SNOWSTORM SOLO WINTER CAMP - STORM FORCE WINDS Wild Camping Blencathra Summit Lake District UK

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[Music] oh sunshine look at this here we are in the glorious lake district take a look behind us just looks like an autumnal there with the uh bracken that's just all orange there but just over the top of this we're gonna have a complete different world which is going to be fantastic because it is covered in snow so excited about getting up there and finding a place to picture tent on the summit of blencathra although i do have some micro spikes with me the ice axes on everything i need really but it's going to be a nice calm easy one walk to the summit and then relax back with a beer on top and take hopefully a nice sunset we will see anyway let's get up there look at this it's a steep climb to get to this point but already you can just see all the mountains in the background all snow covered and look at this sun just pouring through the clouds there just fantastic i've got right sweat on though i've got to say to say it's about freezing now yeah it doesn't take much of an effort going up a hill with a heavy backpack on just to get this sweat thing going on well it's a long steady walk up to the top of blencathra but it's a beautiful one once you get up to a bit of height you get to see all the way around see all these people up here as well just above them that's sharp edge i'm not doing that today but there's blank athera covered in snow looking stunning quite imposing up there well after gaining a bit of altitude it is starting to get nippy it really is what a difference in temperature and as we come up here you can see we end up in the shade which uh the temperature will drop even further out the sunshine but oh look look at this look at that is just sharp edge looking as fine as it can i won't want to be doing that today though no chance definitely a slippy one ah yes look at this just fantastic [Music] well i wasn't wrong about that temperature drop it has plummeted it's going to be a cold night very cold there's quite a breeze coming through as well which doesn't help so the windchill factor is definitely going to be minus sort of 15 i would have thought sunshine again just for a second we turn a corner then back to the cold you just look at the snow on the foot it's not too bad just very powdery a little bit of ice underneath but not too slippy i don't need to put my uh spikes on my feet yet but it's not long we'll be at the summit and if you can see a silhouette of two people up there they're stood on the stomach now it's gonna be fantastic sunset too that's why i'm here i'm gonna take this sunset never guaranteed but i always want to hope for definitely whoa just coming towards something now this wind is just freezing absolutely taking it out of me so i want to be very careful up here make sure that i've got all my kits on to keep it warm beta so the only word for it victor well here we are stood on the summit of blencathra the wind is strong it's a strong steady wind i brought the drone but there's no chance that's coming out but you can see down the valley here still sort of see but if you turn around complete flag that way so this cloud is just rolling in and covering me over which is no good because i like to have a view and i want to get this uh sunset he's trying he's trying so we need to get out this wind which means pitching the tent so let's go look and see if we can find somewhere to pitch a tent it's fairly flat up here it's bitterly cold though my god it's cold well just walked down off the summit and i found a place to pitch a nice flat area here and it is by this town here which you can't see because it's frozen over but it's just slightly less exposed here than what it is up on the summit so it is time to try and get this tent up the problem is this ground completely frozen so we're gonna have to uh dig the pegs into the ground i think but it's all part of the fun eh right let's get this tent done [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we are pitched up pretty much perfectly i'd say it looks a pretty good nice and tight to the ground i put the toe end at that side so at least it sort of throws the wind over the top of it a bit more as well oh but looking good though i think we'll be solid enough let's get inside that eh foreign right we're in it's really cold and i'm sat on the frozen ground so always the first job for me get your mat pumped up at least you keep your bum off the floor once i've got that done give me a base just to work from if you look at the dog though it doesn't bother him at all he just lays on it hey blue you're not bothered oh it's chilly it's a cold one but nice to get that mat up and i'm sat on that that makes a hell of a difference oh so next job i'm gonna get all my hot gear on to keep me warm oh down trousers i'm a down jacket and then at least i can go out and enjoy the outside and sit out for the night with a beer hopefully if it says clear quite excited i've got a couple of beers um i have got this is so nice this one this is the brew dog triple hazy so it's quite a strong one that baby and then another one as well which is layer cake by brewdog so yeah a couple of beers that should be nice and hopefully i just get this sunset that's all i'm bothered about now here we are in all look here some rub down mittens i love these because he's got over the top of my gloves down jacket on and then these are down sort of celebrate bottoms so now i can sit out here and be nice and toasty warm it's really cold though really cold i might have to get my ice axe out in a minute and smash a hole in that ice over there into the little pond thing and then the dog can have a drink out of it because there's nothing else up here apart from what i've brought up with me and a couple of beers so well i didn't get the sunset i wanted so i'm going to brighten the sky up with my phoenix head torch still beautiful though still amazing to be out it's nearly a white out it's pretty much all the way around just white everywhere i've got about i don't know 50 maybe 80 meters visibility that's all ah yes so time to get in i'm gonna get myself a beer i feel like i deserve it relax back and have a beer ah there we are eh i'm black dog you just chilling eh here we are then back in ready to drink a beer let's get this cracked open eh oh dear that is good i'm not one for promoting beer at all but every so often just a decent beer just oh it's just wonderful to have it really is it really is my god i'm gonna enjoy that yes on top of a mountain enjoying a beer can't really get much better than that can you while i was walking up i met quite a few people