I've never been so Scared when out bivvi bag camping.

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right so tonight I'm just doing a quick bivvy bug camp like work life you take vacations off work weeks off work I'm doing that with YouTube so this will be the last video that I upload for a week or two now I just need a little bit of time uh off camera it's just like normal work in life really the matter worker goes behind YouTube once you've uploaded your video it's more than just recording so I am going away for the week I'll probably do a beach camp there and then upload that in a couple of weeks I do just need some time off actually we're gonna go this way I do need some time off from YouTube really so I just thought this would be the last video I make baby back camp in a second I'll show you what I'm gonna have for my dinner I've just sat almost a full Sunday roast so I will be eating my dinner later on so what I'm gonna have to eat later these virus spider chili fire extreme intense noodles instant noodles intense instant noodles say that part again Daniel will you chili fire extreme flavored instant noodles last time I had these these were real bad to be fair to you it feels strange saying I'm gonna have a little bit of time off YouTube so I've been youtubing like for seven years now this channel proper digging at it for about three years and stuff but I've had other channels in the past and I'm on about setting up another Channel as well so I definitely need to break I hope people can understand I'm sure your life won't be over not seeing me for a week or so it's just stop and relax don't you and that's what's due nice evening as well really nice evening I've never been this far before so I thought I'd film it to be fair for some strange reason so you can go up there oh you can take this puff you know what I'm gonna stick to pack down here let's keep walking this is what's good about being outdoors free food if I can reach them yeah I don't want that one do I I think it's going to focus all right there it's a bit about that one [Music] very nice free food you know how much they cost to buy it Tesco's now a lot of money now you may realize through the video that I don't use this finger much our uh playing with one of my dogs and he's got like the strongest buddy bite in the world you know and they tell you what you're ripping up I went to grab the other leg and he decided to re-grip the uh Teddy and my finger sort of got him where and it's quite a nasty cut so I've had to get some uh a bit of a girlier some butterfly stitches put on no I had to have some butterfly stitches put in Perth because it will probably an Hospital job to be fair but I'm used to cutting myself with the job that I do and then turns out there if I cut myself at work and it's pretty deep I just stick what five stitches over it and then a plaster and that's Zach what I've done with this one here so you might see um I'm like that's this tonight this thing is like sticking out like this little piggy went to the market yeah so if you notice that's what's happened it's not my pup's fault it's only one so it's really really Giddy and bullish at the moment I want to bring him out camping but I need him to settle down first now I've seen a few spots up there where it looks quite a good idea to camp if I'm talking too much put it in comments but I know a lot of you guys were my followers don't like it when I don't talk people think it's my interesting talk away close by I'm by myself out so talking at camera for me is a bit of company plus I can talk much as I want it don't answer back I'll tell me to shut up all right I'm gonna get over there I'll bring you back just come across these old Gates there must have been something important up there to have Gates like this back in the back in the days then they've got these here a video of them I think it does mean keep out but I won't have a look now so it looked like a lot of people have been walking this way because of the path but that Woodland there it's all fenced off well it would have been if it's not all been pushed out on anyone yeah the fence is there and then here the fence is over just wondering if it's worth going have a look mind you he's trespassing in it yeah I think we'll stay on opposite side really you know we can't go and we can't go in you know people might complain about it but you know if you leave no choice where you've been I don't think it really matters and there are money walking through I walked baby back camping here but it does like a lot of people come in here as well quite a big piece of Woodland this won't mind setting up a trail camera but then would he get nicked that's the thing I'm thinking what's going on for ages someone's been here a lot of rubbish around here yeah I could stay out of this does get used doesn't it what a mess even over here this is worse that tells you a lot that does there foreign them blooms up all right let's make his way back to Puffer feels like weed in here feels like the sort of Woodland where you can get lost and you don't know where you're going I've never been here before no I didn't walk that way I came from down here I felt a bit weird on my foot though dude anyway let's walk down here we'll get out of here I'm back on track that I can't be on it's the right way I'll bring you back soon because very easily yeah we walked up and across this must be way out it's good I don't know you know yeah there we go we'll just Walk This Way you know I meant to ask in one of my other videos on people's thoughts about bidi by camping just comment below let me know which one you like the best to do yourself if you do outdoor