Storage Wars: Top 4 Lockers with SPOOKIEST Items | A&E

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my halloween costume i found some spooky  items in the unit that creeps me out well come on kenny what's going on what is that   what the heck does he have  well well well check it out yeah i missed you who's got a knife  are you ready bruh let's get us a unit   still looks good in poster board whoa  whoa whoa what we bought this calm down   oh knives yeah you gonna kill with this like a  video game night huh it may be worth something man   what we got there oh look at that i ain't never  seen a black skeleton here how you feel cousin   damn crystal here finally i  think i see something of value   barry better watch yourself i throw his ass in  the dumpster look at this man this year there's a   crystal i've seen on vampire diaries and when they  put that crystal all kind of happened i think they   all belong together bro and i think we need to go  get this checked out we can't do it i can't do it   barry couldn't do it kenny can i found some uh  spooky items in the unit this [ __ ] crystal thing   ah that's um crystal skull skulls are very popular  for communing with spirits and if it has a face   carved onto it it means it can communicate  with you this ain't nothing about voodoo   right here right no no no no the healers would  use it that's a positive it's a positive thing   yes well let me show you this one here i hope  this one here brings some good positive energy   but the color of it might not be oh boy mm-hmm  yeah oh there's nothing wrong with black this one here has been made out of regular  glass unlike this fella here who is crystal   that's a real mineral but um but he's got a lot of  presence anyway big and black yeah um black skulls   very often are used to draw negativity away from  things and and to dispatch them in a guide it's   crystal this here is a pendulum you can hold it  over objects and you can ask it questions and   see how it swings simple yes and no questions  all right this is what got me scary bro we   actually sell these guys it's a sickle otherwise  known to the magical practitioners as a bolin   and it's used for sacrificial workings i  would say looking at these items here you   have a person who was interested in the occult  but wasn't necessarily a practitioner so how   much you think i probably can get for this whole  little kit right here to the whole thing yeah um well this guy here this is your money item   if i had him in the store i would put him  up for 225. for all of this i would say 450. boom shackle i'm happy with that  bruh oh my god what is that a ouija board   oh man yeah it could have some age to it you  know it might be an interesting piece to have   checked out i'm thinking that a psychic will  be able to tell me all about this ouija board   hi can i help you yeah i was hoping you could tell  me a little bit about this board oh no i'm sorry i   was wondering if you could tell me a little bit  about no no no yeah i was hoping that you don't   want to deal with that okay looks like the stain's  giving everyone the eb jibbies but i know someone   who doesn't scare easy hello nancy hey remember  me sure dude i brought her a human skeleton once   so i doubt she'll have a problem with an old piece  of wood well what do you think about that i think   i like it you like that oh yeah all right i love  these it's an early ouija board it's probably from   1915 to 1917. your planchette is missing legs but  usually you don't find the planchette at all so   that's pretty cool that you have this both people  would put their hands on the planchette you'd ask   the spirit a question and the planchette would  move and it would point to answers like yes or no   or it would spell something out with the letters  what's the value of something like this this is   the first one that they actually produced  close to a million of with the planchette 350 dollars really 350 bucks not too shabby oh  my god you know what that is my halloween costume   you're so gross what the f brandy what is  that i don't know it just fell out the bottom   do you want to see this check this out oh my  god what is it maybe keep the chemicals out   of your ears i don't know it looks like  suspenders do you put it on your junk i don't know what that is but it's old and i  definitely think we should get this checked out   this one this is your basic russian gas mask  probably 1970s 1980s vintage okay this is kind   of stuff if you put it on i'm really sorry huh  you think it's clean you think it's dry you put   it on again you start sweating and it reactivates  the gas and it'll get stuck in the pores i don't   know what he's talking about i feel fine so what  is this thing for this is the canister that had   been filled with gauze and charcoal you hook  it up right into the mask itself okay then you   hook it up into the canister you unscrew it and  that's all they did to protect soldiers from gas   and this is exactly what i thought it was  they're like weird pants where do you put your   legs right here off the side see where where  are we this is a soviet union horse gas mask   is that right because the russians were still  using horses for combat all the way up until   the 90s wow so this would go on that's now to the  horse and this would go back over the horse's ear   these are filters on the side in case of a  gas attack that's not going to be comfortable now that you've seen everything what do you  think it's worth gas mask in that condition   25 it's just still very very common this is  military only we'll have a few weird fetish sites   this is great for military collecting  it looks like it's never been worn   the rubber is still very  supple i would say it's about 375. 400 bucks appreciate your time i  appreciate all the information we're here   there's a bunch more dirty dusty stuff  what the heck what is all this stuff   oh wow oh skeleton stuff these are bizarre look at  this this is a snake probably that's definitely a   snake you know your reptiles that i know does  that creep you out no oh that that creeps me   out that's a bird that's a bird you can tell by  the beaker would that be fun for me and you to   go get this stuff checked out very fun this is  the stuff that i called you about ooh this guy   is a bat you know what's cool about bats what  the wings are their hands oh wow these are the   fingers that have been elongated and turned  into wings this looks like a burp mm-hmm   definitely a bird you can tell by the beak i'll  bet that's a perrigan falcon um looks like a crow   no no no that's a falcon look at the size of the  beak no i kind of think that zoe is probably right   and this i think it's squirrel how can you tell  it's a squirrel well it's a rodent and you can   tell it's a rodent because of the skull you see  the orange incisors rodents always have yellow or   orange incisors oh wow it's a little morbid to  me oh well it's a snake that smells really bad   ideally you have this in a controlled  situation with beetles eating   the flesh off and then you get it out before  they get through the connective tissue   beetle's eating the flesh off it's interesting  so diana can you tell me what is this worth i   kind of am suspecting looking at them uh that um this is actually illegal to sell illegal yeah you're not supposed to sell roadkill  do you know what because you like these bones   i think i'll just let you keep them cool i may not have a lot of friends  but i got a lot of money
Channel: A&E
Views: 64,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, Top 4 Lockers, spookiest, Items, storage wars ae, storage wars compilation, a&e storage wars, storage wars lockers, expensive locker, storage wars compilations, ouija board, animal skeletons, storage wars episodes, storage wars watch, watch storage wars, storage town halloween, Storage wars shows, Top 4
Id: cst-wmcAvN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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