Insulated 'Tent' in Gale Force Winds

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what is he doing now I hear you got this uh weird I think they call it a dormatory tent or something it's for dorm rooms um to kind of isolate your bunk or whatever um they usually I was looking at them as like bug Nets proba it' be quite interes resting under a top bug net and then I saw they do insulated ones I was like well that should be good for some wind camping as long as I got something waterproof over the top and I've gone bright orange so you could see it properly rather anything black under a top in the dark where you can't even see what's going on so yeah daylow seeing this for the first time along with you okay so yeah it's like a just a quilt really in kind of a cube shaped and we've got some poles so I'll get up the top first and then we can put this underneath it right just a normal 3x3 top here as you can no doubt see pretty windy no foliage on these trees this wind just comes right through this Woodland um so I just need to get our Peg down at the back opened up the front put some posts down here some poles and have some room for this shelter under me finally got a bit of a windshield here now it's really getting pulled by that wind but uh hopefully I hold up just to uh put up the shelter underneath now which hopefully fits under here um I don't know if it's been of rain maybe a few specks tonight so hopefully it fits under okay made a bit of a barrier with some logs and sticks at the back here just in that Gap I can fill that in a bit more loot if I need to right I have a variety of fixings for the frame and surprisingly metal poles here's the actual instructions not quite as easy as it first looks cuz these ones different length to these ones cuz you've got Cross Beam things on the top right I was on the last piece and this for the other end is too long so I'm going have to try and cut it down uh don't have a hacka I have check my multi tool see what's on that right well I guess it was better to be left with a long piece rather than a short piece just looking at it Mak sure I Haven do anything stupid but uh if I get them straight on that side know how long I want it we'll try this Gerber multi- tool well not the neatest I snapped off the last bit but uh should work I'm looking at the images of this thing and it looks like actually goes around the outside of the frame not sort of hung from the inside but it says to build the frame first so well it doesn't actually say that I just assumed that well to start I have to pray they've got the right size for this Frame cuz they do different sizes and uh they've already got one thing wrong right away assumed there was some kind of ground sheet in this but obviously not cuz it's for like a bunk bed a bed sort of thing where you got the mattress so this is just like the walls that go all the way around this is like the top so uh figure that out I do have a ground sheet with me uh huh like that it fits brilliant right no I actually had to turn it I thought I'd got one that was taller than it was wide but apparently I didn't or they sent it wrong so that long bar was correct so I'm an idiot or they're idiots Everyone's an idiot so I've got to supportting bar for the roof I'll have to use a twg or something that is so funny yeah I'll have to get a twig if I can find something quite straight just a lay across the center stop that roof from sagging cuz I've got something to go in there as well bit of a random ground sheet but it'll do the trick yeah this is a new toy I've got to play with I've bought it recently cuz a friend of mine bought it it's by um King camp and it's um basically an inflatable bed but got an interesting one as we'll see this is its first time out the bag and uh they do one into kaplon that's very similar looking but in a different color right can see the valve here just going to use the flex towel pump on here pretty interesting and you got some straps here for the mat on top I was not aware that these were hard plastic I thought they'd be like um straps as well so that's interesting there is flex and stuff h seems to fit rather well don't want to get my boots on it but got a little give there but I'm not very even fits well yeah I can survive the night in here all right seeing as I messed up let's use this all right there maybe a bit of an angle there while I was buying a load of junk on AliExpress to play around with I got a couple of lanterns as well which actually seemed quite nice I need to get some wood together time's getting on can't tell if it's getting dark yet or if it's just a bad weather either way my D's going to take a while to cook so need to get going on it well this is another Ash that's come down in here with all the recent wind and storms so I might as well take a few limbs off of this f can hear a farm vehicle up in that direction prob the mik can pick it up better than I can here just cuz the wind's died down a bit now for I don't know if you can tell from my voice and stuff but um I've been ill the last couple of days feeling like I've got a little bit of a temperature still which is kind of helping being out here in the cold but um yeah so I'm running on empty a little bit but uh firewoods prepped everything set up just the cooking and stuff to go now so I'm going to get this fire going any minute after a 2C rest um because what I'm going to cook is going to take a little while I got some wood wool and some matches I'm not doing anything else today there we go a bit of a brace at the back here and some smaller bits are battened down I thought the tarp would stop a lot of that um wind there's still some getting through right so I'll feed this fire a little bit and I'll um get the Dutch oven I'm going to do some nachos um which doesn't sound like much but I'm going to cook some kind of ped pork got some pork shoulder with me I'm stick that in the Dutch oven and cook that down before doing like the actual nachos themselves all check out how super easy this one's going to be Pork Shop bolt