Famous Historian EXPOSES ISR*EL’S FACTS! | Isr*el’s Future In The Quran!

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what is Zionism how did it emerge what do they want from Jerusalem why do they especially want to establish a state there I am about to share something that many people are unaware of or haven't even realized yet did the Palestinians sell land to the Jews all the people in the world are slaves of the Jews therefore there is also a reward for killing them why they seize the properties of Jews Theodor helel offered Sultan Abdul hammed saying let us pay off all the debts of the Ottoman Empire so that you will no longer have any debts Abdul Hamed said to them no never ever those lands were conquered with blood and only can be given with blood what is Judaism can you give us some information about its history from the sons and descendants of prophet yakub came the Jews this was the case until the time of prophet Musa the pursuit of prophet Musa and his people by the Pharaoh their escape and the splitting of the sea Allah promised the people of Israel the Israelites the land between the n and the Euphrates rivers so they had to fight a war they had to fight the people of that region and in times of the Prophet Musa these Israelites were afraid to fight the people of that region they said to Prophet Musa go with your lord and fight they are a merciless tribe how are we going to fight them Prophet Musa would conquer Jerusalem he said to them let's go inshallah We Will Conquer it in a very short time we will conquer and settle there this is the land Allah promised us but when they refused to fight they were exiled to the Sinai desert and wandered there the conquest of Jerusalem wasn't disted for Musa after Prophet Musa it was granted to Prophet yusha to conquer Jerusalem and Prophet yusha made many great conquests there of course that generation was over I mean instead of those who wandered in the desert for 40 years there were new generations and Prophet yusa set out on conquests with the new generation and achieved great victories there thus the Israelites the Jews settled in that Promised Land of course later Prophet dwood established a state and created a governmental structure he was both a prophet phet and a ruler after Prophet dud Prophet suan established the greatest state in the world history during his period it is said that he ruled the world a huge state known as the kingdom of Judah emerged of course Prophet solimon built a temple in Jerusalem which we know as the Temple of prophet sulaman after a while the Israelites they crossed the line as it is described in the Quran at some point they murdered the prophets that were sent to them on that Allah said to the Israelites in the Quran and we warned the children of Israel in the scripture you will certainly cause corruption in the land twice and you will become extremely arrogant when the first of the two warnings would come to pass we would send against you some of our Servants of great might this is what Allah said in the Quran I mean when we look at this from the historical perspective this is the part where historians interpret that it is in line with the Quran there was a Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar known as basar amongst Arabs this ruler started to haunt the Jews he entered Jerusalem with his strong armies and put all Jews to the sword and destroyed the Temple of sulon and gathered and took away all remaining Jews to Babylon in fact this was the first time that the Jews were driven out of Jerusalem I mean he also destroyed the Torah the original Torah when he burned down the Temple of San now this is the first corruption the Jews caused as it is stated in the Quran and a great Calamity fell upon them and they were driven out of their land later the Persians began to rise in that region which caused the fall of the Babylonian Empire after the fall of the Babylonian Empire the Jews who were taken to were relocated to Jerusalem and when the Jews resettled in Al kuds this caused them to establish an ancient friendship with the Persians since the Jews are a nation very attached to their history they say the Persians returned our country back to us that's why they love the Persians the Iranians and again as it is stated in the Quran the second corruption it says we would send against you some of our Servants of great might who would ravage your homes when we look at the history of this period Allah knows the best it is associated with the Roman Empire there was an EMP empor of the Roman Empire called Titus he was a cruel ruler but the same things happened again the Israelites killed their prophets and then again a great Calamity came over them because they built their state on oppression and their oppression caused them to go through a great Calamity after some time this Calamity was the attack of the Romans they started a rebellion of course this was after they killed the prophets and because of the Rebellion the Romans had had enough at that time the Romans controlled Syria and they had enough of the Jews this is a general characteristic of Jews they stir up trouble they sew chaos they turn people against each other and they cause disturbance I mean this is one of the many reasons why they are a cursed tribe they never rest when we look at the course of history the Roman Emperor put all the Jews into the sword again this time the Jews went through an exile that they call the Jewish diaspora Romans chased the Jews from everywhere some of them fled to Yemen others scattered through the Arabian regions a part of them went to Russia and some of them went to Iran they fled to every place in the world even Africa they spread all over the world and for over 2,000 years from that time the Jews never