actually um a few subscribers as well and then i got chatting to this couple and she asked me um do you think that there is a i suppose like a higher force or something that's put all this here for us to enjoy and help us make make us happy and i was like no i think what it is it's always been here and what we've done nowadays is we've been taken out of this happiness of just being outside and enjoying life and being part of nature and we've been put onto this man-made lifestyle the society where we're reliant on other people to help us survive and we're reliant on just being on tarmac this you know things like that i mean what is that about living a life on tarmac or carpets all just like manufactured junk that we don't really need and what's happened is we've been taken away from this happiness being on mountains and just enjoying the the real world and then we've just been plonked over the last sort of thousand years into this where we're just yeah taken away from it and it just makes us generally an unhappier population and this is what i like about it i just want to get out and restart my brain and embrace all this and just be part of it and just make myself happy by being out doing this yep society has got a lot to answer for i mean how many forms have you filled out in the last year why do we have to fill forms out why do we have to sign to people and other things and this is why i like getting out and doing this it's just the freedom away from all that misery yeah yeah that's what it is and look there's me and blue just chilling out no one to answer to drinking a beer that's manufactured but enjoying life that's what it's all about just getting out as much as you can away from society and enjoying a life so i'm gonna drink this sit back in my chair and just contemplate that thought process we'll see you in a bit cheers barely a breath of air unbelievable because it was wild earlier anyway this is the calm before the next storm i think because it's given 50 mile an hour winds at 4 00 a.m so i am going to open my second and final kind of beer which is strangely it's like a pudding marshmallow chocolate stout i'll have to let you know what it's like holy hell that's exactly what it is i mean all me down gear i'm not laid on the thermarest extra mat and there's no heat loss through that at all hardly all honestly because it's got such a high r value so that's good and i'm also in my rab neutrino endurance 600 sleeping bag which i've had a lot of years and it has done me proud as this thing it really has i remember the first time i got it and it was in winter and there was um forecast to like minus eight one night so i went outside put a bivvy over the top of it and slept in my garden just to see if it worked and i thought it's going to be really cold i better be careful so i put on um like extra layers and i'm not joking i woke up sweating so i had to take all the layers off chuck them outside and then yeah continue the night just in my like thin bottoms and uh thin top so definitely did the trick but yes it is worth spending the money on the decent kit because i tell you what it has your back it really does ah yep come before the storm it is exciting knowing it so exciting just to be out and just have to deal with whatever the beautiful mother nature throws at you i want to sit back and relax take all this in a bit more and then yeah be prepared for getting battered in the morning which means what i might do is just pack up everything i sort of can ready so if i need to escape quickly um it's a sort of safer way of doing it really there we go fed the beautiful blue and he's just cracking on with that one and uh i'm gonna now attempt to cook something i don't really know what i've got but we'll see let's find out what way so i have found out i am eating a minced beef hot pot which i actually really like it's quite um it's quite warm to eat you know like one of those sort of comforting meals but i'm adding with it rice rice for the mince beef hot pot don't judge me well i have poured some water into this pot i've sort of set myself up ready to oh god i'm struggling with this ready to boil me some water i just had a complete um without swearing me moment because the last camp i went on i had a lighter but it got damp so i put it somewhere and i don't know where it is i was looking ralph thinking i can't physically light this stove um so this minced beef hot pot which is a dehydrated food i was thinking i'm gonna have to just snort it or something like that anyway luckily i found a second method which i generally do carry so i'm quite happy about that one so let's get this lit and get this water on there we go all he's good and happy on the summit blancathera well i'm doing something that i wouldn't advise and that is i've put the bag of rice in the water that i'm boiling to fill this meal up and the thing is i was just thinking about the chemicals potentially in the packaging that might actually just sort of uh end up being in that water that i'm gonna then consume um which potentially i am poison poisoning myself so not the best idea i would say so what i'm going to do is and before this boils i'll take it out so at least it's preheated a little bit um ready to add to the other part of the meal i don't know it's just a food for thought and all that here we are then let's turn this off boiling ouch wow open that tent door a little more just to let some of this moisture out nice and hot let's get this uh meal filled up it's always hard to judge how much you need in these getting mixed through you've got to make sure you get all the corners in this because otherwise it's just a dry mess if you don't get it all and i'll add a tiny bit more water in this because i'm going to add some rice in mashed potato rice i'm the future of cooking i know what i'm doing a bit more water let's pile some of this in which is quite warm already since i preheated it the battery died anyway i was saying that i have got my meal already sat in this lovely bag it's a nice hot water bottle while it does its thing for 10 minutes it's nice to just sort of keep your hands warm but it is made with the potentially poisonous water from the packaging boiling that up in that water i think it'll be fine because it's food packaging and all that but you just never know so if you find this footage um please just make a video bang it on youtube and then hopefully it will still do really well and get a million views not bad not bad at all you can see the tent's getting a bit flappy it's giving sort of 30 mile an hour winds all night really but um come four o'clock in the morning there's this storm front coming through again which is um it's gonna batter this and i have to make