I Found The Best Roguelike! - Let's Play Muck - PC Gameplay Part 1

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everyone one about here and welcome to muk it's a weird roguelike made by a weird developer that is making a weird game about milk and i guess he also made this one so we're just gonna oh boy difficulty gamer wait this is multiplayer right huh i'm i'm going to send rito a message i i feel like i need to try this in multiplayer and i feel like i need to do it uh with the only true gamer that i know all right so now that i've sent a message uh let's see survival versus creative so i'm gonna i'm gonna be normal because i am who i am is there no character customization is this am i just capped out as this all right well anyway so yeah what is the uh player limited lobby i have no idea i guess we'll find out i'm just gonna learn how to play and then we'll make it work pick up a rock hundred gold open up a chest okay okay tab put rock and holder there we go slap a tree all right give me a second settings audio we gotta turn the master volume and crank the music up what else do we got i looked at some of these things and then i just like totally spaced on their existence all right i slapped a tree i've unlocked wood this actually this actually doesn't seem half bad okay open inventory craft a workbench 10 wood all right first and foremost i'm gonna go back to the audio i'm gonna just turn this down i really am just like sick of sound effects and they're so loud this is on like minimum volume and maybe it doesn't sound loud for you guys because i changed it in editing or like i've turned it down for everything else but it's just like clunk clunk clunk this here this is this is a non-grassy area let's slap this down oh my god ah i was trying to swing with it okay so bark wood bowl wood pickaxe okay so i need to make make some bark okay and let's get a wood axe wow yeah this is just full on survival mode okay nope still loud for me and also like no music uh let's see i'm gonna just crank all this down i'm gonna turn on my own music i don't know if there is music for this game but i don't want to deal with it it's just an axe with wood edited on i why not come on pretzel unfortunately i don't think the game pauses while i'm uh while i'm all tabbed here but you know what i don't care there we go remind me to turn that off out at the end of this let's just go with this is the axe slower than the rock i think they're about the same speed i could be wrong okay let's just wave hands at rock and apple for a bit and see what i can make there's all sorts of chests like all over the place okay well [Music] let's see wood pickaxe i guess i need more bark stations what else can i make cauldron furnace rock cool let's start with the pickaxe and stations what do i need for a furnace i need more rock this might be oh that's mithril let's just assume that i can't i can't do anything with that say wait is wonder you're the guy who did terraria i mean i didn't make terraria the game but i did do a lot of terraria stuff and still will i'm actually i'm really looking forward to them adding the uh adding 1.4 uh or modding to 1.4 because as soon as team mod loader works with 1.4 and i can i can play that and also my brother is available we'll probably do a series on it together because uh i i do love me some some terraria okay well we got torch flint arrows cool stations cauldron is more wooden rock we're low on wood but that's okay all right right e to open fuel and metal okay so we've got coal can i just skip straight to mithril is it gonna let me nope don't wanna okay i see cows all over the place i see start battle which is a thing i'm poor as dirt uh it's grab apple how do i eat this is how i eat [Music] boy this is janky's hell i love it all right i guess i should go for the trees more than anything else do i kill cow now we'll leave it [Music] okay what did i get from him 14 wood oh that's actually not a bad conversion adamantite oh god what is that thing what are you what is any of this oh oh my god i got coin gavel on wheel gavilan deal avalon one coin manycoin also not die gavlon prefer not die just because now we there we go okay still need to find some iron around here i do have some coin though increased chance to hit a crit oh so we just have little perk chests all over the place that's cool okay iron here we go they throw bone at me that's not okay you don't throw bone i'm gonna starve to death while i'm doing this now okay luckily the mighty circle strafe remains the mightiest tactic in all of the land no one can stop me once i start circling i am i am untouchable okay so we might want to save up for some of the better perks but i think for now i'm going to keep going for the cheap junk just for the time being increased shield capacity shield capacity ah okay this is really this is actually really cool i uh so i've also got uh a response and the answer was yes so that's good looks like i'm going to be able to do do some of this multiplayer let's get a cauldron going uh let's see all right let's start working on this so i've got fuel and i should have metal what else we got oh i do have gold [Music] okay i've unlocked the iron bar we've unlocked the anvil what does the anvil need tools stations anvil lot ah let's see do we just try and kill a cow because first and foremost let's grab the mushrooms wow this cow just seems woefully inconvenienced by the fact that i am literally murdering it all right all right okay cauldron meets let's start working on that okay how we at we got iron we don't have quite enough rock there's some oh the pickaxe seems reasonably capable of wrecking rock that cow ragdoll is cursed this whole game is cursed okay so if when i play multiplayer people respawn the next in game day that's a good system i like that oh i'm probably starving that would explain some things well that's okay back up to full health uh let's see make anvil okay we've unlocked steel boots we can also make gold let's see so iron bar bark and birch wood so i guess i'm gonna have to find that uh iron bar and birchwood well