dominated Jerusalem now in the following parts of the verse Allah says in other words he threatens to bring them into line it is prohibited for the Jews to establish a state and in fact for a long time they couldn't establish one for themselves following the Roman Emperor titus's chasing them away from Jerusalem they were scattered to all corners of the world in 70 BC if you cause corruption again Allah is enough for you when Rome chose Christianity it became a huge TR for the Jews because they hated the Jews why did the Christians hate them well you know Prophet Jesus the Romans crucified him but in the Islamic Doctrine he ascended to the heavens he did not die he switched places with one of his Apostles the one who betrayed him therefore the Romans I mean Christians thought that it is because of the Jews because we didn't know about religions back then so we didn't know the religions and you made us kill Prophet Jesus because you said that this man is a traitor this man does this does that because of these Slanders by Jews Romans thought that the Jews caused the death of prophet Jesus think about it if someone or people caus the prophet you believe in to be killed you would have a grudge against them since you are a member of that religion that's why the Jews are hated all around the world especially where the Christians reside they went through a lot of trouble because of Christians and they didn't let Jews hold any office in the state and they didn't let them be in military positions in any way they were kept away from many fields they were kept out and treated as if they were subhuman the Jews have indeed fallen into great humiliation and it lasted for many many years however since many fields were closed to the Jews during these long years they could employ themselves in Antiques and junk dealing they also joined the trade and studied in the fields of science they focused on these two Fields unwillingly having no other choice there was no option for them to hold office in the state or any other occupation so they started scrapping old stuff they started to collect the scraps of other people collecting the scraps and selling them they started to work as scrap dealers and then they tra antiques after a while they started to collect and sell more valuable items after dealing with antiques they Advanced and became goldsmiths expanding their trade goldsmiths started to do jewelry and trading in that occupation some of them have made great advances in science in other words they Advanced their knowledge in the field they studied the European societies allowed them to be only in these specific Fields after some period of time you started to see Jews in every Goldsmith when you went to jewelry you almost saw that it was owned by a Jew this development LED Jews to become extremely rich they became the richest people in the world as Eternal passenger we need your support we are an organization of women volunteers who aim to spread the message of Islam all over the world our videos have helped thousands of people change their lives convert to Islam give up Haram start praying wear hijab learn to read the Quran by donating through the thanks button and becoming a member of this family by clicking the join button you can have your share and all these Good Deeds donate to Eternal passenger well if the Jews are so rich what do they want Jerusalem for why do they especially want to establish a state there is there something we don't know I am about to share something that many people are unaware of or haven't even realized yet the Jews are very attached to their holy book and religion their insistence on Al kuds was actually a Utopia for them the Jews that were scattered after the Roman period were humiliated so much I mean other nations humiliated them the reason for their humiliation was not because they were oppressed I mean they caused trouble wherever they went in fact the Europeans were sick of the Jews and what they did Theodore herel a journalist from Europe realized that the richest people in Europe were Jews of course at that time the period that man lived I mean during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid 2 there was a great deal of anti-Semitism in Europe if a Jew commits a crime he would be exposed there was serious racism with statements like all Jews should be killed I mean against the Jews Theodore Herzel grew up in this environment and was affected by these events very much he set his mind to the Jews will be able to establish a state again he set his mind to this dream and he started to establish connections with Rich Jewish families at that time he began to meet with them and wrote a book called as deat which means the Jewish state in this book he claimed that that the Jews had the necessary power wealth and Personnel to establish a state so in his own way he demonstrated to the Jews that a Jewish State could be established and in Judaism the world and everything in it belongs to the Jews what is written in their own holy book is that all the people of this world all non-jewish people are slaves of the Jews therefore there is also a reward for killing them why because they seize the property of the Jews with the gold they hold and the land they own they are usurping the land and the property of the Jews in fact they don't just want Jerusalem or the land between the Nile and Euphrates they want the whole world and according to them the whole world is theirs and the capital of the world is Jerusalem so they want to dominate the land between the Nile and Euphrates as their Center what is Zionism how did it emerge Theodor Herzel organized a Zionist congress with Jews in barel Switzerland and here first they decided the name of the state would be Israel the state of the