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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna tell you guys why i don't keep food in my room anymore at least why i don't keep this particular food in my room anymore so when i was a kid my dad used to leave the country a lot every time you would come back you'd always bring us some sort of goodie always be like bracelets t-shirts and candy one time after a trip to i think it was dominican republic brought us back a bunch of lollipops these are not normal lollipops like you're thinking in your head these are these giant brown flat lollipops now instead of eating them me and my sister decided to be best to hoard them yes that's right keep them in our room for as long as possible for what purpose i don't know i think it was probably like no we can't eat them now if something happens and we need them bruh it's not every day that we got candy apparently so we kept them in our room we kind of put them on display up against the wall right in between both of our beds in this very room this time i was about six my sister's about year and a half older than me so she was like seven i guess now these lollipops were given to both of us they were displayed equally distance between both of our beds because they belong to us both i'm not really sure how this happened one night me and my sister went to bed but then my sister started tossing and turning calls out for my mom my mom comes and she's like what's wrong oh my god i'm ready this is part two of why i don't keep food in my room anymore so my mom came into our room she asked my sister hey what's wrong she was like oh my body i'm itchy mom's like oh maybe there's a mosquito my sister's like no it's all over she moves my sister either maybe it's your bed she looks at her blanket oh my gosh there's ants here she shakes the blanket ants crawl everywhere under her pillow ants she lifts the mattress guys her bed was infested with ants why there was the faintest trail leading to our lollipops my mom's like hey you get out of the bag so i got out of bed they checked my bed was completely clean was one measly ant literally one i can just one my bed had no issues sister could not sleep there oh they ended up throwing our lollipops away and we were devastated and my sister got a lot of unnecessary ant bites and i didn't get any it's okay because every time we go outside i get swarmed with mosquitoes and she doesn't get bit at all my neighbors saw me naked story time so sometimes a sleeps naked because i get hot as and because i heard a lot of good things about it but anyways this particular night a was naked and i woke up out of my slumber thirsty as like i was literally feeling like spongebob when he went to sandy's but a didn't put on clothes like a normal person because it was like three o'clock in the morning and no one was up so i thought it would be a good idea to get out of bed and get water naked so i'm getting my water and minding my own business and my boyfriend's mom decides to come out of the room and she knew i was in the kitchen but she didn't know i was naked and she starts walking towards me and i was like oh hell no i wasn't about to have my boyfriend's mom see me nakey you got me up so i thought it would be a good idea to run outside the back door which leads to our backyard but because i did that my boyfriend's mom obviously thought it was suspicious so she opens the back door and calls my name so i run through the side of the house to get to the front of the garage door my thought process at the time i was gonna put in the garage code to get into the house through the garage but that didn't happen part two gonna be funny my neighbors saw me naked story time so i ran through the side of the house to get to the garage door that's in the front of the house keep in mind i am bare booty chicks naked running outside just so my boyfriend's mom didn't see me naked so i get to the garage door and i put in the cup the code wasn't working and i'm just standing there freaking out like no no i was standing right here butt naked trying to put in this code and the fence is pretty low so if my neighbors came out they would definitely see me naked which is exactly what happened it was 3am and my neighbors came out i guess i was being super loud so my neighbors came out and they're like hey who's over there and i literally stood there frozen as shook i look like a daring headlight after i was done freaking out i thought it would be a good idea to book it so i started running towards the front door that was the dumbest decision ever because if i didn't do that my neighbors probably wouldn't have seen me naked once i decided to make a run for it the outside light came on because the light is triggered by a motion sensor then the light flashed on me and me my neighbor just stared at each other like then i ran for the front door which happened to be unlocked [Music] is [Music] my fiance's girl best friend has never liked me we were all hanging out when madison and michael came out from a room with madison crying michael looks at me and starts swearing and says i'm a raging being hormonal and pregnant i start crying and asking what's wrong proceeds to tell me about the text message i sent madison i told her i would not allow her near our child i only sent this text message after the many racist texts she sent me about my child and i me being biracial and all instead of hearing me out michael kicked me out of the house that we shared on my way out i felt a lower cramp in my abdomen and i thought nothing of this because i was not due for another three weeks when i flinched from the paint michael told me to stop faking on my way to my mom's i felt a gush of water and immediately turned the car around so that i would make it to the hospital i tried calling michael numerous times but my call was quickly declined i gave birth to our baby all by myself i decided to do something and post all the hurtful messages madison sent me on facebook michael calls me and i inform him about my whereabouts and he shows up 42 minutes later he has tried to apologize multiple times but i don't think i can forgive him i went through the pain of pushing out a pound baby all by myself because he chose to listen to his best friend over his fiance should i forgive him put a finger down if when you were 15 years old you went to your first high school party my mom thought you're sleeping over your friend's house and you were sleeping with your friend's house but she had just gotten her license a few weeks before and she wanted to take you and your other friend to this party and when you got to the party you'd never drink before in your entire life so you didn't really want to start that night but your friend starts drinking and you're like oh my god why are you drinking you're lining one of us who has a license you have to drive us home how are you gonna get home and she just like oh you have your permit you can take his home and you're just like no i've only driven three times in my entire life and never at night and i've only had my permit for a month i can't drive this home but your friend's already drunk so you have to take them home so you're sitting