Building a Nuclear Powered Engine!!!! - Stormworks

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another stormwix video with a major update that was just released we've just got a bunch of new mechanics and components here in game now in this video i'm going to go over and show you how you can build a nuclear reactor to go and power a steam engine here again we're going to go over all the different components tell you what you should do what you shouldn't do and explain a little bit more with the mechanics and how they all work together and hopefully by the end have a completely working engine that is going to be powered by a nuclear reactor so that all said let's jump straight into the workbench and let's get started so now that we're in our workbench the first thing we want to do is we want to open up our inventory and we want to find our steam power section now inside here we've got all the new components from the major updates and we want to start by actually building our reactor first that's what's going to producing heat in turn going and powering all of our steam components so to build our reactor we can use three different components we can use the control rod we can use the fuel assembly and we can also use the fuel rod now the fuel rod is designed to be inserted into the fuel assembly as soon as it is inserted it starts that fission process and starts producing heat okay so we're going to start with the fuel assembly now it's up to you on how many of these you use for our example we're going to be using 10 fuel rods and 10 assemblies hopefully that will be enough to power our reactor once again your mileage might vary depending on the size and how much fluid you have inside it so once we've got that the next thing of course we're going to need is going to be the fuel rod itself now with the fuel rod you'll notice i can't actually place it inside here won't let me do that that's because we have to manually insert it into the assembly now you can do that a number of different ways well our tutorial right now on our little video we're just going to be using a simple track based system linear track based system to go and use gravity to go and drop it down into this so to do that we can just build this little support structure go and find a linear track some people are scrolling up and you can see we can find the track base place that down somewhere on here once again we're going to be using gravity and now we can just create a simple little platform here at the top where we're going to connect our fuel rods to it so hopefully now when we spawn this in that will use gravity to go and drop down don't forget to put the extension pieces for it to go and slide along okay great once we've got that we can now go and get the actual fuel rods so we're going to go and grab them now you'll notice with the fuel rods there's two different ends to them okay you will notice i place it just over here i have two different ends to them you can see one end has got that little round piece to it and the other end is a square you'll notice that the assembly has got that little round piece right at the bottom so you want to make sure that round piece is facing towards the assembly like this okay you can see there we go we've got a little round piece so we're gonna go and add a few more of these fuel rods there we go we've got five on either side so that's 10 and hopefully we'll use gravity to go and drop it into that assembly now once it goes and drops it's going to start that whole fission process the reaction and it's going to start creating heat now we need something to obviously transfer that e2 and that's what we're going to be using fluid for now i'm going to create a nice little enclosed space here where we're going to have all of our fluid so i'm just going to create a very simple little enclosed space here and then once we've closed done the enclosed space we can then fill it hopefully with some water okay so you can see how i'm just closing off this area make sure it's completely closed we don't want any radiation or anything to leak out of here and for the front part i'm just going to go and use some windows so we can actually see inside there and see what's going on great so now that we've got our reactor and you can see i've closed it off completely there are no empty holes with that we now need to actually spawn some water in there okay so to do that we're just going to go and use a fluid spawner okay that will allow us to go and add that in toggle it and then as soon as our creation spawns in hopefully this entire space is going to be filled with water for example that will then use the heat produced from the fuel rods and the assembly and transfer it to the water now as the water heats up that's what we're going to be using to transfer that into a boiler okay because we can heat up the boiler and produce steam and steam what's going to control our turbine okay so we're going to go and find a boiler and we're going to add that on to the rear of our creation just over here we can add it on to the side it is completely up to you on where you want to add this now to get the liquid from our actual reactor into our little boiler we're going to need some pipes so you can see i'm just going to go and put some pipes here and on the other side we can go and put some fluid ports that way we can get the fluid in and we can get the fluid out now with that the fluid is not just magically going to move from here into our actual boiler we need some way of transferring that fluid and i'm actually going to be using a pump for that example okay so i'm simply just going to get a pump it doesn't matter which direction you put it because blue ports work in both directions same as the steam boiler it doesn't matter which one you use okay so i'm somebody just going to go and place it down over here now because we're using an electrical pump we will need a battery of course to power that little pump and we're also going to need some way of turning it on so for our example we're going to be using a constant on signal and i'm going to place that on make sure i connect it up so i turn that pump on and also i'll give it some electricity so now that we've got hot water or hot liquid going into our boiler it should start producing steam but for it to produce steam it actually is going to need some liquid