Israelites and the flag of the state was also drawn there the star of daood in between two stripes the star of prophet dwood I mean after yha alisam conquered Jerusalem it was prophet daood who established a country there this is just a reference to that that star of the dud means we will reestablish a Jewish State here those two stripes refer to the Nile and Euphrates rivers the source of the Mischief making is this because they see themselves as a superior race above everyone else they look down on the whole world and they hate everybody I mean Muslims are not the only target here they hate Christians too they hate the whole world and they think their property has been usurped think about it your religion teach you something like this all of this was yours this and this came and seized your property how dare they seize my property I need to get them back I need to take the whole world back this is their core belief when and how did the Jews decide to go to Palestine of course Theodore herdel didn't set his eyes on Jerusalem in the beginning they first discussed whether to settle in Argentina because the rothshild family has vast lands in Argentina they could have founded estate on those lands but they didn't accept this idea since Jerusalem was their ancient city they said what are we going to do in Argentina so they said we need to go to Jerusalem and this state should be established there so they've reached this decision because for almost all of their history they were in Jerusalem they believe that those lands are promised by Allah to them therefore they wanted to go to those lands that's why Theodore herdel after the decision though of course who held those lands at that time the Ottoman Empire and at that time Sultan Abdul Hamed 2 was in the Reign Theodore herdle had great power with the richest Jews backing him he visited the Ottoman Empire Empire a couple of times in fact five according to the visitation records of the palace met with Sultan Abdul Hamid and made a really profitable offer to the Ottoman Empire the Ottomans just came out of the war with the Russians and at that time the empire was trying to recover itself and pay its debts Theodor Herzel made an offer to Sultan Abdul Hamid and said we will cover all the debt of the Empire you will have no debt to anybody I mean think about how much wealth they had they were wealthy to such a degree that they could pay all the foreign debt of the Ottoman Empire imagine how much they have and he said give us land from Jerusalem so that we can establish a state this is how he asked in the beginning Sultan Abdul Hamid was already aware of this danger the Jews establishing a state there I mean when he discussed this matter with his pasas if they established a state there would have be bloodbath so he already knew what could happen and was aware of the situation he knew the history of the Jews he knew the Holy Quran he knew that the Jews were always the number one enemy of Muslims and they wouldn't want anything good to happen to Muslims and they would cause corruption Abdul Hamed said no to this offer never ever those lands were conquered with blood he said diplomatically without revealing his real intention he said that those lands were captured by Blood and can only be given by Blood also he said those lands don't belong to me they belong to my people I can't give you those lands again he said all this in a diplomatic way after this he immediately issued an edict prohibiting anybody from selling land to the Jews around alids in Palestine in other words anticipating that they would try to do something by taking land from there Peace by piece over this name over that name he prohibited it in an article Theodore Herzel said in order to establish a Jewish State we have to wait for the fall of the Ottoman Empire this is a very interesting saying what do we understand from this the Jews were strong and decided to establish a state and made up their mind about toppling the Ottomans as long as the Ottoman Empire doesn't withdraw from there we can't do anything then these Jews did everything in their power to the make the Ottoman Empire fall the very first thing they did was to approach the British because the superpower of that period both at land and sea and politically was in the hands of the British thus in exchange for financial support the Jews reached an agreement with the British and they received the guarantee that after the Ottomans Palestine and Al kuds would be given to them consequently Sultan Abdul Hamed was overthrown we joined World War I and on the Palestinian front of World War I as you know we had a defeat against the British from that moment on when the British captured Palestine they respected their agreement with the Jews because their financial Source came from the Jews zionists who had considerable money interestingly the United Kingdom hadn't done anything like this for any other country but they did it for the Jews they called for any Jews from Europe who wanted to go to Palestine then the Bal for Declaration was announced it is that famous ministers declaration in this declaration it is said a land without a people for a people without a land aiming to dissipate the dislike towards the Jews they also had all the media power they provoked everyone against Sultan Abdul hammed and they toppled him they tried to create sympathy towards the Jews in Europe they came up with ideas that these people were oppressed and that they also had the right to establish a state they gradually began to settle Jews in Palestine from this point on the Jews began to settle in Palestine and the British soldiers were patrolling the land why they protected the Jews just in case any Muslim or other group wanted to harm them so the British soldiers protected