Overnighter in Dulyn Bothy Mountain Refuge Shelter. North Wales in Winter. Hiking in the Snow.

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] folks and welcome back I'm up in the mountains of of North Wales um hopefully you'll see my my last video where I did that uh that crazy overnight camp in um in a gale with snow yeah that was fun actually it was fun but it was a bit of a challenge certainly for filming that's for sure I'm just heading down the mountain now to meet up with a friend of mine Martin villmark um and we're going to do uh we're gonna do another overnight camp tonight well not so much a camp we're gonna be staying at a mountain hut hopefully which will be lovely there's a fireplace apparently so we can um well warm up get some of my kit dry that'll be fantastic my sleeping bag is sopping from last night um conditions are not are not great this morning it's snowing and visibility is um not very poor but not brilliant so I can't see kind of landmarks more than 500 meters away so I'm having to use a compass bearing basically the lake where I camped last night it's quite remote and there aren't any really clear paths to get to it or away from it so I've had to kind of set a bearing and um and then walk this seems to be kind of faint paths in areas and then they stop maybe they just um sheep Trails I don't know but um yeah I'm nearly there at the main path and then I can start um heading down to where Martin is um another Lake a bit further down yeah looking forward to that having a warm-up and a nice cup of tea [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh okay that's me on my house thank you I just uh passed two other walkers who've just come from the The Buffy um and they said there's a there's another bloke there he's playing on today tonight so hopefully he won't mind two more people joining him I shouldn't think he would I mean that's the the kind of point of these places you know they're they're there for anybody to use and there are there are bugs in this one I've reached the The Buffy and uh just as those other two hikers had said there's a there's a chap here Ethan he's from Canada and um he's drying out all of his all of his clothing he went to to find some wood earlier on it's in a tree which uh to grab a log and um on his way back stepped into a bog and disappeared up to his waist so he's just got absolutely drenched so he's um he's got a little fire going and he's just done yeah he's just getting things dried out Martin I know is uh bringing up some uh some cracker logs um that we were going to use while we're at the at the campsite the other night um but we didn't we didn't uh we didn't end up having a fire so he's going to bring them up here which is good we can just burn them because there's very little burnable material around here you know there's no trees up here it's just uh grass and bog and well the odd bit of Heather and very very few little spindly trees and I'm not gonna go and cut one of them down that's for sure yeah I can't actually see two figures walking along the path over towards the the body they're a long way off and I'm wondering whether that is Martin and Matty could well be there we go I fell into a puddle over there I was going to get some firewood and uh I was carrying it over and I stepped on a piece of grass that looked normal but I felt like halfway into the water and now I'm soaked and trying to dry off my I bet it was cold too yeah so we've got a nice little wood burner there which we can use to get things dry and just well just be warm really and there's some shelving up there with a whole load of bits of food and cups and pans and all sorts people have obviously left food up here which is really nice if you were stranded up in the mountains and you're able to get to this Hut you could at least you know have something to eat which is good you've got a little counter top there and another table there with some pots and pans and candles and stuff and then another room so you can obviously sleep on the floor there with your sleeping pad or there are two huge bunks which is again you can put your sleeping pads up I just think it's asleep well quite a few 10 12 people actually I should imagine a little drying rack up there nicely out of the wind and the weather [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign keeps fogging up just uh make myself a little bit of lunch another dehydrated meal left over from my Norway trip I'm gonna tuck into this tikka masala nice bit of hot grub to warm up after after the walk down it was pretty cold coming down um I was wet and uh yeah wet and cold so it's nice to get here to this this fantastic Buffet here and Ethan had lit that fire while he dried out his clothes and stuff so um yeah it's quite warm well it's warm-ish it's certainly warmer than it is outside that's for sure [Music] the problem is if you get so you feel like you're cold and then by the time you're slowly in there if you're absolutely soaked good to see you both yeah I survived yeah just about just about yeah my tent didn't but I did yeah hot stuff I think I need some new liners I think well we've just been sitting here and warming up here here in The Buffy I've just had a hot drink um Matt's uh gone he had to get back for work tomorrow so he's he's taking the dog and hiked back up to the uh the car park where we've um where we've parked but I think um Martin and I are going to go out and take a little walk go and get a bit of a bit of footage show you the reservoir um there's a little bit of an interesting story about the about the reservoir so we'll take a little take a little wander up there and then probably come back for another warm-up foreign this is Dylan Reservoir and it's used to supply water to the villagers and towns further down the valley and