Story Night: Jibreel (A Preview) - Omar Suleiman - Bayyinah TV

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Sonam on a kimono home Ducato so one of the reasons why I decided to teach about Judy dad he said I'm in particular because one of the ways we gain confidence in the revelation to the messenger sallallaahu our USM is by looking at his character himself but what about the messenger to the messenger right allah subhanaw taala doesn't just praise the character of the prophets likes of him he praises the character of the messenger that was sent to the messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam now here's the thing I was shocked to see that there's never been a book written about Judaism in our entire history you have to literally scrap through the books of top-seeded the books of hadith the books of al-qaeda to find the section of the angels and see where you can find to realize and I was mentioned and and ham did a lot through this class but we were able to do was literally piece that all together and make it chronological and now you can actually study the seal of the prophets Lyceum through the eyes of Djibouti Dar es Salaam so this is just a teaser the entire three and a half hour program is now on baina TV go watch it now so that money can when I come to Lima to Council how can you say the name of debris de Islam what are some of the ways to pronounce his name Gabriel jibra eel jibra eel jibra eel Jew Breen those are five ways that have been narrated through the various clods what do you keep on hearing eel right eel means allah subhanaw taala there's no dispute there about the meaning of eel jibra means rabbit means servant the slave of allah subhanahu tat so that's his name and that's the meaning of his name now what are some ways that the prophets like solemn and allah subhanaw taala referred to him this is truly interesting when I started my research the very first day my eyes got big because I started off with that bull audience at first I'm gonna take all the hadith about debride formidable haughty the very first hadith I pulled from a Behati that mentioned Ghibli the Prophet slicin I'm said Ghibli sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which obviously we usually refer to debride as are they his salam may peace be on to him but the Prophet peace be upon him invoked Salah wat on him as well prayers upon him as well lira do we shut knee as the scholars say to show his status another thing the prophets like some often doesn't even say his name you know how he refers to him he says many ended up be the one who's with my lord Allah subhana WA Ta'ala refers to him in multiple ways and I can't go through each and every single time Allah refers to Jubilee Sam it's too extensive of a study and it's all the time in the future we'll be able to get to it but just the common themes the most common theme that you find is the word rule spirit or soul okay Allah calls him a true hell kudos the Holy Spirit Allah calls him a roohulameen the trustworthy spirit the truthful spirit Allah calls him Roo Hanna our spirits also Allah calls him what was Sudan Kareem that he is no Sudan kidding he's a noble messenger the last name that I'm going to give you guys and then we'll move on because of time is not necessarily a name from Allah or the messenger sallallaahu salam it's from waraqa the cousin of khadija love the aloha waraqa saad this is a nom l NamUs who was sent to musa alayhis salam what did he look like now gibreel took on multiple forms right he took on a human form sometimes he take on an angelic form but it wasn't his full form the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says iie to gibreel I saw jab read wallahu sit to me a tea Jannah and he had 600 wings the Prophet slicing him said he filled up the entire horizon and he was sitting on a throne that allah subhanaw taala provided for him and the prophet slice and i'm said not only are those 600 wings spread out he said yantisoaman rishi hit a Hwy dome in a dirty weather quotes there are constant rubies and pearls falling from his wings the color of his wings are hollow are green and the soles of his feet are green that's what he looks like in angelic form all right unparalleled by any of the Angels okay what does he look like in human form now gibreel can assume multiple human forms he can look different okay but when he came to the Prophet slice in him he had a consistent human form and he said Gabriel looked like diya eben halifa al qalbi about the allotted on de a-- was called the Youssef of Ben Ocala what did use of I Islam what did the women comment about Yusuf Islam that has a malecon carry this is a noble this is a beautiful angel all right so de a-- was called the Youssef of Ben Oh Kel women could not keep their hands off of their here now what is the relationship then between Allah and Jabra Dar es Salaam number one he is Kali ma la mean an America he is the one that Allah speaks to from the Angels now you might be thinking to yourself doesn't Allah speak to all of the angels no just as there are particular human beings that Allah speaks to directly there are particular angels that Allah speaks to directly so he speaks to alma pasyati amin on all four of the angels we mentioned that a portion the command of Allah