there mentally preparing yourself people drive your friends home even though you don't actually know it or driving the same time you just got out of your first relationship ever and your ex-boyfriend keeps texting you and calling you being like can you talk and you're like no he can't talk i'm dealing with something right now but he thinks you're with another guy but you're not with another guy you're just dealing with something and then your mom calls you you have to leave the party you go outside to talk to her so that she can't hear what's happening inside and she's just freaking out crying and screaming oh my god just knew i am but she doesn't know where you are it's much worse than that her co-worker's daughter was murdered that night and your body goes limp and you're just like oh my god she was so nice and she was only 18 years old and now she's dead and then the cops show up to the party because you guys get into a fight you have to drive you and your friends and some guy named eric is 20 years old gets in the back of the car and goes can you take me home and you leave him to 7 11 parking lot when i was 15 years old i found out i was pregnant with twins my boyfriend at the time was 21 and had nothing to do with me when he knew i wasn't going to give them up for adoption or abortion he walked away my mom was disappointed but she helped me throughout my entire pregnancy and my delivery a few weeks before my due date my boyfriend texted me saying he broke up with this girl and that he wanted to get together and he was going to try to become the best dad he can after the twins were born it was blissful for a few moments until my mother started becoming toxic she would take them places without my knowledge and i would wake up to an empty house not knowing where my kids were she started overriding my decisions and when i confronted her she told me she knew better because she was an adult and i was in no position to contradict her after years of this happening i finally had enough and i managed to get enough money to afford a hotel for a couple of nights while i decided what to do i asked my aunt to watch my kids for a few days so i can go out and find a job and when i returned to the motel they were gone all of them when i returned back to the hotel my twins and my honor missing no phone call no message no nothing coincidentally my mom calls and says that my best friend told her that my twins were missing even though i told no one she was yelling me on the phone saying she was so worried it was obviously my fault because i was so young and at that point i was really suspicious because i could hear my aunt in the background talking to my mom so at that point i knew she took them to my mom's house as soon as i hung up on the phone i went to the police station to file a report for a few days the police went undercover to try to get evidence and there was many pictures showing my mom taking my twins to their house when we took her to court she said that they ran away due to my abuse and she found them in the middle of the street which was obviously a complete lie my mom had paid my boyfriend to give her false information that i was hurting my kids after a long and gruesome battle i won the case and my mom can't see them until they're 18. even though my boyfriend at the time had a major part in it he only has visitation limitations which is once every six weeks this happened three years ago when i was 18 i am now married to the love of my life and the best father in the world [Music] sometimes the person that you fall in love with and have kids with is not the person that you think they are this story was sent to me through my instagram dms from a girl named shay when shea was four years old she met this girl and for the purpose of the video we are going to call her alice they've been best friends forever but there was always something a little off about alice and last year shea figured out what it was alice's mom was a polish ice dancer that moved to amsterdam and long story short she fell in love with this guy that she barely knew and had alice shortly after alice was born they had another kid named rosie and again with the same guy that she did not know what he was capable of when alice was three her mom started entering her beauty pageants just for fun then she started winning all of these pageants and her dad noticed that she had this potential after alice won her third competition her mom overheard a conversation that her dad was having on the phone the father was saying something along the lines of i think that she would make a man very very happy and the man on the phone asked what about the other one and the dad responded she's not of age yet alice's mom did not know what to do but she knew she had to get away it's a long story i'm running out of time but part two is coming right now part two of alice's dad like literally trying to sell her to a man also this is a baby picture of alice so alice's mom overheard the conversation of her dad literally trying to sell her and so she was like oh my god i gotta get out of here she didn't really know what was going on but day by day she started packing very slowly so that he wouldn't notice that they were leaving so one night alice's mom heard these strange men talking outside of alice's bedroom door they said don't worry about it we'll tell her mother that she died in the hospital last night after she stopped breathing so it was go time because they were literally about to take so while the men were in the lounge planning on how to take alice alice's mom woke her up and said we have to go they quickly packed a bag and decided to come back the next morning to get rosie but that was a big mistake so that night they slept at a cheap motel and then the next morning they called the police but the police said they couldn't do anything without solid evidence so they take matters into their own hands and go back to the house to go get rosie they managed to sneak past the front door and go around the house to get to rosie's window but when they get there and they look inside rosie is laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood i'm sorry it's so long but part three is the last part and it's coming right now part three of alice's dad trying to sell her to men when she was four years old so sadly alice and her mom did not come back in time because rosie was dead rosie was lying there in her bedroom in a pool of her own blood and then they started freaking out and they had to leave because somebody was coming so they rushed back to the motel and called the police and they say you have to go back to her house and check it because there is evidence there but when they arrived her body was gone rosie was not there anymore and neither was any furniture in the house everything was gone there was no trace of anything and this left the police very angry because it seemed as if they wasted their time then the police went to the motel to tell alice and her mom what happened and then they see alice's dad sitting in his car outside of the motel the police saw him and in a blink of an eye he was gone the next day alice and her mom moved to south africa which is where