Stormworks - Ep 1 - Introduction & Overview

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I go school here welcome to my first video on storm works I'm gonna take you through what storm works is what it's not talk about some things I'm gonna show you something I've built and what you have to do in the game and don't I mean obviously when you look at the character I like the world's skinniest legs he looked really really dirty you customize the character how you want but they all kind of look like this they all kind of look really weirdly skinny and stuff so don't be put off by that the games kind of blocky nature and there's a lot more to this game than you might think particularly if you're into engineering or systems type stuff there's a lot of fun in here so what is storm works in a nutshell install works you have a load of missions - that are generated by the by the game things like rescue missions or putting fires out or taking samples of something scientific samples or maybe moving an item from one place to another there's a lot of stuff there's different biomes in the world that you can go to there's a normal volume that you starting is the arctic biome is about a hundred kilometres north of here at the moment we can't see very much but we're in a kind of a stormy environment hence the name storm works the way they can get pretty bad or can close in the wind can pick up the waves can get big and all these things present challenges to you as you try and do some of the missions so speaking of missions we press the N key it will show us that we have a mission currently the transfer specialist rig workers to an all rig so if we click on that to track it it says that we have about an hour and a half this is real time you have a real one one hour and a half two to do this mission there's three rig workers that need to be moved your mission if you choose to accept it is to go and get them you pick them up from here and you transport them to here and what they will do is it will give you some research points which you can use to unlock technology you start off with a certain amount of money and some tech points are free and essentially when you do missions you get money and you get research points there are other ways to make money in the game by moving few rounds buying low selling high that kind of thing and essentially what you're doing is you're creating vehicles to solve problems you can create land vehicles you can great sea vehicles and you can create vehicles that fly in their helicopters planes you know there's these legends of the game electric motors and the game jet engines in the game there's all kinds of stuff let me start off by just showing you a boat that I've made here now this boat I'll show you shortly how to create your own world and how to gain access to this boat and this is my little start about that I will give to you guys for a steam workshop so that you can use it to get going in storm works and I'm also going to give you the hull and then the next video I'll show you how we build this so I'll show you all the system side of it briefly because I don't want to scare you off but equally I want you to understand that this game is not straight forward there are aspects of this game that are quite tricky this is the electrical subsystem so this is me the battery is down here and it comes through this circuit breaker relay here and then that then powers the systems so if we throw that circuit breaker all these systems get activated this is the logic and data that the red is the switches the greens are data and what's going on here is you know the pilot seat for example when you press the hot key warm it will activate the gear switch on the gearbox at the back so back here we have diesel engine and we have some fuel tanks and we have a clutch a couple of gearboxes an electrical generator and on the back though we have a couple of props and a rudder you get the idea you set up front up here use that you drive the vehicle you can take passengers so it's a very simplistic sort of passenger transport boat is what it is there for spawning in you'll see what it looks like so you can see the way the water mechanics work it kind of bounces around and this kind of thing if the weather consisted rive if the waves really get big that'll really test your your your rescue services shall we say now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you how to create the world and we'll do this mission together first of all what I want to do is I want to go to the research tree and just quickly show you some of the research so down here is everything that's locked all these items of research are currently locked and all these down here what we have to play with this is what we've currently got unlocked and you can get a sense of what's in the game by looking at these things for example you've got your normal blocks that you can make things with you've got rudders electrical connectors fuel tanks gearboxes seats and pipe connections what I want to do is just get the research working there are lots of things he can go for for example two points they get basic logic will give us some and Gates or gates so we can do basic computational stuff yeah we can say we can look at numbers coming in from Centers and say well if they're above this certain value only to switch this thing on or off this is where the logic system comes into it this is the one I want to get initially sensors sensors are really useful you've got on this one distance sensors and speed sensors now these things let you obviously see how fast our faster vehicle is going and how far you are away from something like the bottom of the water but they're very useful they take 40 minutes to get this nice one research point so I'm gonna say begin research that will take 40 minutes