Does Allah Love Me? | Dr. Omar Suleiman

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I personally didn't know that that video was going to play so it's uh kind of caught me by surprise off guard but I pray that Allah allow this entire event to be from his Sada kajaria I certainly credit much of Japan's work to him I credit much of the Dao work to him and um I know that a lot of people in here were close to him as well increase your reward as well and consult us all with meeting him once again with our beloved Prophet saws when Allah says is foreign it is one of the most comprehensive verses in the Quran and it's actually one of the few verses that connects Allah's love to his letting you do dawah to his letting you work for this noble cause oh you who believe if you turn away from this faith Allah will bring about a people that he loves and they love him they are humble with the Believers they are proud with the disbelievers they strive in the path of Allah and they do not fear the blame of the blamer and that is the Bounty of Allah that's the Bounty of Allah he bestows it upon whom he Wills and Allah possesses all expanse and Allah is all-knowing I think about that verse and there are many things that you can thank Allah for first and foremost alhamdulillah for giving us Islam alhamdulillah for giving us Islam alhamdulillah for giving us Iman and we pray to Allah for Japan and alhamdulillah for letting us be in any way a small part of the succession that is to come and we pray that we don't disgrace ourselves and risk being replaced by Allah I want to break down this verse inshallah for a bit and hopefully leave you with something instructive and I want to thank everyone for being a part of this and and remind you by the way that being a part of this dawah is not just being Sheikh Muhammad Sharif he'd be the first person to tell you that there are many people that were around him some of them that are in this room today there are many people that support this work in different ways and as Dr Nazar was speaking earlier about the capacities the spiritual the risk the sustenance that Allah gives us in terms of how he divided the Amal how he divided Good Deeds don't belittle your place in this community and in the work of This Dean your position is important every single person has something to contribute to this beautiful message and to exert themselves when we talk about this verse Allah will bring about a people that is to show you that if Allah chooses to let you be a part of this then that is the Bounty of Allah upon you if Allah replaces you that is your loss even if you don't have as much of a burden in terms of carrying this message and moving it forward but everyone wants to be loved by Allah and that description Allah loves them and they love Allah you know if you were a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam you had a pretty good idea about where you stood in the hierarchy of believers but when the prophet saws comes out the day before khabar and says tomorrow I'm going to give this this flag this Banner to someone who loves Allah and his messenger and someone who Allah and his messenger love and all of the sahaba are competing to hope to be that person and everyone wants to have their name announced not so that they can have the glory of carrying victory when they come out of khabar not to have The Spoils of War nor the celebration of their colleagues and companions but to fit the description that the prophet saws just gave that Allah and his messenger love this person and this person loves Allah and his messenger and everyone was just hoping that they'd hear their name that was The Greatest Prize no matter what the sacrifice was allam announced that it was said that he was a Man Who Loved Allah and his messenger and Allah and his messenger loved him it makes everything else so irrelevant and I don't want to minimize the problems or the concerns or the other Pursuits that exist in our lives because Allah did not create us as Angels rather Allah created us as human beings and sometimes we we want certain things as human beings we chart out certain trajectories but loving Allah is so different and to be loved by Allah is so different Allah says there is nothing like him and there's nothing like his love Allah says there is nothing like him and there is nothing like his love to be loved by Allah is to have the greatest companion the greatest Comfort the greatest protector and it gets more and more specific as you start to go through the traits of the ayat of the Quran and by the way we don't credit our teachers enough and those that are pioneers you know when I did the series Allah loves that was something that I learned from a beloved teacher of mine some of you may know taught Iman taught faith in a way that he always tried to make it practical his Islamic Creed theories some of you might have seen it and he said you know we need to teach people to long for Allah we need to teach people to long for the messenger to long for the day of judgment in a way that's practical and instead of just talking about who Allah isn't let's talk about who Allah is and instead of just constructing the philosophy of a god and you know talking about why there must be a god let's talk about what he's like there's a reason why Allah gave us all these mountains we thought to know him and then to love him and then to want to do for him and then let's talk about all these qualities that he loves from you Allah has his names and attributes but he has his qualities for those that want to love him as well if you want to know Allah's your position with Allah then look at his position with you you want to know how Allah loves you look at how you love Allah so to practically