let's start by chucking in the gold ore oh we ran out of coal before we ran out of anything else all right i see birch over there frankly this is actually really cool i i've been wanting like a proper survival roguelike for a while but they're all boring like they're all don't starve style and i feel like that's a bad way of doing it because i don't i don't actually personally feel like don't starve is a particularly good roguelike it it heavily punishes you yeah for for dying and making mistakes and whatnot but you know this has a lot of the basic like uh you know minecraft whatever chop tree hit rock so on and so forth okay that looks like a bunch of coal there also potentially a structure that i can check out nope iron all right whatever we need iron anyway let's see what's that game that's like this game but it's third person in anime style you're probably thinking of craftopia or creatopia crack i don't for i forget whatever that jank nonsense was okay where's that building i'm just gonna go check out the building yeah craftopia there we go look weirdly enough the game the game itself is incredibly memorable the chiefs hut chef's hut oh unfortunately i don't have the i don't have the luxury [Music] of looking inside right now now with these critters coming after me there we go anyway i want coin i kind of wish uh i kind of wish the coins they drop would specifically just go into my inventory so i don't have to go looking through the grass to find them i guess i should probably just turn the grass off but like it's gonna make this game look weirdly barren but maybe i don't have a choice that was all of it oh ow thought that was gonna be the last of the enemies that's okay you can kill a cow get some stuff got bone okay what are you what is this got a bowl and oh okay so we've unlocked a lot of things that's lovely and there's also a cauldron but let's not increase max hp works for me i should probably start saving up for some of the bigger things now the only immediate problem is that i've totally forgotten where my house is this is probably going to be enough is there no mini map there's a map but the map gives my eyes pain okay there it is over there let's see map is jank bad jank no good jank honestly just jank like i don't i don't have anything against this game i it's weird for a lot of other games i would actually go out of my way to start like criticizing them and like talking about how they could improve for this game i think the only thing that would improve this is just more just more of whatever the hell like i don't i don't care this this can be whatever it wants to be i'm not gonna stop it all right so what do we what do we need i'm probably gonna need a weapon but we need tools we need bark birchwood and iron bars well we should have plenty of iron now question mark we should have an amount okay so i need to make bark okay we can also make dough and rope interesting uh start with a better pickaxe get over here of the other iron i'd like to make weapons i'd like to make a lot of other things but i feel like having the uh the better tools will help the most but did i never i never actually dealt with a gold ah let's see well here's the other question we need a chest [Music] okay okay apparently shift click does not work [Music] let's see with this let's just move over a number of these things initially i don't know what to do with old equipment so let's just not even think about it stack wood got plenty of these okay see if uh steel breaks mithril yes it does we're gonna be here for a while but if i can skip straight up to mithril that'll be good now do we know if this game's an active development or if this is like actually just the completed product because i really could see this being something incredible if the developer wants to keep putting uh putting some time into it like it's janky and weird once again that can be a strength okay armor so i'm gonna need way more iron bars okay pull that off give her the mithril we're largely out of coal whoops okay well i've become mightier are you breaking [Music] breaking my table i guess this specifically why i need to be out about and elsewhere oh it looks like it just falls on the ground question mark okay that's not so bad but yeah oddly enough this is actually kind of what i wanted uh this is kind of what i wanted minecraft to be originally like a lot more survival focused and oh okay please stop i'm dead dang okay those rock boys hurt let's do another uh let's see honestly i'm just gonna keep it as it is and now i know how to play this game this should be a lot easier technically you can make it in minecraft mods do exist i know but it's not the same it's not the same okay where's rock i cannot see rock okay i see rock over there [Music] yeah thrown rock counter circle strafe i think i needed to save some more of my money and actually use it on some like better power-ups question mark and also just have healing items on hand i pretty much ignored it because i didn't need it at the time what if flint works better nope oh that's a fur tree damn it there we go there's regular tree let's see so i think i need to cut down two trees on this but it could be wrong what the heck is this game i janky survival roguelike okay let's do three mainly just because chopping tree with stone seems to be about the same as using a wooden axe i think we might even want to skip the wooden oh no no we're going to need we're going to need the wooden axe if i'm going to want to break any birch there's a couple of ui things that i'd love to see change right clicks and uh gosh well i guess instead of trying to get that to even work let's not even think about it okay stations yeah i'll care about them later we just want to get this iron rolling i'd see oh there are free chests as well not everything cost stuff good to know yeah the really dark brown chests are free good to know so maybe that one maybe it also seems like as the sun goes down what i should probably do is is just explore instead [Music] hanging hanging out near this uh hanging out near my base is just a recipe