‘I Am Chris Farley’ Documentary Highlights | Paramount Network

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all right good good anytime you get to talk about Chris Farley's a good day man everybody cries for this right that's not that one of my time with Chris well maybe I'm not the norm I'm not camera friendly you know what everybody's decided who's the funny to go borrow somebody's [Applause] [Music] you came in Chris was the middle child black sheep the strange one he always wanted to certainly outdo me or show the younger two brothers that you know he was better than that he was just always a game like Americana that that everyone dreams or thinks of in the 1960s we had at all whatsoever and everybody's imagination totally true crazy crazy crazy [Music] the poor world only got to see this part of the iceberg that is Chris my dad was great guy he was a Salesman just hilarious I mean it wasn't a house where you know dad was strict or anything like that and he'd get home and watch the news and then you know stir us all up into some kind of frenzy and then somebody get hurt and then he got us at all you took it too far and he started the whole thing he liked to have the chaos Chris comes down to Chicago we hook up but we know second cities the mecca that's the place we don't know what to do or where to go we got to do this together he called to tell me I got into the classes at second city and I was like wow that's awesome he was far more ambitious than I ever thought I didn't know that he would pursue training and end up with Dell clothes King of improvisational acting I wanted to really show that we could create nothing that I here is gonna be simple nothing that you say to me is going to be accepted at face value always means something else Dell was the chief anarchist artists there what he taught all of us was to be free and to be unafraid and to go out and fail as often as possible to try things to die onstage who threw off convention and kind of blew the lid off the form so that we could really do the freest work that that we were capable if he had just been a big funny guy that fell down bail close certainly never would have cast in the second city though close would have washed him out right away he had no time for people that were just funny and if someone sold out a scene for a joke del would sometimes just throw them off stage as a get the hell out of here your turkey del want to work with Chris because he was funny and honest it was a sad going away a little bit we're happy for him but we were also a little nervous like let's pour a little kid from Madison can I go to New York City which you've never been to and be on a big TV show it's kind of a lot for him and it was a lot for him he was scared oh one more thing Patrick Swayze hosted he called Bayes like Lauren everybody wants me to be the fat guy they won't be dressed to do a sketch from where I'm stripping from Chippendales with Patrick Swayze they want me to take my shirt off and then I'm the fat guy what do you think I mean it's just embarrassing I was like well if you do that and you are the funniest fat guy ever then you should do it [Applause] I'm sure you had reservations about going up there full-on but he saw this is this is my mission this is this is full-on comic value it's a perfect use of my physicality yes I will do it and there's a lot of girth going with it and not give a pride and this is my body you're not thinking it he's there like that's feeling really lucky that I was in high school when Chris Farley was on sin alive that was definitely one of those things that all the kids around the schoolyard were like did you see that like that was and that was out of control and he's as good a dancer as Patrick Swayze is [Music] thank you hey Jen Barney if you could just give us a minute we'll have our decision yeah the letterhead Christmas Acura is embarrassed about be played the fat guy but on the other hand he loved it that's the contradiction he was my daughter asked me what was the best thing I've ever done in show business and I said on stage doing a motivational speaker with Chris Farley eight times a week no question and nothing I'll ever come close [Music] it was a Grand Slam every single time it was nuts nuts [Applause] [Music] he just had this thing wired and perfected from second city so once he even did it read through everyone loved it your father and I came up with a brilliant idea to give you kids some direction a motivational speaker yes Christina Applegate and she was a host and I remember Lorne Michaels saying to me apologetic in a way like he has this character he's really been wanting to do on this show we're not sure what it is do you mind if we premiere it in your episode and I was like yeah of course you know let's let's see what it is Mac we're ready for you now let's get started by letting me give you a little bit of a scenario what my life is all about first off I am 35 years old I am divorced and I live in a van down by the river what is going on and it just stood there on the right track how can we get back on the right track bigger and more crazy and we gist that was it oh that's gonna be your shadow here's you here's Matt there's you [Applause] and he loved to be an actor he just loved it he loved every minute of it you know and so he was just happy that just having a good time killing it Hollywood in the old disease to call it hit when someone had hit they didn't know how to describe it either so they call it hit and he had hit the pressure of Saturday Night Live is once you get the show everyone's looking to you like oh you have a chance to do movies and be famous he was aware of his power it was aware of his gift he's got his BA from second city he got his master's from Saturday Night Live totally equipped first of all to get a movie that's the hustle you have to be able to get in the movie and Chris got in the movie and the movie that he got in was Tommy Boy [Music] that guy little go take it off I'm serious look at his movie performances the physicality I mean and and Tommy Boy that just think the you saw his quality as an actor there and his range is an actor I'm gonna really miss him your father was a great guy yeah what I think was really important with Tommy Boy is it showed Chris how we saw him behind closed doors sensitive kind that kindness and that real vulnerability don't run away from your feelings Time magazine published a page of the ten comedies of all time and Tommy Boy is there and I know that Farley would have been incredibly proud to see it there I really love this movie I hope that everyone all like it cuz we had fun making and I think it's really good I hope so too I hope it's a huge hit for you Chris was a perfectionist and he was always you know he he just wanted to do the best and if it wasn't the best he was really hard on himself just because things aren't perfect doesn't mean people won't like them unfortunately I was with him when it went it when he relapsed the first time crusted everything to excess he was your friend of except he loved you to excess he was kind to excess but when it came to you know drinking and other stuff Chris got caught in a world that I don't know if you could get out of I think it's time to grow up fellows want you to leverage gonna be okay alright I'm new Chris okay fellas now stare we got a great show tonight Mighty Mighty Bosstones are here it's just rare that a person has that much joy and brings that much happiness to everyone around them but with Chris there's a limit to how wonderful it is to me and that limit is when you kill yourself with drugs and alcohol you know that's where it stops being so magical things are getting better and better for your thing I love it success in show business does not always create the best version of people do you get a sense now of how your life might change with the the fame that is going to come with the release of this film thinking that you have the physical capacity to handle it which you know you may think that you could have maybe this was the life that he was supposed to live I'd be unselfish I wanted more anytime you 33 nobody don't die 33 then they happen it took months to go okay I can talk about this I just too much it comes up in something in my mind every day and I think it will forever the terminal a gangster [Music]
Channel: Paramount Network
Views: 339,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Farley, SNL, Saturday night live, Chris Farley Documentary, Farley Doc, comedian, best comedians, greatest comedians ever, comedy actors, I am Chris Farley, Van down by the river, Tommy Boy, David Spade, cult classic, cult comedy, pop culture, popular culture, 90s kids, 90s movies, fan favorites, Paramount, Paramount Network, Still Holds Up, hold up, heist movie, 90s culture, 90s movie culture, 90s fans, newtrending, Pat Finn, Improv, Improv Comedy, Second City
Id: FW0uPlI2vjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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