to churn through and then I'll have access to that stuff and when we do this mission we'll get some more research points that we can then spend but that's that's for later for now I want to show you how to create your own world and how to get this boat in your game right so here we are on the main menu of Stoneworks now you can press this cog here go through your settings make the graphics look how you want configure the audio maybe you want the environment noises to be a bit quieter trust me you do because the lightning in this can be extremely loud quite terrifyingly loud in fact so I suggest you turn that down controls I'll just leave them as basic the rest of their lives so just the graphics really of what you need to worry about now one thing you need to do is you need to create a new game so click new game over here and you can have different world seeds that you can give to people but the game has a kind of fixed number of islands but it also has some procedural generation going on so you can share this number with other people and they will get the same kind of map environment that you've got now in terms of recommended settings there's two ways to go really creative or career creative basically means just that you get all the components unlocked infinite money just go and play jump on any Island you want create a new vehicle you want just mess about and make things that's great if you just want to create stuff do you want to go career mode that's a different style of gameplay that's what you just saw for you start off with limited money limited research points and you have to work your way through things so me personally I would recommend that you go to survival not normal and the reason I recommend survival is because you get mostly these boxes here this is the main one advanced vehicles in the early days of this game you can start off with non advanced vehicles and just learn the game I don't recommend that I recommend that you take this box straight away and learn the game from advanced what that means is you have to deal with as it says the transmission pipes fuel requirements and engine mechanics I will take you through their stuff it's not that difficult but I recommend you do it from the word go because otherwise you'll have to learn it later vehicle and player damage that means obviously you can hit things and blow up your vehicles play damage you can die in which case you'll respawn back at base and all your friends will rescue you if you play multiplayer this does work in multiply by the way NPC damage whether you want people you're rescuing to be damaged by stuff what do you want sharks that attack you megalodons wouldn't recommend now these two are if you want to go fully hardcore turn them off I recommend you leave them on for now this will allow you to recover vehicles from anywhere on the map so if you do drive your boat into a rock blow up and die you can still get the vehicle back by the map fast travel means literally that you can teleport from one of your arms to another for the more hardcore players you would send this off I recommend that you just leave them sick permadeath again and hardcore option limited fuel don't go with that initially do that when you want to up in more difficulty because when you spawn a vehicle in you won't have any fuel in it if you tick that box it's it's good from one perspective but from another it's not it's actually annoying starting money I kind of recommend that you just bump it up a little bit just to get you going in your first game you know maybe slide it more if you feel like it in terms of the starting points there are lots to choose from definitely stay away from the Arctic stuff if you're in career mode because you will die because you won't have access to heating it's up to you of where you want to go just be aware that you know some of these are bases only so you'll only be able to build like air vehicles and some of them are quite big you I would probably stay on the starter base initially if you feel them a little bit more adventurous then you could perhaps go for something like terminal spy cakes if I can find it this one that's quite a good one it has a an airport nearby that you can buy it has a big boat yard and it has trains audio dimension trains you can build trains in this game really good ones for now I would just say go with the starter base this is up to you if you want to just play with all the components take this but honestly you'll get overwhelmed if you do that this one you might want to take just so that you can go and have a look at all the islands this one means you know I have to buy components because every time you bought a component in the build when you spawn a vehicle everything in the vehicle cost money every component cost money and it's charged to your account if you put it on infinite stock then when you spawn a vehicle then there's no cost creative tools is exactly that just enables you to change the time of day and whether if you want to I would start off by leaving these off and put the starter base on with these options you'll get it will be difficult to bought your you'll be challenged and you should have some fun maybe going to career into atomo just to make a vehicle just be aware if you make something in creative mode and try to spawn it in career mode and you don't have that item unlocked you won't be able to spawn time of day personally speaking I like to have 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. as my daily hours and just have six hours of daylight that's entirely up to you if you want to do that or not and then this is if you basically want to go in the workshop and change the more like mod the actual environment see what confirm that will then create your world you'll then be presented with the option to customize