do for him and you start to see the ayats list out these different things and the Hadith and there's always something practical the famous Hadith the prophet saws whoever takes one of my Olea one of my loved ones as an enemy I will wage war on that person worry for for that person Allah would wage war and Dr Nader talked about that Hadith a bit because Allah says you don't come close to him you don't become a Wali of Allah through anything more fundamental than the farads than the mandatory Deeds and there's the Hadith whoever prays their fidget prayer is under the protection of Allah and the prophet saws goes on to say it's also authentic Hadith less known but look at the implication the prophet saws says and whoever is whoever is under Allah's protection if someone tries to harm that person Allah will throw that person face first Into the Fire because that person becomes a willy of Allah by virtue of what some secret ingredient no vegetable they kept their Fajr and they observed the rights of Salat and they grew there is no greater comforter than Allah there's no greater Confidant than Allah there is no greater protector than Allah and to be loved by him becomes such a great Pursuit that it just minimizes everything else to where you start to love for him and hate for him you start to want for him and not want for him and he starts to cast everything in that it overwhelms your senses not in a way that gives you some sort of spiritual ecstasy to where you feel like you're floating all the time but in a way that you're action driven to want to hear so badly that Allah considers you amongst his Olea that Allah considers you amongst those that He Loves so Allah gives us these measures in the first sign of Your Love of Allah of your belief is the way you're treating your brothers and sisters merciful amongst themselves you love your brothers and sisters you are humble towards your brothers and sisters this is and you have pride with the disbelievers that doesn't mean that you oppress them or harm them because the prophet saws did not oppress in Honda but that means that you stand your ground your principles even when you're around people who don't hold that same Faith you don't shy away from what you have of this beautiful dean of Islam you practice it proudly you know they say you wear it probably you practice it proudly in every way you love your Deen you don't relinquish it and you don't fear the blame of the blamer subhanallah these descriptions I want you to think about the companions that came forth and embraced this religion and how their entire world views were shaped and their entire interactions with everyone around them were shaped with was talking about it so beautifully earlier and one of the narrations where the Prophet saws was making Dua for Allah to guide one of the two um the prophet saws o Allah give Victory to Islam to the more beloved of these two men to you the one you love more out of these two let them be a source of victory for Islam now in the moment neither one of them look like those that were beloved to Allah or Who Loved Allah they're both trying to Kill the Messenger of Allah the most beloved person to Allah but there is something in the heart that needed to be activated there was some goodness to be salvaged and the one who was more deserving of it indeed was guided and suddenly um who would beat up a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam for the sake of his tribe would stand in battle on behalf of those weak and meager people that were looked down upon in society would stand in battle on their behalf and fight his own tribesmen for them and then humble himself and get on his knees and take Knowledge from Abdullah who was half his size and didn't have the stature or the lineage or the tribe before him and would refer to bilara our Master who's been freed by our Master come forward so humble with the Believers but don't cross him if you're on the other side on the battlefield Abu jahil can walk up to Omar and say you and I there is no you and I that doesn't exist anymore we're a people of principle and the entire time entering into Jerusalem this is the generation of the Quran not afraid of the blame of others not afraid of what they will say Islam we are people who are given their honor for Islam when we seek it through anything else Allah humiliates us look at Salman is not fear the blame of his father he didn't fear the blame of the Persians he didn't fear the blame of the Syrian Christians when he went there he didn't fear the blame of the Arabs he didn't fear the blame of anybody because Allah chose him he loved Allah and Allah loved him you see this love that you have of Allah has to reshape everything and because I want to end with something practical for us to take because introspection actually thinking and reflecting a bit you'll derive answers for yourself that no one else can derive for you in a speech or a halaka we just finished the electron this past Tuesday such a thoughtful man the asadic of the ansar The Scholar of the ansar and they asked his wife what was his she said he would sit and he would think and contemplate for an hour take time and think and contemplate when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said fear Allah wherever you are be mindful of Allah wherever you are usually the word taqwa is used in the capacity of what do not violate do not violate the boundaries of Allah even when you are in a position to easily and readily do so you need taqwa as a foundation and so you ask yourself when you're in business when you're in a business transaction well you don't need the fatwa half the time not that there isn't financial regulations but you know when someone comes up to me and asks