okay so you can see here we've got water in so to do that we're just going to be using a tank to give it some liquid okay so we're going to place the tank somewhere on the side over here there we go perfect once we've got that in we can connect it up using some pipes so just very basically like that and make sure you click on that and change it to water okay the boiler uses water so make sure it's set to water over here once we've got that we now are getting steam out now the steam out can be used by a turbine to produce torque here in game so we're going to go and add a turbine on now which direction and how you place it is completely up to you okay you'll see that when we place the turbine we actually have two outputs for torque now you can connect a generator propeller train tracks whatever you want to the steam turbine okay by example let's connect a generator and let's maybe connect our propeller so at least we can see it actually working okay so something like that let's add a propeller on there we go and we can add that on the end there great so now we have that we need to make sure that we connect our boiler up over to our actual turbine and you should notice that on our boiler we have got steam out and on our turbine we have got steam in okay so as it produces steam in the boiler it's transferring it into the turbine then producing torque and now we've got any steam out coming from the last part now we could add just a simple fluid port here which means that your pressure or your steam is then going to just come out of your turbine the problem is once you run out of fluid you can't produce any more steam so we want some way of producing or converting that steam back into water or fluid that we can use in our boiler and that's where we can use a condenser okay that's one of the new components that we have with this update you'll notice that when i place the condenser down we've got two ports at the top and we've got two on the side one for steam in and one for water out so you'll notice as i place that in there's steam in so we're going to take the steam from our turbine and we're going to put directly into our condenser the condenser will then use its power to go and convert that back into liquid as you can see water out so we're going to use that and we can connect it over to our little tank that we have just over here we're going to connect all those pipes up make sure everything's in line here just like this very simple and there we go now the condenser just doesn't magically convert things it needs to go through a radiator to cool it down okay to have that whole process so we're just going to go and add a radiator on once again how many you add or how big the radiator is completely up to you and will vary depending on how much pressure and how much steam you are hoping to actually transfer here so we're going to connect it once again just with some simple pipes very basic here and one thing you want to make sure that you also do once you have connected these pipes is you want to make sure that you have gone and connected electricity and a on switch to that radiator because this is a one with fans which means it needs electricity and also needs an option to turn those fans on okay cool now we have a completely closed loop system let's go through it again so we have our reactor our rods are going to get inserted into the assemblies which is going to then produce heat it's going to transfer that heat onto the fluid that's inside here we're then going to transfer it into our boiler using these pumps and these pipes the boiler is then going to heat up use any fluid that it has here and it's going to produce steam the steam is then going to go into our turbine give us torque and then the rest of the steam is going to come back out into the condenser get cooled down by the radiator and then come out as water again back into our tank and then repeat that entire process all over again okay which is really cool now with the nuclear reactors we want to make sure that we watch the temperature okay we don't want the temperature to get too high from my testing around a thousand five hundred around a thousand five hundred degrees that's when you will have a meltdown and you will have a reaction process where it possibly will explode okay which we want to avoid at all costs so i'm adding a simple dial over here and we're going to go and keep an eye on the temperature okay so we're going to do reactor perfect and we can connect that up to one of the fuel rods now you'll notice that with the fuel rod assemblies they actually do have a release button on them meaning that you can release or eject those fuel rods that you've used or spent and they're empty and you can put some new ones in of course that would need to be some type of process of mechanical force and logic to get that done for you we're not going to be covering that in this video it's great so now that we have all of that done it's all connected in theory we should be able to go and spawn that in we should be able to hear that click which means that we are starting the fission process and in theory our temperatures should be increasing and you can see the reactor is increasing let's go and check to make sure that we are actually transferring fluid there we go you can see we are transferring fluid between the two here which is perfect let's go and keep an eye on the reactor and keep an eye on that temperature and hopefully it should get quite nice and hot and once it gets hot it will transfer its heat over into our boiler which will then produce steam for our turbine so you can see the temperature is going up going up and going up and it's gonna keep on snow rocking and that's a problem because we don't want this to get too hot if it gets too hot will cause a nuclear meltdown and that won't be good for us possibly we'll leak radiation get sick our character will die this whole area you won't be able to use so you can temperature's going really quick and it's gonna it's gonna get a meltdown as i said around 1500 so we don't want that so we want some way of controlling that temperature okay and that's what you can use the control rods for if you go and find them over here we have the control rods now with the control rods they have an option for you to choose how much you want to insert them and take them out okay the more