there are narrations of direct communication between Allah and them but Allah always speaks directly to djibouti there's not a single prophet of Allah that you study except that there's a mention of gibreel seriously just go through Costas elem via the stories of the prophets you'll find dimension of gibreel alehissalaam in some way shape or form he's got to be there because he has been sent to 124,000 prophets in the hadith of in Muslim Nam Ahmed there were 124 thousand MBA amongst them 315 we're messengers were rusev he has been sent to each and every single one of them to teach them to raise them to support them to protect them he was there he's got a first-hand account what is another title that he has with them he is not suited MBA he's the one who supports the prophets he aids the prophets gibreel is the one who told the brahim to throw stones at him and we do that today in commemoration of that moment that gibreel told ibrahim throw those stones at shape on so subhanAllah look at that tradition look at that rich legacy that we have from that moment that gibreel is the one who taught a brahim the Hajj in the first place now sometimes the mention of debris dar-es-salaam is not as prominent not as pronounced so for example in the story of Yusuf do you ever associate used to Friday's knowledgeability set up you know I mean you don't see you can listen to an entire series on Yusuf adding his Salam and gibreel never comes into the picture but he is there Yusuf alayhi Salam the ISS Falana de la serda who attained a hookman when when he reached his age of maturity we gave him wisdom and knowledge to show that Yusuf's prophethood started at a much earlier age his journey with Allah and with gibreel items at a much earlier age where is his first encounter with Jubilee when his brothers threw him into that well and used to Friday his salaam went plunging to the bottom he landed in the hands of a man that he's never seen before Jubilee Dar es Salaam gibreel caught him to make sure that the fall was not too harsh on him and subhanAllah you think about that if Naima like comments on that in that is a sign that the creation never catches the ropes except that the Creator catches you now you later kala does not lose you Allah does not let you go to waste sometimes it's very subtle though you don't hear it prominently being mentioned that's a pretty significant role that Yusef did not go crashing to the ground instead a loss engineer to catch him sometimes you see the mention of gibreel not necessarily with the profit that's being spoken about in the story but with the enemy of that particular profit so with musa alayhis salaam he was with Musa a lot but the most of you know that the narration that we see an authentic mention of Judah and the story of Musa is actually with his enemy it's with federal and it's authentic hadith ana Timothy that gibreel came to the Prophet slice in him and he told the Prophet slice of them you should have seen me the day that fedone died Divya I am said as he was drowning in the bottom of the sea he said I went and I found him and I started kicking dirt into his mouth fahashi to Enya Pula ilaha illallah Muhammad Allah so because I was afraid that he would say la ilaha illallah that he would repent and Allah would have mercy on him who knows a lot better than gibreel and gibreel knows that allah is so merciful that even fitter own has a chance and he was afraid that with that one moment of repentance Allah would void all of those years of corruption and tyranny gibreel is worried that for their own has a chance with allah subhana wa tada now did you billion ruin his fate no Allah told to breathe after that ya de bleep where is that e YJ daddy I swear by my glory and my honor that lowest of us and he was stuff for any how far to that if he would have sought forgiveness from me sincerely I still would have forgiven him your putting dirt in his mouth would not have stopped it okay I still would have forgiven him now here's the thing you might think well why the dirt in the mouth when wicked people die anyway the Marah do what the angels do what yelled rabona will do them they're hitting them in the face why did gibreel hate fit around so much he said about two who young Masai Mara to who you hold another Pokemon Allah I hated him the day I heard him say I am your Lord the Most High that shows you something about gibreel and in hadith literature sometimes when gibreel came to the Prophet slice Allah he did not say Allah says he said Allah the most high says the Most High has done which shows the status or the regard that gibreel shows for his Lord Subhanahu WA Ta'ala lastly with the family of emmalin sometimes you see it not necessarily with the prophet but with the family of prophethood now we know the story of Maryam adding his Salam she goes out and she goes out where mccannon shall Kia she withdraws to the east and she would leave that she would when she would leave the Masjid once a month she would go out to the east and many of the scholars they say that was to appreciate the sunrise she would go and she would watch the sunrise and she would do her thicket and remember Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and she would put up a hijab a curtain she put two stakes in the ground and she put