spice some apple juice for brazing done the petrox pot rest doesn't have to be right over the fire just enough and there we go I think it's starting to rain very softly anyway um suppose I should tell you about some of this stuff so the actual um dorm insulated cubicle thing I think was about 140 that was from AliExpress as I said and you can get like mesh ones as well I assume you can put mesh ones within insulated ones now I'm not really taking this too seriously I don't know it might work quite well and if you don't have far I mean it doesn't weigh much but it's quite bulky if you sort of got far to go I've only got from the truck at the edge of the Woodland but um yeah not half was worth a go anyway bit of fun so yeah that was about £40 and the bed the inflatable bed Thing by King Camp I got that on Amazon that was £160 saw them quite a while ago and a friend of mine got on recently and I was like oh I'll get it we'll see what it's like doing a little review video on it and stuff recoup some of that cost and see if it's actually any good um it's quite big it's quite heavy quite bulky but um you know maybe it's good I can relax for a minute really LS are on I wanted to see kind of how long they'd stay on it must be about 5:00 qu to 5 now so we see how long they last um they've got two different bulbs they got them I forget what you call them kind of filament type ones and then the LEDs as well so you can have different brightnesses these ones are kind of an orange glow which is nicer definitely feel a bit of a spray in the air I can relax well that uh pork is going um I have some other stuff to prep for the dinner and I have to cook my breakfast now for tomorrow morning you'll see why I'm partially under the top now there's not much room with this big thing under it I suppose it could have put it up flat doesn't really matter um yeah it's just kind of spitting a little bit can hear a uh pheasant going a bit out over there but uh I'm relaxed now still got a bit of a tickle but um yeah should be pretty cozy tonight in here quite looking forward to it actually try and get some of these coals on top get that roasting away [Music] H we'll see here sort of daydreaming and um realized I was getting quite chilly so I'm going to have a beer got sent some more beers these ones are bait's triple hop IPA India parallel 100% American hops so give this one a go I like free beer but yeah this should be right up my street oh that's lovely yep that's a good one where are they Lincoln sh cheers everybody the pork's well underway it's going to take a while yet maybe even an hour um yeah so I'll keep feeding the fire and putting some coals on top if I need to add a little liquid in there for doing it like P pul and then building up the nachos in the um Dutch oven there and then doing my breakfast for tomorrow lot of prep for that one and then I'll get to get in there which I'm really looking forward to it looks so cozy with that bed as well inflatable bed and the mat on top as well it should be pretty warm in there right let's have a little look at what's going on oo caramelizing up quite nice in there but I think we're going to need more juice while she keeps cooking well I've Got The Usual Suspects here to put together bit of a salsa for the uh nachos so I'm just going to do some onion some garlic uh some Tomatoes I think I forgot the lime uh got some coriander cilantro if you like down there and uh yeah I've also got some avocado some cheese some sour cream all that good stuff okay the Tomato done got some coriander in there and uh get some seasoning in there too nice fresh salsa I just had a thought as I'm putting the um avocado on afterwards and the uh sour cream I'll mix them together add a little seasoning in there love like I just caught this before the caramelization went a bit mad and uh kind of looks like it's pulling okay so get that pulled and then we'll do the nachos right there's a little burnt spot from the side the fire was on but doesn't matter we'll put in our first layer and that lay we're going to have some [Applause] cheese SL it a bit more and some of that Selsa and some of that meat just kind of made its own kind of barbecue sauce and we repeat I'm just going to put some extra cheese on that top layer wow that's big I got bit carried away all right we got that on the stand get some sort of coals on top here but we're not going to do this too much just heat it through well that will took a minute oh well it fell off there was a ladyb bird on there starting to see more bugs starting to see some of them um blue bells poking through as well I don't think we're past the coldest though we'll see a bit of wind um yeah that's just heating through it's a low heat just coals and stuff really just get that cheese melty and everything nice and uh I've got way too much beer number two I've only actually got two with me see as I'm not feeling fantastic cheers again should be about done so that's going to do me oh it's looking good I guess I'm just going to have to grab an amount oh my goodness barely bird dent in it also going to put some of that guacamole sour cream mix just here and there can dab in it and stuff here we go can I grab a bit of that pork it's quite a big bit M them spices in the reduced apple juice just like a barbecue sauce amazingly simple and very nice if I was doing this more properly obviously I'd make kind of a nacho cheese sauce and stuff but not bad oh my God I'm stuffed I'm so stuffed naos can really fill you up don't worry the rest won't go to waste leave it in the Dutch oven for now no rest for the wicked though I've got to prepare my breakfast shouldn't take too much effort he says um I've pre-prepared a few bits for it and um well you'll see in a minute so in the past I've made my own sausages and bacon and stuff but today I'm going to make my own black pudding this is dried pigs blood apparently a lot easier to be dealing with and this is some warmed water so I'm just going to rehydrate that and hopefully not get any lumps got a couple of things to