Stormworks - Ep 2 - Building a Simple Boat (Part 1 of 2)

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I go small here welcome to episode two of the storm web series I've been doing so if you watch the first one you're gonna know view the game and I showed you a boat that I used and we did a quick mission this video I am going to show you how to make that boat so the idea of this video is to teach you some of the basic systems that you need to understand in order to build things in storm whoops and also to show you the editor which can be a little bit interesting so got lots to get through so I'm gonna go up and load the hull if you don't know how to load the whole watch my first video it's in my Steam Workshop so you can easily load this whole well briefly what you're gonna end up with if you subscribe to the items is these two here this is the full starter boat and this one is the whole the starter boat what I'm gonna do today is show you how to take this and build it into a fully working boat along the way you should then understand some of the things involved in storm works and that kind of thing by having somewhere to start like this is quite useful okay so how do we begin well basically at the moment this boat is completely empty this internal aspect here is an empty space which is what gives the boats buoyancy now you must not have any holes in your hull if you have a hole in the hull like that as soon as you spawn it water will leak inside and it will immediately sink so a boat needs to float obviously so you need the buoyancy this is where the buoyancy comes in and there is an option over here to turn on the center of mass which is we can find it here now if you've all played Kerbal space program you'll know that Kebbell space has two options in this regard it has a center of mass and it has a center of thrust and those two things are very important this game currently doesn't have any center of thrust so even when you put propellers on it and again you get to see the direction of the thrust it doesn't show you how the thrust affects the mass which is important because if you don't provide thrust along the center of mass then you end up with rotation which is why when you see a speed boat put the power down you'll often see the front end of the boat lift up on the backend sink into the water because what's happening is the thrust is below the center of mass or pushes along this way and the effect is to turn to call the torque effect on the boat it doesn't show you that in this game but you do get the center of mass when you're making things this is quite important particularly for something like airplanes because if you put your your main landing undercarriage in front of this then it will cause when you spawn the plane it will just tip backwards so you need to pay attention to this because this is where the center of the mass is this is where the center of weight is bear in mind also that it will change as you fuel but not significantly it does it is something that you need to keep your eye on though when you're putting things down so in here is the empty space to the buoyancy we're going to need to have some fuel tanks which I'm going to put up the top here and we're going to have the the engine system and the main bits and pieces back here and we're going to take you through the electrics and the logic systems but first all let's talk about the Edit so for a minute just so that you understand how to go about editing things in the editor this won't be an in-depth tutorial of the editor but it will give you the basics so in the last video I mentioned that first the first thing you want to do is make sure you're on free camera that allows you to do W a s and D Q and E and hold down the right mouse button and rotate the camera once you've got those basic things you can basically orbit around the vehicle and you can go inside and do what you need to do along the bottom it is a hot bar you can drag items into the hot bar to use frequently so when you press the tab key that's gonna bring up your component inventory and with the component inventory you can basically group things into categories like that you can search for things if you want to see for example if you wanna pipe I can search for pipe and it will show me all the different pipe components but remind that it only shows you things that you've unlocked in the career mode if you're in creative mode you'll get everything if you're in career mode then you're restricted to what you see here that the items that you've unlocked to fire research so for example if I want to have this pipe cross over all my hotbar I'll just drag it down like there if I want to poop on a standard square block which I always have on warm I always have a block a basic wage in a pyramid and an inverse pyramid I always have these four on my hotbar and then generally speaking I'll have pipes but these in the middle tend to change around a bit so once you've dragged things into your hotbar you press the hot keys one two three four five six seven eight nine zero and that's how you can quickly move between different pieces now if I get myself a pipe piece here because this is useful to show you rotation I'll just color it so that we can see it a bit easier now there are the three axes in the game because obviously we're in 3d you can more easily see them if you click on this and put the rotation labels on and what this will do this is kind of useful in the early days because you can get a feel for how things rotate this is probably the most trickier aspects of using a 3d editor