up a curtain so that even when she was out in the open it was clearly signified that this is my territory right don't come near she's a young lady 14 to 18 years old you know that's historically speaking if you really want to look at it she's a teenager right and she's worshiping allah alone remembering allah subhana allah alone and what is a laissez-faire Oh Selina alaihe rule henna we sent to her none other than our spirits fatima ilaha Basilan Sawaya gibreel appeared to her like a completely proportional beautiful human being before gibreel could even open his mouth she says Allah Monument in Quinta tequila I seek refuge in the most merciful from you if you have any fear of Allah if you have any decency inside of you turn around and go away and let's not even talk let's pretend this never happened for just go seek forgiveness from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so sisters if a brother approaches you in the hallway try that with them alright watch what happens even if he doesn't understand Arabic he's gonna be like art I'm not touching that sister you know but seriously go back to a story and you wonder well why did Miriam start talking to Julia after that because when she answered gibreel with that statement sabrina alehissalaam assumed an angelic form jublia is not and tough although debride he left his human form and he assumed not his full angelic form we said this he assumed an angelic form a light with a voice whatever it may be and he continued the conversation with her innama ana Rosa Laura Becky via Havana Cuba Naaman zakiya I am a messenger of your Lord that's been let's come to you to give you the glad tidings of a pure son Allah has decided it's already done colic alright and a loss and and he gives her you know Medina Jana who I attend dennis.watson minna he will be assigned for the people and a mercy from us well Canada I'm alone mcdeere and look this is already happening baba means the execution of the decree the execution of model Kanna Imran mcdeere means what you're already pregnant feh Hamada - she conceived him Fanta that we he McCann and posea she hides away from her people for a time and she and she stays away from as the pregnancy develops when the pregnancy starts to get to a point where she's going to deliver realize she's a young girl she doesn't have anyone around her to help her she's never experienced pregnancy before once she's driven to the trunk of the tree what does she say yeah a tiny mid-table has awoken to Nacional Mencia I wish I would have died before this and been completely forgotten since Maryam never experienced pregnancy and pregnancy delivery pushes a woman and the winner like yeah we know right we have no idea right we just see how women are when they're giving birth okay since pregnancy delivery pushes a woman to the brink of death Maryam actually thought she was dying who starts to talk to her now da hum and tatty huh Aletta has any gibreel says to her don't you dare grieve don't be sad a lot S&E he starts coaching her through her pregnancy Khadija Abu Qatada quesadilla you know you think that you want to you think that you will have a disgraceful mention actually there is a revelation that's coming that's going to say Westfield kotahi mother make mention in the book of Mario and look at the gelato buki tactic a city Allah has placed beneath you a river or hosiery a Kiva jitter and Nakhla shake the palm tree to SAP it's our lake yo table engineer fresh ripe dates will fall upon you cool what shall be what Kareena eat drink and rejoice you know your children your spouse's and your children are supposed to be Kurata rain and luck they're supposed to be the coolness of your eyes look at your child not with not with a feeling of regret but with a feeling of happiness then the next test comes to her that you're not allowed to defend yourself when your people approach you but Maryam had full confidence at that point that Allah was with her so one Maryam approached her people she didn't know how Allah was going to defend her she didn't know what Allah was going to do but she had been coached properly and her - what could kicked in here her trust in a lot that you know what something's going to happen and allah subhanaw taala rewarded her with that that's when a nice idea said I'm spoken her defense so gibreel assumes here now with their esata his salam allah subhanho wa taala mentions numerous Eliza just as AE at the Nile Bureau headquarters we supported him with the holy spirit no law even mentions it as a favor to a Saudi Saddam a ya touka I supported you with Roy il codice with the Holy Spirit residing snom was supported by debris writing history um throughout his life not only that the scholars say the only angel that could take a profit and ascend in the Sun through the heavens so when the plot was made to crucify him the angel that was sent to him to take him through the heavens and to place him there until Allah subhanAllah decrees that he returned was jibbery daddy his son you know I kept looking for the meaning of why Allah chooses to mention in Surat Maryam one oniton SLO Olevia Arabic that we do not come down except with the permission of your Lord what is that ayah the prophets I Salaam would grieve when jube Reeves did not visit him for a long time