your character then click complete and you'll be thrown into your starter base which is what we store the beginning here this is the starter base I told you about if you went for this this is what you'll be what this is is a small island and it has that little bus over here and it's what they call a small boat yard the reason it's small as its limited in size so you can't spawn vehicles that are too big essentially that's the size of the vehicle bay basically if you went from a different place you might be able to get bigger vehicles it's up to you as I say start small learn the game and then walk up from there okay let's let have a look at how to get my vehicle into your game okay so back in the main menu maybe before you created your world and saved it or just save and come back into the main menu if you click on the storm works link bar it will take you to the Steam Workshop page where you can find a lot of vehicles some very very detailed vehicles have been made quite realistic looking ones as you can see they said this is the lengths that you can go to in this game people have made sr71 black birds they've made Osprey helicopters as VTOL capabilities that you can put in the game some of the trains you can get are super awesome ignore all that but if you load those then it'll be you'll be sat there wondering how to even drive the thing yet alone edit it what you want to do is use my URL in the video description to come to my workshop file so this is well I've posted a couple of things for you here scroll starter boats you could just search for it by the way school starter boat and squirrels starter boat - hull this is the whole version of this boat this is what we're going to use in the next video to build this if you just want to get this for now just go and subscribe to it and it will then appear in your game while you're here you might want to get the whole don'ts up to that as well and then when you go back in the game you'll be able to load these things in so let's take a look at that now okay so back in the game whichever base you decided to go for I've gone for this little one here you want to jump in and your missions may be different than mine so it does run and we generate the missions you may get different missions if you get a mission that you don't like the look off like it's move cargo or something rather than passengers what you can do is just run back up to your room starter home there will be a bed you click on the bed and go to sleep that will accelerate days and nights and new missions will come these will expire obviously but you'll get new missions that you can then take so if you don't like the missions you just go to sleep and you'll get new ones don't see a workbench sorry should I should really teach the case if you if you look at it it tells you the keys a and Q just press e that will take you into this world bench which can seem a little bit daunting at first if I want the heck is this okay let's take this one step at a time I don't want to show you completely how to use the editor but I just want to show you how to load things in over on the right here you probably want to have camera settings on free mode so click that and put it on free mode that will let you use the WASD Keys and also Q and E and if you hold the right mouse button down and press W a s and D you can fly around like this use the right mouse button to focus on things okay that's the basics of how to look around go to the top here click on load and then go to workshop and you should see my vehicles here if you click the starter boat that will load the boat that we're gonna use if you click on the hull you can see this is the empty version there's nothing inside of here no propellers on the back this is the empty version that we're going to use in the next video and I'll show you how to build the boat up and how to get the systems up and running in and tuned and that kind of thing so you'll learn a lot from that video about how to build a vehicle but for now I'll just click on load load this boat up and then on the top air you want to click on spawn that will then drop the boats into the water now because I didn't take advanced fueling this boat will be fully loaded with fuel if you did take advance fueling you'll have to go and grab that hose over there which has got nine and a half thousand liters of fuel in it connect it to that connect to point bar and start building the boat there is a display that will tell you how much fuel in but you can see right now it's got almost 1500 liters of fuel so hopefully you didn't take advance but if you did just load the fuel up first right so what do you do press the space-car spacebar key and jump in remember I press the N key to bring to click on the missions and I already tracks the mission so I can see if I look at it the rig workers are five kilometers away and the rig is ten kilometers away so we're gonna go and get the rig workers first so what you do is walk over to the seat and press F to get into the seat about I'll teach you how to drive this boat because that's the main thing you need to know initially you can look around with the mouse obviously and down on the left here it will show you the engine off yes that's the rotations per second that's how quickly the engine is turning maximum you want a diesel to go is about twenty luckily I've limited the diesel to twenty RPS so you won't need to worry about that it won't blow up but equally quicker it goes faster will go but also the more fuel will burn so you keep your eye on the fuel over here so that's not a problem right there's a couple of things the throttle and the clutch we can fire up the engine use the throttle to get the engine running and then bring the clutch in to engage the propeller on the bottom left it tells us what the keys are so