camping do you like baby bags tents or hammocks it's always interesting I always forget to ask myself I like tank camping a whole lot well and then oh what's happening here let's redo this there we go but I I also enjoy baby back camping because it's so easy to sort out in it it's just so easy to do so yeah let me know in comments below which one you like and if you've got a YouTube channel drop it into the comments as well I'll check your chin I'll do another hard check your channel out even if you think I'm subscribed to channel already just and I yeah camera went off yeah so if you think I'm already subscribed to your channel you can still put it in the comments below please so I'm gonna check them all out even though I'm not going to be editing videos and stuff and uploading I'll catch up on other people's channels and stuff like that so yeah go on comment please let me see your channel that'll be interesting to see what other people get up to what I have been getting into a lot and it's really weird of me he's uh watching Family holidays very strange because I'm going abroad next year for the first time I uh I started watching the broad videos I started watching Family vlogging videos you know on an holiday that's fantastic what a good idea memories right I see a little spot already but I might go check out and have a look yeah in your video don't have to be about your channel I mean you don't have to be about camping either as long as it's not you know you know what I mean once it's decent to watch I like that spot over there yes all right so Justin here looked a brilliant place for the baby back camp plenty of flat grass but then I've noticed these seeing the distance in the field I don't think so now I've just sorted the light I want it but there the cows are making their way through the field and they have access to that field there and then you see that gate there I don't think you can let me come around here a bit see the gate here that gives them access to this field as well I'll sit and wait for a minute and see how far they come right the cows have made their way into that field yeah even if you're not met the win now the world will uh we are in that field I'm not waiting I'm not gonna be set up and then an hour later I'm having to move they can get in here and I'm going to be honest with you I don't like cows the slightest I don't mind eating them but I don't like cows at all so over there if you can see it some Woodland I'm gonna go look in there yeah strong uh Sunny strong tonight yeah so I'm gonna go looking at Woodland I'll have a look around there it's not worse than getting set up and you haven't moved so much really up with this camera tonight there we go yeah I'm not I'm not putting myself through that getting set up and comfortable just been moving on I think the woodlands look pretty decent I'm wearing myself on grass am I wrong all right I'll bring it back when I get there public foot pass wonder why a lot of people walking here then sitting this tree tree here now I know this may sound really geeky and ridiculous but I do geocaching I don't mention that much on the channel but I like to go around with the geocaching app and find hidden geocaches and apparently there's one in this tree and it says the fence is magnetic so that tells me so much magnetic and it says anything it's always looked like it's Christmas this likes a Christmas tree so it says magnetic so let's have a look it's got to be somewhere on the fence on it geocaching that's a bit of a thing to say in it this is what you look for little black tubs there's the magnet that's how it's stocked at fence like that from that magnet there's notes on when people last found it and then you're supposed to leave Summit in it someone's left like this little toy you're supposed to have a pen or a pencil to mark it to say you found it but what I'll do is I'll go on app now because I'm just sitting on that wall well watching cows just looking for geocaches so our Mac I'm up I found that one and then cover it back up exactly where I found it yeah it's got your app store put in geocache it's like a little uh greens four squares it's pretty smart to do if you're going out for a walk you can try and find them right let's find somewhere a baby back camper let me know what you think you do your cash in in comments below have you tried it yourself I'm interested to know right just made my way into a bit of Woodland not likes someone else something keeps coming up and down here anyway so we'll take this path without me falling back too much it's quite steep Miss I think them feet in love huh it's in two above does it some shouting in the distance that'll be from that uh Cricket Club water oh football whatever they're doing [Applause] I finished like it's a nice little spot we've got the uh sunset in that direction slightly out of breath walking that bit of a hill very unfit menu it's been a bit of a fire there previously but this looks nice I'm liking this spot just gotta find out what I'm thinking thinking here so I can use the tree there's a backrest so I've got a nice little backrest there sell the tree grows out to be too oh yes just having that on each side of my back is really comfortable foreign what a nice little spot this is yeah it's local it's not far away from one at all 20 minute walk maybe what it's fantastic to be fair what am I doing a bit is eat my noodles not yet though a little packet but I'm telling you these kick out some heat um the young son young son I don't know yeah these kick out some heat these do I must be wrong in my head you know it's to be fair I know it just sound a bit crazy but I don't get paid to