add to this got some pearl barley that I've boiled I've got a mixture of SE and uh kind of loin fat from pork the spice mix which is uh mace coriander salt and pepper can't think if there was anything else break up these little bits of fat and now like when I did the um haggus going to add in oats crushed until we get something quite thick nearly forgot the onions finally chopped and I think that's about done okay this is a black pudding um whatever you want to call it skin and you can open it quite big I have put the mix in here which I'm going to try and use a bit like a Piping Bag I could have just spooned it into this really well see I need three hands don't I oh it's going in I should have done a here's one I made earlier okay so didn't exactly feel that did I but I don't really know what to do here I guess get some air out give it a spin and this is supposed to be for wrapping up that end but cuz it's supposed to go all the way around like that hm I'm going to have to find something else to tie it off well there it is big enough for me anyway um all I have to do is boil it not quite boil but you know simmer and do a lot of washing up I need to simmer up for 45 minutes oh it's been ages since I had any of this been faffing around cleaning up and kind of playing around with the fire and the pot just going to have a half hour to go on there then cool that down and some cold water or just leave it out I don't know don't want the badger to eat it but yeah is that an insect or a burn mark on the shelter an insect I think this chair keeps sinking on one side I am slowly sinking right this second soft ground should be about time to take the black pudding off and the grills can do much good going to have a hot chocolate before I Retreat into the tent hot chocolate time and uh this is the black pudding which seems to have plumped up no way for me to really know until the morning if that's worked it's a um Galaxy one this time not the usual uh cadb oh that's what you want when you've been feeling ill all bunged up nice hot cup of cocoa I'm going to have this and then we'll have a look inside there well I don't know if you can come in with me we'll see it's bit cramped these have been on for about 4 and 1/2 hours still going strong I'm going to turn one off and take the other inside well I'm going to get in here properly and zip it up and uh see you guys in the morning good morning wow what a windy night I didn't get much sleep two reasons and the wind was one of them the noise the uh ends of the roof flying off and uh yeah just the worry I suppose I should get up oh so yeah got quite windy last night still quite windy now gusting up um I hadn't attached that uh roof but uh after it blew off once I realized there was some tie offs but they're only kind of halfway down so the ends come off a couple of times in the night um other than that it was just this flapping around so much I checked to see if something had come loose I didn't want everything tearing out and flying away and um yeah just that kind of worry of trees these Dead Ash around me I didn't know it was going to be that windy um so I didn't really end up sleeping that much the other reason being I didn't find that bed very comfortable it was kind of giving in the middle a little bit I was baning um yeah maybe it could be inflated more I left over play with it like I'm pretty sure that was pretty much full as far as the pump was concerned but um yeah I don't know I don't know we'll have to uh give that one another test it's cold and that tent thing was warm though I'll give it that there was a little bit of a breeze cuz it was just so windy coming through the gaps but that was quite nice um didn't have my hat or my gloves on or anything in there I did when I first got in there but it must have warmed up pretty quickly I took them off uh maybe having a fever helped I going to get this uh fire going okay get a little warmth off this fire which is hard with all the wind yeah very windy um yeah I don't know what I'm going to do with this thing it might come in handy for certain things I don't know but um it worked I guess it's similar to the insulation layer in the roof tent that I tried out recently but um yeah I don't know I do some weird camping I'm sure it's going to come in handy at some point do you know what black pudding's been out all night it feels nice and firm it looks good from the outside right do a couple of uh slices I I guess oh wow would you look at that that looks like proper black pudding I'm really happy with that do a couple of quite fat slices shall we partly cuz I don't want them to fall apart get some oil heating up starting to spit a bit here all right time to give these a flip look at that it's beautiful and some eggs black pudding and our eggs right quite simple breakfast well other than making it from scratch didn't lay the eggs I do like a bit of catchup with the um blackp inprise surprise but egg yolk is close second wow it tastes like black pudding I'm really happy with that could do with a little more salt that's just the recipe I was going by wow I've uh got quite a lot of that dried blood I'm got to make a few more of these howy H they're creaking up there in the wind oh nice cup of tea have this and I guess I should start tidying up a bit before this wind gets any worse okay guys I think I'm going to leave it there I'm pretty much all packed away now just got some water to put on the fire uh yeah all done thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed that something to kind of think about insulation with tents cuz an insulated tent costs a fortune so that was kind of testing it out for a fraction of the price although not perfect adjustments can be made all right I'll see you next week thanks for watching bye
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 551,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter, solo, camping, wind, storm, bad weather
Id: GXLsommz7dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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