a and D will control the rudder so if I press it's happily that's means external camera and I can use the mouse wheel to zoom if I just drop drop of the water you can vaguely see the rudder if I press a and D it won't do anything because there's no ink there's no system power going to the engine I come down here and throw the main breaker that if you remember when I showed you before powers all the systems so now the battery's connected to all the systems that's the tab key again go underwater at best a nd you can see that the rudder is now moving when I press nd that is obviously draining the battery so don't you know don't spend all day doing that one the engine fires up I've got a generator it'll charge the battery up so let's do that there's a start button here but we need to do is give it a little bit of throttle so on your arrow keys up down left right just press the up arrow key and just bring it up to like point to about 20% then press the start button you said it caps out with 20 up yes so we'll just bring that down I'd be like 10% it sounds like a la mode isn't it the engine audio in this game is it's probably needs improving this isn't as at bottom left versus early access build this game is in early access it's very much in alpha it's heavily under development the developers are building out the mission scripting now so that the missions will be a lot more fun interesting and challenging that's one of the things that working on but this game is constantly changing luckily they have a discord they post news on the steam page every week and the game changes very very frequently so if you want to get into this game just be prepared for a ride because things aren't changing anyway we've got the engine running so there's a couple of other buttons here display lights which puts the display lights on she's very useful because if you look at the top right now you can see we're about to go into nighttime hours and the other one is the lighting would you have a rest Tab key you'll see has put these lights on so I've got two front board lights and two inboard lights they're not spotlights they don't go that far but they're a bit of a godsend at night so that's it really starts their break and the lights we can leave all that turned on the engine RPS is good if we go external now you can see there's the engine system you got external camera but we can't because we've backed up alright let's just move forward before we crash this thing so I'm going to bring the throttle up it's about 40% like that and then what I'm gonna do is you look bottom white W&S is clutch so I'm gonna press the W key which will gradually include engage the clutch and start to give us some forward momentum from the propeller I'm gonna steer left there you go I'm staying left with the a key and we're gonna slowly start to move forward it's got a bit more clutch bit more throttle but kind of rubbin on the side of the yard here as you give it more clutch you will need to give it more throttle oh boy [Music] Mayday okay there we go we're out of a fight so we're on for clutch and full throttle now and you can see we're now moving now depending on how rough your C is you may be making better progress than me right now the way this is currently geared we've got the waves kind of behind us so again a little bit of a nudge but they're also coming in from the side which is gonna upset well for it does appear to be calming down as the Sun set now there is a high gear on this and a reverse gear bottom left again you engage the high gear by pressing the number one key so professional wonky engages the high gear what does that do it's a bit like a gear on your bike he moves into a higher gear which lowers the engine RPS we're not going as quickly but we are gonna burn a lot less fuel like a lot less fuel but for now I want speed oops for now on speed so I'm going to turn off the gear and just leave it in low gear if you want to get rid of that tool sit by the way just press the HP I'll get rid of that so anyway press the time Q first the third person and their mouse wheel and you can zoom in and out and just keep the bulb pointing in the right direction if you go underwater you actually see the propellers are doing stuff the rudders and that kind of thing I briefly talked about the boat underneath throw two vents that one is in one is out there fluid ports as they're called that's taken water from the sea and using it to cool the engine that's how that's working so it's drawing the water in on the Left cooling the engine and pushing the water else on the right which is why I've got the bubbles on the right up on the top at the back here this is the air intake so that's why the engine gets it it's fresh air for oxygen to burn and then down the bottom in the middle you can see I put the exhaust for ports which is spewing up exhaust slightly into the sea basic systems you need for a diesel engine are the air intake exhaust cooling which is usually from the water in the case of verbos in the case of a plane and stuff your user radiators and then the fuel once you've got all those things you've got the basic ingredients you need to combust and everything else is just to do with managing the gearbox and managing the rpm and that kind of thing you know I can take you through all that stuff later so for now really what you do is just point the ball at the right direction the head towards the rig and make sure that you've got enough feel but you should have enough feel for this mission you can go point five to fifteen hundred liters and it can take about a time to get there one of one we're doing that for research is obviously going to progress so that will continue and I'll pick it up when we get near to the island now as you can see if it took a while to get here and indeed it is the middle of