they live now but two days before he attempted to sell alice he got a passport two years went by and they did not see him at all and alice was homeschooled for protection but then one day shay alice and alice's mom went to the park and they were playing in the park until alice's mom started freaking out and saying get up we have to go right now and it turns out alice's dad was sitting there on a bench in the park right across from them staring at them but that's the last they saw of him so when my parents decided to get a divorce i chose to stay with my dad he was more financially stable and he also promised to take care of me in the future and help me go through college as long as i graduated when my grandmother from my mother's side passed away i received a thirty thousand dollar inheritance and recently my grandfather from my father's side passed away and left me with fifty thousand dollars as well i was also working part-time jobs and with all that i was able to save enough to comfortably put me through my four years of school one day my mom surprised my stepsister and bought her a brand new car i was kind of shocked because it was way out of their budget because i knew they were struggling financially when i looked at my bank account i saw that a majority of my money was missing i had my mom on all of my accounts because she wanted to monitor to make sure i don't spend too much money i never would have thought she would have taken this and paid for my step-sister's car her reasoning was that my step-sister had a brighter future and had a bigger possibility of going to an ivy league school and providing for us in the future i a student who gets mostly b's and c's would just take over the family business so i didn't really need it and i could always work in the future [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] really messy story time when i was a freshman in high school i had just transferred from private school to public school so i had no friends i knew nobody and i didn't know anybody's reputation nobody decided to warn me about this girl anyways so it was fall it was football season i was still new and i had about like three friends and we all hung out in this group and i could actually walk to school it was about like a 5-10 minute walk from my house and the football game had pretty much ended so we decided to leave to beat the crowd and on my way home some lady like hits me with her car when i say hit me with her car i don't mean she was going at like 50 miles an hour and my body rolled up on her windshield it was a slight tap and i fell over so she gets out of the car first asks if i'm okay and then proceeds to scream at me and threaten to call the cops because my body hit her car and i'm standing there with my friends and we just decided to start running away from her and at this point i'm like two minutes away from my house i am posting part two right now part two of my messy story time so the lady hits me with her car and then gets out and says are you okay and then proceeds to scream at me and threaten to call the cops this was before karen's were invented but she was probably like the birth giver of karen's so i didn't know what to do nobody knew what to do um she kind of got back in her car and so i started running away because i thought she was gonna call the cops for hitting me with her car and then we get to my house and for some odd reason can't tell you to this day why i gave the girl that was in the group the garage code to my house it was two girls two guys me and the girl and then two other guys she was dating one of the guys my dad was infuriated with me for giving out our passcode to some random stranger and i get that now but i was like 14. because i come to find out that she is a literal psychopath my dad's a psychologist and he can pretty much off the bat see if something's wrong with you like you can spend two minutes with him and he'll tell you that you have adhd part three is on its way part three of my really messy story from freshman year so my dad's mad at me because i gave out our garage passcode which i understand now especially because again i come to find out that she's literally a psychopath if you've been following me for a while you might know i did kind of a partial story on her she literally hit on my dad in front of me and there's a 44 year age difference between them anyways moving on so yes my dad's a psychologist he can easily tell that somebody's crazy but that is not how i knew like she would run away from her house solely for the purpose of posting it on social media and getting attention from it she would run to my house we actually had to change our garage code just in case i'm not done with the story but i will also say that she dropped out of school for like a few months and told everybody it was to go away and have her boyfriend's baby when that was proven not to be the case was never pregnant eventually he broke up with her and she lied about being in the hospital from a car crash to get his attention part four the last part is on his way this is why you never get out of your car for a stranger back in the 80s there was this teenager who was speeding home because he didn't want to get yelled at for missing curfew and the only way to get home was to take this back road that was completely made of dirt it was in the country it had no lighting other than his crappy dim headlights so he's hauling ass down this dirt road and suddenly he sees this man standing in the middle of the dirt road so he slams on his brakes starts sliding on the dirt and ends up hitting this guy so the teenager gets out of the car he checks the guy he has a pulse but he's unconscious so he picks him up and puts him in his back seat so he drives 35 minutes to the nearest hospital and this was before cell phone so he calls his parents once he gets to the hospital and says what happened and the parents come and sit and wait with him to find out if he killed the guy or not so the doctor comes out and says to the teenager he's okay but we're actually kind of glad that you hit him he's so confused and he asks why it turns out a lot of people had been going to the hospital because this man would stand in the middle of dirt roads wait for them to stop beat them up rob them and run away he even killed somebody and just left them there for somebody else to pick up and take to the hospital the police were looking for this man for days and this teenager just had him in his back seat hey in high school i had a friend who lived in this old small apartment building and on the first floor was this old guy named dave who had apparently lived in the building forever and no one really knew what dave's deal was the only time people saw him is when he walked outside to walk his tiny dog but other than that he never left his apartment he had a nephew who delivered him groceries once a week my friend just assumed that dave was too old or had some sort of sickness that prevented him from leaving the house one day my friend was coming home from school and dave's nephew was leaving the apartment building my friend is really sweet so she was like hey i know dave sometimes has troubles getting out