and debris writing his salam tells the prophets lie some look we only come to you when a loss of Hanoi attire decrees we can't come when we decree on our own okay we don't make that decision and it's made very personal like it's gibreel speaking Lamanna tenez that o allah by allah arabic we don't come unless your lord decreased Y in Surat Maryam many of the scholars mentioned because debride played a prominent role in every single prophet that's been mentioned there think about is a Korea Maryam then it went to ISA that it went to Ibrahim right then it went to Musa then it went to at least then it went to married all of these people jublia played a very prominent role in their lives and so it sets of the profit slice and look we only come down when a loss of hano it's a decrease and it's with wisdom and when jibba deal comes down you will be fulfilled and you will be satisfied gibreel with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the angel that was closest to the Prophet slice that I'm the one who supported the Prophet slice and I'm his protective friend from the Angels is gibreel a day his salaam and the prophets lie son he also says in another narration he says nabi nabiyeen illallah who was here on him in a nice emma was here on even a headed auto there is no prophet except that Allah gives him two ministers from the inhabitants of the earth and two ministers from the inhabitants of the heavens he says was Here I am in a Hazama my two inhabitants from the heavens are gibreel and me Cal my two administers from the inhabitants of the heavens are gibreel and me Cod well as the ayah and my two ministers when an alert from the inhabitants of the earth are Abu Bakr and Umar or the allahu taala anima now how does the first encounter of the prophet slicin and gibreel go as a young child and a signal medical of the eleven who narrates that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was running around playing with all of the children just like everyone else when suddenly a man came and he grabbed a rasoolullah sallallahu re wa sallam and he threw him into the ground so all of the other children went running to their parents and they said in a cut putted that muhammad sallallaahu seven killed and as they're running to their parents the prophets why salam is watching now what this man is about to do to him well so lhasa Allah why do you assalam said he cut my chest he opened my chest he grabbed the heart of the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam and he took something from the heart of the prophets I Salaam and he said how the hell shape on him Inc this is the portion of evil within you the portion of the devil within you and he threw it then the prophet slice in him said he proceeded to wash my heart in a golden vessel of Zemzem and the Prophet slicing him is watching all of this as a child and his heart was put back so Allah why do you sell them and by the time the kids got back they found the prophets lie Selim with his chest sewn up and they said his face was blue the prophets license heart was taken out physically and he was purified on his falafel setup he got absolutely no explanation from moment he was traumatized by the incident he didn't know what happened 34 years later at the age of 40 years old hyah shallowly allahu taala and hasad the prophet sallallaahu re wa sallam he started to see raya a saudi huh or auroria assad iike truthful righteous dreams and that continued for six months everything that he was skiing in his dream would come true the next night so he already has an idea that something is happening just to sort of understand why the Prophet slicin and would all of a sudden start going to a cave right and meditating and praying it's also been concluded now in his household between him and Khadijah Allah and huh that it's a supernatural experience that someone is communicating with them from the divine some form of creation is communicating with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam now this continues for six months then suddenly I shall of the law and who says Allah bestowed the love of seclusion on the prophets allah la rasilla suddenly he loved to be alone well su la slice Adam would climb up to head off now hit ah is about a two-hour climb but if you get up to head off you have this aerial view of Mecca upon Allah you see everything the prophets Iceland would go up there for days weeks and then finally the entire month of Ramadan where to Hanon f1 narration says yet to Hanif which is a Dean Hanifa the the monotheistic religion of Ibraheem Iceland he worshiped a lot in accordance with the monotheistic religion Ibraheem I Aslam which means he just went up there and he prayed in any way that he could he didn't have an organized Salah he called upon God in an Abrahamic weight that's literally what the narration is saying suddenly as the prophets light on him is there one day he sees djibouti daddy his Salam now the gibreel come to him in the form of an angel or in the form of a human being in the form of a human being so you might be thinking to yourself why in the world was the prophet's license i'm scared then well think about it you're two hours up there no one's around you and then all of a sudden you see a strange man standing at the mouth of the cave