it's also the sight of not one but four separate aircraft crashes um these Hills or this whole area of snowdonia is used what has been used and it still is used as uh as training a trading area for for Pilots um so you know they're big Hills visibility up here is often bad and um years ago you know when uh aircraft didn't have the same instrumentation and um sophisticated navigation equipment as they do now planes used to hit the hit the hills you know and it happened frequently there's lots of World War II era crashes up here one of the crashes that happened at this Reservoir was a c47 which crashed into that dark and menacing Cliff um on the other side of the water there and fragments of it obviously ended up in the in the reservoir at low water you can see the the prop or one of the props you know when the water is low enough the prop is above the water and it's there there's a there's a poignant reminder of that of that disastrous flight [Music] foreign surprisingly the wood I picked up the other day like it burned very well for wood that's been soaking for like a few weeks but I think because it was Pine like it was a lot drier on the inside and yeah it wasn't really too difficult foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign for a cup of tea I think ah got a bit of excitement going on outside there's a coast guard or um Mountain rescue helicopter it's just been doing big circles above the body hopefully they're not they're not looking for us [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] coffee and some coffee lovely something warm Cheers Cheers foreign thank you for carrying them up [Laughter] smells good it is good chicken pieces are big there's nothing in here that's green though so I don't know is it a special sort of red spinach we used to wear them in the Alps or you literally just walk into a pub and just go yeah it's one step away from the cord that went all the way up and down yeah I used to have did you have those as a kid yeah yeah yeah yeah my mum insisted um well we've had a nice evening sitting sitting around the fire here uh drinking drinking beer and rum and chatting about all sorts from the meaning of life to the afterlife and everything in between it's been nice and uh just nice to be warm such a difference from from last night shivering up on the mountain side as I was yeah no it's been it's been nice this Buffy is just fantastic what a great a great thing that these uh these places are dotted around the place you can come up and use them and you know clear up after yourself treat them with with respect and um they're they're a great thing you know they're they're like kind of like a mountain Refuge you know if you if you were stuck up here in the mountain you could you could come into one of these places and there's there's more often than not there's food and there's a fireplace and and perhaps you know a bit of wood so you could get a violet and warm yourself up if you were in a muddle sort of thing but um they're also just great places just to to come and spend the night and um and spend a comfortable warm night when the weather is Raging outside it's calmed down a bit it's a nice uh clear sky outside but it is it is really cold out it is cold I just popped out a minute ago for for a pee and to to film through the window because it I thought it looked nice you know with all the kind of warm glow from inside filmed from outside where it's where it's really cold yeah it's been really nice but I think it's probably just about just about time for bed so I'll see you guys in the morning good night foreign [Music] oh okay [Music] hmm coffee morning folks slept uh slept really well much better than I did the night before that's for sure quieter warmer and um definitely a lot more a lot more comfortable slept right the way through to my alarm went off this morning at six o'clock um we're reasonably early because we we need to walk back to our vehicles I've got to drive back to Norfolk today so um yeah a big day but just getting home really I've got some uh malt loaf for my breakfast I brought one of these up with with me it's good old bit of stodgy gooeyness it's got fruit and stuff in it so that should do the job nicely for breakfast are your eggs eatable that's that's what happens I feel they're not the best [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign giving it a good good sweep up left it as it was when um well when Ethan arrived uh yeah it's kind of stocked with a few tins and bits and pieces and we've left a few bits behind as well so the uh the kind of um heat logs that we didn't use we've left behind for the next person yeah it's been an absolutely fantastic spot to spend the night tucked up here on the Mountainside just gorgeous and cozy you know to be able to have a fire and warm that room up and just sit around and have a couple of beers and chat amongst old friends and new friends yeah it's been been really really cool gonna um head back to the the vehicles now we've got a hike back up and I don't know whether you can see in the background probably not there's a path right up the top over there which we'll be following goes around the side of the mountain over there and uh back to the car park and then I've got that big old drive back to back to the flat lands of Norfolk yeah it's been really good absolutely love it up here thanks for watching and I'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 936,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overnighter, winter hiking, carneddau in winter, north Wales in winter, snow hiking, bothy, bothie, mountain hut, mountain shelter, mountain refuge, Dulyn reservoir, Dulyn aircraft crash, Dulyn c47
Id: RtE84YcuG1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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