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foreign ly stood in the Langdale Valley and if you look above my head we've got some beautiful blue sky the sun is even trying but do not be fooled this is gonna be a rough one the weather forecast has given torrential rain possibly a little bit of snow on the higher points and also the wind is going to be 80 kilometers per hour so while we've got a weather window we're gonna head into the mountains as far as we can aiming towards great end and then we are going to find a place to pitch a tent and the Hibiscus Light 2 from field Raven with me and I've got double poles so at least I've got a fighting chance against this wind and I've also got a new set of dirty roots on which are made by Colombia and they're like a winter boot with a bit of insulation in so just gonna wear them in now before uh the winter fully arrives exciting eh foreign well the rain has just started and I was hoping to get to Camp before it really let loose but it is definitely starting now we are heading up here hooked through that Gully there which is uh there's rossit Pike on the right hand side of that and sort of the bucket ball fell and then just beyond that angle town and that'll be a nice place just to stop but here there is no shelter nothing whatsoever so I think it's time for waterproofs foreign it's just a constant gradient that's just an awkward one but look at that flip you around hiker stickle just sat there looking as beautiful as ever just lucky eh lucky to be alive and lucky I have a body capable of actually just getting out and doing these things yep well I've got this body I'm gonna keep using it scenario that's all say well this is a long drug and I'm on tired legs so I'm definitely feeling it oh and I'm probably about halfway on distance so I'm going to get to the Summit of great ends so that might be a lot to ask for a little much light left a couple of hours there we go just opens up a bit and the last section just to get up onto where Angleton is there we go then angle town and this is one of two towns in the Lake District called angle town and I made a video on the other one and it's a beginner's guide to well camping so check that one out it's actually a really nice video because it's just one of the most Carmen Serene places to be so yeah I really enjoyed that one anyway from here continue down this path all the way up there and you can see that one in the background that is great end and that is what I'm aiming for whether I make it or not I will see but that is uh God it's still a bloody long way to get up there ah I'll do like a challenge though I do like to push myself and get this body moving and the more you do the fitter it gets well paddling on and it's just starting to rain again I'm hoping it'll just hold up enough for me to get to the summit and then just sort of a tent out this has been walk is this a weight in the backpack that's the problem I've been thinking about ditching things all the way ah really there last push to this Summit it's up there somewhere here say I made it to The Summit a great end and it's hailing so I'll have to get this tent up as fast as possible that is horrible that was tough hard work I put some rocks on the pegs all the way around and I've also got some of these pigs in as well as well at the uh this is great for it on on great ends right let's get inside and get warm because it is cold we made it we're in I've done the main thing pump the mat up just so I'm off the ground so I'm not getting cold the dog's just down there on his mass and he is cleaning so just taking all the water off him and I'm getting chilly now so I need to get stripped off get some more clothes on nice and dry and get a sleeping bag on just get in it it is horrendous out there let's be some seriously strong wind gusts and some very very heavy rain and hail I've been laid here for about 40 minutes just trying to warm up and I'm still not properly warm yet I can still feel my finger ends a couple of them just uh still a bit numb but I'm getting there so once I'm feeling warm enough I'll get everything ready for cooking and I have got a chili con carne which I made I don't know a couple weeks back put it in the freezer and then I've carried it all the way up here so that'll be a nice one just uh put in a pan no messing about and I'll eat those with a load of tortillas so a nice meal so I'm looking forward to that I can't wait really and I need warming up so chili will definitely do that it is definitely 80 kilometer per hour winds out there what's that quick to probably mid 50s 50 mile per hour I'm contemplating getting my dinner on but I'm just so snug in here we've got my mix on in this sleeping bag this down jacket and uh just the thought of moving but it's one of those things I have to do it I'm gonna have to do it wow it's wild all right let's get this dinner on silicon County I've had a near catastrophic failure of a decanted and put um the food into there ready to go on there got anywhere stirring it nor eating it I forgot my spoons I forgot my spork I forgot my knife ah so I'm gonna just have to do the best I can so we'll have to come up with something see if I had a knife I could probably make something out like that you know fashion something but I forgot my knife it's just one little bag that I put all my little Tools in and I forgot it so this is why you need to double check everything before you set out the door just to make sure that you've got it all luckily it's not catastrophic you know if it was like you forgot your tent or you've got your sleeping bag or your sleeping bath then yeah that would be definite failure but anyway we'll see how we get on with it foreign because I've got nowhere to Stir It I've just found this it's my European health insurance card which I just carry his ID but at least it'll give you something to sort of spur with Hellfire this is absolutely wild it is definitely strong August than 80 kilometers an hour I'll tell you what I am so glad I double pulled the tent pretty sturdy thus far but there is some hellish gusts coming through oh dear dogs he's not faced by things like this well that's cooking and it's slightly calmer he says I'm gonna have a beer I brought one beer with me so this is from North Brewing Co and it's called Globe Earth eight percent and it's a double IPA so I feel like I deserve this I wouldn't want to be drinking any more than one I think just because I need to have my wits about me let's just flip that open and let's have a test yep nice oh wow if I drink this as well this is going to make me want my food even more so I'm looking forward to that yeah good really nice of that one um quite a tank to it as well oh dear what a day hey what a day some of the places I get myself into and