end up week and family life takes control everything and we try to save up to go on all of this or saving some money by eating some out of the cupboard it isn't a bad thing to do really it's better than I've got to spend a lot of money and food when it's unnecessary in it yeah I had one person saying You must be making hundreds of thousands a year off of YouTube yeah of course I am that's why I still got to work every day you know I mean people just think it's because you're a YouTuber you make a lot of money they must be living in a fancy World honestly it's ridiculous what people think as soon as you see it I'll make a little bit of money on my channel they're just they're just people presume that you're you're meant it and you've got a lot of money laying around when you want because the money that you do make on on your channels you just pump it back into doing something else or getting other things like I've just got the uh primale locomotive tinted video below this that costs just under 200 pounds what a channel make let's put it back in and plus I'm not after making load of money off the channel I don't do it for the money if you did YouTube for the money well you'll just be forever chasing your dreams because if it was that good everyone would be doing it every minute there wouldn't they I just do this because I built up a following base you know regular comments and stuff and you know I just build up a nice following base I like to chat to people I like to share my experience what I want to because people like to watch them as well and it sounds so good well it's jet ball I got it secondhand I think I'll buy it brand new I couldn't afford to do I could have done but I got the tent just life in it the thing is we all want Summit what we can't have people on happiness in the families that's very hard to get across there's always so much going on in families in it's making it hard work and stuff I want to retire and leave my job and do YouTube full time no because if you do that then you've got to think about what's your go-to thing away from work because YouTube's my go-to thing from work you know a workout week I've got my family life me getting out and doing things like this having night out camping and stuff is my little bit of a a get out to family life in it that's just the way it is I don't know why I smell that then cows are in that field now gonna get out of there yeah it seems like the playing football over there I play with Cricket for some reason I like how that changes color I really do but I couldn't justify that color changing to buy a brand new one we're gonna be out Friday night but I'm going away Saturday so I've got a bit of a drive as well so I didn't want to be tired and it's going to throw it down Friday night as well and Rain camping is really good is that a budget hello foreign I really hope I did because if I didn't and I'm showing this people won't believe that just my heart's beating a bit quicker I just gave you a full Circle round of what I'm looking at now apart from them in the distance between whatever they're doing whatever spot doing football from it obviously like summer or someone walked literally passed me and I mean literally walk past me foreign that is strange and that is strange I want to point down there could just be in Summit behind me but it sounded like human footsteps let's finish my coffee I do not want my brain start overthinking at all I want to play that back and see if I heard that on the camera when I recorded talking about going away this Friday so I even said that wrong because I'm going away Saturday morning I don't want to play the footage back let's have a listen to it about you hello so let me know comments did you wear that noise I heard it I played it back I can hear it but because I heard it I don't know if it sounds louder than it is just one of these things where you just need to go find the reason let me know comments below what that sounded like because I'm convinced it sounds like Summit or someone were walking past me very very clearly is there that one right foreign honestly as soon as I says hello started looking around it went it just stopped right I want to stop thinking about it that's going to be virtually impossible in a moment I've got that noise in background so it's sort of like texting the mind off it but I know full well and that quietens down and we're thinking like an idiot I'm gonna cut my noodles that'll take my mind off things but I'm glad this footage well oh I can't even think that I'm glad I've got it on this footage first time someone went outside my tent you could earn them but very very faint and some people saying yeah and some people say no and it caused you know quite a lot of comments saying it with fake and stuff to what I've heard on the player back he can clearly hear that noise and it's day time and nobody walked past and yeah it is eight o'clock at night but nobody walked past yes I'll stop making a big deal out of it I can always saying it now let's do my noodles there so I've taken the pot off from the jet ball I'm using this old X boiling cook it's got all the wind wind block and heat exchanger in there I'm gonna up here after I can balance it on there like that it should work the reason why I'm using this is I don't want to be putting chili noodles in the Jet Oil so about if I bring this with me and I can use this instead put some water in like that and then get some gas flour so this is your chiller chili powder and these uh some vegetables dried out chopped vegetables there we go let's give that a break like that then we'll put the top on and let it boil I wish I would have brought a tent