of the house so if you ever need me to go over there and bring him something let me know i'm always happy to help and the nephew looked really shocked and terrified he was like no you should never go over to dave's ever and then he got really awkward and he was like okay gotta go bye and then a few weeks later my friend was coming home from a halloween party late at night and when she got inside her apartment building dave's door on the first floor was wide open and it was pitch black inside his apartment but then she heard something behind her so my friend hears something behind her but it's pitch black she's like hello and then she finds the switch to the hallway lights turns them on and dave is standing right there with this small dog she's like hey dave you kind of scared me and dave was like oh sorry i was looking for the light switch myself but that didn't make any sense because he wasn't standing anywhere close to the switch and he had been living in that apartment building for 30 years so she starts walking up the stairs and then dave says i've been working on a project that i'm really excited to show you and my friend's like oh like an art project and dave's like yeah kinda and she's like okay well maybe my mom and i can come by another time to see it and then they say goodnight but she just feels pretty weird about the whole interaction a few months later she's at school and she gets a text from her mom that she has to work late and won't be home to make dinner that afternoon my friend walks home walks up the stairs to her apartment building goes to unlock the door but then realizes the door is already unlocked sometimes her mom would forget to lock the door so it wasn't totally out of the ordinary but it was winter and it was already getting dark outside even though it was only 4 pm so she turns on all the lights to her apartment but then all of a sudden all the lights switch off she tries to switch all the lights back on but they're not working anymore and all of a sudden she's finding it really hard to breathe she's afraid she might faint so she kneels down onto the floor then suddenly she feels sharp nails running down her back and she tries to move but she feels so weak that she can't she turns around to see who it is but before she can she blacks out the next thing she remembers is waking up in a hospital bed and her mom is sitting next to her looking really worried her mom's like everything's okay there was a carbon monoxide leak in the apartment and you passed out the nurses like in the next few weeks you may feel tired or sluggish or have hallucinations don't worry that's totally normal and my friend is like what about the back scratches her mom's like what are you talking about so she runs to the bathroom pulls up her hospital gown and there are four dark scratches on her back when she comes back from the bathroom her mom looks concerned and she goes honey there's also something else you should know dave who lived on the first floor passed away and they've been cleaning out his apartment and they found something and it might freak you out but i feel like you should know about it mom tells her that they found a weird box of things in his closet and inside that box were random pictures of her an old hairbrush pieces of hair a pair of shoes that she thought she had lost and the nurses think that the scratches are from when she fainted but she's sure she felt someone scratching her back and she's sure that it was the ghost of dave if you ever see a random staircase in the woods you have to get away as fast as you can never climb them there was a story going around a couple years ago stating that there are abandoned staircases in national forests around the world like deep deep in the forest away from anybody it's just a staircase no other structure attached to it some stairs are in ruins some are perfectly sturdy some are iron spirals like the kind you'd find in a lighthouse and they literally just reach up to nowhere and there are so many different theories as to why these stairs are there and what actually happens when you climb them only a few have ever dared to climb the staircases and the people who have report feeling unnerved and unwelcome or even nauseous when they're up on the stairs some people say the stairs lead to another dimension other people say it leads to hell others say that's why so many people and kids go missing in national forests because they climb these stairs and they're never seen again [Music] i was 11 years old when my mom kicked me out of the house for the first time it was a school day the sun wasn't even out so you know what i did [Music] i took a in the front yard and i smeared it on her house with a leaf and then i took my happy ass on a school bus with a trash bag of my belongings and went to school and i told all of my friends naturally i thought this was the best revenge i thought this was a normal thing that that happened between daughters and mothers i got sent to the guidance counselor and then a few years later i found out that my stepdad had to power wash my faces off of their house so one day my parents were throwing a pool party and they invited my crush's family so he kind of he kind of had to come uh probably didn't want to so then it was time everyone was about to go in the pool and then they were like oh my god who's gonna be the first one to jump in who's the bright one so i was like i'm the brave one it's me so i decided to do a cartwheel into the pool to make a dramatic appearance guess what no no no no no no i didn't land in the pool no no [Music] so i was just on my stomach bouncing from the cartwheel because i guess it was like a lot of power and i look up at him and he's like oh did you guys see that oh my god anthony you're so smart you're so smart yes we saw we saw i fell and landed like a tortilla i was a product of an affair between my mom and dad my mom was already married and had a one-year-old daughter she wanted to abort me but my dad begged her and paid her a hefty sum she signed over all rights and i didn't see her for my 14 years of life she recently contacted my dad saying she wanted to get to know me better and he said it's entirely up to me i was skeptical but decided to meet her i've been talking to my mom's side for about two months when at a family gathering they all sat me down and said the reason they contacted me was because my half-sister was having kidney failure and was basically dying a loss for words i got up and left told my dad and he said it's entirely up to me but i should get tested just to see before i make my decision so i did when my mom found out she thought this was me agreeing and told everyone the good news i did a lot of thinking and i decided i would not be donating my kidney this family had done nothing for me the only reason they tried to get in contact was for my kidney i don't want anything to do with them i got loads of hateful calls and messages but decided to stand by my decision my step sister called me and said i'm a douche for giving her false hope people are saying i'm wrong because i can save a life my step sister did nothing wrong but i feel so couple years ago i went to a party with my