for frustration let's see i want to bring in friends since the game is free i already reached out to some friends we might manage to fit it in sometime later this week i don't know one way or another uh burrito said he was in and so he should probably be able to convince everybody else the question is how many everybody else yeah rito says he's in i could almost see the wholesome verse live pulling this off but i could see the netcode being an issue it'd be the kind of thing we'd uh want to run it by by wraps before we do anything let's see okay there's some iron i had five people running it was fine i could see that but i i i could see i could see a lot of us get really getting into this eyes like kind of a funsy series because it's so janky like this is this is like top of the top of the jonas fatson jenkin meter okay iron has coal in it good to know let's go back to uh just coughing shrooms for a little while okay this is the jack hut oh is this a free chest no i'm just gonna wander around instead of trying to do anything for the night not sure what flowers get me i'll fight near the iron nodes oh that's an iron node but that is a janky garbage chest okay so not only are they dark brown but they also looked incredibly bunged up i want to safeguard my hp as much as possible oh just walking over the coin picks it up so that's actually that's really helpful for a lot of reasons okay there we go luckily we get some wood out of this too [Music] is that a dark chest i don't even know uh let's see i bought some food looks like another janked up chest dumbbell bonus based strength cool all right there we go what else we got another janked up chest no i don't know how much i want to go for the janked up chests not overwhelmingly i part of the reason why i was wandering around was i wanted to find more iron i'm not finding a dang thing okay so that mushroom does not actually feed me red does though the hell's the iron i there's some i think was that not just regular rock what are these golden gold golden them their heels oh boy never mind on that okay probably should go kill some cows get them ready for harvest [Music] okay one way or another feeling somewhat positive about my chances this time obviously the rock golems are spooky which is why i think i'm specifically gonna need a bow and arrow all right let's see so let's make another workbench because i don't know where the other one went let's make a furnace cauldron fletching table now is that there coal iron done okay next up cauldron wood and rock we're we're low on the whole rock business let's try activating one of the pillars i was gonna wait until i actually had uh a weapon to do that because i'm pretty sure the pillars are combat these cows honestly make me uncomfortable there's there's something about them some kind of like normally i feel bad about killing creatures like neutral creatures in video games and it's just a me thing i guess in this one it's like i don't want to say that they like need killing but it's not even that they're uncanny valley that they're they're firmly in uncomfortable valley [Music] okay nope put that there meat oh okay we've unlocked iron bar means we've unlocked anvil but we have no rock i have no rock and i must yet scream okay but now i got some food [Music] uncomfortable canyon i i read that as uncomfortable crayon and i'm not going to disagree with that assessment either [Music] let's see you can just with the cauldron right no no need for coal yeah it was just whatever i had on hand i would say wood is a little bit more immediately useful dank needs food badly i was gonna try and use it as a healing [Music] item that's the wrong one no don't you dare [Music] they really don't like my base luckily i think i just have to pick it up and put it back down okay oh we have one of the rock bangers tonight oh is it somewhat scaled based on progress i bet it is cripes i is stinky wow okay yeah i didn't go fast enough but i was not ready for a rock dude to show up on night two you need all right so this game is incredible stupid fun and i guess i'm going to be doing a series on it i have no idea how this is going to go it's going to be a giant mess and i'm probably going to die a bunch i'm probably also going to recruit some friends uh so if you notice in this this little segments from the next episode uh but i got i got rita to join me it's just just as kind of like a buddy not as actual like full commentary i have no idea how uh getting people like full mic uh talking with each other working together is gonna work uh but there's a very real possibility that we're gonna get some episodes where i'm playing this solo uneasy just to get a feel for the game get used to it get further in and figure out what works and then maybe some harder difficulty runs with other people uh because i think that would work really well you know just just go full ham full lobby eight people i i don't actually know what the upper limit is but like i would not mind uh finding out how nuts it gets uh this game is really good it's got all of the charm of like the first night of minecraft but on loop and mixed with a uh i mean i guess i would say a risk of rain style upgrade system that actually feels pretty good obviously it's not the most advanced combat i've ever seen in a game but it doesn't need to it doesn't need to be anything more than it is but i would love to see more of it as well so anyway with that i guess if you guys like this video in any way shape or form leave me a like helps more than you know and if you want to see more we'll stick around because i'm going to be playing a lot of this it's so janky it's so dumb but i love it all the same you
Channel: Wanderbots
Views: 131,683
Rating: 4.9417434 out of 5
Keywords: Preview, Muck Let's Play, Muck Alpha, Muck Beta, Muck Demo, Muck, Muck Ep 1, Muck Quick Look, wanderbots, wanderbot, Muck Review, Muck Letsplay, Muck Part 1, Muck Playthrough, Muck Walkthrough, Muck Guide, Muck Early Access
Id: c7MCgCC3j5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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