now I think when you're in your tent you just feel that a little bit more safer sort of thing I know I sound like a right Wimp And somebody's sitting there probably shaking their don't they but it's all right that but when you're in this situation you're wear something a bit creepy it can freak you out and because you're by yourself you know your brain thinks crazy stuff and you have to try to tell yourself oops calm down get over it it was just a noise it could have been anything but yeah I wish I would have brought a tent but I didn't so there we go this is the right cup for this but it don't seem to fit that's always the handle oh yeah that's better I'll do it like that how doing it this way so it won't sit in very well with this part here so it's like dips in there so you need a oh man I'm just falling off that's good isn't it oh cracking quite a bright idea that one there we go yeah if you do it like that it fits in perfectly not quite ready yet so after August and we're going to start chucking a lot of camping videos on the channel at least one a week and we are going to really push the camping videos for back end of year now a lot of hot tank campaign a lot of standard tank camping maybe some Hammock Camping but we are going to seriously we're going to say we are not about myself obviously so really I'm going to start doing a lot a lot of camping uh I don't know if you're a follower to the channel if not you know I do consider hitting that subscribe button I did a camp a couple of weeks ago with a stranger called Robbie's Neymar and it wants to come out camping moth it seems to be an alright lad I've had a uh a good few conversations with him now so I said to look if you want to join me on some more camps you're more than welcome he wants to get out camping a lot but he's not found someone decent enough to Camp with and vegan dance back on the scene now for camping Scott in yet so it's good company if uh Rob wants to come out and do some camping as well you know solo camping by itself is all right but like then I heard that noise it freaked me out but if there's somebody else here you just laugh it off wouldn't you you feel a little bit more safer with numbers should I say and it might I might be being a wimp but I just find you know sometimes company when summer happens it's always a little bit better in it let's say so yeah there will be a lot of videos being pushed out from September onwards especially tank camping hot tank camping back end of October November December so I do look forward to that hot tank camping right get that stove going get their biggest juices steaks we can find and we're gonna have a little fire here tonight but with it being dry and everything I don't want to cause a lot you know grass fire and stuff like that I really don't want to be the problem for that happening plus there's no around here to make like a little rock fish you know to go around as a fire my noodles are almost done they will stick in the spices yeah tank camping I won't be camping in like a one-man tent either it'll be decent two or three month tents last thing you want in winter time is to be cooped up in a small tent it's just long long nights you want a better room where you can sit up and move around him but I am looking forward to a hot tank camping especially I've just got that new pomola tent right I'm just chatting rubbish here I'll see you in a bit I should have only used this so just balancing it on top I thought the one you don't want to go on that does it let's turn gas off a minute I'm not burning my fingers for nothing why would it work no I don't want to fit that probably reason why the fella sold it in the first place so here's a question for you when do you add the spice let's say the flavoring you do it as it's boiling or do you pass some of the water out once it's done add the flavor and mix it up because either way I do it somebody always says on the channel but it's wrong last time I had these whenever I ended up car camping someone says to me I know you're supposed to put it in as the water's boiling and someone said mix it afterwards like I did so it's one of these things where which is the right and which is the wrong way I'd say drain some of the water out and then mix it up I can't imagine you do it the way around because if you pour some bit of water out or if you don't pour it out then you've got like a well I'm gonna have like a super chili soup drink afterwards there so how would you do it if you do it in the water let's say if I do it now and then I pass some of the water out afterwards I waste the flavoring though so I said I'm going to pour it out and then put the flavoring on let me know which way you like to do in comments I don't know why I keep messing around with it there's that noise again now hello hello you got a bit of that there's nobody here and it sounds like someone's just walking around I I can handle it won't can you wear it how can I use that it's like it's just there I hate your dreams for myself wow bloody up no I'm not crying because I'm nervous and bumming myself and crying because so I'll put the full packet in as well there I uh color of that I am nervous I'm not gonna lie doing it once is all right but two times it almost sounded identically the same sort of noise I don't like this I don't like this spot I don't like any of this if it does it one more time then I'm moving it's had a bit of a veg tomato noodles yeah I'm not having that two times now and I'm I don't need to look back on the footage because I know you bet uh you do see people's videos on YouTube like this and you always think well it's just a bit of noise what's up weird outdoors