OUR FLOATING BASE GOT HIT BY A TSUNAMI! - Stormworks Multiplayer Survival

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I want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that Bell Baron yeah why is it alarm sounding it's a distress call I figured you know not a big deal it's just didn't alarm distress call but nothing no merged way what do you mean distress call what does that actually mean what some ship hold on let me let me check this go ahead ship named Orion I don't know galaxies on Orion's belt distress call I mean you would think that this is our job we would probably need to go out and potentially rescue the ship correct well yes but if I go rescue it then I can't play escape from tarkov on my computer over here so really not my job not my problem alright you know what get ready go get your supplies get whatever you need I'm gonna meet you out at the the floating platform by the way we're in a floating base I don't know if you have figured that out yeah I mean I've lived here for 3 months doing basic training this is my first mission that I'll get to go on look at this speaking of floating base I think a part of our base is sinking here yeah maybe yeah the the helipad needs some work yeah definitely since we landed this uh this plane on it it's leaning over a little bit we might have a bit of an issue here taking off well whoever designed this base like I don't know what shadowy organization we're working for they pay me in bitcoins but they like I feel like this is where like you study the Megalodon or something you know like I've seen this in the movies oh oh what is that it's gunship Oh so the bridge the bridge did break that might be a bit of an issue here hop in Oh No okay yeah we're gonna hear we have to get off immediately okay are you in yeah I am in that and I'm ready to go home get the lights on there we go we are literally Turing on the give me a second it's my fur is is this how all the Miss not go I didn't know the basis on we got fired one of the engines oh there you might wanna abandon ship okay it's gone all sorts I'm going he just burst into flames you might want to get out alright alright maybe in the morning Oh God maybe in the morning we can maybe that distress chip is gonna be fine so a 1:08 this is this is the prototype Special Forces like infiltrator this is like two billion dollars yeah it was two billion dollars it's now going to the bottom of the ocean I feel like our boss is gonna be ready you know let's just go in we'll go have a rest well yeah nothing happened we'll say the Megalodon eat it and be like oh my god I mean the Megalodon for 38 years personally fine we'll go do that here you follow me yeah yeah I'm on my way to the man now this is fine well we'll just call it and we'll just sit here and we'll wait for the morning yeah Baron I got a new one uh a new toe really a new two billion dollar oh god I fell down the leg yeah don't fall down the ladder cuz I'm almost there yeah are you good I can't get out of here dude I'm stuck how did you get yourself stuck inside of the base you know what very carefully that doesn't sound very carry are you for sure stuck I am hold on I've gotta use the other door here it's the unofficial one but it's a good okay let me know when you're getting there I'm gonna go and start to lower down and get near the helipad I think it's more of an entrance patch than a latch so you're not stuck though you're good yeah I am now oh my God look at that beauty okay yeah I'm swimming over okay I'm gonna I'm getting my bag I'll try to correct you i'll get my little red and green light okay let me know when he ever glowsticks out this could be a tricky landing it's not a very big pillow pad ooh yeah it's really enough all right now little little more towards huh you're not even on the platform or should I just get in yeah well I'm gonna go ahead and shut it down real quick okay okay here we go pumps off main breaker off alright that's good further down I don't know what just stuck I think I'm stuck to the platform right we're good yes thanks fine well yeah it looks like a government issue blaming here so he's the little Baron you might want to come up really quick man I'm dead serious coming out of the ladder um keep coming okay now look where I'm looking oh uh yes yeah you might want to you might want to jump while you're doing that maybe squat down a little bit where look towards where I'm looking Oh in the veto Kimoto what is new money that is a wall maybe that's why the Orion was in distress just saying okay what we're gonna uh like deep sea water plan we better hope this thing fires oh wait why is it I've never seen a wave that big why are the magnets on on the helipad uh oh okay give me a second or the other on I could fill it might be stuck but I got it don't worry oh okay you got ink okay I'm back I was gonna just pull up it stopped moving fast enough pull up here you need to take off the engines no I got it do not well think about it the base how much did that cost yeah dude if this thing was like a couple billion that base has to be like I don't know how many bitcoins ah well it's now floating uh-oh it's gonna fly over that tsunami dude this is why hey guys there goes the midday oh it might catch us here the landing platforms the runways shattered hey you know the base actually looks it actually was like it's indecent it's like is it kind of like it's kind of like so yeah I mean resistant I wouldn't say proof I was thinking it was gonna go down but it actually managed to stay up I mean it's kind of broken but yeah well we can always like get a boat later and pull that in we don't have to tell the boss about that oh yeah but we do need to tell the boss about the Orion so let me go and get the coordinates for it I think and I think we need yeah let's uh let's go ahead and head out there all right I've located though run eight kilometers out let's see I wonder how fast this thing will get so if you go from vertical takeoff to horizontal thrust mode doing it right now oh my God look at that thing you better be ready to hold on I'm strapped in dude I'm like in the little passenger compartment we got warning sirens it's like a discotheque in here alright starting to turn it should spill up and start moving forward here shortly oh dear okay I'm a little sideways it's fine just a little bit it's a little bit the moment alright work you know it's drifting a little bit it's supposed to do that Yeah right maybe it is a prototype after all what happens if I do this but just fired