the night which is quite pretty doesn't it it's a clear sky you can still lighthouse to the distance and these guys are actually on an island I'm just going to have to pull up the boat without damaging it and go and grab the guys and then bring them back to the boat there's no actual Dockyard I don't think on this island so what what we do is or just slow it down a little bit and just leave it is some walk on set around making easy okay let's get the bike there we go right now I don't have an anchor at the moment on this boat so we're just gonna have to leave you bobbing around some press the F key and we'll leave the lights on the engine running and hope this thing doesn't just disappear on us now press the V key we'll give you a torch and we should be able to jump onto the island now be careful when you're jumping around because if you jump too far you can injure yourself if you've got the play damage turned on you can do yourself an injury but we just need to run over to these guys there are hundred meters away they're inside a little after I think this actual island is I think it's got an airport on it I think that's where they are yeah there you go they're on a big Airport so if you had a plane you could come and get the more airplane but since we've only got a boat which is taken I have to make do but there's no dock yard here so what we can do is we can tell them to follow us press eat open the door and if you press P once they will follow us we can pick them up by holding them but if you just tap a on each of them they will follow you around and just be slightly careful because if you jump too far and injure yourself they won't do the same they want they want to follow you everywhere you go if you cause yourself injury they'll just stand still and lucky like you're stupid so every now and again just glance back and make sure they're still following you now we need to find the boat and gets down here there it is let's go this way cuz that's quite a large drop bar and still follow it so this is one of the reasons why I only have six hours of night time because you've only got a little torch or a flashlight for you American and it's not the best so at night time things can be tricky although you might like that well it's happy tap a and SAP II so none of them should be following now I'm gonna hold a that's gonna pick pick them up go over to the bolt let's see F key to access the ladder climb up then hold a mat place the bar this is how we rescue people and when we get helicopters and stuff we can get harnesses and winch people that way and that's where it really gets fun in multiplayer because in multiplayer one of you can be piloting the helicopter somebody else can be operating the winch somebody else can be on the ground weight recovering people it can be a lot of fun and multiplier they did release a dedicated server a few weeks ago it's not the best thing in the world it's a little bit blit cheats this first version of it so it's not the best thing in the world but it's a good start just hope that they'll improve that right 6 K that's awful [Music] okay [Music] and that's that we've we've rescued three walkers we've just got to take them to the right place now now if they die or don't make it any one of them will fail the mission we have to get all three of them intact to the drop-off points for this mission to Council just as we've gone into sunrise right I shall see you when we get back we're almost there I mean the game itself at the start is a little bit tricky we've got the smallest engine with the smallest propellers there's not a lot we can do it will just take time to get around things get a lot easier later when you can get bigger engines or powerful engines and you know get around especially when he gets helicopters I mean that's got a helipad on it look at it it's gotta work out where to go there's also loading crane if you notice on this thing Commission's later on that you can do we've gotta deliver cargo and hoist to the but they're kind of fun just trying to work out what we need to go here if you place it got that Weber see it in the middle of the armor dolphin is anywhere else so this is gonna be interesting trying to unload these guys slow it down looks like there's only one laughter out of here [Music] so again at the moment we don't have any access to anchors the stuff which means I can't actually hoist this thing not attach it to anything so just click to here and kill the engine okay right so we'll hold a thickness person up don't try and get them to follow you in the water and others they won't do it you'll have to pick them up do it this way you can imagine at nights would those see bouncing around and no visibility can imagine how tricky these things can be [Music] so I'm gonna basically tell this person to just for a second - sorry if the camera is bouncing around a lot it does happen at sea and people often say oh is this game like minecraft or is this game like storm works and sorry storm works and scrap mechanic or is this game like robot roblox I think they say that because of the blocky nature of the game but the truth is that it's probably more like scrap mechanic than any of them in the in scrap mechanic you know you you use motorized system submit like Lego technics as opposed use multi systems to do things the big difference between this game and the other games is that this game presents you with challenges and saves to you right how you're gonna you gonna solve these problems that's what the beauty this game when it comes in is it gives you something to do rather than just you know go into creative mode and make cool-looking planes which is fine this game gives you a reason to do things it says well you need to solve these problems you need to move these people around you need to rescue these people