the life honor and property of the Jews there to not let any harm come to the Jews in a sense so the Jews could continue to immigrate there but not many Jews chose to go there yes they thought we can establish a state yes we can reach our goal many Jews didn't believe this after almost 2,000 years of captivity and humiliation we can't reestablish a state or gain strength this felt like a dream to them I mean I'm talking about the people not the people in power many Ordinary People didn't want to bother themselves think about it you have your business and you are settled you have a certain life and accommodation in Europe you will give up all of these and go to Palestine you will start a new life there from scratch the Jews didn't want this therefore there was not much immigration to Palestine so what British and Zionism and by Zionism I mean Theodore Herzel and the Inner Circle wanted it didn't happen Jews didn't go there in a way they thought they are betraying our cause they felt a kind of resentment we called them to the land that is promised to us and they won't come nobody wanted to discomfort themselves after a while this thing this cause has been forgotten many centuries have passed there was this anger in the Zionist leadership against the Jews who had forgotten their cause while things were like this something happened the Nazi party was founded in Germany and the first world war was over so the goal of Zionism then was to attract all Jews to Palestine and create a crowd a population there and establish a state the British also provided all kinds of political support the zionists supported the British financially and they gave political and Military Support to zionists because the Jews had no military power so the Jews had tremendous support in those lands I mean if they went the state would be established but they didn't however in a Twist of History fate smiled upon the Jews a Nazi party was established in Germany and its leader Adolf Hitler was a fierce enemy of the Jews and he vowed to eradicate all Jews from the face of the world he captured all of Europe in short time and ordered concentration camps to be built he was the worst enemy of Jews and gathered them and let all sorts of torture happen including burning them alive this actually worked in favor of Zionism why because all those Jews who feared Hitler's tyranny thought they couldn't survive in Europe and as you know Hitler attacked Russia as well so those Jews from Russia thought the same while Jews from different parts of the world were looking for some place to escape from this fear of Hitler a statement was issued throughout Europe what was in this statement before every Jew who moved to to Palestine they will be given land and millions in money as long as they moved to Palestine this information was distributed on leaflets of course the fear of Hitler was the actual reason that drove them out because we are being slaughtered here we need to escape where will we go to Palestine that way people started to immigrate to Palestine from Europe in large numbers by ship after the immigrations there was a large Jewish population in Palestine surely Hitler was done for and after this time the population goal was reach to obtain the lands since those lands were under British governance there was an issue of seizing those lands because those lands actually belonged to Palestinians there were already people living there I mean those lands were not empty in the ottoman period Palestinians our Muslim brothers and sisters were living in that region at this point one can ask did Palestinians sell land to Jews once the Jews started to settle in this area they disguise their intentions they look so innocent this was the case for the Palestinians none of the Palestinians thought they will come here they'll establish a state and they'll displace us the Palestinians didn't have an idea like that because considering the history the Palestinians thought these people went through a great deal of Oppression in Europe and they tried to kill all the Jews these oppressed Jews had to come here and take refuge here the Palestinians actually evaluated the situation from a very humanitarian point of view there were even those who helped them think about it as a Muslim you extend a hand to the oppressed people whether he was an Infidel or not you help him because they were persecuted they were separated from from their homes and they came all the way there these initial thoughts of Palestinians make me emotional I mean they didn't know what was going to happen later the zionists literally wanted to buy land from Palestinians and for instance if the value of the land was one unit they offered 10 units the law of Sultan abdulhamid the one that prohibited the selling of land to the Jews in 1914 was abolished by the Committee of Union and progress a political party in other words selling land had been legalized there what Palestinians did was also legitimate when the Ottoman Empire collapsed they were gone but there wasn't also a Palestinian State there so it was not clear what was going on the Ottoman Empire withdrew from there there was the British mandate even before the selling of land there was an occupation the coastline was under occupation okay these Jews came here in desperation maybe they'll go back when things get better in Europe This was the perspective of the Palestinians Let's help them let's do something for them from the very beginning they did not think it was right to sell land now let's take turkey as an example if someone tells us sell your land in the countryside or Village and we will give you an apartment from the most central location in Istanbul in fact we will give you not one but two or three Apartments who wouldn't think of