table nobody responded they're all leaving there's a place over there where a guy keeps giving drinks to people who ask for him yeah I'm going to him now keep in mind I'm a pretty independent guy you've known me since we were six years old I would never have done this at four years old four years old is young for those of you who don't know how young four years old that's like that's young and kids just don't it's just you know usually when they get separated from you at a restaurant like begin panicking a little bit but not my son my son goes to the bar and orders himself a drink I remember being seven years old I might have been six and I got separated from my mom at the mall I went up the escalator and I got to the top and I realized she was nowhere to be seen my world collapsed around me I mean yeah well I didn't faint but I mean I was I remember to this day I can I can taste the fear in the back of my throat oh it's coming up right where did it taste like tasted like bile oh really yeah Oh like a whale it was horrified okay well that's not the only thing that he's done and that was seven because I got another story and listen if you don't have if you have children you know what you're gonna relate with me more on this but we were all children at one time so just think about that okay don't speak for everyone my wife and I liked it too especially me I like to joke around with my kids I like to tell them things that aren't true my wife and I especially me mainly me only me likes I lie to my kids I like to get them to believe something and then look at the the look of astonishment on their face and be I'm just messing with you I'm just joking you know I don't let things continue on I just like messing with fostering mistrust with all your children and one of the things author of the year then one of the things that we've done with Locke who's eight my oldest son uh a lot of times is you know would be like hey Locke you want to go with us tonight or you wanna you want to be stay here by yourself and he's like I wanna go with you you like me I see it you can see a sense of panic like if you're going out to dinner right or you want to sleep like we'll get home from being out as a family and I'll be like hey Locke you want to sleep in the car tonight outside you know on the street and they'll be like no dad I want to go inside so you know I have fun with my kids like yeah that's fun slash cruel and so because that's Locke's personality but Shephard okay so Locke spend the night with a friend the other night and Jesse and I are gonna go out with Shepherd the three of us are going to go out to a restaurant and eat and Shepherds like is there a bar there yeah right so we get ready to leave and Shepherd is on the couch and I say Shepherd um you want to go with us or you want to stay here by yourself he's like you were just joke and doing your normal of course it would be illegal to leave him alone first of all and I would never do that he says I want to stay here I'm like like no hesitation like okay and then the Jesse and I look at each other and we're both thinking let's push this as far as we can and see what happens you didn't premeditate this because you didn't assume you did not it was a total joke I thought he was just gonna say no I want to go with you dad you know yeah but when he said yes I was like okay well this like totally serious let's just see what happens okay so then he says then he volunteers information he tells Jesse I'll put myself to bed and I'll find something to watch on Netflix and so he's like dad turn on Netflix and find Netflix for kids you know you can do the Netflix for Kids thing he knows that he's limited to the four kids area and then we get there anything he says I got it from here I got it from here once we get into Netflix from kids he's like I got it from here he's getting like just lease get out and see yeah I'm like this is amazing it's as if he was waiting for this moment yeah like he had his speech prepared not only was he like ah yeah go ahead I'll stay here but he was like uh yeah go ahead I'll stay here just before you leave do these things in my checklist which I prepared when I was two I'll put myself to bed he knows all the things that we're thinking but my thinking of bed all the things you tell baby says yeah right you're right well I'll make sure you put into bed by this time boy make sure he sees vegetables more if you might only stays in that part of Netflix so then I'm like okay Shepherd we're leaving so Jesse and I go out the door shut the door and we're like okay we're gonna go in the front yard and look in the window because we can see the whole living room so we go over to the window Shepherd comes up to the window gets on the couch that's right infront of the window looks out the window we can't really see cuz it's nighttime he looked out there just kinda looks around and smiles and waves and nobody I thought he'd okay okay he's breaking down he's gonna come to the window crying you're gonna leave me he comes to the window it's like he turns around runs back to the couch finds the thing that he wants to watch selects it and then literally leans back against the back of the couch with his feet up you know he's so small his feet don't even go past the cushion he's just sitting up there on the couch and then he gets this look on his face like I've done like this is the best moment of my life and so then I'm thinking well how long is this gonna last we waited five minutes you're like posted outside the window we waited for I took pictures of him you can't really see him through the window we waited five minutes he just sat there enjoying himself he was totally committed it is just splendid and so we go back inside and we're like Shepherd we're not gonna leave you and then he's like oh haha he's upset with us that we came back so then we have to talk him into going to the restaurant with us oh gosh is what is shiny moment finally I got rid of my parents you busted it up nah hey listen I'm telling you you you know you know how unusual this is because yeah you've got kids also oh it might get my kids would never do that I mean it's totally a personality type but it's such a specific thing at that age to do that I mean I my kids are more like me they're like you know Lando I mean he's about to turn three I leave the house and like I'll close the door and then I will hear him crying like I've told him by he's like he wants me to come back he doesn't want me to leave makes me feel great you must have felt like crap do where that boat on when that happens no are we going back to just and all I can see didn't you feel like crap when you ruin your outside the window and he was a sight good gosh think no goodness there at all what I thought to myself is we have an opportunity with this child he has something so yeah leave him and do whatever you want yeah we don't need a babysitter we have an opportunity to enjoy yourselves and never pay a babysitter no we've got to channel this independence into something productive well because it can be it can be something incredible yeah you bet yeah yeah we got a channel it yeah but you got a channel it got to get the riverbanks in there enjoy it okay how are you gonna do that well I'm working on it yeah you're working on well why don't you just ask him to work on it yeah see see he probably has a plan for that too it's like well Shepherd you were gonna put yourself to bed you were gonna do the Netflix thing but I mean what about if we gave you a month what would you do I might just like give it we might send into college early or something like 11 he'll be one of those kids you know we run into place got his feet propped up dude watching kids Netflix harness it we have fixed the wheel by the way it is just a statistical phenomenon that it keeps landing in this area teenagers who only talk while texting
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,249,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids, 4 years old, bar, drink, walked into a bar, funny kid stories, drinking, liquor, rhettandlink, rhett, link, Good Mythical Morning, funny video, kids in bars, kids in a bar, kid in a bar, a kid walks into a bar, gmm, good mythical morning
Id: Ax1gFrY_l18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2013
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