in nature but I can't explain that I hope you a lot can at least somebody foreign you know I already said in the beginning of the video I'm local I'm not millions of miles away from anybody I think you've heard the Bloods who were playing football I think you can hear the idiot in the background of a car a powerful car so I am in the middle of you know like urban area let's say but to her that's so close and no one's around let's have my noodles there all right because Jesus Christ wow because that's happened now the wives continuous looking around here we go that's when I know some a bit too spicy for me wow I'm missing out for noises now I believe the spice little sheds so I thought that's wearing wow these are so spicy I'm expecting to see someone just walk past him like a camouflage suit well I didn't see I would put my mind to rest a little bit ah give it over now enjoy your noodles and also will say We Knew Too Hot last time what happened again and not quite a bit of wimp about it is see we have a channel what I'm thinking about doing it oh one of two things one where I go back to what I used to do a long time ago and that's eating other hottest chillies in the world foreign stuff in the world Trinidad scorpion Chili's got glass chilies and stuff like that I'm thinking about starting that again with my brother-in-law and I've been watching a lot of videos where it goes where to go check out the worst hotels in England not cheapest B and B's in Blackpool and stuff like that oh these do come with some kick yeah so it's one or two of them channels let me know which one you'd like to see the most of heating heating eating the world's hottest chilies and sour sweets or food and stuff or checking out the worlds well UK's worst hotels and stuff bloody hell wow them noodles are spicy but nice as well I had to make another drink and that's a little bit water let's cool it down already in the mouth thinking it could be eating anything here Dan steak onions peppers and stuff but no in these stupid spicy noodles I've eaten them all that took my mind off of things one side of my tongue is like burning if you haven't UK you all know where I got them from you can get my Farmers on be so also getting from Farm Foods or Home Bargains or being in merely Farm food and on bargains Jesus they're still burning they're gonna be hot on the way out as well hiccups starting to lose light a little bit so I will get set up soon noises now I must put it down so it could have been an animal yeah I've got a lot of built up bushes behind us there so I just put that down on that yeah we'll be doing a beach camp within a oax10 it's a beach camping we'll be on in a couple of weeks like I said at the beginning of this video for me it's a couple of hours we've got oh there we go it's on now it'll be a week maybe a week and a half two weeks I need a rest from it really a restaurant feeling like I need to upload videos and yeah you probably guessed it I'm chatting away except my mic off of what's happened recently so I'm gonna go and look up on YouTube these noodles and I'm gonna see other people's reactions to him right so it's starting to get darker now and to be fair um I am starting to be nervous after what happened earlier them noodles you can buy them off Amazon if I remember I'll show a link in the description below go find them yeah I'm a bit nervous now to be fair I'm not gonna lie about it I'm not gonna make out that I'm a big match or man because I'm not it happened twice one time I could accept it second time it's a bit different I want to set up I really do but I don't want to bail either I don't want to go just go on I am I'm being honest I'm not lying about it I am getting nervous I've just been sitting here watching a load of people eating noodles on a YouTube some people send this note to them I don't know if they're having a different pack to me but by God they're blow my mind off my mind I've blown my head off the birds are coming in a nest at night now as well to be fair I I can't get it all made I've listened back to it and someone said you shouldn't have done but I did and it sounds like someone's walking but it's really dry and it's not it is dry but we've had a lot of rain so it's not like the grass is that crunchy and I'm like I said I'm I'm just wondering if I'm staying here for night why do I just gotta find somewhere else to come well I've got a better daylight left I know what'll happen by the time it gets dark I'll start getting bloody nervous water and I'm thinking why didn't I go then well it will lighter let me know what you do in the comments below please I don't know what you'd do would you think buggle it I'm just gonna stay here I don't care me not scares me oh would you just go look for somewhere else to camp or would you just go home that's my that that's my two thoughts at the moment an abandoned campaign just go or find somewhere else to camp out from this Woodland foreign let me know comments below please what you do and if you agree it's a bit nerve-wracking because I know you could air it give the video a thumbs up please just so I know I'm not the only one being a wimp with that right so this is my equipment what I'm going to use I'm just going to set up and get on with night air Matt baby bag and then my 200 sleeping bag I don't need anything to thick tonight it's not cold at all and then my trusty puller one of the best things I brought for camping that so I've just put my head torch on just so I can have a little bit of light I've just watched the footage back from setting the baby bag open I've noticed it's pretty not crystal clear the last thing I really want to do is having a light