me a question about some Financial thing I can tell you already know it's Haram before you ask the question you sound guilty right you ask yourself what does taqwa look like here what does consciousness of Allah look like when you come to your Imam and you got a family issue and you want to talk about husband and wife and their rights versus your rights the prophet saws be mindful of Allah with the people in your household what does taqwa look like what is not taking advantage of the situation look like in this family Dynamic before I go to the Sheikh and start to you know divide Halal and Haram and who owes who what and who treats who what what's taqwa look like I fear Allah in how I deal with the people in my household I fear Allah with how I deal with the people that are at my Mercy I fear Allah with how I deal with people and my business dealings I fear Allah with how I deal with people with my tongue what does it look like to not transgress that because we left off half of Halal out of fear of the Haram we don't want to go anywhere near that in that next dollar that next level is when you actually examine in every single situation in your life and say what does it look like to love Allah right now I want you to actually pause you know subhanallah there are times we don't know how to pause that's actually one of the problems hasty Hasty speech Hasty action you know the beautiful quality so that the prophet saws said that we're so loved by forbearance and pause being calculated when you pause in a situation say what does it mean to love Allah right now what does it mean to love Allah when I'm in this compromising situation what does it mean to love Allah when I'm not in this compromising situation what does it mean to love Allah when people are around what does it mean to love Allah when it's just me in the privacy of my home and it's night time and it's 4 a.m and I see the clock and I say what does it mean to love Allah right now what does it mean to love Allah when you see one of your family members or one of your friends going through something and you could easily turn away what does it mean to love Allah when your desires are becoming overpowering and you say I love Allah more than I love myself and I love to please Allah more than I love to please myself what does it mean to love Allah when there are people around you who don't love Allah when you're able to pause and say what does it mean to fear Allah right now so I don't violate anyone's rights and then say what does it mean to love Allah right now because that has to reshape every single world view in every single worldly interaction what was the secret ingredient of the sahaba and all of these different situations they're the generation those that Allah is pleased with what was their secret that they always loved Allah more than anyone else loved anything or anyone else because lace the committed there is nothing like Allah's love and so they were able to outlast their enemies in battle because they out loved they loved Allah more they were able to outwork those that planned against them despite their smaller numbers because they out loved you think those people that love their dad won't love their dad well more than we love our dawah you think they hate Islam more than we love Islam you think they hate our Prophet saws more than we love our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam can't be the case and so I leave you with that verse from those who have taken Partners besides Allah they love those things they love those people the way that they should love Allah but you know what those who believe love Allah so much more than they love whatever it is that they love dear brothers and sisters my request for you with everything that you've learned today is to sit with it for a bit I want you to sit with yourself inshallah at some point tonight maybe sit with each other as a family and say what do we take from all of this what's one thing that I'm going to change about my life what does it mean to love Allah in these situations may Allah make us amongst those that are beloved to him may Allah make us amongst those who love to be loved by him more than anything else may Allah forgive us for any of our shortcomings and protect us from disqualifying ourselves from his love may Allah make beloved to us every action that brings us closer to his love and may Allah put in our hearts the love of those that are beloved to him and at the top of them his most beloved and may Allah allow us to resemble the Beloved ones in our lives in every single facet of Our Lives until we are joyans in love with the one that we love most for his sake our beloved ones to all of you for coming here today and spending the day with us I pray that you found benefit in it I hope that I get to meet all of you Insha'Allah I know we're going to try to arrange logistically for something to happen right now Insha'Allah but I want to ask you to first and foremost thank the volunteers on your way out if one of them you know got a little rough or was taken aback or was getting paranoid or panicking because they're trying to organize it's not easy to organize this crowd and organize these events so please on your way out just says and forgive them if they made you feel a certain way and may Allah reward you all should we do this again next year I'm serious all right and so let's add a little try to do it again next year and sell it [Applause]
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 146,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, islamic lectures, islamic studies, islam, faith, iman, omar suleiman
Id: VlTcEnG2Hz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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