sure that i'm sort of ready for it for definite you know this tent is an awesome tent and it will take a hell of a hammering but you get all these people saying you know like tents are bomb proof and all this certain tents no tense bomb proof if they were born proof they'd be using them for i don't know if they're using me in wars won't they they'd be like they'd wrap like a fiat 500 in a tent and send it off as a tank won't they so yeah definitely no tent is bomb proof not at all well it's getting a bit flappy in here there's gusts coming through that are really almost annihilating this tents so hopefully we can stand strong till the morning but um the wind is just to bring in if you can see there look at all that just snow just sitting on everything my boots as well look at this so i'm gonna get out and just uh check out what it's like out there hell fire it's wild out here rubber crazy the winds change direction as well so it's hitting the tent sideways on which isn't good but it's it is a snowy one for definite wow what a change eh i mean it was breezy before but just now oh hell fire yeah look here this is snow on the inside well it looks like this tent's gonna take a pounding tonight it really is the storm is definitely coming anyway i will get myself as many hours sleep as possible and we're just gonna have to deal with it tomorrow because that is all we can do so i've got my kits all half packed away so at least it's a bit quicker in the morning if necessary and yeah that's it happy days eh this is what life's about just gonna embrace it get on with it and you know when the is the fan just deal with it that's all you got to do just deal with it so here we go look at blue he's all snug i've wrapped him with my uh down jacket over the top he's got the fire blanket on as well hey blue unfazed unfazed completely anyway it is time to lay this look we will city in the morning hellfire it is really really coming in now so this is brutal completely brutal well the wind isn't the problem anymore i need a paddle look at this what the hell am i gonna do now we're literally pitched in a river there's just water everywhere like three inches all the way around everywhere pitched on top of a mountain 830 meters above sea level and the mountain is solid frozen all of a sudden a weatherfront comes through starts raining raises the temperature by about 10 degrees celsius and everything melts and all that melt water decides to run straight towards my tent the wind is pressing the bathtub design flat down on the floor which is allowing the water to flow in at one end so here i am trying to let the water out at the other end bailing but not failing well i'll show you what to do now you look out and brave the weather and take the risk of getting off the mountain in this uh wind and rain or i stay and just wait for daylight which is probably the safest option but my problem is at the minute this keeps filling up so all this it just keeps filling up as soon as i let it out it's back in again it's literally a river running through my tent that just shows you you've got to be really careful where you uh pick your tent pitch this is what i would never have thought about you live and you learn eh there's literally a river running through the tent me and blue are both on my map which is just keeping it off the ground which is good and out the water but this isn't sustainable the bathtub design is working exactly like a bathtub the worst way of having it i think on this pole here a guy must have come out because it's um just got quite a lot of movement still standing up pretty strong though considering but yeah honestly i've got the dog under my knees so he's on the mat with me and my sleeping bag is over the top of him so we're both warm and that's the main thing and i'm just gonna ride this out until that sun starts to show a little bit of light outside and then it's a case of just getting out there shoving everything in a bag and seriously escaping at the mountain this hole above my head has snapped so it's just uh nearly laid on top of me now not much i can do apart from just ride this out really at least the winds sort of passing over the tent a little bit better now so yes i can just sit back relax just wait another hour or so well it's light enough to get outside now but that rain of wind will just not stop so i'm gonna try and gather my thoughts gather myself together get all my clothes on that i need to put on and then i'm gonna shove everything in the bag set the tent down horrible absolutely horrible so what a complete battle that was i didn't know we're down and now he's okay to get off the mountain hell fire wow just wow i'm just off the back of the mountain now and it's a nice steady walk back and this is one reason why i chose to come here just because there's nothing edgy on the way back it's a fairly straightforward walk down but just wow that was incredible it really was i have never in my life had a camp as bad as that storm irwin was just a piece of cake compared to that seriously oh right we're gonna have to continue down well there it is the end of another what's the word for it horrific adventure that was intense i'd say but thoroughly enjoyed it both back down safely and to me that is totally living but to be honest there's times at that where you know things can go wrong you gotta adapt quickly and i was on a boat pretty much on my firm arrest just floating with a river running through the tent i know there's videos out there that are worse than that where rivers actually pick people up and take them down but oh man that was the hardest camp i've ever done by a long way storm album that was just a breeze compared to that it really was that was just raw and epically crazy really so if you like the video give it one of them definitely a crazy one definitely want to remember and definitely want to sort of show people out there that sudden thor is also an issue that was just unbelievable it really was anyway until the next one we'll see you another day [Music] you
Channel: BUSHMAN and BLUE
Views: 446,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wild camping Lake District, Camping in Scotland, Camping in America, Camping in a storm, Camping in the snow, Camping in a snowstorm, Wild camping Uk, Camping in winter, Best one man tent, Best tent for backpacking, Best tent for camping, Best wild camping tent, Camping gear, Best camp sites, Camping with a dog, Camping in Canada, Survival camping, Backpacking food, Backpacking with a dog, Camping in strong winds, Fjallraven abisko lite, fjallraven tent, fjallraven keb
Id: BzsqaC9nv5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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