going anywhere but we are getting less and less light now I had no no else no so I'm pretty relaxed I'm just gonna shake it off and get on with night yeah nice campfire would do well won't it I don't really burning things plus I'd like to see a lot of dead Fallen wood anywhere to be fair I'm not cutting out down just for a fire it's good to be out there people if you're not one of the people you know does this and you want to do it or be that person get up get outdoors and get camping just be that person that does it I said it a lot on this channel and a lot of people have started camping from me saying that don't be put off by these noises that I've heard you know I don't know what it was but I'm over it if I stop thinking about it don't let things out it's put you off you know you see other things on YouTube as well try not to let things put you off go the friend or a family member you know it's just somebody with you I'd be a lot calmer or I would have been earlier if there's somebody with me I said that already you just can't let some things get to I say that but if you started doing it again I'd be convincing that I'd probably go back over in that field somewhere I just didn't like it that's what it was the unknown let's say but yeah get out and be that person take a friend where get out camping just be responsible take your stuff away do I have no crazy fires certain fire things it's very respectable respectable respectful can't wait to do a beach camp though all right so that'll be on in a week or two maybe two weeks something like that keep repeating the noodles you know right I'll bring you back in a bit I've just heard the noise again but not as much I didn't want to turn the camera on okay it was just like a quick I don't like it in here everything's just telling me no honestly I'm actually breaking window I'm quite scared people I'm not going to pretend I'm not I am quite scared right now if it's a human I'm gonna come up and laugh at me scaring a lot of me but I I don't think I can sleep here this is gonna be a long night if I'm nervous like this and scared now I didn't know what this sound is not like it well it's like and it stops I am absolutely myself right now I'm only talking to you guys it's sort of like helps me a little bit I'm going to be honest I can't stay here now I want to be a wimp I don't care if people call me a wimp in the comments but I can't stay here I'm too unsettled I'm nervous I've done camping like this loads of times I think I'm gonna go find somewhere else to get this business set up but I I'm leaving this spot like now so I put my stuff away and already I'm regretting it I'm regretting packing away but I just keep doing it I've got one side of my town needs to stop being stupid it's an animal it's animals and I've got all the sides saying well didn't sound like that earlier when it keeps doing it I'm not just working myself up because you've heard it for yourself somebody's going to jump to video now and come right to this point and say it with nothing listen back listen back to the to the sounds early on in the video and if you believe there's not going on explain them noises to me seriously explain that Russell knows like someone's walking right past me so I can't explain them and that's what's willing me the most that's why I need to move if I don't move now and I'm up all night just ruined I am so nervous right now and I'm not going to pretend about I'm not gonna bid myself up I'm 40 years old in a couple of days and the noises freaked the hell out of me okay let's go it's a quick look around imagine forgotten all right if I put my torch away I've only got the light on the top of the phone I need to find my way down for me if you had my camera GoPro I could use my phone as a light as well I've just rammed everything in the bag at once that Woodland is so scary right I can't see where I'm going so I'll bring you back in a minute you know I say it be that person but only be that person when it's safe you're relaxed and you're happy I don't know what's in that Woodland I don't know what we're going on earlier or the noises I heard what made me pack up I'm not going to reset up camp I'm uh I'm just gonna head off home I'm too nervous I don't care what people want to put people call me a wimp call me what they want people will probably leave the channel it's up to them but it's me in this situation you know me that felt the nerves it with me that felt unhappy it made that felt scared and they're not anybody else it's 10 o'clock at night enough time to get home easily enough yeah it'll me up there me feeling the scaredness someone's gonna some people are gonna say a lot of stuff that's just the way it goes but I'm still this video to show people sometimes things do happen and this happens and I know full well you look heard that sound as well twice at least hopefully I'll see you next time of course I've had a couple of weeks break from this thanks for watching this pointless video
Channel: English Woodsman
Views: 350,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English woodsman bivvy, English woodsman jetboil, English woodsman oex bivvy, Oex bivvi bag, Paranormal activity caught on camera, Spooky sound when wild camping, Urban bivvi bag camping, camping, camping gear, camping in the rain, english woodsman, english woodsman oex, oex english woodsman, rain camping, scary night out wild camping, solo camping, stealth camping, wild camping, wild camping uk, winter camping
Id: 67b86rR34qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 48sec (4008 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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