brother so my brother and i walk into the house where the party is then the party host comes up to us and he's like hey guys go pick a cup so we go pick a cup there was like a pink cup a red cup a gold cup i didn't think much of it so i just grabbed the pink cup i didn't really know that many people at the party so i just got my pink cup got some water went to go sit down in the living room it was alone it was dark i was like this is perfect i love being alone actually no i don't i just don't have friends but it's okay so as i'm just like sitting down in the darkness alone this random guy just comes and sits really close to me so then the guy randomly just like taps me on the shoulder he's like look at my pants and i was like oh nice jeans whatever and he's like no no look and so i look closely and you know his pickle down there is like sticking up like oh my god i was like dude no like no no and he's like but you got the pink cup and i was like yeah it's like the pink cup means you're down to smash whenever like what you said [Music] what is [Music] for those of you who live in california you might know this house this is a picture of sarah winchester and after her infant daughter died and her husband died of tuberculosis she decided to move out west and start a new life she bought this eight bedroom farmhouse in san jose california and then she turned it into this why you ask well her late husband owned this gun company and she went to a psychic and the psychic told her that the people that bought these guns from them the people that they killed were going to come and haunt her so she turned this into this with all the money she had which nowadays would be about 76 million dollars to confuse the ghosts that were haunting her she had carpenters and construction workers working around the clock non-stop to build staircases that led to nowhere very confusing architecture again with the stairs windows on the floors along with doors that led to nowhere six kitchens 13 bathrooms 10 000 windows and 47 stairways and fireplaces all to confuse the ghosts that live there and you can go visit it when i was in fourth grade i started becoming friends with this girl maddie she was the coolest girl in the grade everyone loved her she wasn't a mean popular girl though she was really nice one day maddie invited me over for a sleepover and i of course said yes so i'm at maddie's house we're having a great time but one thing i didn't tell matty is that i'm slightly lactose intolerant and her dad made three cheese macaroni that night for dinner but i was too nervous to say anything so i ate the entire bowl and then we started watching a movie and i'm really not feeling good so i go to the bathroom and i take a huge but for some reason the toilet isn't flushing it's not clogged but you just can't flush so i panic i look through her bathroom cabinets and i find ziploc bags i reach into the toilet and i take my out and i put it in the ziploc bag and then i throw it out the window a few weeks later in school maddie tells me that her mom is worried they have a peeping tom coming to their house trying to scare them her mom called the police and asked them to keep an eye on her street and when i asked maddie why her mom thought that she said well it's pretty gross but he pooped in a ziplock bag and threw it at her rose bushes maddy said my mom's really upset because the rose bushes are where my mom put my grandma's ashes i was like oh yeah that's super scary hopefully they find the guy who did that and hopefully maddie never sees this tick tock put a finger down if in the eighth grade you took a taxi to school every single day because you lived too close to be eligible for the school bus and too far to walk and you shared this taxi with another girl that went to your school and the two of you ended up becoming kind of close by the end of the year and then for your year-end grad trip to quebec in ottawa you your two best friends and then a fourth totally random girl we're all planning on being in the same hotel room a week before you're supposed to leave for this trip your taxi partner ends up telling you about how your fourth roommate called you the b word and a bunch of other nasty things behind your back so obviously you're really upset by this but you're hesitant to tell the teacher because a you're not a snitch b she doesn't like you and c she was really clear about the rooms being final so you end up telling her anyways because your best friend convinces you and comes with you to tell her you break down into tears while telling her but she ends up being really sympathetic towards you and promises you that she's going to get to the bottom of it so you trust her until the next day you and your best friend get called down to the office by the random girls teacher and like for part two so then you and your best friend go down to the office where the teacher is waiting for you and then she takes you up to her classroom and already has two chairs ready for you guys so the two of you sit down and the teacher sits down across from you then the teacher asks you to tell her your side of the story so you and your best friend tell her exactly what you told the other teacher which is that this fourth random roommate was calling you all of these nasty names and you know this because your taxi partner told you so then the teacher looks at you and goes i don't believe a word you just said and i know that you're lying and you and your best friend are super confused and look at each other completely dumbfounded because you're not lying and then the teacher goes on to say that she's going to tell you what she knows and believes to have happened and accuses you guys of making up this entire story so that you wouldn't have to be in a room with this fourth random girl you and your best friend obviously deny this because it's not true but as you're pleading your case you can tell that the teacher's not buying it so you tell her if you don't believe me ask my taxi partner and then she tells you that she already talked to your taxi partner who denied ever telling you that this happened so you end up looking like a really big liar and you're super confused as to what's going on but you finally get to the bottom of it and like for part three [Music] and so what ends up happening is you are in a room with this fourth random girl for the entirety of the trip but you can't let go of this idea of why your taxi partner lied about telling you that this girl was saying nasty things about you and then you figure out that most likely what happened was that your taxi partner used you and manipulated you by lying to you that this girl was saying nasty things behind your back so that you could get the fourth random girl out of your room and somehow your taxi partner could be her replacement even though to you this makes a little sense and is a very poorly thought out plan but seems to be the truth i literally want to cry so if you didn't know i have a sister and her name's ashley and we both have boyfriends and every night we both fall asleep on the phone with our boyfriends so one day we're all hanging out and we're like just talking and my sister's boyfriend looks at me