and he's just staring you down he's not saying anything what might you think is happening if you're the prophets why salaam to add on to that a future narration gives us an idea of what happened to the prophet's life Selim so lost like someone he told Khadija what happens he said Johnny and let the itani filmin am the one who I was seeing in my dreams came to me so that further establishes that the prophets why some had already seen Jillian in his dreams and so he's thinking that this is strange I'm not sleeping right now I'm not dreaming which explains why gibreel grabbed him he hugged him this is real it claw read write read you are not hallucinating this is not a vision I'm really here not only am I really here and I'm squeezing you to show you that in NASA nuclei like a Conan fajita the words that are going to be revealed to you this revelation that's going to come to you it's gonna be heavy right you need to be ready to acquire this it cut off so he commanded him read and he let him go and the prophet slice that I'm said I don't know how to read soda bleed Iceland grabbed him again harder it said read it Kalaa he said I don't know how to read and Jelena Aslam grabbed me the third time he said slicin he grabbed me the third time and he held me so tight that I thought I was going to die and said if claw read so the prophets wise to him said what shall I read and that's when gibreel adding his salaam said if Cora bismi rabbika la vita locked read in the name of your lord who creates holic al-insana man Allah who created man from a suspended clot it Akram read and your Lord is most generous the one who taught man that which he knew not taught man the use of the pen the prophets why Salaam as he receives these words and that happens jublia didn't grab him again and gibreel didn't go anywhere the prophets lai salam left the cave and he went running down and Khadijah already alot and I said what happened now when the prophets lies I'm told her what happened these are not the law on how she could have easily been like well maybe you should stop going up to that cave maybe we should stay home more often let's just pretend this never happens you know you can meditate in the corner of the house and we'll leave you alone and inshallah nothing will happen again she didn't say that look at how beautiful hadith is Paola she truly believed in the prophets lie son before he believed in himself truly she tells the prophets why Salaam wallahi logical a Buddha Allah would never disgrace you and she starts to give us the last 15 years of the seal of the prophets licensure in Nicollet Asli rahim you're a man who establishes the ties of kinship you're a man who takes care of the orphans and the poor you're a man who's generous to his guests in to his neighbors there is no one who has a cause except that you take up their cause Allah would never disgrace you Khadija says let's go to oaxaca so they go to him and the prophet slicin tells what about what he saw waraqa right away says have animus here the messenger that everyone's been waiting for that's gibreel that came to musa alayhis salaam and he said i wish i was young enough that i could have lived to see and support you when your people turn you out now what happens after that I shadowed the along tada and she said that the prophet sallallaahu hardy was sent and after that there is a Fatah there's a pause in Revelation that pause in Revelation was a very long time the Prophet slicing him waits he waits for this angel to come back the Prophet slicin starts to walk back into those mountains and also lost like Selim expresses in his own words that it was like he wanted to throw himself off because he wanted some sort of clarity what's going on every time the Prophet slicing him would get into those mountains he would hear the voice of gibreel RA his set up saying ya muhammad in necklace o la hija o Muhammad you are the Messenger of Allah in truth and that calmed the prophet slice them down and the prophets lie Salam would go back to his house then later on not only did he say ya Muhammad in a colossal lie Hopkin he said what an Aegean and I am gibreel so he clarifies to the prophets like them that he's gibreel but still no call an no revelation finally then the prophets like Salam was walking once again and this time it was not Yamaha Medina Kurosawa happen o Muhammad ear Messenger of Allah in truth this is the hadith of Jabbar in albahari that the Prophet slicin was walking and suddenly the prophets lice Adam looked up and he saw gibreel alehissalaam in his full angelic form covering the space between the heavens and the earth covering the entire horizon what is a loss of Hanoi to NSA the middle Tim Estella heroes Ali his salat WA Salam gibreel um rose to the sky and he covered the entire horizon the prophets light son saw him with all of his wings with his full creation from Medina fat Adela he started to come close to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was less than two bow lengths away from the prophets eyes on them right he came close to the Prophet slicin huh and a sort of Lhasa I seldom fell to the ground he said that I was so scared that I fell to the ground that he came that close to me and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went back to his home