a missile oh yeah let's go and get rid of the excess weight there we go that's amazing so wait I guess those we lost our Megalodon defense weapons oh oh those look like they're falling on the base no we're gonna ignore that's even happening let's go out to the Orion I think the base was sinking wakamoto it's fine we don't need it all right landing gear up so what is the Orion yeah all right I think it's a fishing vessel okay scanning for visual no visual on Orion just yet let's see oh I got though Ryan loading in you should have it any moment it should be below us Oh God we got some very turbulent waters okay yeah I see I see a fishing trawler a small transport ship down there yep we're gonna try to land hopefully on its dick get all the passengers aboard before it sinks the water looks rough though this is this is some rough sea stuff it is all right let me go ahead and deploy landing gears back down all right I think oh I got to make sure to stay in the plane how do I drop Oh Oh Baron yeah don't fall out I don't know oh oh oh you can close the door if you want to close the door for now I'm trying to I'm learning some buttons equipment Locker to what do they got in there they got a parachute or something I'm looking deck hatch here we go is that oh snap I opened another hole that we're starting to approach we're going down I'm trying to find how to use the little grappling cable see this is my first mission come on her like I I didn't go through proper training cabin door oh oh here we go I think we're gonna want up landing on there dick barring them having a crane aboard which I don't think they do I see a walkway good oh hey Barry right door control I'll open these doors to Barron that ships going down fast yeah it is okay so what we have to get on I'm probably gonna fisherperson I'm probably gonna have to keep this thing stable so you're probably gonna have to board yeah you are clear to jump I'm jumping mm-hmm I'm on board the ship it looks like I don't know god yeah this thing is taking on water fast okay oh boy oh it's taking on water really fast I found somebody yeah I just try to get him and get him out to the main bearing it off the ship bear get out of there oh god okay I got the person okay oh yeah we're going down call over hold me jack he they can jump in I'm trying okay wait oh yeah I can jump in if you move a little bit up and closer to me I should be able to jump okay oh dude we got some wave action coming oh geez I didn't realize me to go down this fast no the wave pushed me off okay I'm gonna try to get a little closer to the water here I'm gonna go out a little bit from the ship and get close to the waters to swim out to me okay okay oh God yeah yeah all right all right we're gonna go ahead and ignore the whole fact that there's several other people in the water and a couple just went down with the ship oh my goodness there's a lot of people don't worry we got oh wait he's right I'm almost able to grab onto the ladder yeah you should be able to set that guy down in a seat you get are you yeah you're drowning okay there you go big place character in the seat oh there's a couple of others there's two more yeah go ahead and swim towards those two I see some all right rescue mission there's three people oh my god is that a shark No oh yeah watch out for that Baron you got another one pick you up yep I got him on my back we're not gonna lose the other one so we're good I think the wave action is pushing the rest maybe to shore potentially except for the two that are in the ship but we're not gonna worry about those two you know you win some you lose some right yeah you know it happens yeah okay alright I got that one do you want me to go for the third yeah let's get one more then we'll get the heck out of here okay okay oh it's raining now uh-oh oh my god okay yeah we might win a hurry oh geez pick me pick you up coming down follow me man dude he doesn't want to come with me what is that what is what oh my god wait what oh did you see that I didn't have visual where was that ah there's enough what I don't think I'm I think I've drank too much salt water yeah there's we gotta get outta here I'm leaving this person we gotta go come in dad I'm having visions of okay there's either a lot of sharks I'm drink way too much salt water alright let's get out of here oh oh run fire Baron I'm out of ya how to dunk just a little bit inside can we not take off the engines are flooded the worst mission ever oh my god are you on top of it wait Baron where yeah yeah I'm on top of it I'm on the tail right now so this was swell Baron there's a shark Kevin a big one yeah daddy haha I'm wondering which ones are real I think like fear install water his well the problem is as I'm starting to see him now too so I'm pretty sure they're real and that means I'm not crazy anymore so we're stranded out in the ocean with Megalodon sighs sharks and the people who we went to save are all drop they there they're gone so Baron if you want to hop off the back of the boat they're there or the well I guess it's boat now there's an island over here alright yeah let's let's go over there this is terrifying dude so how'd your first mission go uh terribly I don't think I want to be a part of this organization I don't know who our boss is or why he's obsessed with giant sharks and well I mean you're crashed yeah just yeah I ignore what's going on behind us yeah you're always walking join again if you want to do more missions you know what I think I need to give another try cause like I just can't leave without having a success you know they this was epic yeah this is something so babies people how would they want to see more though uh yeah they'll let us know and let me know if we've got to keep going and go check out Baron scale and check out kimonos thanks for watching guys hi bye
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,115,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stormworks, stormworks gameplay, stormworks sinking ship, stormworks ship, stormworks tsunami, stormworks best ships, stormworks sinking ship survival camodo, sinking survival, sinking ship simulator, camodo gaming, stormworks plane crash, stormworks plane crash survival, stormworks plane crash compilation, stormworks plane crash multiplayer, stormworks plane, stormworks camodo gaming, stormworks spycakes, stormworks base, stormworks tsunami base, stormworks floating base
Id: 2tY3gUYdMqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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