and he's like you need to stop going into your sister's room in the middle of the night and i look at him and i'm like what are you talking about i don't have a reason to go into her room like i don't go into her room especially in the middle of the night then my boyfriend hops in the conversation and he's like no no no he's like no i hear ashley go into kayla's room every night and stare at her so me and my sister both look at each other and we're like we don't go into each other's rooms do we and we agreed that we do not and they said this has been going on for months so for months somebody or something has been going into me and my sister's room for about 15 minutes every night and watching us sleep but it only gets worse when i was like five years old i almost got kidnapped story time but back in the day it used to be safe for kids to play out on the street or so i thought you know when you're a little kid you really don't listen to your parents well anyways what happened was that my mom was cooking and i was like mommy please please please please let me play outside with my new scooter my mom was always very protective so she would not let us out of her sight she's like i'm gonna go outside for two minutes with you then we're gonna come right back inside i was like yay so i'm just over here playing outside and my mom was like those who don't know that means she was burning tortillas she's like sit on the steps here in the driveway you know me being a dumb little child i was like let me see how fast i can go we here i go with my scooter i'm still in the driveway this man and this woman are walking across the street then that creepy man was like hey come here that woman was like i just want to see your scooter i dropped that scooter and i said skirt they started running after me up my driveway so i woke up one day and a started her period fast forward three hours the end of third period came and i was walking to my next class right so i'm a loner no one was walking with me okay no one no one but the holy spirit and i and then my crush like taps me on the shoulder right oh this is where it got so good my crush taps me on my shoulder and he's like are you okay do you need help do you need me to call your mom i was like oh my god when bae cares about your heart is so then i finally see someone i know and she's like you have a big blood stain on your ass i told her to take a picture of it it looked like someone shot me in the ass so after hiding in the bathroom for like an hour my crush jams me he deadass says hey i don't know what happened you should get your ass checked out when bae thinks he goes short in the house there's no way home and i [Music] this is why you should never go scuba diving in a big group this is a picture of tom and eileen lonergan and on january 25th 1998 they had no idea what was about to happen to them they wanted the chance to scuba dive in the largest coral reef system in the world so they set sail with 26 other people and went 25 miles away from the coast of queensland australia which was their original location tom and eileen only thought they'd be going scuba diving for 40 minutes and they'd come back up and then they'd go back to their hotel so after about 40 minutes everybody boards the boat and they go back to queensland the next day another group of divers go out to the same location and one of the divers found dive weights at the bottom of the ocean they didn't think anything of it until they couldn't find tom and eileen it had been two full days until anybody even noticed that they were gone the people in the group with them just assumed they were out doing stuff or seeing australia people wanted to check on them to see if they were okay so they went to the lonergan's hotel room and sitting outside of their door was their luggage and that is when everybody realized they left them behind because it had been two days and their luggage was untouched running out of time but part two coming right now part two of tom and eileen lonergan's disappearance so yes they had gone scuba diving in the largest coral reef system in the world with a very big group and after two days of nobody seeing them they started to get worried so they ran to their hotel room and their luggage had been untouched sitting outside of their door a massive search went underway and both air and sea teams went to go look for the couple for three days rescue members found their diving gear ashore along with a dive slate a dive slate is basically an easel or white board that you can write on underwater the slate said to anyone who can help us we have been abandoned on ag and court reef reef 25 january 1998 3 pm please help us come to rescue us before we die help but sadly tom and eileen's bodies were never discovered like any group it's way safer to go scuba diving in a group of like three people because it's a lot easier to see that you're missing one person because there's only two of you left but this was a group of 26 people so whose fault do you think it is and do you think they're really dead do you think it was the captain or the scuba diving company's fault do you think it was the group's fault or do you think it was tom and eileen's fault some people think this was a murder-suicide because in tom's diary he talked a lot about suicide what do you think it just doesn't make sense this case is strange joshua maddox went missing in 2008 and he wasn't found until 2015. when an unused cabin a quarter mile away from his home was being demolished his body was found inside the chimney with his knees above his head and the police ruled it an accidental death and they said he climbed in from the top and got stuck but that doesn't explain how he got in the chimney because there was a metal grate on top of it blocking the entrance and he couldn't have gone in through the fireplace because there was a heavy breakfast bar that had been ripped out of the wall and pushed in front of it or why he was only wearing a shirt all his other clothes were folded up inside the cabin so he would had to have been inside the cabin taken off his clothes gone outside climbed up on the roof and then tried to enter the cabin again through the chimney this is the story of the disappearance of margaret ellen fox and yes the phone call at the end of the story is real this is a picture of margaret and she had just graduated the 8th grade and she decided that she wanted to get some babysitting gigs this all takes place in the summer of 1974 and margaret lived in burlington new jersey margaret put out her phone number looking for these babysitting gigs and on june 19th this guy by the name of john marshall called her asking for her to babysit his five-year-old son the job was in mount holy new jersey and margaret's parents were kind of weird about it because she was only in 8th grade and she'd be traveling to a different city but she gave them john marshall's phone number so they were okay with it jon had some babysitting stuff set up for her on a weekend but he postponed it three times eventually he called her again and said this time it was for real and he would pick her up in a red volkswagen margaret told her parents that she would call