and he told Khadija about the Allah and her Zen me Tony death fear Unni cover me embraced me and that's when the next revelation came yeah you helmet dr. kanta and there were Ibaka Wasi Ibaka Fatah her Allah subhana WA Ta'ala said o you who is covered up somehow I think about it the first revelation the Prophet slicin was in the cave the second time the revelation came to him while he was in the arms of Hadees all of the allotted on wrapped up oh you who is wrapped up stand up and warn stand up and call the people and declare the greatness of your Lord purify your garments abandon the idols right this is the first revelation and Subhan Allah from that moment I shall do law and he says the revelation heated up meaning what after that long pause after certain madatha came certain resentment came through the blue ha so on so forth there are multiple sodas that started to come very quickly to the prophet sallallaahu center and that's where it starts the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now understands what is happening the prophets isem understands he's a messenger of allah the prophet slice time is no longer terrified by the presence of gibreel alehissalaam it's been made clear to him by his salat was set up the personal incidents and discussions with the prophet salallahu alaihe salam and gibreel alayhi salatu was-salam debride was with the prophets allah in his home many times speaking to him and in fact sometimes some people could see him and others could not alabaster the aloha and who was with his son Abdullah and they went to visit the prophets why Selim and a bus he was talking to the prophets lie 7 the Prophet slicin was seemingly ignoring him so the prophet sallal I said um you know just let him go without saying anything to him and I bath tells his son I'm the love not Vasily Lauren says you know why is it that your cousin is not speaking to me why do you think I know Mauritania as if he's pushing me away I'm the law says didn't you see the man that was sitting next to him you Nadi speaking to him said what man what are you talking about so that bus went back to the Prophet slice Allah and said was there a man that was talking to you and well so lost why some says why are you asking he says cuz I'm the law saw him the prophets lie son said ah he saw him and a bus said yes and the prophets like some day I hope it and he made dua to a lot to increase him in knowledge what about the prophets like them to Jubilee it was so lost Iceland asked gibreel he says you know Allah says in the Quran wa ma arsalnaka illa rahmatan anatomy we have not sent you except as a mercy to all of the worlds he said did any of my mercy reach you I mean you're part of the world you're part of your the realm of the melodica your the realm of the angel did any of that LACMA reach you debris Nadia said I'm respondent he said yeah Muhammad's Allah he in Nabal MBI eeling he said I swear by Allah you are the most beloved of the prophets to me I've never been sent to someone that I loved more than I loved you he said and it was through you that I gained security what does he mean by that he said I used to wonder about my fate until Allah revealed to you and the dalhousie McKean that he's established in his position with the owner of the throne jublia continues to reassure the prophets like some so a multitude of the personal conversations on Medina our constant reassurance why cuz look the prophets Weiss and I'm not was reassured that he's safe and the believers are safe who is the prophets license I'm worried about now us those that come after so he cries almighty almighty my nation my nation and Allah sends him gibreel and debris says ya Muhammad sanur Lika be o matic we will please you with your nation what Anna sook we will not disappoint you you are your nation will be ok your Ummah will be ok he comes to reassure the prophets like Simon Medina now because now he's worried about the Ummah those that will come after they're safe but what happens afterwards to those that come after another time I'm gonna Bob will be Ilan who says and this is Anibal Hadi says I was actually walking with the prophets Weiss and I'm in Medina and we reached a table an area in Medina and he told me to sit down suddenly he started to walk and he was clearly talking to debride on Islam I could tell he was talking to debris and he said they walked for a while and I just sat there and the Prophet sliced him as he's walking back he's saying what in Zen Oh a setup well in Zen I was set up well in design our star look even if he stole and committed adultery even if he stole and committed adultery and all others not hearing the answer so I want to says got us a little luck what was that prophesy some says that was Jew breed he came to me to give me the glad tidings that each and every single person of this Ummah would enter jemna would eventually enter paradise so the prophets license that wins a Noah's Ark even if he stolen committed adultery yes even if he stolen committed adultery eventually he would enter into paradise eventually he would enter into gender so he eases the prophet slicing him in that way what about when the prophet slicin becomes physically sick the prophets lie sallam when he became sick he said gibreel came to me and said to me ya muhammad