you insert them the less reaction you're going to get from the rods okay which means less heat obviously if you go and do the opposite then you're going to get more heat now once again up to you on how many you want to use just be aware that you do need to place them adjacent to your actual rods themselves so i'm going to just go and create a little bit of a base here like that and now we can go and get our controllers that's it up to you on how many of these use i'm gonna use four for my example right now i said up to you on how many you want to use and there you go you can see we've got four now we need some way of controlling the insertion rate of those so for starters now let's start with just a small keypad and we're going to manually control that okay so make sure we're connected over to our control rods and we connect some electricity over to our keypad okay smaller than and again temperature should still increase just like before but now we can increase the insertion targets of those control rods to either slow down the process or increase the process by removing the actual control rods cool this is going quite a lot so let's try and slow it down so we're going to come here let's do 0.5 to start with that should slow down now hopefully look at that see there 200 300. look it's slowing down will it go negative will it start going down maybe that actually looks yeah it actually looks pretty good i think i think it's gonna slow down and it's gonna maybe go backwards in a few seconds but that's almost perfect okay once again your mileage might vary depending on how many of these you're using how many rods you're using and you can see it's starting to drop so we might want like four or five here and we can see what that works like okay that looks okay actually and we should actually be getting a temperature yeah we do now you can actually automate this process using some simple logic here in stoneworks now to do that there's a multitude of different ways you can use pids you could use function blocks you could use throttles whatever you want but our example we're going to get rid of the keypad and we're going to just use a simple function block okay so we're going to put a function block on here and what we're going to do is we're going to tell that function block hey i want you to keep an eye on the temperature here so please read that temperature in x and then once we've got x i want you to keep on monitoring that and if the temperature goes up i want you to insert the rod a little bit further a little bit further now a great ratio here would be like anything from 300 maybe to 600 once again it depends on your own build and how many control rods you're using and how many fuel rods you're using let's take a guess and let's do 550 for our example okay so we're taking the temperature divided by 550 and that's what's controlling our insertion target of our control rods okay so let's see if that works we might increase or decrease this amount here okay for example if it's not cooling it's enough we can decrease it okay if it's like 450 if it's cooling it way too much then we can increase it to like 650 or 750. once again up to you on how you want to work with us great i'm happy with that so let's go and spawn in and hopefully as our temperature increases like here we can check on our function block and you can see temperature is 10 we're inserting 0.02 if the temperature goes up to more it inserts it more and more and more so hopefully that should now go and control it so let's give it a few seconds just to wait for our reactor to build up some temperature here so you can see our reactor is building a temperature and we should also notice that our boiler is increasing its temperature also which is absolutely perfect and hopefully on certain targets and there we go so you can see currently we're on 0.2 0.3 and that's getting close to what we were doing manually remember manually we were doing i think 0.45 and our temperature rather around to 300 degrees so that's almost getting perfect and it's automating that entire process which means in theory we could just walk away and come back and this won't have a meltdown hopefully great and you can see it's now starting to normalize its temperature which 250 degrees is perfectly fine for us that's more than enough to power this boiler if we had more boilers then we might want a higher temperature inside our reactor once again that can vary depending on your own situation but i'm happy with 250 degrees to power this boiler getting enough pressure out of it once it gets up to our temperature which will be around 100 degrees when it starts creating actual steam okay which is really cool so guys that's pretty much about it for this little build i've had a lot of fun with it and i can't wait to play around with some more things and do some more builds with these reactors that's it you don't have to build it like this this is just one way of doing it you could build it so many different configurations and that's the whole really cool thing about this is completely modular which means you can build it to however you want as long as you make sure you cool it use control rods that's all you need to make sure you do so guys hopefully you have enjoyed it if you have smash that like button i will be doing some more videos on the steam and also on the new kind of mechanics that we've just gotten here with this major update so if you don't want to miss those videos make sure you hit the subscribe button and also that little bell icon to be notified as soon as those videos get posted until the next one we will see you then [Music] you
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 33,431
Rating: 4.9391422 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, update, news, major, next, island, map, area, snow, mountain, land, friday, improvements, thumbnail, screens, monitors, radio, camera, lua, code, script, laser, distance, shark, megalodon, attack, bug, electric, battery, winch, cable, fuel, space, space engineers, seats, car, racing, pipes, rails, sonar, radar, new, audio, link, BASE, spawn, new game, game, wedges, slope, winches, connector, rope, logic, node, version 1, first look, exclusive, final, full, release, beta
Id: a-kWHNwlfOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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