but briefly press the K K you can see it rotates around the green axis to the Green Line coming out the top it will rotate around that green axis though if you press the J key it will rotate around the red axis like that and if you press the L key it rotates around the L axis so you know it's not important when it's a cube but obviously if you want to put a wedge down or something you want to make sure it's oriented the right way then you need to press you know the red key will rotate that way or you think itself or want the on the blue key want to rotate this way and that's how you put things down now the game is as I won't show you that I'll just show you some other stuff so there's also a symmetry mode that you can put on symmetry mode mums disabled but normally you would have it on the x-axis like that you'd have the symmetry mode on the x-axis and what it means is anything that you put down on one side it will replicate doesn't excuse me it will replicate on the other you'll notice however that symmetry at the moment is not going through the middle of the boat it's very important to make sure it does go through the middle of the bolts otherwise when you put things down they won't be in the right place you can change the middle by clicking on this button here and then simply simply dragging a symmetry plane to this in the middle of whatever you're making so now when I put something down on here it let me leap a beer over here see quite cool and actually works in terms of you know in terms of wages or whatever people things facing out the way if you drag it by the way it builds it out like that so with this symmetry mode you'll often find yourself using from things for the boats or something you'll want things replicated on the other side it saves a lot of time just a word of warning when you put in some things down like wheels turn off symmetry mode because it will you put a wheel down it rotates clockwise when it puts on the other side it will go an anti-clockwise which is not what you want you want boat to go clockwise so you'll want to turn off cemetery mode at that point that symmetry mode is the most useful but there are planes the other planes that you can use is a less useful book you know you can use them normally you would leave that one turned on though because it is extremely useful now up here is the pilot seat and this is the fuel connector here you'll see on the whole I left I left the connection points in so that we could more easily build this thing out so that we've got somewhere to to target our piping this one here will go down to where the propellers will eventually go come out the bottom bar and we'll have to plumb all of it so let's get started and we'll start to build out some of the engine components and we'll talk about how the engines work in this game okay now when you start the game in career mode you'll only have White's us to one inch in any wave you search for it'll be this one it with a small engine later on you can get medium and large diesel engines and then much later on you'll get access to jet engines you'll also get generators and motors generators are turned by an engine like this a jet engine or diesel they're turned and they generate electricity you put that electricity in batteries and then you can use it to power motors motors will turn things like propellers and that's more of a hybrid model and this is what we're gonna do is we're going to put down a engine and we're gonna basically hook it all up and I'll show you how to to plumb this thing together now because we're in symmetry mode what's happening is it wants to put two engines down you see but if you will just put it here for now we'll talk some of the components of this thing so here's the engine if we click on this select icon here you can look at properties by the way so what I did then was a clicked on that we go back to a block it's having that think dancing around the screen so if you click on the select key then you can look at some properties of certain components this one it's how much of its power you want it to generates well we always want a hundred percent the RPS limiter is there because if the RPS of this engine gets too high it will explode our twenty is a good number for a diesel engine a diesel engine operates most efficiently when it's running about seven RPS and this is rotations per second normally when we look at engines we talk about rotations per minute if you want to know the RPM just multiply that by 60 but 20 RPS is the maximum for diesel engines there's not much to worm to change on the diesel engine however one of the things we do want to look at is the piping you'll see that this coolant in this coolant ounce is fuel in exhaust out and then there's the air intake additionally the Zee actual X is here crank if you like which is where the power will come out of now all of these are connected via pipes and the pipes you can find by pressing tab and just go the pipe there's different types of piping everything from stripe pipe to a 90-degree angle T Junction and then all these kind of omni pipes and pipe cross overs which the specialist pieces and then these block ones are exactly the same as these except they're filled in blocks and we will use these in a second so in terms of engine placement what I want to do is I want to rotate this engine 90 degrees I don't want it to be sat like this so in other words what I actually want to do I might type in engine what I actually want is a one engine like this but I want it rotated that way because it will just make life a little bit easier