selling what do people think about the land in the village what is it to me the fields are worthless the man is offering several times as much with this amount of money I can do this buy that they appealed to people selves yes there were Muslims Who Sold land there those who sold land there constitute a very small part of all people you can find these sorts of people everywhere for for instance today we boycott Israeli products however there are people who don't right yes you can find them in any country so there were these sorts of people in Palestine as well there are various rumors it is said that 1% of the land was sold and 10% of the land was sold even if it was sold does that justify the massacre they go through today of course not however the majority of the people oppose to the selling of land because those lands have always been accepted as holy while Muslims were accommodating those lands even if it was for helping a Jew since they gave them land near the coastline to live on Muslims didn't have to give more land that's what most of them thought I'm pretty sure that if those who sold land knew that there would be an Israeli State they would drive the Palestinians out and only Jews would remain there that's why they are buying this much land if someone had said this to them I believe most of them wouldn't have sold their land no matter what they get in exchange so when did Muslims who lived there realize the real purpose of the Jews and what happened after this realization for instance did The Six Day War happen during this period now it is like this since the Jews went there they didn't live peacefully a Jewish organization named Hagan was founded by the British they thought we are going to establish a Jewish State here but we need Armed Forces to be a state we need an army the hagana organization is the basis of the Israeli army they also committed outrages there Zionism restored the Forgotten language Hebrew they tried very hard to establish their connection to that old alphabet and create a sense of nation and how many years it goes on let's say it's 1918 it goes on for 30 years so during those 30 years there were many developments and that was when the Muslims started to realize it was when the Jewish people started to arm themselves because they realized that their goals were different they realized the Jews came there permanently they came for occupation from that moment on the Palestinians woke up and the selling of land stopped no more compromise in any way was made and against those armed Jews in the hagana organization Palestinians started to take up arms there were armed conflicts the conflicts resumed until 1948 and the British had a military presence and protected the Jews completely the Jews were fighting with the confidence that the British soldiers were at their back in fact it is exactly the same thing today they attack Gaza and the American Navy immediately comes to support them it was the same then they attacked with the British soldiers at their back if the British soldiers were withdrawn we'd see if they could survive there I need to add that mainly the British forces suppressed these clashes and in an unfair way this is my boy this is the naughty boy they break up the fight they're angry on the surface but behind the scenes they're saying well done by 1948 the Jews there had established all the organizations and announced to the whole world that they had established a state called Israel the state they established encompasses Palestine completely in other words they revoked the rights of the Palestinian people Palestinians said we live here but we didn't establish a state this is a problem and it needs to be solved what will happen to our people this problem is the same problem that continues today today in 1948 they established the state of Israel and I believe it was 6 minutes later the United States of America declared that they recognize the state of Israel so what do we understand from that America was already informed about the establishment of the state of Israel as soon as they declared the state of Israel all Muslim Arab states around Israel declared war Iraq Syria Lebanon and Egypt it was actually obvious that these countries would declare war on Israel by the way Israel was willing to fight them we are still in 1948 they couldn't have established the governmental organization in such a short time I mean it is not possible to have it in an instant it means that they had planned this a long time ago you know we are talking about the period of Sultan Abdul Hamed they had planned this back then their organizational structures were planned beforehand who would hold office and where because in such a short time they became a full-fledged State all of a sudden there were educational institutions it's almost like a ready-made pack again these plans were made a long time ago America recognized the country within 6 minutes without receiving any news that's how we know it it's all part of a plan Israel had the full support of the United States the United Kingdom and Europe as it is today so was that day they said that Israel won against all of the Arab countries but it's far from the truth if Israel had entered into a war alone it would have had no chance against those countries of that day but they had the most powerful armies at their back they received all kinds of support their intelligence activities were very strong those States collapsed within and there were a lot of tricks and Maneuvers and intelligence activities and the naval air and land support of America and the UK caused the defeat of these states at the same time and there had always been Wars at such intervals you know there was a huge War in 1967 and another one in 1973 the Arab countries of that region