Storage Wars: Most Valuable SPORTS Collectibles & Items | A&E

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this is the wow factor  that's a winner this is cool   this is the most i've ever spent on a locker  i'm about to enter holy grail territory there's   all kinds of collectible cards this box  alone right here has got to be probably   probably an easy hundred bucks  autographed magic johnson yeah decks of him and he signed them all 600 bucks  every one of these envelopes right here are full of collectible tickets oh and a buck a piece yeah  there's 2500 tickets in here you guys that's 2500   right there every box cards collectibles  this is why i do this junior sale 55. 200   bucks for sure on just the jerseys dodger  commemorative pins that's got to be 50 bucks   that's a charger sign football signed baseball  bats more signed hockey pucks there's 150 of   these in here it's signed girl and it's  by the ramps all signed baseball framed   already framed wade boggs roger clemens i  have never seen this but sports memorabilia   in one place of my life even in a store just  that section alone has got to be 14 grand all right get started raider shirts new york  yankees greatest raiders that box is at least   100 bucks but these are all jerseys these are  375 bucks a piece now we're not going to get   that but this is pro bowl hawaii 96. these are 100  bucks a pop so you got 100 200 not 100 400 i don't   know these are like 50 bucks a piece 500 bucks  550 650 750 850 950 and that up robust or 1050.   oh what is that check this out don't drop it  there's more your face put this on it's old   and it's really old that is cool okay tell me  if this works oh this is like old baseball gear   oh my god i bet you that's like 1930s or older  taller than you richard it's not older than me   what else is in there that is super cool if  we're lucky this will pay our whole locker   we're going to get all this checked out wow this  looks like the sandlot jay hey renee how are you   hey i brought you some vintage girl let's take a  look got a couple shin guards here those look to   be about from the 40s i'd say based on the way  they're made this looks like either a catcher's   chest protector or an umpire's chest protector you  can kind of tell the era that this came from based   on the label here says mcgregor goldsmith they  only did this for about 10 years in the 50s so   this seems small this is like a  man's size it is a smaller man   all right let's see oh we got an old catcher's  mask here you know my favorite thing about this   mask see that diamond shape yeah that's a spitter  meaning that the catcher doesn't have to take his   mask off to spit his tobacco juice out oh that's  funny looks like we got one more item which is an   old catcher's mitt and it's really really cool i  put this one between uh 1900 and 1910. all right   jay how do i look well i think you look ridiculous  awesome and what am i worth um well you're looking   at a bunch of pieces from some different decades  so it's not really a set but going individually   you're looking at the shin guards which are  about 70 bucks the mask is about 150. uh chest   protector about 200 and then the glove which is  probably the nicest piece uh you're looking at maybe 300 that's a winner   just making sure it works yeah well yeah i was  ready for that you kind of got to say play ball   or something you know look at that ball game  medicine ball is it heavy it's kind of heavy   but you get in shape with that thing everlast  like you throw it that thing works pretty good okay that's good i bet ivy knows all about this  he used to be a boss she looking at us dude hey   i can see a couple losers ivy look boxing stuff  i'm looking it's cute right man we might have   to get this checked out you rob you guys man  kenny huh yeah yeah why would you be everything   we're at the training hall gym to meet with  robert oberst who supposedly knows a lot about   gym equipment are you a bodybuilder oh that's an  insult oh and isn't it so exciting yeah what i do   is actually called strongman we pull planes and  planes airplanes technically i have the strongest   shoulders in america oh my god let's start off  with this mega heavy this would be like a donut   so what is this thing this  is a very used medicine ball   is it vintage 1960s all right all right  let's go to something mary you know about   the trim twitch trim twitter you ever heard that  it's really a cool piece of equipment a lot of   people who are into fitness and the history of  it would really appreciate something like this   there you go remember that oh this is cool oh man  it's seen some better days though so what is this   thing called a chest expander it's bungee cords  and a handle but you could step on the one end these are like 60s ish so how much do you think  we could get for everything you guys have some   really cool equipment here you find somebody  who's looking for the stuff i would guess you   could easily get about 400 that's a beautiful  number these are my tires we've got something   more your guys speed okay all right so first  one to the red line wins texas against louisiana   let's see who got it okay set  go good oh kenny's in the lead   oh he's blowing around he's got a double flip come  on barry we're coming down oh she's coming out one more oh i bought this locker for 8.50 dave dropped it  on me so i'm gonna dig through it and see if i   can get my money back there's no way you found  something good i'm gonna go in and check it out   now we start getting into the money this is the  wow factor this is the wow factor right here   whatever he's got his hand isn't worth 100.  okay 75 randy moss and i got a palette of these   amazing when they get jealous like that and  they just can't stand the other guy winning   kid that had some baseball card collection  that's just gobs and gobs of sports memorabilia   great locker here's a san francisco's 49ers  ball terror owens i can tell you right now by   the amount of boxes and stuff in here i'm going  to get my money back no problem and that's why   i'm in this business so america pay your rent  or i'm gonna own your stuff hey how's it going   i'm daryl i called you last night let's just go  through it okay sounds great to me derek jeter   uh this ball i would sell for 400 harm and kill  brew about a hundred dollars willie mccovey hall   of fame about 150 to 200. i would try to retail  at about twelve thirteen hundred dollars okay   he tells me that this box is worth about thirteen  hundred dollars we're one box in and i'm already   making money let's go to something real easy here  this is a 1960 kari scrumsky rookie this is worth   about 200 here's a manny ramirez signature  probably worth about 75 bucks david ortiz 75   put a value on this for me would you 1000 to 1200  bucks i saved the best thing for last a signed   basketball you take a peek at that and see if you  recognize any of the signatures off of that shaq   is right here kobe 8 most the time back in the  day shaq and kobe did not like to sign together   i'd probably sell this for five six hundred  dollars tell me what do you think you'd retail   all this for probably about a thousand bucks  can't wait to get out of here and celebrate hear me i may not have a lot of  friends but i got a lot of money
Channel: A&E
Views: 54,206
Rating: 4.8157392 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, comp, storage wars compilation, watch storage wars, sports collectibles, Derek Jeter, American Strongman, Robert Oberst, gym equipment, baseballs signed, Most Valuable SPORTS, gym, equipment, a&e clips, storage wars videos, storage wars clip, storage wars ae, storage wars episodes, a&e episodes
Id: 2Rsv9iCB5G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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