when we come to plumb this thing in so because it needs to be mounted on something I'm gonna mount it on a block so what I'll do is I'll just build a little block like that which will give us some watts and mount this engine so we click on the engine now I've got this flat surface we can put this thing down like that and we've got ourself our engine mounting and that allows us to basically have the drive come out over here and go straight into those those pipes there which will come out two propellers this is the actual turning force it can be turned 90 degrees no problem it doesn't model that in the game it's just power going down this pipe so what we need to do well this is gonna be this is a fluid wall pipe from on the bottom here fluid port allows fluid to be exchanged with the outside world or for example if you're doing fuel transfers you can have a few affluent ports allow you to move fuel from the inside of one tank to the outside of another tank this particular exit port here is coolant in so this is gonna be taking cold water from the sea and pumping it into the engine to cool it down so what I like to do is I like to color code that in a nice blue color so I'll click on that and just send that upwards and then we'll click on the ninety degree on will put that down now this is what you need to start thinking about the axis rotation labels to me I know intuitive press the K key it will rotate it like that now notice I'm not in symmetry mode at this point I do not want symmetry mode for this bit I'm just gonna leave you off symmetry mode and put this piping in like that then this one over here is going to be the coolant out so this is the hot water coming out of the engine effectively so want this one to be orange like that and then we'll straight back downwards you don't need to color code this is purely cosmetic but I find it kind of helps you to understand what is being piped to work anything now I put an air intake box down here and the piping for that comes out just here so what I want to do is I want to point the air intake which is this one here on a PI pitch straight down and then send it up to that thing so if I go for gray or cleaner like that never come in and you know it's just sat in front of the exhaust port so we want to just turn this slightly what we can have the actually no well we'll just have this on straight back down we'll make the exhaust go around it so we come in like that and then 90 degree like so that's the air in sake dump the next one's gonna be the exhaust port which you think was this one this side here so we'll go for a darker color you can go for black if you wanted to nice dark dirty color because that's what exhaust is and this will run parallel down here at the end it would turn 90 degrees and okay this exhaust comes out of the Mac of that fluid Porter and the air intake comes in here so jobs are good so next thing we need is fueling now the fueling needs to come into this bit here but we just need to work out how we're gonna lay our fuel tanks down so what we can do oh and the fuel insight by the way is coming from here so there's a what they call a fluid connect if you type in the word fluid into here you'll see there's a fluid connector and a fluid connector so let me come back to that fluid connector can be used to transfer flow between vehicles two fluid connectors will attach when they are within close proximity so you bring a hose over to here and that will magnetically click onto it and then you can transfer fuel in or out of whatever is on this side here so what we'll do is we'll look for a tank and we'll see that we've got small tanks which hold which have a mass of warm and a medium tank which has a mass of one as well so we're gonna go for that we'll color it red because red diesel you know and then we'll put it into symmetry mode so we'll put it onto red symmetry mode so that we can put this thing down another the thing to watch here is we want the outlet connectors we want a warm space gap in between and we want to rotate it so that the outlet connectors are facing inwards that will make it easier to play together to a port set of those down like that and then we'll have another set and another set and then finally another set like that we go back to pipes so we've got eight fuel tanks we could possibly squeeze another on in what we want that's already bring in a sensor a mass a little bit forward so eight tanks should be more than enough each one holes I think it's a hundred and 787 liters also so eight of those should give us plenty of space and they're like 1500 liters or something like that so this is the tricky bit we want to come down here and then what we want to do is you want to split so I'll start by putting the 90-degree brackets on because that'll make life a little bit easier a 90-degree pipe sections like that that's where they want them to join into so we're gonna plumb this whole thing together and then it's going to uplift into here so to do this we want a cross piece so we're gonna look all pipe and then we'll find a pipe cross like that if you put it here and then we press the L key sorry L key the J key I'll rotate it rotate it like that and then we'll do the same for that one but for these we want a t piece because we don't need to carry on after this or party piece down on each end so you want a tea piece on the ends and you want a pipe cross in the middle and then we're going to put down the piping like that and then this bit we just need to add the upgrade connector so we need a tee piece on that one sure I'd say to the right way