right when she got there but no call few hours went by and still no call and she was supposed to be home at 2 30 but then she didn't show up and then hours went by and she still didn't show up part two coming now part two of the disappearance of margaret ellen fox and yes the phone call at the end of this story is real so margaret is missing and they have not heard from her so they use the phone number that she left them and it starts ringing a lady picks up and margaret's mom asks is somebody by the name of john marshall there and she's like there's no one here named john marshall and the lady hangs up on her and so they start freaking out again so they call the phone number again and yet a different voice picks up this time and so it turns out that phone number is the phone number of a pay phone outside of a store it was all so suspicious but then they found out that the manager of that store his name was john marshall one of the cops actually knew this john marshall and he said it's not him trust me he couldn't have done it and so they quickly just ruled him out once the media got wind of what was going on and spread the news a lot of other people said that they also got the same call from a guy named john marshall for fake babysitting gigs this goes to show that this was no accident no coincidence and margaret was targeted last part part three coming right now and yes it has the phone call in it part three the last part of the disappearance of margaret ellen fox and yes the phone call at the end of this video is real so margaret was still missing it was clearly not a coincidence she was targeted by this guy going by the name of john marshall margaret's parents have no idea where she is they are worried sick and the only way that they had to contact her was the number of that random pay phone which i don't think is such a coincidence but you can decide that in the comments but one night margaret's parents are just sitting around the house and they get this phone call it is from a man who is supposedly connected with the whole margaret thing and demanding ten thousand dollars to save her life here's the phone call ten thousand dollars might be a lot of bread but your daughter's life is a better topic who is it ten thousand dollars might be a lot of bread but your daughter's life is the buttered topic who talks like that also this is what scientists think that she would look like now but we don't know now margaret would be 60 years old so i used to work at jamba juice and whatever one day i was at the register and a girl comes up with two guys and you could tell that this girl is just trying to like impress these two guys that she's with so whatever she comes up to the register and she's can i get a mango go go and i'm like yeah no problem with size and she's too busy flirting with so i'm like what size what size what's up what size she looks up at me and goes a medium like i can't read your mind so whatever she's waiting for her drink and it's finally done so i hand it to her and i don't know if she thought she was being cute but she grabs the drink and goes this is watery make it again and this is where she done up she grabbed the drink and threw it out that spilled all over my april there is standing there smoothie juice all over my titties and apron and i look at this girl and i'm i'mma kill you wrong choice i said oh you wanna throw at me you crushed dusty looking you don't know who emily with a knee is crazy and immediately i grabbed the blender i threw that i was like what in the actual fuckily duckly i was just thinking today about the last date that i went on this guy went on a few dates he picked me up from my house but he was like i have to go back to my house because i forgot my wallet fine whatever when we get to his he's like do you want to come in and see my puppy which i'm like who doesn't bear in the woods yes i want to see your cute puppy i enter the house and as he's closing the door behind me he says i hope you're ready to get murdered star humor i get that i thought it was cute but then it dawned on me this is the exact scenario that has kept my mother awake for the past 31 years and i'm doing it i'm entering a century of strangers home on the promises of puppies he can murder me i don't know we're fantasizing ted bundy now my mother warned me about this teachers warned me about this that policemen who came to my elementary school warned me about this the little stay alert stay safe bunnies on the commercials in the 90s warned me about this what does my dumbass do but i realized i get in strangers cars who i summon from the internet all the time we call them ubers so i have the craziest story i bought my first home in july i had a patio space i was so excited to put my twinkly lights up one of those girls that really enjoys a good twinkle like i string those babies up and of course they come crumbling down because my neighbor did not like that the next day my boyfriend is outside grilling she comes over yelling at him why were the lights on at three in the morning i don't know what's it to you what time i'm sleeping we come inside after her yelling at us and we hear her she has a hammer hammering at my property trying to get these things down don't go outside and i'm like excuse me please don't touch my property your property is your mouth why don't you think of others she did not like that following day she decided to watch me all day long i had seen this previously like i had noticed her watching me occasionally but she stood out there at the fence watching me the entire day got very uncomfortable i went back outside to say something do you need anything why are you talking to me you're staring down over here i don't want to have anything to do with you then why are you looking at me why are you staring at me all day because i have a right claims this is legal and i should sue her maybe i should i don't know let me know story just gets more and more insane but we're running out of time so i was 21 when i found out i was pregnant with twin girls my sister is 28 and has had 14 miscarriages she's only had one successful pregnancy which resulted in my four-year-old niece i'm not against having kids but i definitely wanted to wait until i graduated with my degree and i was married to my significant other from the start my mom has been saying i should give my babies to my sister since she deserves it more than i do and my sister completely agrees i told him hell no and my mom calls me a selfless throughout my pregnancy my sister has been begging me to give her at least one baby since i'm having two the last time i saw her we were having lunch and she started babbling about keeping one of my babies so i paid for my meal and left and haven't seen any of them since then after i have my girls i log on to facebook to hundreds of threatening messages from my family and friends about how i stole my sister's babies and ruined her life she posted a picture of her nursery that she had for my babies there's so many posts about how generous i am for going through the pregnancy and giving my sister the babies she told everyone i was giving her my babies and she has my pictures of them in the nicu saying how