o muhammad the stockades are you feeling ill are you sick and i said no i said yes so he said jab leave started to rub his hands on my face and on my chest and said bismillahi alladhi command could lycée in eureka in the name of allah i seek a cure for you from everything that is harming you men shuddered he could lean us in over a nan-oh hasit from from the evil of any of any evil person or any envious i Allah Yashica may Allah cure you bismillah al Qaeda in the name of Allah I seek a cure for you but what's it like when gibreel decides to tell the Prophet slicin I'm something when he gives him life advice now this narration I'm about to share with you is towards the end of the life of the prophets lie Selim gibreel comes to the prophets Isilon and he says ya muhammad o muhammad now by the way does a larva say to the prophets like samyamaa hamed's in the quran no janna be a lot yah Tallulah Oh prophet of God Oh Messenger of God so why is it that gibreel has the audacity to say ya muhammad in fact the scholars say when jibbery says ya muhammad he's telling the prophets lice and this is outside of the capacity of revelation what I'm about to say to you is from me to believe to you Muhammad so that's the only time he doesn't say yada so Allah is when I want to tell you something just between me and you now okay so he says ya Muhammad five advices here arish smash it for in the Khmer Utes live as you will but know that one day you're going to die one day you're gonna die he says why bib mash it Faneca methodical love whom you will but know that one day you will be separated from that person why are men mash it for in Nakumatt seonbae do as you will and know that you will be compensated and rewarded accordingly the compensation is in the hereafter meaning what everything comes in the hereafter all the reward comes in the Hereafter keep doing what you do and know that the reward is in the hereafter while Amanda shuttle full movement Fiamma will be late know that the nobility of the believer is standing up in prayer at night where is the who and as for his dignity is still not worn in us it is being independent of people financially emotionally mentally physically your izi your dignity as a person is trying not to be dependent on people try to absolve yourself of needing people in any way whatsoever now afterwards as the Prophet slicin starts to experience the end of his life as it starts to go further and further and further Abu sorry the hood read all the allotted on he narrates that the Prophet slicin was standing amongst us and rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was speaking and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he simply said innallaha hiya levena marrón de allah has given a choice to one of his servants between that which is in this world and that which is with allah inside of his home everyone was crying because they knew that the prophet's license time was nearing its end it was getting to it was getting close fought him about the ilaha and how particularly was deeply devastated his daughter oma Abby had the mother of her father's problem Fatima was with the Prophet slice Allah through it all and the prophets I some loved her and adored her and even though the Prophet slicin could barely speak he called for Fatima with his hand so far tema came and the prophets ice allah he told her to come close and he whispered something in her ear and it caused her to cry even more and the prophets I Salaam he told her come back and he whispered something else in her ear and she just burst into laughter and I shall be Allah I know who's watching all of this he was perplexed by like why did you cry and then laugh so suddenly so she kept pushing fall tema what did he tell you what did he tell you what did he tell you so finally fought him I gave in and she said that the first time he told me that Jubilee usually reviews the Quran with me once in Ramallah this year he did it twice which means at T McCune fill ye it means solidifying the revelation and so I don't think I'm gonna make it past the sickness I shall have the Elan her then she was you know moving the prophets lie somewhere he needed to be moved she held the prophets lie Salaam tight and Rasul lost my son was leaning against her chest and mercilessly Selim his eyes fell to the side on a banana bin Abi Beckett or the law and mindful her brother and he had a see what in his pocket and Aisha says the prophets license eyes fell on it and so I knew that he wanted it so I said so well so lost I seen him you want that that toothbrush to see WA and the prophets lie some he nodded his head so our man gave it to her and it still wasn't used so she chewed it and she softened it and she put it in the mouth of the Prophet slice Allah now what's so symbolic about that is that the prophets lie son he used to brush his teeth before every single prayer because he wanted to have fresh breath when he met Allah five times a day he said if he can make it mandatory on he would but he knew he knows it would be a hardship so he always brushes his teeth before he meets a lot haha Aisha says as soon as he finished using the c-walk dahil Elena to bleed gibreel entered upon us now she looked at the Prophet slicin and she said the prophet's lysozymes face lit up and jus