and finally each like that big so all's I've really done is pipe it from up into the eight tanks they're all connected now so when fluid comes in from the top it will fill those eight tanks these eight tanks now need to go off and connect to the engine so what we're gonna do is just change this change this piece here now to delete a piece you press the X key it will turn into a red block and you'll see when you move it around it will highlight what it's going to delete it so if you delete one here and don't forget we're in cemetery moldy deletes that one nicely something to be careful when you're in symmetry mode is you can unwittingly delete things and not realize it's deleting important stuff over there if you make a mistake there's an undo and redo up here but ctrl Z or Z if you're American now we'll undo that so what we'll do is we'll press the X key and delete that press the X key again to come out of delete mode and then we'll look for the pipe cross or put the point cross in and then we just gotta plumb this into the engine so I'll create a 90-degree bracket out of here and then we'll have another 90-degree bracket come in this way oops all's we got to do is get backs see here which we can easily do now with a couple of 90s that's that you don't need to worry about fuel pumps at this stage the fuel will just naturally be sucked out of the tank by the engine it will bring it in you don't need to put a fuel pump now later on you can put fuel valves in the way and fuel pumps and all kinds of things before right now you don't need to worry about it right it's song commander power now this is where it's gonna get slightly interesting so first thing we do then the power comes out of this connection here and it can be played in any direction you want so Frank example it's perfectly okay to do this it's not a shaft but like a propeller shaft or a power shop anything like that it's literally just type of power and give it as fluid power flowing down the pipe it's a bit of an abstraction but that's essentially what it is now the first thing we need is a clutch and if you click on a clutch it says a clutch for managing the transmission of power between two notes so in this case it's gonna take the power coming from the engine and allow us to control the power connected to the propeller in other words when the engine is up and running firing and generating power if this clutch is on ER is reading a value of zero in other words the clutch is on zero nothing will be transmitted to the propeller the propeller will stay stationary while the engines running if you send it an input signal towards one one being the maximum it will send anything from north or 100% of its power from the engine to the propeller and that's what a clutch does it allows you to control the power coming from the engine to the propeller otherwise what would happen is without this you would get maximum propeller speed all the time and you couldn't control it which is not much good when you're trying to slow down next thing we need is a gearbox our gearbox works just like any other gearbox the rotation of your engine compared to the rotation of the wheel or propeller or Rossell whatever it is you're driving off can't be the same so what you need to do is put a gearbox in the way that allows you to translate the speed of your engine to the speed of your propeller it also allows you to as it says here changing the torque values by directing these arrows now if we just pop one of these things down I'll just explain this briefly if you click on the properties and I clicked on select and then selected this you've got two two gears in this gearbox the default gear which is this one ratio warm and then the gear that you can switch it to which is this one here so if I put this for example on two to one ratio what does that mean well by defaults one turn of the engine is going to translate to one turn of the propeller if I put this into the second gear two terms of the engine will translate into warm turn of the pabellón that's two turns of the engine or two turns of the input or translate to one turn of the output that means the engine is going twice as quickly as propeller that puts it in a state where you get a much higher torque setting if you think about say if you ever had a a bicycle with gears on it what that would mean is that this cog is a small cog this cog is a big cog and you will have to turn your feet twice to make your wheel go around once effectively it's what that means normally you wouldn't run it in this state you probably run it the opposite way around you tend to run it more like this so you'd starts off in a what they call it low gear where two turns of the engine is one Serna propeller and that allows you to apply more torque to the propeller allows you to provide more pushing force think of it that way and then when you're up to speed you can drop to this gear here and this is a much higher gear and that allows you to cruise more efficiently the engines not turning as quickly anymore you're not burning as much fuel what the propeller is now spinning and can keep the ship going all this depends on the ratio of in out which is defined by these arrows here so if we was to have this pointing like that okay so once a want in this case in point is on the left outputs on the right so input is on the left output is on the right so if we did that two turns of the engine would give us one sander propeller because we have the arrows pointing that way however if we wish to turn this the other way the opposite effect happens so now when we put two to