had been at war with Israel constantly and it has always been the Arabs who have suffered from the war because they have exhausted all of their Powers I mean their organizational structures crumbled during these wars as if Israel was deliberately pulling them on itself as if they were saying come on come to me I'll destroy your power you want a peace of me I'll destroy your power too I mean Egypt was a great power then and they finished Egypt they collapsed all the military power of Egypt Iraq's fate was the same this is where we are always wrong the land between the Nile and the Euphrates is in danger we think that there is no danger for other places you know some parts of turkey are within those lands within the border of the Euphrates but we are wrong as I said before they want the whole world and to take over the whole world they use power of the US till to this day and they will continue to use it will this turmoil in the Middle East continue how will it end there is an anecdote mentioned in masnawi there was a scholar sort of a saint in a country this person was a person of Charity who donated a lot he used to borrow a lot of money from Tradesmen he spent all of the borrowed money on Good Deeds he trusted Allah Allah has granted him with wealth and sustenance and he paid all his debts with them he has never encountered any problems one day he got sick and fell on his deathbed it was a serious illness people came to visit the saint in his home but most of those who came to visit were the ones he owed money I mean they actually wanted to ask for their debt in a sense they were talking among themselves about how they couldn't ask for their money back from someone on his deathbed the saint heard them they were talking he owed me this much he owed me that much now who will cover for this how will it be the saint was grieved by this situation he said a saint a scholar is passing away you know how they say the death of a scholar is the death of the world it is something significant he thought instead of feeling sorry for losing a saint for the passing away of a friend of Allah they are after their money at that moment a child passed by outside he was a dessert maker and was selling hwa when the child passed by he said to his disciple call for the child they called the child he said give everyone from your dessert then the child handed out to everyone some dessert everyone ate it of course all the dessert is finished the boy was happy because he finished all the dessert he didn't have to walk around trying to sell it he thought he can go to his master with a full day sale he wanted the money from the saint for the dessert he said there is no money the child was surprised what does it mean there is no money where is the money I just handed out the dessert everyone ate it the saint said there is no money just go when he said that the child started to cry on this time the Tradesman started to Grumble he has no money on the way out he took the money of the child as well he did the same thing to us after the boy started to cry the men became enraged seeing them enraged the boy slammed his tray to the ground and started what am I going to say to my master I've spent all my hall War he'll ask me what have you done to them he will say to me this and that the boy's wailing took the place down just then someone knocked on the door they opened the door who is it the saint asked who is it a man entered saying a Muslim sent you his zakat how much money does this saint owe to all those people including the dessert 4,000 L he asked how much money is there in the zakat is it 4,000 for instance with today's currency there are 4,000 L he said give everyone their due pay for the child's money as well he said to everyone now leave of course everybody understood that it was a miracle of Allah they said what did we do we disrespected the great Saint when everyone felt embarrassed the saint said to them so what is the wisdom of this this money would come to me eventually it was predestined this blessing would be granted to us by Allah but its time had been postponed there was some more time when you started to talk about my debts when you started to talk against me just so you shouldn't gossip or backbite this child came to my rescue I bought this boy sweets when I didn't pay he started to cry the cries of this child hastened the Deliverance of this money and it arrived just on time I've given your money now leave and I'll take my leave of you just as this kid's cries brought the blessing of Allah forward the acts of persecution result in bringing Allah's wrath forward in the same way so these cries of the kids in Gaza today the cries of the children the cries of the martyred people will cause the wrath of Allah to come swiftly the more they oppress people their Calamity will find them more quickly and inshah soon we will all see that Israelites and the state of Israel can no longer survive with the oppression they cause as Allah said in the Holy Quran he said that there was the first corruption and there was the second corruption and there is a third one he said if you cause corruption again I'll defeat you there is Zionist corruption all over the world that the Israelites cause and innocent civilians of Gaza pay the ultimate price and I hope and firmly believe that very soon a great Calamity will fall upon the state of Israel and the state of Israel will collapse and inshallah this will happen at the hands of the Muslims May our Lord bestow us to see those days [Music] [Music]
Channel: Eternal Passenger
Views: 626,260
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Keywords: Eternal Passenger
Id: UfcwqmWND3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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