that's throughout my whole life but it's all learning experiences in it and it makes you into the person you are so everything's positive everything is positive even the bad experiences they are positive because they are just a learning experience so yep cheers anyway I am looking forward to this I've got some tortillas here and at least those will allow me to be able to scoop this and eat with it then the last bit I'll just eat with that card but they're not bad spoons are they so let's just grab this just cool down enough to touch wow that is a good dinner just what you need on a cold night like this yep good I've got my beer in my boot a good way of keeping it upright and the boots are a set of new boots for me as well they're a winter boot from Colombia and uh they are they've got the uh reflective whoa they've got like a reflective sort of heat technology I think it's called um Omni heat Infinity it's lined with like this reflective layer so sorry keeps your feet nice and warm in winter time to delve in with this now it'll work sometimes you just gotta adapt and move on Good jelly though I always test better about a week later chili foreign I'll show you these boots so these are made by Columbia and they have got like a leather upper and there's some pretty chunky rubber sections all the way around there so there's it's going to help with the wear and tear of it and at the back there we've also got this proper pull-on Loop there we can actually fit your finger through a lot of them you can't which is really annoying they are waterproof and I have fully tested them today they have had an absolute pounding through every single puddle going and there's been so many because it's just an absolute horrendous day so these are a winter boot so they've got an insulation all the way through and which is obviously a way of keeping your feet warm but added to that they have got this which is their Omni heat technology and it's just like hundreds and hundreds of little gold dots which reflect the heat back into your feet the new jackets in it they do um trousers and all sorts and after wearing them today I was actually really impressed because I wasn't sweating at all in them and my feet were just totally warm and completely dry so they are classed as a winter boot though so if you look at the sole there some decent grips on it and they're quite a wide fit so they actually suit My Fit feet really well and obviously come the snow that's quite nice just for bouncing through the snow so yeah so far I am quite impressed with them and I've got to say the Comfort I can't beat it the only one pair of boots I've ever Are Better Than This was um made by Under Armor and they were like putting clouds on my feet they're nearly that but not quite but yeah I've got to say they are very very comfortable so yeah not a bad boot at all come this winter I'm gonna be wearing these out on the Fells and um testing them in some snow so there we go Columbia expeditionist boots oh and also it can only be a camp bonus I'm gonna Brave it get out into that wild weather just because I've got to do the life Essentials main thing is I've got to keep dry if I get wet I will not recover from that I will get so cold so I've got to make sure that I'm gonna stay dry so a waterproof jacket on waterproof bottoms on and if it starts raining I'm diving straight back in here regardless so anyway let's get out and see what's going on out there eh foreign foreign foreign foreign well I just got caught out then in a proper hail storm look some have come inside look at the size of them they hurt when they're hitting you right time to proper get ready for bed now shut up shop that has tired me out oh my God while I've got a minute and it's quiet Hellfire those hailstorms were mental getting caught outside in that then was painful there were about eight millimeters in diameter and they were being fired at me at like 50 60 miles per hour and there's thousands of them so my legs then were just honestly that was absolute Carnage I could even feel them through this top of my uh waterproof outer still hitting me on here unbelievable so a quick escape from the outside into here and now I feel safe again it would be awful to get caught outside walking with something like that happening especially if you're in up and ground with nothing to protect you or shelter you ah anyway it has been an epic night I am thoroughly enjoying it and I was planning on staying up for two nights but things are getting a little bit wet and um I just don't think that's going to be the case now so I'll be heading back to the car tomorrow I think that's awesome though absolutely awesome anyway time to lay this log we'll see the morning foreign foreign boiling flowers well we're currently in the summit shelter just hiding out of the weather because it is still wild out there it has dropped considerably from last night but still not a place to be messing about those hailstones were incredible I would not want to get caught out in those because that would have been a nightmare luckily we only had 10 seconds to endure the pain of it but um yeah that was tough anyway we need to get back in that turn and get warm how about breakfast brush our teeth pack everything away and then when we are ready we'll get out and pack that tent away and skidado off this mountain are you ready then blue yeah cool then get on well this is going to be fun eating some granola with no spoon and I carry this full milk all this way so I'm gonna have to have it a new invention it's called the flat spoon I think it'll take off hey blue foreign right we are packed up ready to go blue has been waiting patiently but he is used to this he knows exactly what's happening so the wind has picked up and it's gonna be so far getting this tent away now but we just have to get on with it thank you that was hard leave no dresses always comment subscribe you want to see some more Epic Adventures but coffee join the patreon join me on Instagram so from me and they're beautiful blue we'll see you another time take care [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: BUSHMAN and BLUE
Views: 158,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wild camping Lake District, Wild camping snowdonia, Camping in Scotland, Camping in Alaska, Camping in America, Camping in a storm, Camping in the snow, Camping in a snowstorm, Wild camping Uk, Camping in winter, Best one man tent, Best tent for backpacking, Best tent for camping, Best wild camping tent, Camping gear, Best camp sites, Best backpacking gear, Camping with a dog, Camping in Canada, Survival camping, Camping sites, Backpacking food, Backpacking with a dog
Id: mE8jLwaRcws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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