one in here this is not the same because the arrows are different this is now the input side if you like this is now the number two oops the number two now corresponds to this side of the gearbox and the one corresponds to that side of the gearbox is that now where the output is input alcohol so if we did it this way around what you probably want to do is have it this way because now what's happening is you starts off one turn of the engine is one turn a propellant but when you come to move it into the higher gear one turn of the engine is now two turns the propeller remember the two is now on this side so this is going to turn twice for every engine wanter now knowing these values know one what you can do them is what's important you will have to put gearboxes down and then play with the values when you've built the engine in your testing kit there is no real way of knowing how much you're gonna have to set those gears to work efficiently and effectively it is just gonna be trial and error and for what we want to do we're gonna do it this way we're gonna have a gearbox running like that and we're gonna have a gearbox running like that and I'm gonna set this to be three to two and then one to one and that's just like examine what I've done that I import is on the left okay so my input is on the left so by default three turns of this engine will be two turns of power and then when you move to the higher gear it will go one turn the engine is one turn of the bow so this is a higher gear than this one this will give us more pushing force initially the engine will run faster but it will turn the propeller slowly but with more force that will allow us to push the bolt and get it moving then we can go to high gear if you want to this one this one that starts off normal but will then go one turn of the engine is a minus one turns of the propeller this is a reverse gear this is how you do a reverse gear in this game so this gearbox in the first stage here is all about allowing us to get moving and this one is on allowing us to actually reverse repellers if you wait to go backwards that's all that does now we just need to get this thing out the out to the actual propellers which are going to be transmitted through here but there's one thing that we do need and that's a generator and the generator is going to provide some power to the battery which we haven't put down yet will be within a minute if we look on here I've actually just put the wrong component down it's what I actually need is a pipe crossover if we look for generator we can see we've only got one at the moment a small generator at a mass of five we're gonna stick that on the end it's gonna bleed some of the power from the engine and use it to charge the batteries now if we go back into symmetry mode symmetry mode X or Google do is who are simplistically just pipe the mass into here and that's it so let's just briefly go through what we've done the power comes out the engine goes through a gearbox which allows us to control the speed that comes out of here this thing goes through this gearbox here which then goes into the generator and out two propellers now you could if you want to you could and will do this if you like you could do this you can put this in here and take the generator a waveform though now think about what effect that will have what effect would that have if I put the generator over here instead the answer is if we've got it in this configuration if I've got the clutch on zero and the engine running no power is coming down this line so the generators not turning anymore even though I've got the engine running it generates is not turning because the clutch is on zero so there's no turning force going through here if you put a generator here whatever the engines doing it will basically turn it will generate electrical power no matter what the clutch is on so point it before the clutch has an effect and this is something you need to consider when you're designing these things is were you put components so anyway that will do for that we've got the engine in here last thing we want to do is just add a little battery so we've actually got some power now we need a batteries to start the engine so to you if you put one or two in it which is the manner one should do it one battery the battery will be charged from the generator and that is the basics of the inside that's all we need to do in here all the pipes are connected everything we do now will be on the outside so we'll put the propellers on and the rudder on and then we'll be on command and control systems and display stuff okay I've just realized that the video is already running at at least half an hour I think that's plenty to do because we've got probably about another thirty minutes worth of work on this to finish it off so I'm going to finish the video off here this will be part one in part two we're going to put the rudder and propeller in we're going to put some stuff on to the cockpit so we can start the engine and see what's going on in the from the boats and then we'll take it for a test drive and that will complete the boat so this is part one that part two I'm going to show you how to finish the boats off for more work it's just some settings on it so I hope you enjoyed the video guys that's the next one take care happy building
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 53,747
Rating: 4.9097319 out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus
Id: FT0BdBeaNIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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