she can't wait to bring them home this is why you should never use a red crayon this is about a creepypasta called the crayons a married couple who had just returned from their honeymoon decided to buy a house and one day the husband was walking down the hall when he spotted a red crayon lying on the floor now the couple didn't have any children so they wondered where this crayon had come from the next day the husband came home from work to find another red crayon lying in the same spot he was very puzzled and decided to ask his wife about it she told him that every day since they first moved into the house she had been finding red crayons when she was cleaning and they were always lying in the same spot at the end of the hallway so he tapped on the wall at the end of the hallway and heard a hollow sound curious he began peeling off the wallpaper and behind the wallpaper he found a pair of sliding doors they were nailed shut so he had to open them one by one and then he opened the doors to reveal a small hidden room looking inside they saw that the walls of the little space were covered in words scribbled in red crayon over and over were the words mommy i'm sorry let me out mommy i'm sorry put a finger down if your friend was getting married and you didn't know anyone at the wedding so she says that you can sit with her friend tyler after you get to know him so you start to text tyler every day for about three to four months get pretty close but then he doesn't show that's okay you guys are still friends you're still gonna talk to him few more months pass and he ends up getting a girlfriend named lexi who he eventually knocks up at this point lexi goes crazy starts making his life a living hell and he develops depression issues after talking to tyler about his depression you say that he needs to leave lexi for his general health and well-being but he decides that the best course of action is to commit suicide so for years you harbor all this guilt not knowing what to do or say to save your friend and knowing that he's gone forever about 10 years later you find out that nobody in the story was ever real and that you were catfished by your friend who got married [Music] story time so once upon a time in grade five i was going through this really strange phenomenon where like five of my adult teeth decided to all come in at once now i already had this really weird obsession with when i had a loose tooth i love to like pluck it out of my face like berries off of a vine so as you can imagine sitting there with five loose teeth in my mouth felt like i was in an orchard on a hot summer's day my brothers had just re-watched the exorcist with me a few nights before while babysitting so cinematic masterpiece was so ever fresh in my mind as i sat there not listening to my teacher drone on about numbers secretly popping my teeth out with my tongue and letting my mouth fill with blood till i noticed my dear old classmate tristain who used to eat rulers and pick on me was staring at me so i looked him dead in the eyes opened my mouth slowly and let all of the teeth and blood just dribble out onto the desk then i said in a low grumble you will die tonight you started screaming and then i had to go to church heartfelt story of how in 11th grade i became a school i just moved to cross country and started a new school i had exactly one friend call her shady because she was a shady she started dating a senior boy and didn't want to hang out with me which is fine she got all these new cool friends and they didn't like me because i was new and a girl and i guess that's enough reason well shady started telling everybody that i a bunch of people and i was like what the heck how who i literally sit home and watch harry potter i have no friends nonetheless they taught me in the hallways and be like you they'd follow me to a classroom and be like we're gonna beat your ass they'd mess with me on facebook and be like we're gonna kill you and i'd be like why don't you like me and they'd be like die i'd be like okay fair enough so i got tired of the i was like i'm gonna become the one thing they fear the most a real so shortly after i made one other new friend his name was juan he was great and i loved him and he would invite me to all the parties i go to these parties to get drunk and make out with the guys that these girls liked yeah i mean it's pretty petty but yeah so when i would return to school after the week and they'd be like you're a i'd be like true there's really no moral to the story but if you can't go high just go really low and beat it just at their own game put a finger down if you go to get an antibody test for coronavirus to see if you've ever had coronavirus and so you go and you show up and the nurse is like okay we're just going to break your finger get your blood run the test you're like okay great no big deal she picks your finger you get in the car you're on your way home baba bing bada boom everything's good and then you decide to look down at your finger that teeny tiny little prick in that blood just absolutely sets you off and you have a full-blown seizure and your eyes start rolling into the back of your head and you stop breathing and you wake up to someone literally drowning you in water and you're so disoriented that you think you've gotten in a terrible horrible car crash and there's 15 emts surrounding you on the side of the highway and you don't even recognize your mom or your grandma and you can't form a sentence in english for about 10 minutes after the fact i started dating this guy last february and for easter he invited me to his family's house and i really wanted to make a good impression he was like don't worry they'll love you the only thing is that my mom is obsessed with her dog so make sure you're nice to him i'm like of course i'm gonna be nice to her dog i love dogs so we get to his house and the first thing we see is this loud yapping chihuahua running towards us it's like missing patches of hair and has this really bad underbite but i was like oh what a cutie mom's like isn't he so cute that's peter who names a dog peter so we go to the kitchen and then all of a sudden peter starts vigorously humping my leg his little pink wiener comes out the mom's like oh he does that he keeps coming back and humping it so i go to the bathroom and in my purse i have this little lavender perfume oil that i rub all over my legs hoping that peter won't like the smell of lavender i go back out we sit down for dinner peter goes under the table and starts licking my legs for the entire dinner so finally we go home but then his mom calls the next day and she's crying because she had to take peter to the vet because he was throwing up all night i felt so bad that dog ingested way too much lavender oil and it's definitely my fault but i don't say anything peter ended up being fine he fully recovered i never went back to his house because i was avoiding peter tiny horny chihuahua from hell [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 485,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xI8oEXYoXzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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