Breda ie his saddam said to the prophet slice alone the one who gave him all those advices we talked about he said to him look I'm here to give you a choice either you can choose to remain amongst your companions and live well or you can have the companionship of the Most High Allah Allah Allah jublia Dar es Salaam when he said that the Prophet slicin responded very low FIFA Lila little fear Allah Allah motor vehicle Anna o Allah the companionship of the Most High I want the companionship of the Most High I want the companionship of the Most High I shall allow and huh she says that the prophets lie some soul left his body as he was saying Allah fickle Allah the most high the companionship of the Most High his hand fell and the prophets life slim died ah he said with yellow I know when that happened she screamed faulty model deal on her when she heard Aisha scream she looked up and she said yeah Abbot ah men love bohemia' Edna o my dear father how close you are now to your Lord yeah Abbot ah eligibly than in her Oh My dear father to debride we announce your death yeah Abbot ah Janet Alfredo Seema wa o my dear father paradise is now your abode and she recited it over and over and over again that how close you are now to Allah to debride we announce that you've departed and generative Firdos is now your place now the prophets Ison he left this world and subhanAllah everyone will leave this world and the prophets license said even juh breed will die can you imagine that even debris daddy his Saddam will die the prophets lie some said that after the horn is blown and the only ones that stand in dementia out of book the ones who your Lord willed allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will have in front of him Jibril is flaafy NiCad and the Angel of Death el mapa sumati Umbra those who apportion the command of Allah and Allah asks the Angel of Death who remains and the angel of that says Wedgewood Kalibak al karim oh allah your noble face you're here Abdul que me Abdul Qader breed your servant gibreel your servant me CAD and your servant is fluffy Allah says take the soul of me cat and me cuz soul is taken from it then he says who remains he said yeah Allah you me gibreel a nice fluffy I says take the soul of is fluffy and his fluffy is soul is taken from him and he says who remains and he says why'd you aquel Valkyrie your noble face o Allah Abdul kajada the servant of yours or Abdul Qader breed were the last two standing Allah says take the soul of gibreel the prophets like Sam said gibreel would fall on his face as his wings spread out glorifying Allah subhana Jota Hanna he would die in two Spears panel on his face hits the ground as he makes the speak to Allah then Allah spat then he says who remains an angel of death says ya la it's just you and me and a loss of Hannah Montana says to the angel of death to die and the Angel of Death dies and a loss of Hannah Hatano says kulu manali - every single person perishes Bible College who robbed beacon the Jedi he would eat crow and only the noble face of your Lord remains and a loss of Hanna Hoda would ask himself Leeman al-mulk William to whom belongs the Dominion today Allah says to himself de la illaha del kaha to Allah the one the subduer Allah subhana WA Ta'ala it's only him now on the day of judgment the prophets i salam says that some would allow to do the autumn of rahman al qiyamah as we all come back the prophets lice in him says the earth is flattened out of the Gloria Belen obedience to allah subhanahu wa tada and he says each and every single person will not be able to move from the spot that they are standing in the place of assembly and he says so Allah ye who said though some wood on us and I would be called the first of people I would be the first person to be called to Allah and he said so I would enter upon a loss of hannover to Allah well Haru sajida and I would fall in prostration he says the modifier Roxy and I would raise my head vii the gibreel and Yamina lemon and suddenly I'll see gibreel on the right side of the most merciful and you know he says in this hadith Subhan Allah says well la him Allah who cobbler I swear by Allah he never saw him before that day gibreel has never seen a lost Panama tan so in the prophets like some sees him he points to him and he says yelled up in the ha - Bonnie and Nakata said to hui lai he says o my lord this one told me that you sent him to me Hayaku Allah select Allah says you've told the truth the same way Jerry said to the Prophet slice Allah so ducked you've told the truth why does the prophet slice and I'm choose to do that on the day of judgement why does he feel that inclination because on the day of judgement every messenger is being asked whether he delivered the message or not the Prophet slicing them vouches for gibreel before he's even asked o Allah he said you sent him to me he did his job Allah says the doct you
Channel: Nouman Ali Khan - Official - Bayyinah
Views: 1,280,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omar suleiman, bayyinah, bayyinah tv, story night jibreel, angel gabriel, islam, al mahgrib, angel, prophet, allah, religion, stories of the prophets
Id: F8TKK4-oe8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2016
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