you need to go and move these things up to here and I kind of think why is it not tracking there is stop tracking it for some reason that's the big difference is it gives you a reason to make things and I like that oh look cell research just came in mission sorry mission just came in so we can stop following we just had to drag them to hear a phone we had to take them up to a room it's not be stopped it's I'm not your friend anymore I'm not your friend either there we go let's have a look at the research tree so we're four minutes away from researching that thing but we got some money and we got some research points so we can spend a bit more points next time and unlock something cool now how do you get back to your starter point well you could drive all the way back that's one option if you had teleport vehicles of stuff turned on what you can do is here click on this take it to the water bench and that will take you back to wherever the vehicle was made it will go back to the workbench where you made it which considering we only have one water bench is here and if you want to do spawn this vehicle overnight we can press the R key and it will bring it back in the workbench press exit so we don't spawn it again that's the vehicle gone and now what you can do is if you don't want to play at nighttime you want to sleep through the night time you can do you can just run up here or whatever you've whatever you spawned go back to whatever the bed is and go to sleep I'll show you how to do that briefly so you press f to get in bed and you press Z then when you want to wake up you press wakeup research completes on the census so what we can do is before you go back to sleep go back into the research and sell it to learn something else because when you're sleeping you're still researching doesn't make a great little sense but you can use it to your advantage so we've got advanced sensors now because we did sensors we've got advanced sensors which I'm not going to use initially basic mechanics will give us some of these tracks and pivots these are moving objects so if we want to have things turn left slide that's what we need all this stuff for there are 10 points that I would use all the points buttons are very useful and we've all we've got some basic buttons at the moment these are some slightly more advanced ones decorations I don't care about displays are always good the gauge displays good for seeing how much fuel is in your room in your tank doors they're useful later electrics will give us an electric relay a medium-sized battery and it will give us a medium motor and a generator so you can make hybrid vehicles in this game you could use a diesel engine to generate to turn the generator then use the electrical power from that to power the motors so that's the basically like a hybrid a hybrid works you can do that that's one option or we can go down the helicopter routes and start working on getting ourselves the ability to make helicopters which is always very useful as 15 points are out of our reach slightly large bombs will give us access to shipping which you can see brings in like giant propellers and that kind of thing navigation obviously gives you artificial horizon compass clock always useful on any vessel radar and sonar rescue equipment will unlock a bunch more missions for us rather than just moving people and packages around if we get this the game will start to generate things will we go diving which can be good for getting more points later and then weather sensors so you know navigations are strong optioned large bolts that say not yet helicopters will be great but a bit too early for us a thing so probably go down the navigation route so we kick that off and they'll start researching so now if we go to sleep now bear in mind I've got a mission here that ends in 14 minutes this requires somebody to be moved in 40 minutes time that's not gonna happen so when we go to sleep now that mission will expire so we click on said that was the lightning was talking about so if you press the tab key and go external you can see what's going on outside you see they go so the mission failed transfer a Fisher person to all get out of bed and if you have a look a research tree you can see that's gone a little bit further along the line and missions that one has been failed so we can just get rid of that what can get rid of that remember how much Lee but you know that's basically the overview of storm works if that's absolutely like 1% of what you can do in this game scratching the surface we can create some super awesome vehicles in this game and the devs are working on the mission system to make them entirely scriptable so that you and I will be able to make scriptable missions ourselves for other people to enjoy and also make them a lot more difficult much more complicated trigger conditions the future is bright I think for this game it's not without issues multiplayer the winching system the way it works and the pipe connections a bit dodgy but again they're working on that right now that should be updated within a week or two I think there's a lot going for this game but it is early access so just bear that in mind if you decide to go for it anyway if you enjoyed the intro video please give me a thumbs up in the next video I'm gonna show you how I made that boat so I'm gonna take you from the hull and we'll build it out together and I'll explain the systems and the editor so that you can you know that'll set you up to make your own creations that's it for now take care guys happy building
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 120,476
Rating: 4.8986878 out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus
Id: FZp3gGNhlK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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